I have a text format that uses latitude, longitude and name of location
, for example:
41.3333 34.3232 Old Building
I have to read this text file (from the command line), split each line by white space, use stod to convert the lat and long back into a double, then read the whole file into a vector or a list.
This is what I currently I am stuck on:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Distance{
double x;
double y;
string location;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// If the user didn't provide a filename command line argument,
// print an error and exit.
if (argc <= 1){
cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <Filename>" << endl;
char *pFilename = argv[1];
string buf; // Have a buffer string
stringstream ss(argv[1]); // Insert the string into a stream
vector<string> tokens; // Create vector to hold our words
while (ss >> buf)
Could I have some insight on how to proceed with the implementation?
Answer: from here I need to look at each line in the file and split them by whitespace then store the file in a vector by what they are. So the first number of the text file would be latitude, second longitude, and third (string) is location.
These are some general points whenever you end up using C++ :-
Avoid pointers if you can. Prefer references or composite classes like string in place of char *.
The C++ reference online can help you find out the correct usage very easily.
GDB can help you in most of the cases for such problems as in your question.
As suggested in the comments , you have to read the file in the string stream first and then only you can parse it. I have not compiled the code below but I hope it gives you a good idea about how to do this.In this case, the file is standard input. You can read from that in the following manner :-
char buffer[1000]; // assumine each line of input will not be more than this
while(cin.getline(buffer , 1000)) // constant 1000 can be moved to a MACRO
// cin does not eat up the newline character. So we have to do something like this to make it work
cin.ignore (std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
//discard characters until newline is found
stringstream ss(buffer); // Insert the string into a stream
vector<string> tokens; // Create vector to hold our words
string buf ;
Distance distance ;
distance.x = stod(buf);
distance.x = stod(buf);
distance.x = buf;
I'm a beginner programmer working through the 2019 Advent of Code challenges in C++.
The last piece of the puzzle I'm putting together is actually getting the program to read the input.txt file, which is essentially a long string of values in the form of '10,20,40,23" etc. on a single line.
In the previous puzzle I used the lines
int inputvalue;
std::ifstream file("input.txt");
while(file >> inputvalue){
to grab lines from the file, but it was formatted as a text file in sequential lines with no comma separation.
What can I do to read through the file using the comma delineation, and specifically how can I get those values to be read as integers, instead of as strings or chars, and store them into a vector?
While it would be strange to write a routine to read just one line from a comma separated file, instead of writing a general routine to read all lines (and just take the first one if you only wanted one) -- you can take out the parts for reading multiple lines into a std::vector<std::vector<int>> and just read one line into a std::vector<int> -- though it only saves a handful of lines of code.
The general approach would be to read the entire line of text with getline(file, line) and then create a std::stringstream (line) from which you could then use >> to read each integer followed by a getline (file, tmpstr, ',') to read the delimiter.
You can take a second argument in addition to the file to read, so you can pass the delimiter as the first character of the second argument -- that way there is no reason to re-compile your code to handle delimiters of ';' or ',' or any other single character.
You can put a short bit of code together to do that which could look like the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) { /* validate at least 1 argument given */
std::cerr << "error: insufficient number of arguments.\n"
"usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>\n";
return 1;
std::vector<int> v {}; /* vector<int> */
std::string line {}; /* string to hold each line */
std::ifstream f (argv[1]); /* open file-stream with 1st argument */
const char delim = argc > 2 ? *argv[2] : ','; /* delim is 1st char in */
/* 2nd arg (default ',') */
if (!f.good()) { /* validate file open for reading */
std::cerr << "errro: file open failed '" << argv[1] << "'.\n";
return 1;
if (getline (f, line)) { /* read line of input into line */
int itmp; /* temporary integer to fill */
std::stringstream ss (line); /* create stringstream from line */
while (ss >> itmp) { /* read integer value from ss */
std::string stmp {}; /* temporary string to hold delim */
v.push_back(itmp); /* add to vector */
getline (ss, stmp, delim); /* read delimiter */
for (auto col : v) /* loop over each integer */
std::cout << " " << col; /* output col value */
std::cout << '\n'; /* tidy up with newline */
(note: there are relatively few changes needed to read all lines into a vector of vectors, the more notable is simply replacing the if(getline...) with while(getline..) and then filling a temporary vector which, if non-empty, is then pushed back into your collection of vectors)
Example Input File
With a set of comma separated integers in the file named dat/int-1-10-1-line.txt, e.g.
