Django: Saving oauth provider data - django

I set up a simple django site using django-allauth.
I created some oauth providers in the database.
Everything is fine and working on my laptop now.
I would like to store the created database tables somehow.
Use case: I want to set up a new development environments on a different PC painlessly.
How to store the initial data of django_allauth, so that after checking out the app from git the command migrate is all I need to have the relevant database tables filled?

Django_allauth already save those data to the database, you will find them in a table *_SocialApp, here is the model code from django_auth source


Django transfer database to different Django project without messing up the logic

I built a Django project with a few models. Now I created a second server with the same setup. This one is meant to be the deployment server. Databases are separate from the dev-server.
However can you tell me if I can simply copy the databases from the dev server to the deploy or will the Django logic, since I also mean the user models and permissions etc.
The tables which I created myself are no problem to transfer to the new server. However I am wondering If Django gets confused when I also transfer something like the auth_user Model.
Should this work since I also just copied the backend logic as well?

Wso2 Userstore migration from LDAP to DB (Custom user store)

We are using WSO2 identity server with LDAP as a user store. Now we would like to replace LDAP with database because of huge load (> 10 Millions) and growing. I have migrated the users but how tenant details in wso2 core database could be set with the new user store. That is the user store xml details are stored in their tenant table. How this could be migrated. Or what are all the changes, configurations, needs to be set in wso2 identity server level.
At the moment we don't have exact mechanism to migrate data from one DB type to another. What we have is upgrading one version to another using same DB.
But you can do this migrating data from an LDAP to any DB like MySQL manually. If you can write an shell script to convert LDAP data toa csv file, its easy for you to move to a MySQL like DB in one import command.
Furthermore, I was able to find out some similar articles which can help you to migrate content from LDAP to MySQL [2],[3],[4]
The table structures of DB types can be found from [1].
Once you migrate the data to JDBC, you can change the custom-userstore.xml file with new connection values and restart the server. If you changed your primary user store, you need to change the user store configurations in user-mgt.xml file.
Please let me know if you need further help in migrating.
[3]Active Directory data into SQL table

Migrate users from database to another on Django

I already have an existing website running and want to transfer just the users (usernames, passwords and emails) to another database for a separate Django website as I am rebuilding it.
You can configure both databases in your django configuration file. select the user data from one database and then put the records in the other.
Multiple Databases in Django.
Moving an object from one database to another

Django angular database form integration

I am currently trying a few ways of connecting a postgre sql database that I already have defined using a django model with a front end angular form that I created within the same project. (This a a django project using a little bit angular js)
So basically I have a form which accepts data from a user, and the data needs to be stored in one of the tables of the postgre sql database that I already created.
I was following this but there are many points that are unclear to me. Is there a better way to solve this?

Using .csv as user model in Django

I have a django app that works with .csv files as database, in these files i have the users of the system (i can't change that), i need to implement security (a login) in the site. Any idea?
Your question is very vague and you didn't ask for specifics so here is a general overview of what you'll need to do.
If you intend to use django's built-in authentication system then you'll have to setup a database; even if its sqlite. Once you have setup a database, run syncdb to create the necessary authentication tables (by default, the that django creates is already setup for the authentication system, so you don't have to make any other changes).
Once you have that done, you'll have to write a fixture to load the users from the csv file into the authentication tables. You can read up on that in the documentation under providing initial data for models.
Now you are ready to set passwords and permissions. Your next task will be to make sure that the csv file is in sync with the authentication tables if there a change in the csv file.