Consistently using the value of "now" throughout the transaction - web-services

I'm looking for guidelines to using a consistent value of the current date and time throughout a transaction.
By transaction I loosely mean an application service method, such methods usually execute a single SQL transaction, at least in my applications.
Ambient Context
One approach described in answers to this question is to put the current date in an ambient context, e.g. DateTimeProvider, and use that instead of DateTime.UtcNow everywhere.
However the purpose of this approach is only to make the design unit-testable, whereas I also want to prevent errors caused by unnecessary multiple querying into DateTime.UtcNow, an example of which is this:
// In an entity constructor:
this.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
this.ModifiedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
This code creates an entity with slightly differing created and modified dates, whereas one expects these properties to be equal right after the entity was created.
Also, an ambient context is difficult to implement correctly in a web application, so I've come up with an alternative approach:
Method Injection + DeterministicTimeProvider
The DeterministicTimeProvider class is registered as an "instance per lifetime scope" AKA "instance per HTTP request in a web app" dependency.
It is constructor-injected to an application service and passed into constructors and methods of entities.
The IDateTimeProvider.UtcNow method is used instead of the usual DateTime.UtcNow / DateTimeOffset.UtcNow everywhere to get the current date and time.
Here is the implementation:
/// <summary>
/// Provides the current date and time.
/// The provided value is fixed when it is requested for the first time.
/// </summary>
public class DeterministicTimeProvider: IDateTimeProvider
private readonly Lazy<DateTimeOffset> _lazyUtcNow =
new Lazy<DateTimeOffset>(() => DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current date and time in the UTC time zone.
/// </summary>
public DateTimeOffset UtcNow => _lazyUtcNow.Value;
Is this a good approach? What are the disadvantages? Are there better alternatives?

Sorry for the logical fallacy of appeal to authority here, but this is rather interesting:
John Carmack once said:
There are four principle inputs to a game: keystrokes, mouse moves, network packets, and time. (If you don't consider time an input value, think about it until you do -- it is an important concept)"
Source: John Carmack's .plan posts from 1998 (scribd)
(I have always found this quote highly amusing, because the suggestion that if something does not seem right to you, you should think of it really hard until it seems right, is something that only a major geek would say.)
So, here is an idea: consider time as an input. It is probably not included in the xml that makes up the web service request, (you wouldn't want it to anyway,) but in the handler where you convert the xml to an actual request object, obtain the current time and make it part of your request object.
So, as the request object is being passed around your system during the course of processing the transaction, the time to be considered as "the current time" can always be found within the request. So, it is not "the current time" anymore, it is the request time. (The fact that it will be one and the same, or very close to one and the same, is completely irrelevant.)
This way, testing also becomes even easier: you don't have to mock the time provider interface, the time is always in the input parameters.
Also, this way, other fun things become possible, for example servicing requests to be applied retroactively, at a moment in time which is completely unrelated to the actual current moment in time. Think of the possibilities. (Picture of bob squarepants-with-a-rainbow goes here.)

Hmmm.. this feels like a better question for CodeReview.SE than for StackOverflow, but sure - I'll bite.
Is this a good approach?
If used correctly, in the scenario you described, this approach is reasonable. It achieves the two stated goals:
Making your code more testable. This is a common pattern I call "Mock the Clock", and is found in many well-designed apps.
Locking the time to a single value. This is less common, but your code does achieve that goal.
What are the disadvantages?
Since you are creating another new object for each request, it will create a mild amount of additional memory usage and additional work for the garbage collector. This is somewhat of a moot point since this is usually how it goes for all objects with per-request lifetime, including the controllers.
There is a tiny fraction of time being added before you take the reading from the clock, caused by the additional work being done in loading the object and from doing lazy loading. It's negligible though - probably on the order of a few milliseconds.
Since the value is locked down, there's always the risk that you (or another developer who uses your code) might introduce a subtle bug by forgetting that the value won't change until the next request. You might consider a different naming convention. For example, instead of "now", call it "requestRecievedTime" or something like that.
Similar to the previous item, there's also the risk that your provider might be loaded with the wrong lifecycle. You might use it in a new project and forget to set the instancing, loading it up as a singleton. Then the values are locked down for all requests. There's not much you can do to enforce this, so be sure to comment it well. The <summary> tag is a good place.
You may find you need the current time in a scenario where constructor injection isn't possible - such as a static method. You'll either have to refactor to use instance methods, or will have to pass either the time or the time-provider as a parameter into the static method.
Are there better alternatives?
Yes, see Mike's answer.
You might also consider Noda Time, which has a similar concept built in, via the IClock interface, and the SystemClock and FakeClock implementations. However, both of those implementations are designed to be singletons. They help with testing, but they don't achieve your second goal of locking the time down to a single value per request. You could always write an implementation that does that though.