$ cat dat/int-1-10-1-line.txt
Example Use/Output
Your use an results would be:
$ ./bin/read_csv_int-1-line dat/int-1-10-1-line.txt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Of course you can change the output format to whatever you need. Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.
You have options. In my opinion, the most straight-forward is to just read a string and then convert to integer. You can use the additional "delimiter" parameter of std::getline to stop when it encounters a comma:
std::string value;
while (std::getline(file, value, ',')) {
int ival = std::stoi(value);
std::cout << ival << std::endl;
A common alternative is to read a single character, expecting it to be a comma:
int ival;
while (file >> ival) {
std::cout << ival << std::endl;
// Skip comma (we hope)
char we_sure_hope_this_is_a_comma;
file >> we_sure_hope_this_is_a_comma;
If it's possible for whitespace to also be present, you may want a less "hopeful" technique to skip the comma:
// Skip characters up to (and including) next comma
for (char c; file >> c && c != ',';);
Or simply:
// Skip characters up to (and including) next comma
while (file && file.get() != ',');
Or indeed, if you expect only whitespace or a comma, you could do something like:
// Skip comma and any leading whitespace
(file >> std::ws).get();
Of course, all the above are more-or-less clunky ways of doing this:
// Skip characters up to (and including) next comma on next read
file.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), ',');
All these approaches assume input is a single line. If you expect multiple lines of input with comma-separated values, you'll also need to handle end-of-line occurring without encountering a comma. Otherwise, you might miss the first input on the next line. Except for the "hopeful" approach, which will work but only on a technicality.
For robustness, I generally advise you to read line-based input as a whole string with std::getline, and then use std::istringstream to read individual values out of that line.
Here is another compact solution using iterators.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
template <char D>
struct WordDelimiter : public std::string
template <char D>
std::istream &
operator>>(std::istream & is, WordDelimiter<D> & output)
// Output gets every comma-separated token
std::getline(is, output, D);
return is;
int main() {
// Open a test file with comma-separated tokens
std::ifstream f{"test.txt"};
// every token is appended in the vector
std::vector<std::string> vec{ std::istream_iterator<WordDelimiter<','>>{ f },
std::istream_iterator<WordDelimiter<','>>{} };
// Transform str vector to int vector
// WARNING: no error checking made here
std::vector<int> vecint;
std::transform(std::begin(vec),std::end(vec),std::back_inserter(vecint),[](const auto& s) { return std::stoi(s); });
for (auto val : vecint) {
std::cout << val << std::endl;
return 0;
I am trying to read a database file (as txt) where I want to skip empty lines and skip the column header line within the file and store each record as an array. I would like to take stop_id and find the stop_name appropriately. i.e.
If i say give me stop 17, the program will get "Jackson & Kolmar".
The file format is as follows:
17,17,"Jackson & Kolmar","Jackson & Kolmar, Eastbound, Southeast Corner",41.87685748,-87.73934698,0,,1
18,18,"Jackson & Kilbourn","Jackson & Kilbourn, Eastbound, Southeast Corner",41.87688572,-87.73761421,0,,1
19,19,"Jackson & Kostner","Jackson & Kostner, Eastbound, Southeast Corner",41.87691497,-87.73515882,0,,1
So far I am able to get the stop_id values but now I want to get the stop name values and am fairly new to c++ string manipulation
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string filename;
filename = "test.txt";
string data;
ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
int comma = line.find(",");
data = line.substr(0,comma);
cout << "Line " << count << " "<< "is "<< data << endl;
string sent = "i,am,the,champion";
return 0;
You can use string::find 3 times to search for the third occurrence of the comma, and you must store the positions of the last 2 occurrences found in line, then use them as input data with string::substr and get the searched text:
std::string line ("17,17,\"Jackson & Kolmar\",\"Jackson & Kolmar, Eastbound, Southeast Corner\",41.87685748,-87.73934698,0,,1");
std::size_t found=0, foundBack;
int i;
for(i=0;i<3 && found!=std::string::npos;i++){
foundBack = found;
std::cout << line.substr(foundBack+1,found-foundBack-1) << std::endl;
You can read the whole line of the file intoa string and then use stringstream to give you each piece one at a time up until and exluding the commas. Then you can fill up your arrays. I am assuming that you wanted each line in it's own array and that you wanted unlimited arrays. The best way to do that is to have an array of arrays.
std::string Line;
std::array<std::array<string>> Data;
while (std::getline(infile, Line))
std::stringstream ss;
ss << Line;
std::string Temp;
while (std::getline(ss, Temp, ','))
Data[Data.size() - 1].push_back(Temp);
This way you will have a vector, full of vectors, each of which conatining strings of all your data in that line. To access the strings as numbers, you can use std::stoi(std::string) which converts a string to an integer.
