What is the most easiest way to configure between AWS server and custom domain - amazon-web-services

I am trying to hand shaking between my AWS server and domain. I purchased my domain from godday.com. Any one can help me.

First you need to create the static ip of the ec2 instance this is because ec2 ip is volatile every time you restarts ec2 the ip will change .In that case you have to create a static ip so follow the below step Login to your amaazon aws console then :
1.On EC2 Management console you will have a vertical menu on the left hand side.
2.Under “NETWORK & SECURITY” group click on “Elastic IPs”.
3.On the top menu you will see a blue button “Allocate New Address” click on it.
4.Just be sure “EIP used in” is set to “EC2” then click “Yes, Allocate”.
5.A new IP address will be created on the table, select it by clicking on the empty square by the left of the name.
6.Now click on “Associate Address” on the pop-up click on instance and select the instance you would like to associate to this IP.
7.Finally click “Associate” and that’s it. For now to access via SSH, FTP, etc. you will need to use the new elastic IP.
Next you need to point the static ip to the Godaddy domain name. Login to godaddy account:
1.Login into your godaddy account.
2.Under the upper menu click “Domains” and then click “Manage my Domains”.
3.Select the domain you would like to change by clicking the link to the domain on the table under “Domain Name” column.
4.In Domain Details there are three tabs, you should click on “DNS Zone File”.
5.Under A(Host) , click on “Edit Record (pick the one which is "#")” at the end in “Actions” column.
6.Now change the value on the field “Points to” with the elastic ip of your amazon ec2 instance.
Hope that helps you.


AWS AMI Bitnami + Webmin can't access over https://publicip:10000

I'm using an AWS AMI from Bitnami "NGinx Certified by Bitnami" and I have installed Webmin successfully as seen in this Gist. Including opening the port 10000 in the firewall. But I still cannot access WebMin at https://publicip:10000 - it just times out. I've rebuilt the server twice and tried with another Bitnami image but get the same result.
I've installed Webmin on other servers many times successfully. Although it's been a couple years.
I discovered I had to allow the port in Amazon's AWS interface.
Sign into the Amazon AWS
Select EC2.
Navigate to "Network & Security" > "Security Groups".
Select the Security Group you previously associated with your instance.
In the panel that appears / populates below select "Inbound"
Click the "Edit" button.
Click "Add Rule"
Choose "Custom TPC"
Enter "TCP" as the Protocol.
Enter "10000" as the port range.
Select "Custom" as the Source and enter "" as the value.
(Optional) Enter "Webmin" as the Description.
Click and click save.

Amazon 500150 : Unable to connect to Redshift Cluster

I followed all the steps mentioned on here
to connect to Redshift through Workbench J.
I am not using SSH to connect, so have left SSH settings alone.
When I select Security after selecting Redshift, I see :
Your account does not support the EC2-Classic Platform in this region. Cluster Security Groups are only available when the EC2-Classic Platform is supported. Instead, use VPC Security Groups to control access to your clusters. Go to the EC2 Console to view your VPC Security Groups. For more information, see Amazon Redshift Documentation on Supported Platforms and Managing Clusters in VPC.
My cluster is under a Security Group which has the following Inbound rule :
Type: Redshift
Protocol: TCP
Port Range: 5439
Source: Custom (Experimental, just to test,
I will replace this with my IP address)
When I do a Netstat on the host from my machine with -Pn. I get a
Host is up.
5439/tcp filtered unknown
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.22 seconds
I have already gone through several similar questions and none of these is working for me.
Double check your Security Group settings:
In the Redshift console, go to the Configuration tab.
Click on the link next to VPC security groups
Should take you to Security Groups in the EC2 console with the correct security group selected.
Select the Inbound tab for the security group and click the Edit button (a dialog box opens).
In the dialog box, click the Add Rule button then:
Select Redshift from the Type dropdown menu
Select Anywhere from the Source dropdown menu
Come back and change this to My Ip once your connection works!
Click the Save button (the dialog closes)
You now have 2 new Redshift rules ( AND ::/0)
Then in SQL Workbench's "Select Connection Profile" dialog:
Click "Manage Drivers" at the bottom left and to add the Redshift JDBC driver.
SQL Workbench configures these automatically but check that Classname is like com.amazon.redshift.jdbc42.Driver and Sample URL is jdbc:redshift://host:port/name_of_database.
Next, configure the connection
Select the new Driver you just created from the drop down.
Copy the JDBC URL from the Redshift console Configuration tab and paste it into the URL field.
Must use the correct port: jdbc:redshift://my-cluster.asdfgh5jk8.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/my-db
Add your Username and Password
Test the connection! (Bottom right)
Please let me know in the comments if this doesn't work for some reason and I'll help you get it working.