Code looks reasonable.
Drawback - most likely lifetime of the object will be controlled by DI container and hence user of the provider can't be sure that it always be configured correctly (per-invocation and not any longer lifetime like app/singleton).
If you have type representing "transaction" it may be better to put "Started" time there instead.

This isn't something that can be answered with a realtime clock and a query, or by testing. The developer may have figured out some obscure way of reaching the underlying library call...
So don't do that. Dependency injection also won't save you here; the issue is that you want a standard pattern for time at the start of the 'session.'
In my view, the fundamental problem is that you are expressing an idea, and looking for a mechanism for that. The right mechanism is to name it, and say what you mean in the name, and then set it only once. readonly is a good way to handle setting this only once in the constructor, and lets the compiler and runtime enforce what you mean which is that it is set only once.
// In an entity constructor:
this.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;


What is the timeout time for simple caching in AWS Lambda?

So I was finding caching solutions for my AWS Lambda functions and I find out something called 'Simple Caching'. It's fits perfectly for what I want since my data is not changed frequently. However one thing that I was unable to find that what is the timeout for this cache. When is the data refreshed by the function and is there any way I can control it ?
An example of the code I am using for the function:
let cachedValue;
module.exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
console.log('Starting Lambda.');
if (!cachedValue) {
console.log('Setting cachedValue now...');
cachedValue = 'Foobar';
} else {
console.log('Cached value is already set: ', cachedValue);
What you're doing here is taking advantage of a side effect of container reuse. There is no lower or upper bound for how long such values will persist, and no guarantee that they will persist at all. It's a valid optimization to use, but it's entirely outside your control.
Importantly, you need to be aware that this stores the value in one single container. It lives for as long as the Node process in the container are alive, and is accessible whenever a future invocation of the function reuses that process in that container.
If you have two or more invocations of the same function running concurrently, they will not be in the same container, and they will not see each other's global variables. This doesn't make it an invalid technique, but you need to be aware of that fact. The /tmp/ directory will exhibit very similar behavior, which is why you need to clean that up when you use it.
If you throw any exception, the process and possibly the container will be destroyed, either way the cached values will be gone on the next invocation, since there's only one Node process per container.
If you don't invoke the function at all for an undefined/undocumented number of minutes, the container will be released by the service, so this goes away.
Re-deploying the function will also clear this "cache," since a new function version won't reuse containers from older function versions.
It's a perfectly valid strategy as long as you recognize that it is a feature of a black box with no user-serviceable parts.
See also -- a post that is several years old but still accurate.

