Facebook API: Get people list who like a page - facebook-graph-api

Is there any way to get all people list who liked our page using Facebook API? I looked at the documentation but i am not able to find that.
Can any one help me out. Thanks

Simple answer: There is no endpoint for that in the Graph API. You can get some breakdowns via the Page Insights, but not the actual people which like your Page.


Get the Date on which a particular page was liked by me using Facebook Graph API

Is there any way using FB Graph API by which I can find the date on which the particular page was liked by me?
No, there is not.
The date/timestamp of when a “like” happened is not available via the API.

Error in Search for posts using Facebook Graph API

I am new to this Facebook Graph API.
I want to search for Facebook posts.
On the internet I have found the above request and said that it would give me what I want. But when I tried that it asks for the access token. I don't know where to add it.
Please help me. Thank you.
You can´t search for posts anymore, Public Post Search is deprecated. You can only search for the types specified in the docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.4#search
That being said, you need to create an App to get an Access Token and there are different ones. Please read the docs to find out how to get the different Access Tokens, here are some links for you:

How can I get a list of users who like my Facebook Page?

I'm using Graph API and the closest thing I found is page_fan table. but it's page_id column is not indexable...
Yes, you can get a listing of the page fans (the latest 500) via:
However, this is not via the Graph API.
Many of us have tried and failed to find a way to get a list of users who've liked you page. Facebook seems pretty tight about not letting that information out. Your best bet is to post on your wall and hope your page's wall post is seen on the liked personal feed by facebook algorithm.

post on facebook wall through php application

I am going to develop a site where I want to subscribe users from facebook.
If the user subscribe successfully then application will post on his wall when something new happen in our site.
can anybody help me about this.
Thank you in advance
you will need to request "publish_stream" permissions from the user. Read the information about 'publishing' in this link.
The call will look something like this (using the facebook sdk) :
where $post_details is an array containing pictures, descriptions, links... etc..
Read from the link - it is all explained there...
Good luck!

Facebook Page - Get Post feedback and impression via Graph API

I'm trying to get some insights on a list of Posts by a Page on Facebook.
To be specific, I want to get the information highlighted in this blog post via the API.
But I can't figure out how, anyone knows how?
As far as I know it's only possible using the "stream" table. So you've got to use FQL to query this data. Using this technique you'll only get the impressions directly. Feedback rate can be calculated by adding #comments and #likes and dividing the result by #impressions. Hope they'll add this to the insights graph api as well.
Refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/#analytics
If you are trying to aggregate multiple pages or a page other than the requesting app then you may need grant read_insights permissions to your application.
Refer to http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/insights/