Reading writing fortran direct access unformatted files with different compilers - fortran

I have a section in a program that writes a direct-access binary file as follows:
open (53, file=filename, form='unformatted', status='unknown',
& access='direct',action='write',recl=320*385*8)
write (53,rec=1) ulat
write (53,rec=2) ulng
This program is compiled with ifort. However, I cannot reconstruct the data correctly if I read the data file from a different program compiled with gfortran. If the program reading the data is also compiled in ifort, then I can correctly reconstruct the data. Here's the code reading the data file:
OPEN(53, FILE=fname, form="unformatted", status="unknown", access="direct", action="read", recl=320*385*8)
I do not understand why this is happening? I can read the first record correctly with both compilers, it's the second record that I cannot reconstruct properly if I mix the compilers.

Ifort and gfortran do not use the same block size for record length by default. In ifort, the value of recl in your open statement is in 4-byte blocks, so your record length isn't 985,600 bytes, it is 3,942,400 bytes long. That means the records are written at intervals of 3.9 million bytes.
gfortran uses a recl block size of 1 byte and your record length is 985,600 byes. When you read the first record, everything works, but when you read the second record you look at 985,600 bytes into the file but the data is at 3,942,400 bytes into the file. This also means you are wasting a ton of data in the file, as you are using only 1/4 of its size.
There are a couple ways to fix this:
In ifort specify recl in 4-byte blocks, e.g. 320*385*2 instead of *8
In ifort, use the compile flag -assume byterecl to have recl values interpreted as bytes.
In gfortran compensate for the size and use recl=320*385*32 so that your reads are correctly positioned.
A better way, however, is to engineer agnosticism in the recl unit size. You can use inquire to figure out the recl of an array. For example:
real(kind=wp), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: recltest
integer :: reclen
inquire(iolength=reclen) recltest
open (53, file=filename, form='unformatted', status='unknown',
& access='direct',action='write',recl=reclen)
OPEN(53, FILE=fname, form="unformatted", status="unknown", &
access="direct", action="read", recl=reclen)
This will set reclen to the value needed to store a 320x385 array based on the that compilers base unit for record length. If you use this when both writing and reading your code will work with both compilers without having to use compile-time flags in ifort or compensate with hardcoded recl differences between compilers.
An illustrative example
Testcase 1
program test
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(kind=int64), dimension(5) :: array
integer :: io_output, reclen, i
reclen = 5*8 ! 5 elements of 8 byte integers.
open(newunit=io_output, file='output', form='unformatted', status='new', &
access='direct', action='write', recl=reclen)
array = [(i,i=1,5)]
write (io_output, rec=1) array
array = [(i,i=101,105)]
write (io_output, rec=2) array
array = [(i,i=1001,1005)]
write (io_output, rec=3) array
end program test
This program writes an array of 5 8-byte integers 3 times to the file in records 1,2 and 3. The array is 5*8 bytes and I have hardcoded that number as the recl value.
Testcase 1 with gfortran 5.2
I compiled this testcase with the command line:
gfortran -o write-gfortran write.f90
This produces the output file (interpreted with od -A d -t d8):
0000000 1 2
0000016 3 4
0000032 5 101