shared_ptr Real life use-cases

shared_ptr is to be used when we have a scenario where it is desirable to have multiple owners of a dynamically allocated item.
Problem is, I can't imagine any scenario where we require multiple owners. Every use-case I can image can be solved with a unique_ptr.
Could someone provide a real life use-case example with code where shared_ptr is required (and by required, I mean the optimal choice as a smart pointer)? And by "real life" I mean some practical and pragmatic use-case, not something overly abstract and fictitious.
In our simulator product, we use a framework to deliver messages between simulation components (called endpoints). These endpoints could reside on multiple threads within a process, or even on multiple machines in a simulation cluster with messages routed through a mesh of RDMA or TCP connections. The API looks roughly like:
class Endpoint {
// Fill in sender address, etc., in msg, then send it to all
// subscribers on topic.
void send(std::unique_ptr<Message> msg, TopicId topic);
// Register this endpoint as a subscriber to topic, with handler
// called on receiving messages on that topic.
void subscribe(TopicId topic,
std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const Message>)> handler);
In general, once the sender endpoint has executed send, it does not need to wait for any response from any receiver. So, if we were to try to keep a single owner throughout the message routing process, it would not make sense to keep ownership in the caller of send or otherwise, send would have to wait until all receivers are done processing the message, which would introduce an unnecessary round trip delay. On the other hand, if multiple receivers are subscribed to the topic, it also wouldn't make sense to assign unique ownership to any single one of them, as we don't know which one of them needs the message the longest. That would leave the routing infrastructure itself as the unique owner; but again, in that case, then the routing infrastructure would have to wait for all receivers to be done, while the infrastructure could have numerous messages to deliver to multiple threads, and it also wants to be able to pass off the message to receivers and be able to go to the next message to be delivered. Another alternative would be to keep a set of unique pointers to messages sent waiting for threads to process them, and have the receivers notify the message router when they're done; but that would also introduce unnecessary overhead.
On the other hand, by using shared_ptr here, once the routing infrastructure is done delivering messages to incoming queues of the endpoints, it can then release ownership to be shared between the various receivers. Then, the thread-safe reference counting ensures that the Message gets freed once all the receivers are done processing it. And in the case that there are subscribers on remote machines, the serialization and transmission component could be another shared owner of the message while it's doing its work; then, on the receiving machine(s), the receiving and deserialization component can pass off ownership of the Message copy it creates to shared ownership of the receivers on that machine.
In a CAD app, I use shared_ptr to save RAM and VRAM when multiple models happen to have a same mesh (e.g. after user copy-pasted these models). As a bonus, multiple threads can access meshes at the same time, because both shared_ptr and weak_ptr are thread safe when used correctly.
Below’s a trivial example. The real code is way more complex due to numerous reasons (GPU buffers, mouse picking, background processing triggered by some user input, and many others) but I hope that’s enough to give you an idea where shared_ptr is justified.
// Can be hundreds of megabytes in these vectors
class Mesh
std::string name;
std::vector<Vector3> vertices;
std::vector<std::array<uint32_t, 3>> indices;
BoundingBox bbox;
// Just 72 or 80 bytes, very cheap to copy.
// Can e.g. pass copies to another thread for background processing.
// A scene owns a collection of these things.
class Model
std::shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh;
Matrix transform;
In my program's user interface, I have the concept of "control point values" (a control point value represents the current state of a control on the hardware my program controls), and (of course) the concept of "widgets" (a widget is a GUI component that renders the current state of a control point to the monitor, for the user to see and/or manipulate).