Redirect own domain to Amazon EC2 Windows Server 2012 Instance

We just created an AWS Windows Server 2012 Instance and now want to Redirect our Domain (bought and managed by 3rd Party) to this server.
we followed the two steps at the 1st ranked answer here: How redirect a domain to Amazon EC2 Machine?
While we managed to create and associate the elastic IP, the problem seems to be step 2 now: actually we have setup a A record at our current domain manager but still doesnt work. If we enter our domain at browser it seems to load for something and then stops after some seconds
We are very beginners and wondering where we need to put the lets say "index.html" or so like we did at our previous Webspace hoster. In other words, if the user access our server through the elastic ip, which direction the browser is firstly trying to enter?
The standard pattern is
... in aws route53 create a Hosted Zone
... by default it auto gives you Type NS and SOA copy the set of 4 values under your Type NS (similar to)
... now get into your Domain Registrar and edit Nameservers by using above list
... upon deploying your aws cluster it will give you a loadbalancer value similar to
... get into your aws route53 hosted zone console pick your domain
... hit Create Record Set on the right pick Type A
... IMPORTANT pick Alias YES see doc
... click in box Alias Target empty out field ... then choose above mentioned loadbalancer
I think you have security and firewall issues,
Check following items step by step:
Enter your EC2 IP address in your browser; you should see your app home page.
If you can't reach your server response by direct IP address, check your security group, inbound tab, you must open port 80 to source
Each time you see your home page by direct IP address in the browser you can go to next steps for domain and route53.
I tried to telnet 80 to your instance and it timed out so that means your HTTP port 80 is not open. Add below security rule to your security group. And then check your domain it will work.
We are actually wondering how the whole Setup should actually work.
We have dropped the Index.html on c:
Lets say we are trying to request the Microsoft Server EC2 through the elastic IP. How it is even trchnically possible that the server is finding and responding with exactly this Index.html?
Thats completely a blackbox for us besides the question if the security groups/rules/ports are established correctly...
I have solved my problem. Just for people that have the same problem:
Besides the points mentioned above you have to setup IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Service) on your server in order to redirect your domain to specific "folders" / index.htmls

On aws able to access yourdomain.com but not able to access http://www.yourdomain.com.?

I have done the configuration on AWS I'm able to access yourdomain.com(For example) but not able to access http://www.yourdomain.com?
I'm using Amazon EC2 virtual server cloud and route 53 hosted zones.
As Mark B said, your question lacks a lot of the necessary details, however I will answer based on a few assumptions.
1) I'm assuming that your instance is publicly accessible
2) I'm assuming that your instance is not inside a VPC
3) I'm assuming that your instance is not behind a load balancer
First, go to your EC2 instance and copy the public DNS of your instance. IP's can change over time, therefore best practice is to use the public DNS as the value.
Next go to Route 53, and go to the Hosted Zone for your domain and click the blue button that says "Create Record Set".
In the name field put: www
In the type, select: CNAME
In the value field you'll paste the DNS for the EC2 instance
Click create.
If you've done this right, and your security groups are correctly configured, you should be able to now visit your site using www.yourdomain.com.
Below solution worked for me.
Name-www.yourdomain.com Type-CNAME Value-yourdomain.com. (Dot is important)

AWS: EC2 instance No Data Received

I am new to AWS. I set up an instance and deployed a Django App on it by following this tutorial
But when I try to access the instance from the browser via the ip or the public DNS it returns 'No data received', 'ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE'. Any idea where I am going wrong?
Here are the steps I followed to solve this:
Went to EC2 instances
Click on instance
Go to Security Groups column and click on the security group selected.
In the lower panel, select Inbound > Edit > Add Rule
Under Add Rule, select Type as HTTP and Save.