End of record error in file opening - fortran

I am currently writing a code to simulate particle collisions. I am trying to open as much files as there are particles (N) and then put the data for positions and velocities in each of these files for each step of the time integration (using Euler's method, but that is not relevant). For that, I tried using a do loop so it will open all the files I need - then I put all the data in them with a different do loop later - and then close them all.
I first tried just doing a do loop to open the files - but it gave errors of the type "file already open in another unit", so I did the following:
module parameters
implicit none
character :: posvel
integer :: i, j, N
real :: tmax
real, parameter :: tmin=0.0, pi=3.14159265, k=500.0*10E3, dt=10.0E-5, dx=10.0E-3, g=9.806, ro=1.5*10E3
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xold, xnew, vold, vnew, m, F, r
end module parameters
PROGRAM Collision
use parameters
implicit none
write(*,*) 'Enter total number of particles (integer number):'
read(*,*) N
xold(1) = 0.0
vold(1) = 0.0
m(1) = 6.283*10E-9
r(1) = 10E-4
xold(2) = 5.0
vold(2) = 0.0
m(2) = 6.283*10E-9
r(2) = 10E-4
write(*,*) 'Type total time elapsed for the simulation(real number):'
read(*,*) tmax
do i = 1, N
write(posvel,"(a,i3.3,a)") "posveldata",i,".txt"
open(unit=i,file=posvel, status="unknown")
end do
do i = 1, N
end do
The last ten lines are the ones that regard to my problem.
That worked in codeblocks - it opened just the number of files I needed, but I'm actually using gfortran and it gives me and "end of record" error in the write statement.
How can I make it to execute properly and give me the N different files that I need?
P.S.: It is not a problem of compilation, but after I execute the program.

Your character string in the parameter module has only 1 character length, so it cannot contain the full file name. So please use a longer string, for example
character(100) :: posvel
Then you can open each file as
do i = 1, N
write(posvel,"(a,i0,a)") "posveldata",i,".txt"
open(unit=i,file=trim(posvel), status="unknown")
end do
Here, I have used the format i0 to automatically determine a proper width for integer, and trim() for removing unnecessary blanks in the file name (though they may not be necessary). The write statement can also be written more compactly as
write(posvel,"('posveldata',i0,'.txt')") i
by embedding character literals into the format specification.
The error message "End of record" comes from the above issue. This can be confirmed by the following code
character c
write(c,"(a)") "1"
print *, "c = ", c
write(c,"(a)") "23" !! line 8 in test.f90
print *, "c = ", c
for which gfortran gives
c = 1
At line 8 of file test.f90
Fortran runtime error: End of record
This means that while c is used as an internal file, this "file" does not have enough space to accommodate two characters (here "23"). For comparison, ifort14 gives
c = 1
forrtl: severe (66): output statement overflows record, unit -5, file Internal Formatted Write
while Oracle Fortran12 gives
c = 1
Error 1010: record too long
Location: the WRITE statement at line 8 of "test.f90"
(It is interesting that Oracle Fortran reports the record to be "too long", which may refer to the input string.)


How can I create a function in Fortran, that reads from file and works with it [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Passing character strings of different lengths to functions in Fortran
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a bunch of files, which contain numbers in rows. I need to write a function, that
reads from file for the first time to find amount of elements in file;
allocates an array and reads numbers from file into array;
returns an array
My function gets a string - name of the file - as an input.
So, the function that I wrote is:
function arrays_proc(name) result(arr)
character(len=128), intent(in) :: name
integer :: i, tmp, ios
character(len=30) :: line
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: arr
open(unit=09, file=name, status='old', iostat=ios)
if ( ios /= 0) stop "error opening file"
tmp = 0
read(09, '(A)', iostat=ios) line
if (ios /= 0) exit
tmp = tmp + 1
end do
do i=1, tmp
read(09, '(A)') arr(i)
end do
end function arrays_proc
Then, in the main program I write
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable :: points, potent
points = arrays_proc(trim('carbon_mesh.txt'))
potent = arrays_proc(trim('carbon_pot.txt'))
When I run my program, I get instant "error opening file".
I assume the problem is with names of files or how I put them in my function.
Anyway, I hope someone can help me
When compiling your code with a minimal program, GFortran prints the following warnings:
4 | points = arrays_proc(trim('carbon_mesh.txt'))
| 1
Warning: Character length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument ‘name’ (15/128) at (1)
5 | potent = arrays_proc(trim('carbon_pot.txt'))
| 1
Warning: Character length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument ‘name’ (14/128) at (1)
Trying to print the value of name inside arrays_proc shows that it is filled with garbage. So, guided by the warnings, you can try to change the length of the name parameter to *, which allows a string of any length to be used as input.
With that change, the function manages to open the files.
See also: Passing character strings of different lengths to functions in Fortran