Since it is a pretty elaborate system that it needs to control, we have
lots of different types of control point values (floats, ints, strings, booleans, binary blobs, etc)
lots of different types of widget (text displays, faders, meters, knobs, buttons, etc)
lots of different ways that a given widget could choose to render a particular control point value as text (upper case, lower case, more or fewer digits of precision, etc)
If we just did the obvious thing and wrote a new subclass every time we needed a new combination of the above, we'd end up with a geometric explosion of thousands of subclasses, and therefore a very large codebase that would be difficult to understand or maintain.
To avoid that, I separate out the knowledge of "how to translate a control point value into human-readable text in some particular way" into its own separate immutable object that can be used by anyone to do that translation, e.g.
// My abstract interface
class IControlPointToTextObject
virtual std::string getTextForControlPoint(const ControlPoint & cp) const = 0;
// An example implementation
class RenderFloatingPointValueAsPercentage : public IControlPointToTextObject
RenderFloatingPointValueAsPercentage(int precision) : m_precision(precision)
// empty
virtual std::string getTextForControlPoint(const ControlPoint & cp) const = 0
// code to create and return a percentage with (m_precision) digits after the decimal point goes here....
const int m_precision;
... so far, so good; now e.g. when I want a text widget to display a control point value as a percentage with 3 digits of after the decimal point, I can do it like this:
TextWidget * myTextWidget = new TextWidget;
myTextWidget->setTextRenderer(std::unique_ptr<IControlPointToTextObject>(new RenderFloatingPointValueAsPercentage(3)));
... and I get what I want. But my GUIs can get rather elaborate, and they might have a large number (thousands) of widgets, and with the above approach I would have to create a separate RenderFloatingPointValueAsPercentage object for each widget, even though most of the RenderFloatingPointValueAsPercentage objects will end up being identical to each other. That's kind of wasteful, so I change my widget classes to accept a std::shared_ptr instead, and now I can do this:
std::shared_ptr<IControlPointToTextObject> threeDigitRenderer = std::make_shared<RenderFloatingPointValueAsPercentage>(3);
No worries about object lifetimes, no dangling pointers, no memory leaks, no unnecessary creation of duplicate renderer objects. C'est bon :)
Take any lambda, called within a member function, f, of a class, C, where you want to deal with an object that you would pass into the lambda [&] as a reference. While you are waiting inside f for the lambda to finish, C goes out of scope. The function is gone and you have a dangling reference. Segmentation fault is as close as you get to defined behavior, when the lambda is next accessing the reference. You cannot pass the unique punter into the lambda. You couldn't access it from f once it's moved. The solution: shared pointer and [=]. I code the core of a database. We need shared pointers all the time in a multi-threaded infrastructure. Don't forget about the atomic reference counter. But your general scepticism is appreciated. Shared punters are used nearly always when one doesn't need them.
Suppose I want to implement a GLR parser for a language that is or contains a recursive "expression" definition. And the parsing must not just check whether the input conforms to the grammar, but also output something that can be used to do analysis, evaluations, compilations, etc. I'll need something to represent the result of each expression or subexpression grammar symbol. The actual semantic meaning of each grammar rule can be represented by polymorphism, so this will need to be some sort of pointer to a base class Expression.
The natural representation is then a std::shared_ptr<Expression>. An Expression object can be a subexpression of another compound Expression, in which case the compound Expression is the owner of the subexpression. Or an Expression object can be owned by the parse stack of the algorithm in progress, for a grammar production that has not yet been combined with other pieces. But not really both at the same time. If I were writing a LALR parser, I could probably do with std::unique_ptr<Expression>, transferring the subexpressions from the parse stack to the compound expression constructors as each grammar symbol is reduced.
