Regex Pattern to Match Certain Rules - regex

UPDATE: Turns out I am an idiot and misread the original problem. The original problems specifies that there must be AT MOST 3 of the 4 letters used, not AT LEAST. This completely changes the question and eliminates my doubts when creating the NFA and DFA. Sorry everyone and thanks for the help!
For a homework problem, I have to create a regex pattern that will match these specifications...
Must be composed of only letters a, b, c, and d
Must be in reverse alphabetical order
Must use at least 3 of the 4 given letters (a,b,c,d that is, can have as many total letters as possible)
My answer that I am fairly confident about is (d+c+b+a*)|(d+b+a+)|(d+c+a+)|(c+b+a+). My first question is if this is correct. My second is if this expression can be simplified or altered at all.
The next step is to draw a graph for a non-deterministic finite automaton for the regex and I am having difficulty completing that step.
As requested, here is my attempt at an NFA (rough sketch)

Your answer was fine to me.
There are 5 kinds of patterns to match:
(d+c+b+a+)|(c+b+a+)|(d+b+a+)|(d+c+a+)|(d+c+b+),which could be in the following forms by merging the first pattern to the sub-fours:
(d+c+b+a*)|(d+b+a+)|(d+c+a+)|(c+b+a+) OR
(d*c+b+a+)|(d+b+a+)|(d+c+a+)|(d+c+b+) ...
A quite straight forward way to me:

You can simplify (a little) by noting that only input starting with d+c+ have flexibility of 3 or 4 letters:
See live demo.


Does order not matter in regular expressions?

I was looking at the question posed in this stackoverflow link (Regular expression for odd number of a's) for which it is asked to find the regular expression for strings that have odd number of a over Σ = {a,b}.
The answer given by the top comment which works is b*(ab*ab*)*ab*.
I am quite confused - a was placed just before the last b*, does this ordering actually matter? Why can't it be b*a(ab*ab*)*b* instead (where a is placed after the first b*), or any other permutation of it?
Another thing I am confused about is why it is (ab*ab*)* and not (b*ab*ab*)*. Isn't b*ab*ab* the more accurate definition of 'having exactly 2 a'?
Why can't it be b*a(ab*ab*)*b* instead?
b*a(ab*ab*)*b* does not work because it would require the string to have two consecutive as before the first non-leading b, wouldn't it? For example, abaa would not be matched by your proposed regex when it should. Use the regex debugger on a site like Regex101 to see this for yourself.
On the other hand, moving the whole ab* part to the start (b*ab*(ab*ab*)*) works as well.
why it is (ab*ab*)* and not (b*ab*ab*)*?
(b*ab*ab*)* does work, but the first b* is quite redundant because whatever b there is left, will be matched by the last b* in the group. There is also a b* before the group, which causes the b* to not be able to match anything, hence it is redundant.
There are infinitely many equivalent regular expressions which generate a given (infinite) regular language. A particular expression might be preferable in some cases and by certain authors: one might prefer a minimal expression, or one which shows structure or symmetry, or even one that simplifies the reasoning in a proof by induction.
Your particular suggestion to move the a is insufficient since, as noted above, that ensures the substring aa will appear in any string with more than one a. However, abab could be changed to baba to make that placement work. Choosing babab* would work with either placement. You could even go for an expression like bab + bababab + (babab*)a(babab*) which might be nice to work with depending on your application. Something like b*(abab)ab* has the advantage of being minimal (if it's not strictly minimal, it must be pretty close).

Pattern matching language knowledge, pattern matching approach

I am trying to implement a pattern matching "syntax" and language.
I know of regular expressions but these aren't enough for my scopes.
I have individuated some "mathematical" operators.
In the examples that follow I will suppose that the subject of pattern mathing are character strings but it isn't necessary.
Having read the description bellow: The question is, does any body knows of a mathematical theory explicitating that or any language that takes the same approach implementing it ? I would like to look at it in order to have ideas !
Descprition of approach:
At first we have characters. Characters may be aggregated to form strings.
A pattern is:
a) a single character
b) an ordered group of patterns with the operator matchAny
c) an ordered group of patterns with the operator matchAll
d) other various operators to see later on.
We have a subject character string and a starting position.
If we check for a match of a single character, then if it matches it moves the current position forward by one position.
If we check for a match of an ordered group of patterns with the operator matchAny then it will check each element of the group in sequence and we will have a proliferation of starting positions that will get multiplied by the number of possible matches being advanced by the length of the match.
E.G suppose the group of patterns is { "a" "aba" "ab" "x" "dd" } and the string under examination is:
"Dabaxddc" with current position 2 ( counting from 1 ).
Then applying matchAny with the previous group we have that "a" mathces "aba" matches and "ab" matches while "x" and "dd" do not match.
After having those matches there are 3 starting positions 3 4 5 ( corresponding to "a" "ab" "aba" ).
We may continue our pattern matching by accepting to have more then one starting positions. So now we may continue to the next case under examination and check for a matchAll.
matchAll means that all patterns must match sequentially and are applied sequentially.
subcases of matchAll are match0+ match1+ etc.
I have to add that the same fact to try to ask the question has already helped me and cleared me out some things.
But I would like to know of similar approaches in order to study them.
Please only languages used by you and not bibliography !!!
I suggest you have a look at the paper "Parsing Permutation Phrases". It deals with recognizing a set of things in any order where the "things" can be recognizers themselves. The presentation in the paper might be a little different than what you expect; they don't compile to finite automaton. However, they do give an implementation in a functional language and that should be helpful to you.
Your description of matching strings against patterns is exactly what a compiler does. In particular, your description of multiple potential matches is highly reminiscent of the way an LR parser works.
If the patterns are static and can be described by an EBNF, then you could use an LR parser generator (such as YACC) to generate a recogniser.
If the patterns are dynamic but can still be formulated as EBNF there are other tools that can be applied. It just gets a bit more complicated.
[In Australia at least, Computer Science was a University course in 1975, when I did mine. YACC dates from around 1970 in its original form. EBNF is even older.]