0000048 102 103
0000064 104 105
0000080 1001 1002
0000096 1003 1004
0000112 1005
The arrays of 5 8-bye elements are packed contiguously into the file and record number 2 (101 ... 105) starts where we would expect it to at offset 40, which is the recl value in the file 5*8.
Testcase 1 with ifort 16
This is compiled similarly:
ifort -o write-ifort write.f90
And this, for the exact same code, produces the output file (interpreted with od -A d -t d8):
0000000 1 2
0000016 3 4
0000032 5 0
0000048 0 0
0000160 101 102
0000176 103 104
0000192 105 0
0000208 0 0
0000320 1001 1002
0000336 1003 1004
0000352 1005 0
0000368 0 0
The data is all there but the file is full of 0 valued elements. The lines starting with * indicate every line between the offsets is 0. Record number 2 starts at offset 160 instead of 40. Notice that 160 is 40*4, where 40 is our specified recl of 5*8. By default ifort uses 4-byte blocks, so a recl of 40 means a physical record size of 160 bytes.
If code compiled with gfortran were to read this, records 2,3 and 4 would contain all 0 elements and a read of record 5 would correctly read the array written as record 2 by ifort. An alternative to have gfortran read record 2 where it lies in the file would be to use recl=160 (4*5*4) so that the physical record size matches what was written by ifort.
Another consequence of this is wasted space. Over-specifying the recl means you are using 4 times the necessary disk space to store your records.
Testcase 1 with ifort 16 and -assume byterecl
This was compiled as:
ifort -assume byterecl -o write-ifort write.f90
And produces the output file:
0000000 1 2
0000016 3 4
0000032 5 101
0000048 102 103
0000064 104 105
0000080 1001 1002
0000096 1003 1004
0000112 1005
This produces the file as expected. The command line argument -assume byterecl tells ifort to interpret any recl values as bytes rather than double words (4-byte blocks). This will produce writes and reads that match code compiled with gfortran.
Testcase 2
program test
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(kind=int64), dimension(5) :: array
integer :: io_output, reclen, i
inquire(iolength=reclen) array
print *,'Using recl=',reclen
open(newunit=io_output, file='output', form='unformatted', status='new', &
access='direct', action='write', recl=reclen)
array = [(i,i=1,5)]
write (io_output, rec=1) array
array = [(i,i=101,105)]
write (io_output, rec=2) array
array = [(i,i=1001,1005)]
write (io_output, rec=3) array
end program test
The only difference in this testcase is that I am inquiring the proper recl to represent my 40-byte array (5 8-byte integers).
The output
gfortran 5.2:
Using recl= 40
ifort 16, no options:
Using recl= 10
ifort 16, -assume byterecl:
Using recl= 40
We see that for the 1-byte blocks used by gfortran and ifort with the byterecl assumption that recl is 40, which equals our 40 byte array. We also see that by default, ifort uses a recl of 10, which means 10 4-byte blocks or 10 double words, both of which mean 40 bytes. All three of these testcases produce identical file output and read/writes from either compiler will function properly.
To have record-based, unformatted, direct data be portable between ifort and gfortran the easiest option is to just add -assume byterecl to the flags used by ifort. You really should have been doing this already since you are specifying record lengths in bytes, so this would be a straightforward change that probably has no consequences for you.
The other alternative is to not worry about the option and use the inquire intrinsic to query the iolength for your array.