The specific need for shared_ptr comes up with the GLR algorithm. At certain points, when there is more than one possible parse for the input scanned so far, the algorithm will duplicate the parse stack in order to try out tentative parses of each possibility. And as the tentative parsings proceed, each possiblity may need to use up some of those intermediate results from its own parse stack to form subexpressions of some compound expression, so now we might have the same Expression being used by both some number of parse stacks and some number of different compound Expression objects. Hopefully all but one tentative parsing will eventually fail, which means the failed parse stacks get discarded. The Expression objects directly and indirectly contained by discarded parse stacks should possibly be destroyed at that time, but some of them may be used directly or indirectly by other parse stacks.
It would be possible to do all this with just std::unique_ptr, but quite a bit more complicated. You could do a deep clone whenever parse stacks need to split, but that could be wasteful. You could have them owned by some other master container and have the parse stacks and/or compound expressions just use dumb pointers to them, but knowing when to clean them up would be difficult (and possibly end up essentially duplicating a simplified implementation of std::shared_ptr). I think std::shared_ptr is the clear winner here.
See this real life example. The current frame is shared across multiple consumers and with a smart pointer things get easy.
class frame { };
class consumer { public: virtual void draw(std::shared_ptr<frame>) = 0; };
class screen_consumer_t :public consumer { public: void draw(std::shared_ptr<frame>) override {} };
class matrox_consumer_t :public consumer { public: void draw(std::shared_ptr<frame>) override {} };
class decklink_consumer_t :public consumer { public: void draw(std::shared_ptr<frame>) override {} };
int main() {
std::shared_ptr<frame> current_frame = std::make_shared<frame>();
std::shared_ptr<consumer> screen_consumer = std::make_shared<screen_consumer_t>();
std::shared_ptr<consumer> matrox_consumer = std::make_shared<matrox_consumer_t>();
std::shared_ptr<consumer> decklink_consumer = std::make_shared<decklink_consumer_t>();
std::vector<consumer> consumers;
for(auto c: consumers) c->draw(current_frame);
Another example can be a Minimax tree, to avoid cyclic redundancy weak_ptr in conjunction with shared_ptr can be used:
struct node_t
std::unique_ptr<board_t> board_;
std::weak_ptr<node_t> parent_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<node_t>> children_;
Have you checked these articles about copy-on-write vector:
copy-on-write PIMPL:
and generic copy-on-write pointer:
All of them use shared_ptr internally.
std::shared_ptr is an implementation of reference counting technique in C++. For use-cases of reference counting see linked wikipedia article. One usage of reference counting is garbage collection in programming languages. So if you decide to write a new programming language with garbage collection in C++ you can implement it with std::shared_ptr, though you will also have to deal with cycles.
Simply put: there isn't really any.
For more detailed explanation, let's turn to formal reasoning. As we all know, C++ is a Turing-complete deterministic language. A popular simple example of equally computationally powerful tool is Brainfuck (often very convenient in establishing Turing-completeness of your favorite language of choice). If we look into Brainfuck's description (which is very small indeed, which makes it very handy for the purposes noted heretofore), we'll soon find out that there is not a single notion of anything resembling shared_ptr in there. So the answer is: no, there is no a real-life example where they would be absolutely required. Everything computable can be done without shared_ptrs.
If we continue the process thoroughly, we'll get rid equally easily of other unnecessary concepts, i.e. unique_ptr, std::unordered_map, exceptions, range-loops and so forth.