Regular expression with a given length with an exact number of a character

I'm looking for a regular expression for the language with the exact number of k a's in it.
I'm pretty much stuck at this. For a various length the solution would be easy with .
Does anybody have any advice on how I can achieve such an regex?
I'd use this one :
It just makes k blocks containing exactly one a. Therefore words have k a.
One of the b* can be factored out on the left or on the right.
There is no simple solution to this.
While that language is regular, it's ugly to describe. You can get it by intersecting the (trivial) DFAs for both languages ((a|b)^n and b*(ab*)^k) with each other, but you'll get a DFA with (n-k)*k states back. And transforming that it into a regular expression won't make it better.
However, if you're looking for an actual implementation it gets much easier. You can simply test the input against both regexes, or you can use lookahead to compose them into one regex:
You can use a look ahead to enforce the overall length:
See this demonstrated on rubular

find Reg. Expr. over {0,1,2} so last symbol of string is the sum of the symbols so far on the string mod 3.

I'm learning by myself formal languages (Aho's,Hopcroft) but I'm having a hard time with regular expressions.
I've been able to tackle simple tasks but this one has posed a challenge, at least for me. How to solve this if you can't count so far, I'm not used to this type of computation.
There must be some property or something that let me generalize the answer that much that i can put it as a regular expresion.
So far I've devised that is possible that there may be at least 2 o 3 cases:
sums mod3=0 if sum=3k
sums mod3=1 if sum=3k+1
sums mod3=2 if sum=3k+2.
But I've come to realize that there may be many combinations for a sum to happen so can't find the pattern the regular expression must follow.
The string for ex. {122211}0 (braces are for easy read sake) has the zero at the end as it holds that {sum=3k}0, if the sum is "10" from a string for ex. {1222111}1 the case may be {sum=3k+1} so the one has to be at the end, and so on.
This may or not be the right track to tackle the problem but I'm open to any suggestions please, any help is very appreciated.
Here's a hint: think of what distinct final states you can possibly be in. You certainly have at least 3 states, since the number of values can be three different things mod three. Also, you need to have a distinct start state, since the empty string cannot be accepted. Do you need more states?
Hint2: I think you can easily do this with a DFA using a start state and nine other states, of which exactly three will be accepting.
EDIT: Once you have a DFA, you can use Kleene's Theorem to construct an equivalent regular expression. If you'd rather go straight for a regular expression, here's another hint: if you're looking at any string of length 3k, you can append: 0; any string of length 1, followed by 1; any string of length 2, followed by 2. So if you can write regular expressions for strings of lengths 3k, 1, and 2, you're practically done.

Regex for password requirements

I want to require the following:
Is greater than seven characters.
Contains at least two digits.
Contains at least two special (non-alphanumeric) characters.
...and I came up with this to do it:
Now, I'd also like to make sure that no two sequential characters are the same. I'm having a heck of a time getting that to work though. Here's what I got that works by itself:
...but if I try to combine the two together, it fails.
I'm operating within the constraints of the application. It's default requirement is 1 character length, no regex, and no nonstandard characters.
Using this test harness, I would expect y90e5$ to match but y90e5$$ to not.
What an i missing?
This is a bad place for a regex. You're better off using simple validation.
Sometimes we cannot influence specifications and have to write the implementation regardless, i.e., when some ancient backoffice system has to be interfaced through the web but has certain restrictions on input, or just because your boss is asking you to.
EDIT: removed the regex that was based on the original regex of the asker.
altered original code to fit your description, as it didn't seem to really work:
EDIT: the q. was then updated to reflect another version. There are differences which I explain below:
My version: the two or more \W and \d can be repeated by each other, but cannot appear next to each other (this was my incorrect assumption), i fixed it for length>7 which is slightly more efficient to place as a typical "grab all" expression.
New version in original question: the two or more \W and the \d are allowed to appear next to each other. This version currently support length>=6, not length>7 as is explained in the text.
The current answer, corrected, should be something like this, which takes the updated q., my comments on length>7 and optimizations, then it looks like: ^(?!.*((\S)\1|\s))(?=(.*\d){2,})(?=(.*\W){2,}).{8,}.
Update: your original code doesn't seem to work, so I changed it a bit
Update: updated answer to reflect changes in question, spaces not allowed anymore
This may not be the most efficient but appears to work.
Test strings:
ad2f#we1$ //match valid.
adfwwe12#$ //No Match repeated ww.
y90e5$$ //No Match repeated $$.
y90e5$ //No Match too Short and only 1 \W class value.
One of the comments pointed out that the above regex allows spaces which are typically not used for password fields. While this doesn't appear to be a requirement of the original post, as pointed out a simple change will disallow spaces as well.
Your regex engine may parse (?!.*(\S)\1|.*\s) differently. Just be aware and adjust accordingly.
All previous test results the same.
Test string with whitespace:
ad2f #we1$ //No match space in string.
If the rule was that passwords had to be two digits followed by three letters or some such, or course a regular expression would work very nicely. But I don't think regexes are really designed for the sort of rule you actually have. Even if you get it to work, it would be pretty cryptic to the poor sucker who has to maintain it later -- possibly you. I think it would be a lot simpler to just write a quick function that loops through the characters and counts how many total and how many of each type. Then at the end check the counts.
Just because you know how to use regexes doesn't mean you have to use them for everything. I have a cool cordless drill but I don't use it to put in nails.