Removing null bytes from a file results in larger output after XZ compression

I am developing a custom file format consisting of a large number of integers. I'm using XZ to compress the data as it has the best compression ratio of all compression algorithms I've tested.
All integers are stored as u32s in RAM, but they are all a maximum of 24 bits large, so I updated the serializer to skip the high byte (as it will always be 0 anyways), to try to compress the data further. However, this had the opposite effect: the compressed file is now larger than the original.
$ xzcat 24bit.xz | hexdump -e '3/1 "%02x" " "'
020000 030000 552d07 79910c [...] b92c23 c82c23
$ xzcat 32bit.xz | hexdump -e '4/1 "%02x" " "'
02000000 03000000 552d0700 79910c00 [...] b92c2300 c82c2300
$ xz -l 24bit.xz 32bit.xz
Strms Blocks Compressed Uncompressed Ratio Check Filename
1 1 82.4 MiB 174.7 MiB 0.472 CRC64 24bit.xz
1 1 77.2 MiB 233.0 MiB 0.331 CRC64 32bit.xz
2 2 159.5 MiB 407.7 MiB 0.391 CRC64 2 files
Now, I wouldn't have an issue if the size of the file had remained the same, as a perfect compressor would detect that all of those bytes are redundant anyways, and compress them all down to practically nothing. However, I do not understand how removing data from the source file can possibly result in a larger file after compression?
I've tried changing the LZMA compressor settings, and xz --lzma2=preset=9e,lc=4,pb=0 yielded a slightly smaller file at 82.2M, but this is still significantly larger than the original file.
For reference, both files can be downloaded from and
The order of the integers is somewhat important, so naively sorting the entire file won't work. The file is made up of different chunks, and the numbers making up each chunk are currently sorted for slightly better compression; however, the order does not matter, just the order of the chunks themselves.
Chunk 1: 000002 000003 072d55 0c9179 148884 1e414b
Chunk 2: 00489f 0050c5 0080a6 0082f0 0086f6 0086f7 01be81 03bdb1 03be85 03bf4e 04dfe6 04dfea 0583b1 061125 062006 067499 07d7e6 08074d 0858b8 09d35d 09de04 0cfd78 0d06be 0d3869 0d5534 0ec366 0f529c 0f6d0d 0fecce 107a7e 107ab3 13bc0b 13e160 15a4f9 15ab39 1771e3 17fe9c 18137d 197a30 1a087a 1a2007 1ab3b9 1b7d3c 1ba52c 1bc031 1bcb6b 1de7d2 1f0866 1f17b6 1f300e 1f39e1 1ff426 206c51 20abbe 20cbbc 211a58 211a59 215f73 224ea8 227e3f 227eab 22f3b7 231aef 004b15 004c86 0484e7 06216e 08074d 0858b8 0962ed 0eb020 0ec366 1a62c2 1fefae 224ea8 0a2701 1e414b
Chunk 3: 000006 003b17 004b15 004b38 [...]

length of .dat file is shorter than expected [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to flush stdout in Fortran 90?
(1 answer)
Closed 10 months ago.
When I write the following .dat file, the file is only 6397 lines long even though the nested do loops correctly iterate 6400 times. Also, when I output the data NX(BR,BC) to Terminal, everything is fine. Only the .dat file is missing a few lines. Any idea what the issue might be?
Note NX is defined as REAL(8),DIMENSION(0:2000,0:2000) :: NX
Here's the rest of the relevant part of the code:
I = 0 ! for debugging
DO BC = 0,39
DO BR = 0,159
! do some calculations here to calculate NX(BR,BC)
! for debugging
I = I + 1
WRITE(*,*) I ! outputs 6400
I tested your code with my raspberry pi 4 (GNU Fortran (GCC) 11.2.0) and got exactly 6400 lines of zeros.
Maybe the write buffer is not flushed correctly. Have you tried closing and re-opening the file: How to carriage return and flush in Fortran?

What shall be used in recl when opening a file in unformatted direct access? [duplicate]

