How to trace error with counter in do while loop in C++? - c++

I am trying to get i to read array with numbers and get the smaller number, store it in variable and then compare it with another variable that is again from two other numbers (like 2,-3).
There is something wrong in the way I implement the do while loop. I need the counter 'i' to be updated twice so it goes through I have 2 new variables from 4 compared numbers. When I hard code it n-1,n-2 it works but with the loop it gets stuck at one value.
int i=0;
int closestDistance=0;
int distance=0;
int nextDistance=0;
distance = std::min(values[n],values[n-i]); //returns the largest
nextDistance=abs(closestDistance); //make it positive then comp
return closestDistance;

Maybe this:
int i = 0;
int m = 0;
int lMin = std::min(values[i],values[i + 1]);
i += 2;
int rMin = std::min(values[i], values[i + 1]);
m = std::min(lMin,rMin);
i += 2;
}while(i < n);
return m;
I didn't understand what you meant, but this compares values in values 4 at a time to find the minimal. Is that all you needed?
Note that if n is the size of values, this would go out of bounds. n would have to be the size minus 4, leading to odd exceptional cases.
The issue with your may be in the call to abs. Are all the values positive? Are you trying to find the smallest absolute value?
Also, note that using i += 2 twice ensures that you do not repeat any values. This means that you will go over 4 unique values. Your code goes through 3 in each iteration of the loop.
I hope this clarified.

What are you trying to do in following lines.
nextDistance=abs(closestDistance); //make it positive , then computed