I would like to be able to read the data that I have into C++ and then start to do things to manipulate it. I am quite new but have a tiny bit of basic knowledge. The most obvious way of doing this that strikes me (and maybe this comes from using excel previously) would be to read the data into a 2d array. This is the code that I have so far.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
string C_J;
int main()
float data[1000000][10];
ifstream C_J_input;
if (!C_J_input) return -1;
for(int row = 0; row <1000000; row++)
string line;
getline(C_J_input, C_J, '?');
if ( !C_J_input.good() )
stringstream iss(line);
for(int col = 0; col < 10; col++)
string val;
getline(iss, val, ',');
if (!iss.good() )
stringstream converter(val);
converter >> data[row][col];
cout << data;
return 0;
Once I have the data read in I would like to be able to read through it line by line and then pull analyse it, looking for certain things however I think that could probably be the topic of another thread, once I have the data read in.
Just let me know if this is a bad question in any way and I will try to add anything more that might make it better.
as request of the asker, this is how you would load it into a string, then split into lines, and then further split into elements:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
//This takes a string and splits it with a delimiter and returns a vector of strings
std::vector<std::string> &SplitString(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems)
std::stringstream ss(s);
std::string item;
while (std::getline(ss, item, delim))
return elems;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//load the file with ifstream
std::ifstream t("test.csv");
if (!t)
std::cout << "Unknown File" << std::endl;
return 1;
//this is just a block of code designed to load the whole file into one string
std::string str;
//this sets the read position to the end
t.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
str.reserve(t.tellg());//this gives the string enough memory to allocate up the the read position of the file (which is the end)
t.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);//this sets the read position back to the beginning to start reading it
//this takes the everything in the stream (the file data) and loads it into the string.
//istreambuf_iterator is used to loop through the contents of the stream (t), and in this case go up to the end.
//if (sizeof(rawData) != *rawSize)
// return false;
//if the file has size (is not empty) then analyze
if (str.length() > 0)
//the file is loaded
//split by delimeter(which is the newline character)
std::vector<std::string> lines;//this holds a string for each line in the file
SplitString(str, '\n', lines);
//each element in the vector holds a vector of of elements(strings between commas)
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > LineElements;
//for each line
for (auto it : lines)
//this is a vector of elements in this line
std::vector<std::string> elementsInLine;
//split with the comma, this would seperate "one,two,three" into {"one","two","three"}
SplitString(it, ',', elementsInLine);
//take the elements in this line, and add it to the line-element vector
//this displays each element in an organized fashion
//for each line
for (auto it : LineElements)
//for each element IN that line
for (auto i : it)
//if it is not the last element in the line, then insert comma
if (i != it.back())
std::cout << i << ',';
std::cout << i;//last element does not get a trailing comma
//the end of the line
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "File Is empty" << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
On second glance, I've noticed few obvious issues which will slow your progress greatly, so I'll drop them here:
1) you are using two disconnected variables for reading the lines:
C_J - which receives data from getline function
line - which is used as the source of stringstream
I'm pretty sure that the C_J is completely unnecessary. I think you wanted to simply do
getline(C_J_input, line, ...) // so that the textline read will fly to the LINE var
// ...and later
stringstream iss(line); // no change
or, alternatively:
getline(C_J_input, C_J, ...) // no change
// ...and later
stringstream iss(C_J); // so that ISS will read the textline we've just read
elsewise, the stringstream will never see what getline has read form the file - getline writes the data to different place (C_J) than the stringstream looks at (line).
2) another tiny bit is that you are feeding a '?' into getline() as the line separator. CSVs usually use a 'newline' character to separate the data lines. Of course, your input file may use '?' - I dont know. But if you wanted to use a newline instead then omit the parameter at all, getline will use default newline character matching your OS, and this will probably be just OK.