Observer Design Pattern Issues

I am working on a large project in C++ that will have a graphical user interface.
The user interface will use some design pattern (MVVM/MVC) that will rely on the observer pattern.
My problem is that I currently have no way of predicting which parts of the Model should be observable. And there are many, many parts.
I find myself being pulled in several directions due to this issue:
If I develop back-end classes that do not support notification I will find myself violating the Open-Closed principle.
If I do provide support for notification to all Model classes and all of their data members it will have a massive performance cost that is unjustified since only a fraction of this support will actually be needed (even though this fraction is unknown).
The same is true if I only provide support for extension by making all non-const methods virtual and accessing these methods through base-pointers. This will also have a cost in readability.
I feel that out of these 3, (1.) is probably the lesser evil.
However, I feel like an ideal solution should actually exists in some language (definitely not C++), but I don't know if it's supported anywhere.
The unicorn solution I was thinking of is something like this:
Given a class Data, shouldn't it be possible for clients that seek to make Data observable do something like
as a compile time construct. This in turn would make it possible to call addObserver on Data objects and modify all assignments to data members with notifiers. it would also make you pay in performance only for what you get.
So my question is two-fold:
Am I right to assume that out of the 3 options I stated, (1.) is the lesser but necessary evil?
Does my unicorn solution exist anywhere? being worked on? or would be impossible to implement for some reason?
If I understand correctly, you're concerned with the cost of providing a signal/notification for potentially every observable property of every object.
Fortunately you're in luck, since storing a general thread-safe notifier with every single property of every object would generally be extremely expensive in any language or system.
Instead of getting all clever and trying to solve this problem at compile-time, which I recommend would shut out some very potentially useful options to a large-scale project (ex: plugins and scripting), I'd suggest thinking about how to make this cheaper at runtime. You want your signals to be stored at a coarser level than the individual properties of an object.
If you store just one with the object that passes along the appropriate data about which property was modified during a property change event to filter which clients to notify, then now we're getting a lot cheaper. We're exchanging some additional branching and larger aggregates for the connected slots, but you get a significantly smaller object in exchange with potentially faster read access, and I'd suggest this is a very valuable exchange in practice.
You can still design your public interface and even the event notification mechanism so that clients work with the system in a way that feels like they're connecting to properties rather than the whole object, perhaps even calling methods in a property (if it's an object/proxy) to connect slots if you need or can afford a back pointer to the object from a property.
If you're not sure, I would err on the side of attaching event slots to properties as well as modifying them as part of the object interface rather than property interface, as you'll have a lot more breathing room to optimize in exchange for a slightly different client aesthetic (one that I really don't think is less convenient so much as just 'different', or at least potentially worth the cost of eliminating a back pointer per property).
That's in the realm of convenience and wrapper-type things. But you don't need to violate the open-closed principle to achieve MVP designs in C++. Don't get crammed into a corner by data representation. You have a lot of flexibility at the public interface level.
Memory Compaction -- Paying for What We Use
On discovering that efficiency plays an important role here, I'd suggest some basic ways of thinking to help with that.
First, just because an object has some accessor like something() does not mean that the associated data has to be stored in that object. It doesn't even have to be stored anywhere until that method is called. If memory is your concern, it can be stored at some level outside.
Most software breaks down into hierarchies of aggregates owning resources. For example, in a 3D software, a vertex is owned by a mesh which is owned by the scene graph which is owned by the application root.
If you want designs where you pay almost no memory cost whatsoever for things that are not being used, then you want to associate the data to the object at a coarser level. If you store it directly in the object, then every object pays for what something() returns regardless of whether it is needed. If you store it indirectly in the object with a pointer, then you pay for the pointer to something() but not for the full cost of it unless it is used. If you associate it to the owner of the object, then retrieving it has a lookup cost, but one that is not as expensive as associating it to the owner of the owner of the object.
So there's always ways to get something very close to free for things you don't use if you associate at a coarse enough level. At granular levels you mitigate lookup and indirection overhead, at coarse levels you mitigate costs for things you don't use.
Massive Scale Events
Given massive scalability concerns with millions to billions of elements being processed, and still the desire for potentially some of them to generate events, if you can use an asynchronous design, I'd really recommend it here. You can have a lock-free per-thread event queue to which objects with a single bit flag set generate events. If the bit flag is not set, they don't.
This kind of deferred, async design is useful with such scale since it gives you periodic intervals (or possibly just other threads, though you'd need write locks -- as well as read locks, though writing is what needs to cheap -- in that case) in which to poll and devote full resources to bulk processing the queue while the more time-critical processing can continue without synchronizing with the event/notifier system.
Basic Example