Finding the number of sub arrays that have a sum of K

I am trying to find the number of sub arrays that have a sum equal to k:
int subarraySum(vector<int>& nums, int k)
int start, end, curr_sum = 0, count = 0;
start = 0, end = 0;
while (end < (int)nums.size())
curr_sum = curr_sum + nums[end];
while (start < end && curr_sum >= k)
if (curr_sum == k)
curr_sum = curr_sum - nums[start];
return count;
The above code I have written, works for most cases, but fails for the following:
array = {-1, -1, 1} with k = 0
I have tried to add another while loop to iterate from the start and go up the array until it reaches the end:
int subarraySum(vector<int>& nums, int k)
int start, end, curr_sum = 0, count = 0;
start = 0, end = 0;
while (end < (int)nums.size())
curr_sum = curr_sum + nums[end];
while (start < end && curr_sum >= k)
if (curr_sum == k)
curr_sum = curr_sum - nums[start];
while (start < end)
if (curr_sum == k)
curr_sum = curr_sum - nums[start];
return count;
Why is this not working? I am sliding the window until the last element is reached, which should have found a sum equal to k? How can I solve this issue?
Unfortunately, you did not program a sliding window in the correct way. And a sliding window is not really a solution for this problem. One of your main issues is, that you do not move the start of the window based on the proper conditions. You always sum up and wait until the sum is greater than the search value.
This will not really work. Especially for your example -1, -1, 1. The running sum of this is: -1, -2, -1 and you do not see the 0, although it is there. You may have the idea to write while (start < end && curr_sum != k), but this will also not work, because you handle the start pointer not correctly.
Your approach will lead to the brute force solution that typically takes something like N*N loop operations, where N is the size of the array. This, because we need a double nested loop.
That will of course always work, but maybe very time-consuming, and, in the end, too slow.
Anyway. Let us implement that. We will start from each value in the std::vector and try out all sub arrays starting from the beginning value. We must evaluate all following values in the std::vector, because for example the last value could be a big negative number and bring down the sum again to the search value.
We could implement this for example like the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int subarraySum(vector<int>& numbers, int searchSumValue) {
// Here we will store the result
int resultingCount{};
// Iterate over all values in the array. So, use all different start values
for (std::size_t i{}; i < numbers.size(); ++i) {
// Here we stor the running sum of the elements in the vector
int sum{ numbers[i] };
// Check for trivial case. A one-element sub-array does already match the search value
if (sum == searchSumValue) ++resultingCount;
// Now we build all subarrays beginning with the start value
for (std::size_t k{ i + 1 }; k < numbers.size(); ++k) {
sum += numbers[k];
if (sum == searchSumValue) ++resultingCount;
return resultingCount;
int main() {
vector v{ -1,-1,1 };
std::cout << subarraySum(v, 0);
But, as said, the above is often too slow for big vectors and there is indeed a better solution available, which is based on a DP (dynamic programming) algorithm.
It uses so-called prefix sums, running sums, based on the running sum before the current evaluated value.
We need to show an example. Let's use a std::vector with 5 values {1,2,3,4,5}. And we want to look subarrays with a sum of 9.
We can “guess” that there are 2 subarrays: {2,3,4} and {4,5} that have a sum of 9.
Let us investigate further
Index 0 1 2 3 4
Value 1 2 3 4 5
We can now add a running sum and see, how much delta we have between the current evaluated element and the left neighbor or over-next neighbor and so on. And if we have a delta that is equal to our search value, then we must have a subarray building this sum.
Running Sum 1 3 6 10 15
Deltas of 2 3 4 5 against next left
Running sum 5 7 9 against next next left
9 12 against next next next left
Example {2,3,4}. If we evaluate the 4 with a running sum of 10, and subtract the search value 9, then we get the previous running sum 1. “1+9=10” all values are there.
Example {4,5}. If we evaluate the 5 with a running sum of 15, and subtract the search value 9, then we get the previous running sum = 6. “6+9=15” all values are there.
We can find all solutions using the same approach.
So, the only thing we need to do, is to subtract the search value from the current running sum and see, if we have this running sum already calculated before.
Like: “Search-Value” + “previously Calculated Sum” = “Current Running Sum”.
Or: “Current Running Sum” – “Search-Value” = “previously Calculated Sum”
Again, we need to do the subtraction and check, if we already calculated such a sum previously.
So, we need to store all previously calculated running sums. And, because such a sum may appear more than one, we need to find occurrences of equal running sums and count them.
It is very hard to digest, and you need to think a while to understand.
With the above wisdom, you can draft the below potential solution.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
int subarraySum(std::vector<int>& numbers, int searchSumValue) {
// Here we will store the result
int resultingSubarrayCount{};
// Here we will stor all running sums and how ofthen their value appeared
std::unordered_map<int, int> countOfRunningSums;
// Continuosly calculating the running sum
int runningSum{};
// And initialize the first value
countOfRunningSums[runningSum] = 1;
// Now iterate over all values in the vector
for (const int n : numbers) {
// Calculate the running sum
runningSum += n;
// Check, if we have the searched value already available
// And add the number of occurences to our resulting number of subarrays
resultingSubarrayCount += countOfRunningSums[runningSum - searchSumValue];
// Store the new running sum. Respectively. Add 1 to the counter, if the running sum was alreadyy existing
return resultingSubarrayCount;
int main() {
std::vector v{ 1,2,3,4,5 };
std::cout << subarraySum(v, 9);

Why does the longest prefix which is also suffix calculation part in the KMP have a time complexity of O(n) and not O(n^2)?

I was going through the code of KMP when I noticed the Longest Prefix which is also suffix calculation part of KMP. Here is how it goes,
void computeLPSArray(char* pat, int M, int* lps)
int len = 0;
lps[0] = 0;
int i = 1;
while (i < M) {
if (pat[i] == pat[len]) {
lps[i] = len;
if (len != 0) {
len = lps[len - 1]; //<----I am referring to this part
lps[i] = 0;
Now the part where I got confused was the one which I have shown in comments in the above code. Now we do know that when a code contains a loop like the following
int a[m];
memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));
for(int i = 0; i<m; i++){
for(int j = i; j>=0; j--){
a[j] = a[j]*2;//This inner loop is causing the same cells in the 1
//dimensional array to be visited more than once.
The complexity comes out to be O(m*m).
Similarly if we write the above LPS computation in the following format
if(len != 0){
//doesn't this part cause the code to again go back a few elements
//in the LPS array the same way as the inner loop in my above
//written nested for loop does? Shouldn't that mean the same cell
//in the array is getting visited more than once and hence the
//complexity should increase to O(M^2)?
It might be that the way I think complexities are calculated is wrong. So please clarify.
If expressions do not take time that grows with len.
Len is an integer. Reading it takes O(1) time.
Array indexing is O(1).
Visiting something more than once does not mean you are higher O notation wise. Only if the visit count grows faster than kn for some k.
If you carefully analyze the algorithm of creating prefix table, you may notice that the total number of rollbacked positions could be m at most, so the upper bound for total number of iterations is 2*m which yields O(m)
Value of len grows alongside the main iterator i and whenever there is a mismatch, len drops back to zero value but this "drop" cannot exceed the interval passed by the main iterator i since the start of match.
For example, let's say, the main iterator i started matching with len at position 5 and mismatched at position 20.
At the moment of mismatch, len has a value of 15. Hence it may rollback at most 15 positions down to zero, which is equivalent to the interval passed by i while matching. In other words, on every mismatch, len travels back no more than i has traveled forward since the start of match