3) your array of float is, um huge. Consider using list instead. It will nicely grow as you read rows. You can even nest them, so list<list<float>> is also very usable. I'd actually probably use list<vector<float>> as the number of columns is constant though. Using a preallocated huge array is not a good idea, as there always be a file with one-line-too-much you know and ka-boom.
4) your code contains a just-as-huge loop that iterates a constant number of times. A loop itself is ok, but the linecount will vary. You actually don't need to count the lines. Especially if you use list<> to store the values. Just like you;ve checked if the file is properly open if(!C_J_input), you may also check if you have reached End-Of-File:
; // will fire ONLY if you are at the end of the file.
see here for an example
uh.. well, that's for start. Goodluck!
I tried to make a code that reads from text file called aisha
This is a new file I did it for as a trial for university
but it worked =)
Its about Removing stopwords from the file
and apply casefolding to it
It tried doing that many times
and finally now I could do now
and then the code stores the read text on an array and then removes the stopwords from it
but now I nead to make the case folding step
the problem that this code reads the text file word by word
I want to read it char by char so I can apply casefolding to each char
is there ant way to make the code read the aisha file char by char ?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
int main()
using namespace std;
ifstream file("aisha.txt");
string myArray[200];
for(int i = 0; i < 200; ++i)
file >> myArray[i];
if (myArray[i] !="is" && myArray[i]!="the" && myArray[i]!="that"&& myArray[i]!="it"&& myArray[i]!="to"){
cout<< myArray[i]<<" ";
return 0;
If you declare your array as an array of char instead of array of strings, the extraction operator shall automatically read char.
Also you will have to be careful because the >> operator by default skips the whitespace characters. If you want to read the whitespaces also, then you should add noskipws before reading the characters.
file >> std::noskipws;
The C++ way to do this is explained at this link: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/istream/istream/get/
#include <iostream> // std::cin, std::cout
#include <vector> // store the characters in the dynamic vector
#include <fstream> // std::ifstream
int main () {
std::ifstream is("aisha.txt"); // open file and create stream
std::vector <char> stuff;
while (is.good()) // loop while extraction from file is possible
char c = is.get(); // get character from file
if (is.good())
std::cout << c; // print the character
stuff.push_back(c); // store the character in the vector
is.close(); // close file
return 0;
Now you basically have every character of the file stored in the vector known as stuff. You can now do your modification to this vector, for it is a far easier internal representation of data. Also, you have access to all the handy STL methods.
Use Whole string instead of reading char by char
using readline function.
i have a little problem on writing the string into a file,
How can i write the string into the file and able to view it as ascii text?
because i am able to do that when i set the default value for str but not when i enter a str data
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main()
fstream out("G://Test.txt");
if(!out) {
cout << "Cannot open output file.\n";
return 1;
char str[200];
cout << "Enter Customers data seperate by tab\n";
cin >> str;
out.write(str, strlen(str));
out.seekp(0 ,ios::end);
return 0;
Please use std::string:
#include <string>
std::string str;
std::getline(cin, str);
cout << str;
I'm not sure what the exact problem in your case was, but >> only reads up to the first separator (which is whitespace); getline will read the entire line.
Just note that >> operator will read 1 word.
std::string word;
std::cin >> word; // reads one space seporated word.
// Ignores any initial space. Then read
// into 'word' all character upto (but not including)
// the first space character (the space is gone.
// Note. Space => White Space (' ', '\t', '\v' etc...)
You're working at the wrong level of abstraction. Also, there is no need to seekp to the end of the file before closing the file.
You want to read a string and write a string. As Pavel Minaev has said, this is directly supported via std::string and std::fstream:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::ofstream out("G:\\Test.txt");
if(!out) {
std::cout << "Cannot open output file.\n";
return 1;
std::cout << "Enter Customer's data seperated by tab\n";
std::string buffer;
std::getline(std::cin, buffer);
out << buffer;
return 0;
If you want to write C, use C. Otherwise, take advantage of the language you're using.
I can't believe no one found the problem. The problem was that you were using strlen on a string that wasn't terminated with a null character. strlen will keep iterating until it finds a zero-byte, and an incorrect string length might be returned (or the program might crash - it's Undefined Behavior, who knows?).
The answer is to zero-initialize your string:
char str[200] = {0};
Supplying your own string as the value of str works because those in-memory strings are null-terminated.