Deallocate causes program to stop without error message

I'm learning Fortran with the book Fortran 90 for scientists and engineers by Brian Hahn. In chapter 9 about arrays, pages 131/132, he gives the following code as an example of dynamic arrays
Program Chap_9_Allocatable_Array
Implicit none
! Variables
Real, dimension(:), Allocatable :: X, OldX
Real A
Integer IO, N, i
! Body of Chap_9_Allocatable_Array
Allocate( X(0) ) !Size zero to sart with?
N = 0
Open(1, File = 'Data.txt')
Read(1, *, IOStat = IO) A
If (IO < 0) Exit
N = N + 1
Allocate( OldX( Size(X) ) )
OldX = X !Entire array can be assigned
Deallocate( X )
Allocate( X(N) )
X = OldX
X(N) = A
Deallocate( OldX )
End do
Print *, (X(i), i = 1, N)
End program Chap_9_Allocatable_Array
I have implemented this program in Visual Studio Community 2019 with the Intel Visual Fortran Compiler. The purpose of this program as he explains is
The following program extract shows how to use allocatable arrays, as these beasts are called, to read an unknown amount of data, which unfortunately must be supplied one item per line because of the way READ works.
I found an interesting error. The file data.txt consists of 100 random numbers, 1 per row. When I try to run it, it just seems to stall for a couple of seconds and then the console simply prints the
Press any key to continue.
prompt, without an error message. I have inserted some debug prints and determined that the program runs the do cycle between 3 to 8 times before stopping. I have not been able to determine the reason. If I then change the data.txt file to only be 3 numbers long, the program runs as intended. With the debug prints, I have pinned the error to being the
Deallocate( X )
line. If I debug the program in Visual Studio I just get the following message:
Chap_9_Allocatable_Array.exe has triggered a breakpoint.
There have been a few minor errors in the book. Just in this example, the author seems to have forgotten to declare i, which caused a compile error. However, as I'm only beggining to understand arrays, I don't know what else to try. Any ideas?

How can I count the number of columns in a file?

I am trying to code a program that allows me to count the number of columns in a file (in the example below datos.txt). However, gfortran tells me there is an error:
"Expected variable in read statement".
How can I solve this? In the example, I used 100 as the maximum number of columns possible. The real value is 5.
What I have tried is this:
program contarcolumnas
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
implicit integer*8 (i-n)
open (50, file="datos.txt")
dimension matrizfichero(1,100)
do i=1,1
if (iostat /= 0) then
end if
end do
end program contarcolumnas

Read signed exponential

I am having trouble reading exponential from a text file using Fortran.
The entry in the text file looks like the following
0.02547163e+06-0.04601176e+01 0.02500000e+02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3
And the code that I am using looks like the following
read(iunit,'(ES20.8,ES20.8,ES20.8,ES20.8,ES20.8,I2)') dummy1, dummy2, Thermo_DB_Coeffs_LowT(iS,1:3),temp
The error I am getting is
Fortran runtime error: Bad value during floating point read
How can I read these values?
Well here is what I usually do when it is too painful to hand edit the file...
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: Line
INTEGER :: Fin, Trailing_Int, I
Ingest_All_Rows: DO WHILE(.TRUE.)
READ(...) Line ! Into a character-string
<if we get to the end of the file, then 'EXIT Ingest_All_Rows'>
Start =1
Single_Row_Ingest: DO I = 1, 6
Fin = SCAN(Line,'eE')+3 !or maybe it is 4?
IF(I ==6) Fin = LEN_TRIM(Line)
READ(Line(Start:Fin),*) Element(I) !fron the string(len-string) to the double.
Line = Line((Fin+1):)
IF(I ==6) Trailing_Int = Element(6)
ENDDO Single_Row_Ingest
<Here we shove the row's 5 elements into some array, and the trailing int somewhere>
ENDDO Ingest_All_Rows
You will have to fill in the blanks, but I find that SCAN and LEN_TRIM can be useful in these cases

Reading formatted data - Fortran runtime error: Bad real number

I am trying to use the code below to read a formatted file and write it into another. However, on running it shows the following error
$ ./conv.sac.farm < i_conv.farm
# stn comp Delta Tr-time Start in record
At line 54 of file Main/conv.sac.farm.f (unit = 5, file = 'stdin')
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1 of list input
The source code is as follows
PARAMETER (nd0=100000,pi=3.1415926)
CHARACTER name*6,comp*6,fname*60,event*20
- ,cmp(0:3)*5,fname0*60,charac*15,scode*60
REAL*8 GFACT(500),PP0(500),depth0
integer hr0,mnu0,yr,month,day,hr,mnu
REAL x(nd0),y(nd0)
DIMENSION Z(nd0),zpole(50),zero(50)
data np,cmp/8,'disp.','vel. ','acc. ','orig.'/
common /tbl/ip(110,14),is(110,14),secp(110,14),secs(110,14)
read(5,'(a)') event
read(5,*) alats,alons,depth,hr0,mnu0,sec0,id,delmin,delmax
# event,cmp(id),alats,alons,depth,hr0,mnu0,sec0
* << J-B travel time table >>
1000 read(11,*,end=1001) n,(ip(n,i),secp(n,i),i=1,14)
goto 1000
1001 read(12,*,end=1002) n,(is(n,i),secs(n,i),i=1,14)
goto 1001
1002 continue
* << Geometrical factor >>
print *,' # stn comp Delta Tr-time Start in record'
5 read(5,'(a)') fname
read(5,'(a)') scode
* ta=advance of start-time relative the standard P/S arrival
* du=duration
if(fname.eq.'dummy') goto 90
read(5,*) ta,du,dt,f1,f2,iph,nr,iuni
READ(1,'(g15.7)') dt0
read(1,'(/////5g15.7)') dum, alat, alon, elev
read(1,'(///////5i10)') yr, nday, hr,mnu, nsec
read(1,'(5i10)') nmsec,ndum,ndum,ndum,nd
read(1,'(a6,2x,a13)') name,charac
And so on..
Line 54 is
read(5,*) ta,du,dt,f1,f2,iph,nr,iuni
I found a similar question following this link
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number
However, if I understand correctly, the corrections mentioned were pertaining to reading unformatted data. Despite this, I tried and failed as expected, given that the file I am trying to read is formatted.
here is a little trick if you can't readily find the offending line in the data file:
replace your read that throws the error with this:
read(line,*,iostat=ios) ta,du,dt,f1,f2,iph,nr,iuni
write(*,*)'error reading line:',line
with the declarations
integer ios
character*(200) line
Probably just do that for debugging then revert to the original once you fix the problem.