Fastest way to find smallest missing integer from list of integers

I have a list of 100 random integers. Each random integer has a value from 0 to 99. Duplicates are allowed, so the list could be something like
56, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 6, 99...
I need to find the smallest integer (>= 0) is that is not contained in the list.
My initial solution is this:
vector<int> integerList(100); //list of random integers
vector<bool> listedIntegers(101, false);
for (int theInt : integerList)
listedIntegers[theInt] = true;
int smallestInt;
for (int j = 0; j < 101; j++)
if (!listedIntegers[j])
smallestInt = j;
But that requires a secondary array for book-keeping and a second (potentially full) list iteration. I need to perform this task millions of times (the actual application is in a greedy graph coloring algorithm, where I need to find the smallest unused color value with a vertex adjacency list), so I'm wondering if there's a clever way to get the same result without so much overhead?
It's been a year, but ...
One idea that comes to mind is to keep track of the interval(s) of unused values as you iterate the list. To allow efficient lookup, you could keep intervals as tuples in a binary search tree, for example.
So, using your sample data:
56, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 6, 99...
You would initially have the unused interval [0..99], and then, as each input value is processed:
56: [0..55][57..99]
1: [0..0][2..55][57..99]
1: no change
1: no change
1: no change
0: [2..55][57..99]
2: [3..55][57..99]
6: [3..5][7..55][57..99]
99: [3..5][7..55][57..98]
Result (lowest value in lowest remaining interval): 3
I believe there is no faster way to do it. What you can do in your case is to reuse vector<bool>, you need to have just one such vector per thread.
Though the better approach might be to reconsider the whole algorithm to eliminate this step at all. Maybe you can update least unused color on every step of the algorithm?
Since you have to scan the whole list no matter what, the algorithm you have is already pretty good. The only improvement I can suggest without measuring (that will surely speed things up) is to get rid of your vector<bool>, and replace it with a stack-allocated array of 4 32-bit integers or 2 64-bit integers.
Then you won't have to pay the cost of allocating an array on the heap every time, and you can get the first unused number (the position of the first 0 bit) much faster. To find the word that contains the first 0 bit, you only need to find the first one that isn't the maximum value, and there are bit twiddling hacks you can use to get the first 0 bit in that word very quickly.
You program is already very efficient, in O(n). Only marginal gain can be found.
One possibility is to divide the number of possible values in blocks of size block, and to register
not in an array of bool but in an array of int, in this case memorizing the value modulo block.
In practice, we replace a loop of size N by a loop of size N/block plus a loop of size block.
Theoretically, we could select block = sqrt(N) = 12 in order to minimize the quantity N/block + block.
In the program hereafter, block of size 8 are selected, assuming that dividing integers by 8 and calculating values modulo 8 should be fast.
However, it is clear that a gain, if any, can be obtained only for a minimum value rather large!
constexpr int N = 100;
int find_min1 (const std::vector<int> &IntegerList) {
constexpr int Size = 13; //N / block
constexpr int block = 8;
constexpr int Vmax = 255; // 2^block - 1
int listedBlocks[Size] = {0};
for (int theInt : IntegerList) {
listedBlocks[theInt / block] |= 1 << (theInt % block);
for (int j = 0; j < Size; j++) {
if (listedBlocks[j] == Vmax) continue;
int &k = listedBlocks[j];
for (int b = 0; b < block; b++) {
if ((k%2) == 0) return block * j + b;
k /= 2;
return -1;
Potentially you can reduce the last step to O(1) by using some bit manipulation, in your case __int128, set the corresponding bits in loop one and call something like __builtin_clz or use the appropriate bit hack
The best solution I could find for finding smallest integer from a set is
Here are c++ version.
int solution(std::vector<int>& A)
for (std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i != A.size(); i++)
while (0 < A[i] && A[i] - 1 < A.size()
&& A[i] != i + 1
&& A[i] != A[A[i] - 1])
int j = A[i] - 1;
auto tmp = A[i];
A[i] = A[j];
A[j] = tmp;
for (std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i != A.size(); i++)
if (A[i] != i+1)
return i + 1;
return A.size() + 1;