I have a section in a program that writes a direct-access binary file as follows:
open (53, file=filename, form='unformatted', status='unknown',
& access='direct',action='write',recl=320*385*8)
write (53,rec=1) ulat
write (53,rec=2) ulng
This program is compiled with ifort. However, I cannot reconstruct the data correctly if I read the data file from a different program compiled with gfortran. If the program reading the data is also compiled in ifort, then I can correctly reconstruct the data. Here's the code reading the data file:
OPEN(53, FILE=fname, form="unformatted", status="unknown", access="direct", action="read", recl=320*385*8)
I do not understand why this is happening? I can read the first record correctly with both compilers, it's the second record that I cannot reconstruct properly if I mix the compilers.
Ifort and gfortran do not use the same block size for record length by default. In ifort, the value of recl in your open statement is in 4-byte blocks, so your record length isn't 985,600 bytes, it is 3,942,400 bytes long. That means the records are written at intervals of 3.9 million bytes.
gfortran uses a recl block size of 1 byte and your record length is 985,600 byes. When you read the first record, everything works, but when you read the second record you look at 985,600 bytes into the file but the data is at 3,942,400 bytes into the file. This also means you are wasting a ton of data in the file, as you are using only 1/4 of its size.
There are a couple ways to fix this:
In ifort specify recl in 4-byte blocks, e.g. 320*385*2 instead of *8
In ifort, use the compile flag -assume byterecl to have recl values interpreted as bytes.
In gfortran compensate for the size and use recl=320*385*32 so that your reads are correctly positioned.
A better way, however, is to engineer agnosticism in the recl unit size. You can use inquire to figure out the recl of an array. For example:
real(kind=wp), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: recltest
integer :: reclen
inquire(iolength=reclen) recltest
open (53, file=filename, form='unformatted', status='unknown',
& access='direct',action='write',recl=reclen)
OPEN(53, FILE=fname, form="unformatted", status="unknown", &
access="direct", action="read", recl=reclen)
This will set reclen to the value needed to store a 320x385 array based on the that compilers base unit for record length. If you use this when both writing and reading your code will work with both compilers without having to use compile-time flags in ifort or compensate with hardcoded recl differences between compilers.
An illustrative example
Testcase 1
program test
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(kind=int64), dimension(5) :: array
integer :: io_output, reclen, i
reclen = 5*8 ! 5 elements of 8 byte integers.
open(newunit=io_output, file='output', form='unformatted', status='new', &
access='direct', action='write', recl=reclen)
array = [(i,i=1,5)]
write (io_output, rec=1) array
array = [(i,i=101,105)]
write (io_output, rec=2) array
array = [(i,i=1001,1005)]
write (io_output, rec=3) array
end program test
This program writes an array of 5 8-byte integers 3 times to the file in records 1,2 and 3. The array is 5*8 bytes and I have hardcoded that number as the recl value.
Testcase 1 with gfortran 5.2
I compiled this testcase with the command line:
gfortran -o write-gfortran write.f90
This produces the output file (interpreted with od -A d -t d8):
0000000 1 2
0000016 3 4
0000032 5 101
0000048 102 103
0000064 104 105
0000080 1001 1002
0000096 1003 1004
0000112 1005
The arrays of 5 8-bye elements are packed contiguously into the file and record number 2 (101 ... 105) starts where we would expect it to at offset 40, which is the recl value in the file 5*8.
Testcase 1 with ifort 16
This is compiled similarly:
ifort -o write-ifort write.f90
And this, for the exact same code, produces the output file (interpreted with od -A d -t d8):
0000000 1 2
0000016 3 4
0000032 5 0
0000048 0 0
0000160 101 102
0000176 103 104
0000192 105 0
0000208 0 0
0000320 1001 1002
0000336 1003 1004
0000352 1005 0
0000368 0 0
The data is all there but the file is full of 0 valued elements. The lines starting with * indicate every line between the offsets is 0. Record number 2 starts at offset 160 instead of 40. Notice that 160 is 40*4, where 40 is our specified recl of 5*8. By default ifort uses 4-byte blocks, so a recl of 40 means a physical record size of 160 bytes.
If code compiled with gfortran were to read this, records 2,3 and 4 would contain all 0 elements and a read of record 5 would correctly read the array written as record 2 by ifort. An alternative to have gfortran read record 2 where it lies in the file would be to use recl=160 (4*5*4) so that the physical record size matches what was written by ifort.
Another consequence of this is wasted space. Over-specifying the recl means you are using 4 times the necessary disk space to store your records.
Testcase 1 with ifort 16 and -assume byterecl
This was compiled as:
ifort -assume byterecl -o write-ifort write.f90
And produces the output file:
0000000 1 2
0000016 3 4
0000032 5 101
0000048 102 103
0000064 104 105
0000080 1001 1002
0000096 1003 1004
0000112 1005
This produces the file as expected. The command line argument -assume byterecl tells ifort to interpret any recl values as bytes rather than double words (4-byte blocks). This will produce writes and reads that match code compiled with gfortran.
Testcase 2
program test
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(kind=int64), dimension(5) :: array
integer :: io_output, reclen, i
inquire(iolength=reclen) array
print *,'Using recl=',reclen
open(newunit=io_output, file='output', form='unformatted', status='new', &
access='direct', action='write', recl=reclen)
array = [(i,i=1,5)]
write (io_output, rec=1) array
array = [(i,i=101,105)]
write (io_output, rec=2) array
array = [(i,i=1001,1005)]
write (io_output, rec=3) array
end program test
The only difference in this testcase is that I am inquiring the proper recl to represent my 40-byte array (5 8-byte integers).
The output
gfortran 5.2:
Using recl= 40
ifort 16, no options:
Using recl= 10
ifort 16, -assume byterecl:
Using recl= 40
We see that for the 1-byte blocks used by gfortran and ifort with the byterecl assumption that recl is 40, which equals our 40 byte array. We also see that by default, ifort uses a recl of 10, which means 10 4-byte blocks or 10 double words, both of which mean 40 bytes. All three of these testcases produce identical file output and read/writes from either compiler will function properly.
To have record-based, unformatted, direct data be portable between ifort and gfortran the easiest option is to just add -assume byterecl to the flags used by ifort. You really should have been doing this already since you are specifying record lengths in bytes, so this would be a straightforward change that probably has no consequences for you.
The other alternative is to not worry about the option and use the inquire intrinsic to query the iolength for your array.

