C++ dllimport: unresolved externals with static fields - c++

I have a Visual Studio C++ project containing main program and a DLL module.
The DLL has a class with the following definition:
// .h
#ifdef _USRDLL
#define DLLAPI __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLLAPI __declspec(dllimport)
class DLLAPI EClass
static int value;
static int get_value();
// .cpp
int EClass::value = 1;
int EClass::get_value()
return value;
The DLL project is compiled successfully, both symbols (value and get_value) are observable by Dependency Walker.
In the main program, I can call the static function get_value
int v = EClass::get_value(); // Ok, v = 1
but when I try to access the field value directly
int v = EClass::value; // Error
I get an error
LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: static int EClass::value" (?value#EClass##2HA)
It is possible to avoid using accessors for static fields?

The macro _USRDLL should be defined only in the DLL project.


Use imported dll inner class methods in c++

I've got a problem using 3rd party .dll library:
That library has some class with methods I need to use in my compiled .dll via JNI from my Java app.
I'm trying to declare something like that :
#define SERVER_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define SERVER_API __declspec(dllimport)
class SERVER_API IServer
int NFun(int func);
class SERVER_API ServerClass : public IServer {
int NFun(int func) {
return MYDLLNAMESPACE::ServerClass::NFun(func);
Ant then use it in code like :
IServer *Myserv = new Server();
int a = Myserv->NFun(5007);
return a;
but it goes to the error "error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: int __thiscall MYDLLNAMESPACE::IServer:"
I need to do something like:
Iserver myServer = new Server();
int result = myServer.do_smth();
return result;
where Server is MYDLL.dll --> namespace MYDLLNAMESPACE --> class Server
Is there any ways how to do it?
P.S. I haven't any .lib of .h files of 3rd party .dll
Now I've got Server.h file :
namespace NS {
class __declspec(dllexport) ServerClass
ServerClass() {
const char* GParam(const char* key);
const char* SParam(const char* key, const char* value);
And my Impl.cpp file, where I tryin' to instantiate ServerClass and use its method 'GParam' like this:
ServerClass *serv = new ServerClass();
const char* str = serv->GParam("LastErrorTxt");
but it goes to StackOverFlowException, seems like serv->GParam("LastErrorTxt") is executing itself instead of dll class implementation
Problem is solved by using com4j:

calls to static member variable causes LNK2001 in DLL

Im testing a DLL library I'm writing and after trying to compile it, I get a LNK2001 error for a static variable within a class.
#ifdef FOO_DLL
#define FOO_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define FOO_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define FOO_API
class FOO_API Bar
static bool mIsActive;
and in Bar.cpp:
bool FOO_API Bar::mIsActive = false;
Upon building a test project using the DLL, I get an LNK2001 unresolved external symbol. Any ideas on how to resolve this? Sidenote: none of my static functions within the same class has this issue.
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static bool
vkdebug::Bar::mIsActive" (?mIsActive#Bar#vkdebug#2_NA)

Error: function definition is marked dllimport

I'm attempting to get a toy program running with AVT's VIMBA SDK. At the moment, it is going well save for one caveat. When I attempt to compile, I get a series of errors (14 of them) that all are marked same thing:
function *insert call here* definition is marked dllimport
The file itself is below- the curious thing is that in in this file, only ~IFeatureObserver(), IFeatureObserver(), and IFeatureObserver( const IFeatureObserver& ) are triggering the error; FeatureChanged() does not error out during a compile.
#include <VimbaCPP/Include/VimbaCPPCommon.h>
#include <VimbaCPP/Include/SharedPointerDefines.h>
#include <VimbaCPP/Include/Feature.h>
#include <vector>
namespace AVT {
namespace VmbAPI {
class IFeatureObserver
IMEXPORT virtual void FeatureChanged( const FeaturePtr &pFeature ) = 0;
IMEXPORT virtual ~IFeatureObserver() {}
IMEXPORT IFeatureObserver() {}
IMEXPORT IFeatureObserver( const IFeatureObserver& ) { /* No copy ctor */ }
typedef std::vector<IFeatureObserverPtr> IFeatureObserverPtrVector;
}} // namespace AVT::VmbAPI
After tracking down source of IMEXPORT, I found it in a .h file.
#if defined (_WIN32)
#if defined AVT_VMBAPI_CPP_EXPORTS // DLL exports
#define IMEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined AVT_VMBAPI_CPP_LIB // static LIB
#define IMEXPORT
#else // import
#define IMEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#elif defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && defined (__ELF__)
#define IMEXPORT
#elif defined (__APPLE__)
#define IMEXPORT
#error Unknown platform, file needs adaption
I am currently programming in Qt on a Win7-32 bit machine, and as far as I can tell IMEXPORT is being defined as __declspec(dllimport).
Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
You should define the macro AVT_VMBAPI_CPP_EXPORTS in your makefile or VS project. This way IMEXPORT is defined as dllexport for this library and dll import when other libraries/app use it.
BTW it's cleaner to add this attribute to the class itself, not every function.
class IMEXPORT IFeatureObserver {
virtual void FeatureChanged( const FeaturePtr &pFeature ) = 0;

build(compile.link) application code with only DLL *.h header file and load DLL implementation in run-time (explicit linking)