// Interned strings are very useful here for fast lookups
// and reduced redundancy in memory.
// They're basically just indices or pointers to an
// associative string container (ex: hash or trie).
// Some contextual class for the thread storing things like a handle
// to its event queue, thread-local lock-free memory allocator,
// possible error codes triggered by functions called in the thread,
// etc. This is optional and can be replaced by thread-local storage
// or even just globals with an appropriate lock. However, while
// inconvenient, passing this down a thread's callstack is usually
// the most efficient and reliable, lock-free way.
// There may be times when passing around this contextual parameter
// is too impractical. There TLS helps in those exceptional cases.
class Context;
// Variant is some generic store/get/set anything type.
// A basic implementation is a void pointer combined with
// a type code to at least allow runtime checking prior to
// casting along with deep copying capabilities (functionality
// mapped to the type code). A more sophisticated one is
// abstract and overriden by subtypes like VariantInt
// or VariantT<int>
typedef void EventFunc(Context& ctx, int argc, Variant** argv);
// Your universal object interface. This is purely abstract:
// I recommend a two-tier design here:
// -- ObjectInterface->Object->YourSubType
// It'll give you room to use a different rep for
// certain subtypes without affecting ABI.
class ObjectInterface
virtual ~Object() {}
// Leave it up to the subtype to choose the most
// efficient rep.
virtual bool has_events(Context& ctx) const = 0;
// Connect a slot to the object's signal (or its property
// if the event_id matches the property ID, e.g.).
// Returns a connection handle for th eslot. Note: RAII
// is useful here as failing to disconnect can have
// grave consequences if the slot is invalidated prior to
// the signal.
virtual int connect(Context& ctx, InternedString event_id, EventFunc func, const Variant& slot_data) = 0;
// Disconnect the slot from the signal.
virtual int disconnect(Context& ctx, int slot) = 0;
// Fetches a property with the specified ID O(n) integral cmps.
// Recommended: make properties stateless proxies pointing
// back to the object (more room for backend optimization).
// Properties can have set<T>/get<T> methods (can build this
// on top of your Variant if desired, but a bit more overhead
// if so).
// If even interned string compares are not fast enough for
// desired needs, then an alternative, less convenient interface
// to memoize property indices from an ID might be appropriate in
// addition to these.
virtual Property operator[](InternedString prop_id) = 0;
// Returns the nth property through an index.
virtual Property operator[](int n) = 0;
// Returns the number of properties for introspection/reflection.
virtual int num_properties() const = 0;
// Set the value of the specified property. This can generate
// an event with the matching property name to indicate that it
// changed.
virtual void set_value(Context& ctx, InternedString prop_id, const Variant& new_value) = 0;
// Returns the value of the specified property.
virtual const Variant& value(Context& ctx, InternedString prop_id) = 0;
// Poor man's RTTI. This can be ignored in favor of dynamic_cast
// for a COM-like design to retrieve additional interfaces the
// object supports if RTTI can be allowed for all builds/modes.
// I use this anyway for higher ABI compatibility with third
// parties.
virtual Interface* fetch_interface(Context& ctx, InternedString interface_id) = 0;
I'll avoid going into the nitty gritty details of the data representation -- the whole point is that it's flexible. What's important is to buy yourself room to change it as needed. Keeping the object abstract, keeping the property as a stateless proxy (with the exception of the backpointer to the object), etc. gives a lot of breathing room to profile and optimize away.
For async event handling, each thread should have a queue associated which can be passed down the call stack through this Context handle. When events occur, such as a property change, objects can push events to this queue through it if has_events() == true. Likewise, connect doesn't necessarily add any state to the object. It can create an associative structure, again through Context, which maps the object/event_id to the client. disconnect also removes it from that central thread source. Even the act of connecting/disconnecting a slot to/from a signal can be pushed to the event queue for a central, global place to process and make the appropriate associations (again preventing objects without observers from paying any memory cost).
When using this type of design, each thread should have at its entry point an exit handler for the thread which transfers the events pushed to the thread event queue from the thread-local queue to some global queue. This requires a lock but can be done not-too-frequently to avoid heavy contention and to allow each thread to not be slowed down by the event processing during performance-critical areas. Some kind of thread_yield kind of function should likewise be provided with such a design which also transfers from the thread-local queue to the global queue for long-lived threads/tasks.
The global queue is processed in a different thread, triggering the appropriate signals to the connected slots. There it can focus on bulk processing the queue when it isn't empty, sleeping/yielding when it is. The whole point of all of this is to aid performance: pushing to a queue is extremely cheap compared to the potential of sending synchronous events every time an object property is modified, and when working with massive scale inputs, this can be a very costly overhead. So simply pushing to a queue allows that thread to avoid spending its time on the event handling, deferring it to another thread.
Templatious library can help you with completely decoupling GUI and domain logic and making flexible/extendable/easy to maintain message systems and notifiers.
However, there's one downside - you need C++11 support for this.
Check out this article taming qt
And the example in github: DecoupledGuiExamples
So, you probably don't need notifiers on every class, you can just shoot messages from the inside functions and on specific classes where you can make any class send any message you want to GUI.

