Comparing bool with 1 in C++ [duplicate] - c++

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Can I assume (bool)true == (int)1 for any C++ compiler?
(5 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is it correct to compare bool to 1?
In a legacy code I find often:
if (xyz.isCounterActive() == 1)
where sCounterActive() returns bool.
Obviously, if ( xyz.isCounterActive() ) is sufficient, but If I change this, I don't know which side-effects it may cause. Software is big, buggy but the customer insists, that it is working.
Compiler is VS2008

In this case result of xyz.isCounterActive() will be implicitly converted to int. There're many rules of implicit conversion, which can be found here, for example.
Probably signature of isCounterActive changed since it was introduced, and the one, who changed it, forgot to modify all isCounterActive calls.


Why write `!!x`, when `x` will do? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Double Negation in C++
(14 answers)
What is the usage of "!!" (negating twice)? [duplicate]
(3 answers)
Confused by use of double logical not (!!) operator [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I often see experienced programmers write !!x, even though the expected expression is a Boolean (i.e., zero or not zero) and not an integer.
For example, a line from boost:
BOOST_ASSERT(!!p); // where `p` is a pointer
What's the point of !!p when just p will do?
What I understand by a Boolean parameter is an expression converted to a value of integral type, and the value is compared against zero, explicitly or implicitly (with if or its ternary operator equivalent).
Thus, anything that takes a Boolean and expects only 0 or 1 is wrongly implemented, if my understanding of Boolean is correct.
For clarification: it's obvious that ! converts to bool; the question is explicitly asking for why.
By default, BOOST_ASSERT(expr) expands to assert(expr). That C++ assert function takes a scalar argument, not bool. Thus, your statement, "the expected expression is a boolean," is not correct.
Classes in C++ can implement operator bool(); the basic_stream classes are examples of such: assert(std::cin) will not work. The !! operator forces the use of std::cin::operator bool(), and bool after !! will be evaluated to int 0 or 1. This is shorter than assert(bool(std::cin)).
If I were a boost author, I would expand BOOST_ASSERT(expr) to assert(!!(expr)) - as is done for ( BOOST_LIKELY(!!(expr)) ? ((void)0) ).
Closely related to the question
Some compilers issue warnings.
Overflow of the integer storing the Boolean.
I'll just quote the comment mentioning the behaviour
The compiler would treat the values the same either way if it's only used as an operand to an if or &&, but using !! may help on some compilers if if (!!(number & mask)) gets replaced with bit triggered = !!(number & mask); if (triggered); on some embedded compilers with bit types, assigning e.g. 256 to a bit type will yield zero. Without the !!, the apparently-safe transformation (copying the if condition to a variable and then branching) won't be safe.
Some consider defining operator bool() to be "unsafe". And to have an idiomatical way to convert to bool, they define bool operator !().
So writing !!obj is to support such users. And it doesn't even hurt to do so!

what is the specific usecase for !! in C++ [duplicate]

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Double Negation in C++
(14 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Came across using !! in C++ during condition check
if ( !! (flag != 0 )){..
This could be directly used like
if( flag != 0 ){..
Is there any specific corner use case in C/C++ or is it just a form of coding style ?
In this case, it's superfluous, but in general this style is used to convert the actual expression value to
an integer type in C.
a boolean type in C++.

Double increment on an integer variable, does it work as intended? [duplicate]

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Multiple preincrement operations on a variable in C++(C ?)
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have some code with lines which increment a counter.
++ count;
Sometimes I have an if condition which means I should increment count by 2.
count += 2;
Does "double increment'ing" work in the same way?
++ ++ count;
It would be helpful to know if both C and C++ compilers interpret this the same way.
As this is clearly syntactically correct, the question that remains is: "Is this UB because of unsequenced writes?"
It is not (in C++11 and later) because
5) The side effect of the built-in pre-increment and pre-decrement operators is sequenced before its value computation (implicit rule due to definition as compound assignment)
(From here)
So the code is fine as of C++11.
However, the sequencing rules were different before that, and pre-C++11, the code actually has UB.
In C, that code does not even compile.
The fact that the behavior is different between C and C++ and even between different C++ standards and that this question arises in the first place is a hint that the simple count += 2; is the safer and more readable version. You should prefer it over the "cute and clever" ++ ++count;.
There are two methods. One that obviously works, one where you have to ask a question on StackOverflow. There are comments saying "in C++ 11 or later"... How sure are you that your C++ code runs with C++ 11 and not something older? Even if you use extensions that were not part of an earlier language, your language could be C++0x with some extensions.
Clearly you shouldn't care whether the second method works or not, but use the one that obviously works.

boolean operator in c++ [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What does 'unsigned temp:3' mean?
I saw some c++ code today that used single colons.
bool variable_name : 1;
what is the difference between this and
bool variable_name = true;
The ": 1" means it is a bit field with 1 bit, or at least that's what it means in C. It probably was put there to save some memory, allowing multiple bools to be stored in the same byte. The downside is that you probably can't make a pointer to that bool.

What does double not (!!) used on a non-boolean variable do? [duplicate]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Double Negation in C++ code.
I am working with production code where I have run across statements like this a few times:
The first couple of times I dismissed it as a programmer quirk (maybe to emphasize that it is a conditional statement rather than a number being passed into func?) but I have run across several statements that use the above and now I am wondering whether it actually makes a difference or not. In most cases notABool is a number(int, float, double... I have seen all 3) My initial guess was that it is akin to typing:
but I am not entirely sure?
Yes, functionally it is exactly the same as doing (bool) notABool.
By definition, in C++ language the operand of ! is implicitly converted to bool type, so !!notABool is really the same as !! (bool) notABool, i.e. the same as just (bool) notABool.
In C language the !! was a popular trick to "normalize" a non-1/0 value to 1/0 form. In C++ you can just do (bool) notABool. Or you can still use !!notABool if you so desire.
For primitive types, yes, it's essentially equivalent to:
!(notABool != 0)
which in turn is equivalent to:
For non-primitive types, it will be a compiler error, unless you've overloaded operator!, in which case, it might do anything.
It's a legacy idiom from C, where it meant "normalize to 0 or 1". I don't think there's a reason to use it in C++ other than habit.
It's converting BOOL (define for int) to c++ bool. BOOL is a define that in some cases for true can contain different integer values. So for example BOOL a = (BOOL)1; and BOOL b =(BOOL)2; both pass check for true. But if you'll try to compare you'll find that a not equals b. But after conversion !!a equals !!b.
(bool)notABoo - is not akin, because you'll convert type of variable byte still'll have different values. !! converts not only type but in some cases values too.