Coin change problem C++

I am having a problem with writing a dynamic algorithm to solve coin change problem what I got is this:
arr[value] - a global array filled with 0, lenght of the value I want to solve;
a[n] - an array with coin values;
void dynamic(int n, int *a, int value) {
for(int i=1;i<value;i++){;
for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
if(i==arr[j]) arr[i]=1;
arr[i] = arr[i-1] + 1;
I know how I want to do this but, I don't know how to implement it.
Let's say I have coins 1 4 10 15 40 and value 37 to solve. I am filling arr like this:
if coin value = i I do arr[i] = 1; for next elements as long as i is lower than next coin I put previous value+1, arr[i-1] + 1.
So this should fill arr[i] like this 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3, 4 = 1, 5 = 2 and so on but I am missing some thing and don't know how to fill it right the way I want.
Can somebody help do it the way I want ? I've been trying to figure out it but nothing I found is correct. I even wrote the whole algorithm using recursion but it's too slow so I need to write it all over again.
You might want:
for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
for(int j=a[i];j<value;++j)
This ought to be correct if I understand you right, basically it's a neat trick to implement the recursion...
Obviously this takes O(n Value) time.

How can I remove the leading zeroes from an integer generated by a loop and store it as an array?

I have a for loop generating integers.
For instance:
for (int i=300; i>200; i--)
This produces an output on the screen like this:
I want to store the 100023 part of this number (i.e just ignore all the zeros before the non zero numbers start but then keeping the zeros which follow) as an array.
Like this:
How would I go about achieving this?
This is a mish-mash of answers, because they are all there, I just don't think you're seeing the solution.
First off, if they are integers Bill's answer along with the other answers are great, save some of them skip out on the "store in array" part. Also, as pointed out in a comment on your question, this part is a duplicate.
But with your new code, the solution I had in mind was John's solution. You just need to figure out how to ignore leading zero's, which is easy:
std::vector<int> digits;
bool inNumber = false;
for (int i=300; i>200; i--)
int value = (somefunction) * i;
if (value != 0)
inNumber = true; // its not zero, so we have entered the number
if (inNumber)
// this code cannot execute until we hit the first non-zero number
Basically, just don't start pushing until you've reached the actual number.
In light of the edited question, my original answer (below) isn't the best. If you absolutely have to have the output in an array instead of a vector, you can start with GMan's answer then transfer the resulting bytes to an array. You could do the same with JohnFx's answer once you find the first non-zero digit in his result.
I'm assuming f is of type int, in which case it doesn't store the leading zeroes.
int f = 100023;
To start you need to find the required length of the array. You can do that by taking the log (base 10) of f. You can import the cmath library to use the log10 function.
int length = log10(f);
int array[length];
length should now be 6.
Next you can strip each digit from f and store it in the array using a loop and the modulus (%) operator.
for(int i=length-1; i >= 0; --i)
array[i] = f % 10;
f = f / 10;
Each time through the loop, the modulus takes the last digit by returning the remainder from division by 10. The next line divides f by 10 to get ready for the next iteration of the loop.
The straightforward way would be
std::vector<int> vec;
while(MyInt > 0)
MyInt /= 10;
which stores the decimals in reverse order (vector used to simplify my code).
Hang on a second. If you wrote the code generating the integers, why bother parsing it back into an array?
Why not just jam the integers into an array in your loop?
int array[100];
for (int i=300; i>200; i--)
array[i]= (somefunction)*i;
Since the leading zeros are not kept because it represents the same number
See: convert an integer number into an array