Singleton application with vector member

I have a Singleton application server (assume being created correctly). The server class has a non static vector member which is modified in several methods. Is it possible that the compiler optimizes the code such that the vector is modified non serially across several request processing method chains. I mean can two chains of method calls may intersect across different requests ?
I think they can because the method calls would be jumps to labels .
Ok seeing your comments I'm posting an answer because something needs to be clear : std containers are not "threadsafe".
They provide some protection and garantees, like the fact that you can have multiple readers safely.
However you cannot have multiple writers, or writers and readers concurrently.
Regarding your question : the compiler is not guilty.
Given your comment I suppose you have conccurent writes and reads on your std::vector which is where you have a problem right now.
Just add a mutex, and check if the performance isn't too horrid. If it is look for another datastructure/architecture.

OO Approach For Hardware Communication... Possible Singleton?

I am working on a project where I need to talk to a particular box over UDP. There will only ever be one box connected to the system at any given time. The connection should last the entire duration of the program.
I have written a class that works (yay!) in providing the necessary data to the hardware. However, my main problem is that now I have to account for the fact that someone (a programmer down the road who will more than likely just ignore all my very neat comments ;) ) may create more than one instance of this class. This will more than likely result in some hilarious and rather amusing crash where the hardware in question is wondering why it is receiving data from two sockets on the same machine. More troublesome is the fact that creating the object actually spawns a thread that periodically sends updates. So you can imagine if my imaginary future programmer does something like create a linked list of these objects (after all, this is C++ and we have the ability to do such things) the CPU might not be very happy after a while.
As a result, I turn to you... the more experienced people of SO who have seen such issues in the past. I have debated creating a singleton to handle all of this, but some of my readings lead me to believe that this might not be the way to go. There is a TON of information regarding them on the internet, and it's almost like asking a highly sensitive political question based on the responses I've seen.
An alternative I've developed that will preserve as much code as possible is to just use a static bool to keep track if there is an active thread passing data to the hardware. However, I suspect my approach can lead to race conditions in the case where I have competing threads attempting to access the class at the same time. Here's what I have thus far:
// in MyClass.cpp:
static bool running_ = false; // declared in the class in the .h, but defined here
MyClass::MyClass() {
// various initialization stuff you don't care about goes here
if (pthread_create(mythread_, NULL, MyThreadFunc, this) != 0) {
// error
else {
// no error
static void* MyClass::MyThreadFunc(void* args) {
MyClass myclass = static_cast<MyClass>(args);
// now I have access to all the stuff in MyClass
// do various checks here to make sure I can talk to the box
if (!running_) {
running_ = true;
// open a connection
while (!terminate) { // terminate is a flag set to true in the destructor
// update the hardware via UDP
// close the socket
running_ = false;
While I certainly note that this will check for only one instance being active, there is still the possibility that two concurrent threads will access the !running_ check at the same time and therefore both open the connection.
As a result, I'm wondering what my options are here? Do I implement a singleton? Is there a way I can get the static variable to work? Alternatively, do I just comment about this issue and hope that the next programmer understands to not open two instances to talk to the hardware?
As always, thanks for the help!
Edited to add:
I just had another idea pop into my mind... what if the static bool was a static lock instead? That way, I could set the lock and then just have subsequent instances attempt to get the lock and if they failed, just return a zombie class... Just a thought...
You're right, asking about singleton is likely to start a flamewar, that will not make you any wiser. You better make up your mind yourself. It's not that hard really if you are aware of the primary principles.
For your case I'd skip that whole branch as irrelevant, as your post is motivated by FEAR. Fear from a speculative issue. So let me just advise you on that: relax. You can't fight idiots. As soon as you invent some fool-proof schema, the universe evolves and will produce a better idiot that will go around it. Not worth the effort. Leave the idiot problem to the management and HR, to keep them employed elsewhere.
Your task is to provide working solution and proper documentation on how to use it (ideally with tests and examples too). If you document usage to create just a single instance of your stuff, and doing the listed init and teardown steps, you can just expext that as followed -- or if not it be the next guy's problem.
Most of the real life grief comes NOT from dismissing dox, but that dox not present or is inaccurate. So just do that part properly.
Once done, certainly nothing forbids you to ass a few static or runtime asserts on preconditions: it's not hard to count your class' instances and assert it will not go over 1.
What if you have two instances of the hardware itself? [I know you say it will only be one - but I've been there, done that on the aspect of "It's only ever going to be one!! Oh, <swearword>, now we need to use two..."].
Of course, your if(running_) is a race-condition. You really should use some sort of atomic type, so that you don't get two attempts to start the class at once. That also won't stop someone from trying to start two instances of the overall program.
Returning a zombie class seems like a BAD solution - throwing an exception, returning an error value, or some such would be a much better choice.
Would it be possible to have "the other side" control the number of connections? In other words, if a second instance tries to communicate, it gets an error back from the hardware that receives the message "Sorry, already have a connection"?
Sorry if this isn't really "an answer".
First, I do not think you can really protect anything from this imaginary future developer if he's so much into breaking your code. Comments/doc should do the trick. If he misses them, the hardware (or the code) will likely crash, and he will notice. Moreover, if he as a good reason to reuse your class (like connecting to some other hardwares of the same kind), you do not want to block him with nasty hidden tricks.
This said, for your example, I would consider using an atomic<bool> to avoid any concurrency issue, and use the compare_exchange member function instead of if(!running) running = true:
static std::atomic<bool> running;
bool expected = false;
if(running.compare_exchange_strong(expected, true)) {