I have an application code which invokes a DLL lib with explicit linkage (or run time linking) for accessing an exported class.
#define DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
#include "DLL.h"
class DLL_API Foo
void doSomeThing();
extern "C" DLL_API Foo* _getInstance() {
return new Foo();
typedef Foo* (*getInstanceFactory)();
Foo* getInstance() {
HINSTANCE dllHandle = LoadLibraryA("Foo.dll");
getInstanceFactory factory_func = (getInstanceFactory)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "_getInstance");
return factory_func();
#include "FooDLL.h"
Foo::doSomething() {
// .......
Application.cpp (which invokes DLL)
#include "FooDLL.h"
Foo* obj = getInstance();
obj->doSomething(); // XXX this line can be compiled and linked only when DLL is already in path
The above code can be built (e.g. compiled&linked) only when the DLL file is included in lib path. Otherwise I got unresolved external symbol error.
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall Foo::doSomething()" .....
Is it possible to build the application code with only DLL header file (i.e. FooDLL.h) and without DLL/LIB files during the build time? (p.s. The class implementation must be in cpp file.)
with virtual function.
class Foo
void virtual doSomeThing();
Yes it is possible. If you did not export a class you would not need a header file at all.
I am not sure why you placed call to LoadLibrary in the header file.
Since you are exporting class, you have to let the compiler know the type. Besides, you do not have to export entire class, you can export only specific member functions of the class you want to expose
Your dll header to be used in a dll and exe projects, should include following (I used my own names):
#define WIN32DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define WIN32DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
class CWin32DLL
int WIN32DLL_API GetInt();
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Win32DLL.h"
extern "C" WIN32DLL_API CWin32DLL* _getInstance()
return new CWin32DLL();
// This is the constructor of a class that has been exported.
// see Win32DLL.h for the class definition
int CWin32DLL::GetInt()
return 42;
Your DLL consumer:
#include "Win32DLL.h"
#include "SomeOther.h"
typedef CWin32DLL* (*getInstanceFactory)();
HINSTANCE dllHandle = LoadLibrary(_T("Win32DLL.dll"));
getInstanceFactory factory_func = (getInstanceFactory)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "_getInstance");
CWin32DLL* pWin32 = factory_func();
int iRet = pWin32->GetInt();
Do not forget to define WIN32DLL_EXPORTS (or equivalent) in project properties, C++, Preprocessor, Preprocessor Definitions for the dll.

c++ exporting and using dll function

I can't quite figure out where there is a mistake. I am creating a DLL and then using it in a C++ console program (Windows 7, VS2008). But I get LNK2019 unresolved external symbol when trying to use the DLL functions.
First the export:
#ifndef __MyFuncWin32Header_h
#define __MyFuncWin32Header_h
#ifdef MyFuncLib_EXPORTS
# define MyFuncLib_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define MyFuncLib_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
This is one header file I then use in:
#ifndef __cfd_MyFuncLibInterface_h__
#define __cfd_MyFuncLibInterface_h__
#include "MyFuncWin32Header.h"
#include ... //some other imports here
class MyFuncLib_EXPORT MyFuncLibInterface {
void myFunc(std::string param);
Then there is the dllimport in the console program, which has the DLL included in the Linker->General->Additional Library Directories:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
__declspec( dllimport ) void myFunc(std::string param);
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
std::string inputPar = "bla";
myFunc(inputPar); //this line produces the linker error
I can't figure out what's going wrong here; it must be something really simple and fundamental.
You're exporting a class member function void MyFuncLibInterface::myFunc(std::string param); but trying to import a free function void myFunc(std::string param);
Make sure you #define MyFuncLib_EXPORTS in the DLL project. Make sure you #include "MyFuncLibInterface.h" in the console app without defining MyFuncLib_EXPORTS.
The DLL project will see:
class __declspec(dllexport) MyFuncLibInterface {
And the console project will see:
class __declspec(dllimport) MyFuncLibInterface {
This allows your console project to use the class from the dll.
EDIT: In response to comment
#ifndef FooH
#define FooH
#define EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPORTED __declspec(dllimport)
class EXPORTED Foo {
void bar();
In the project which actually implements Foo::bar() BUILDING_THE_DLL must be defined. In the project which tries to use Foo, BUILDING_THE_DLL should not be defined. Both projects must #include "Foo.h", but only the DLL project should contain "Foo.cpp"
When you then build the DLL, the class Foo and all its members are marked as "exported from this DLL". When you build any other project, the class Foo and all its members are marked as "imported from a DLL"
You need to import the class not a function. After that, you can call the class member.
class __declspec( dllimport ) MyFuncLibInterface {
void myFunc(std::string param);
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
std::string inputPar = "bla";
MyFuncLibInterface intf;
intf.myFunc(inputPar); //this line produces the linker error