Why can't my program print my statements?

There is 3 columns in the file i'm reading and I want to average each column and take the std. The code compiles now, but nothing is being printed.
Here is my code:
program cardata
implicit none
real, dimension(291) :: x
double precision date, odometer, fuel
real :: std=0
real :: xbar=0
open(unit=10, file="car.dat", FOrm="FORMATTED", STATUS="OLD", ACTION="READ")
read(10,*) N
do I=1,N
read(10,*) x(I)
xbar= xbar +x(I)
xbar = xbar/N
DO I =1,N
std =std +((x(I) -xbar))**2
std = SQRT((std / (N - 1)))
print*, 'std deviation:',std
end program cardata
I am fairly new to this, any input will be greatly appreciated.
Example of car.dat:
date odometer fuel
19930114 298 22.4
19930118 566 18.1
19930118 800 18.9
19930121 960 15.8
19930125 1247 19.8
19930128 1521 17.1
19930128 1817 19.8
19930202 2079 18.0
19930202 2342 10.0
19930209 2511 16.4
19930212 2780 16.7
19930214 3024 19.0
19930215 3320 17.7
19930302 3560 16.4
19930312 3853 18.8
19930313 4105 18.5
From the car.dat that you gave in the comments, it's surprising that the program doesn't show anything. When I run it, it shows a very clear runtime error:
$ gfortran -o cardata cardata.f90
$ ./cardata
At line 12 of file cardata.f90 (unit = 10, file = 'car.dat')
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input
You seem to be copying code from another example without really understanding what it does. The code, as you wrote it, expects the file car.dat to be in a certain format: First an integer, which corresponds to the number of items in the file, then a single real per line. So something like this:
But with your example, the first line contains text (that is, the description of the different columns), and when it tries to parse that into an integer (N) it must fail.
I will not give you the complete example, as I have the nagging suspicion that this is some sort of homework from which you are supposed to learn something. But here are a few hints:
You can easily read several values per line:
read(10, *) date(I), odometer(I), fuel(I)
I'm assuming here that, different to your program, date, odometer, and fuel are arrays. date and odometer can be integer, but fuel must be real (or double precision, but that's not necessary for these values).
You need to jump over the first line before you can start. You can just read the line into a dummy character(len=64) variable. (I picked len=64, but you can pick any other length that you feel confident with, but it should be long enough to actually contain the whole line.)
The trickiest bit is how to get your N as it is not given at the beginning of the file. What you can do is this:
N = 0
readloop : do
read(10, fmt=*, iostat=ios) date(N+1), odometer(N+1), fuel(N+1)
if (ios /= 0) exit readloop
N = N + 1
end do readloop
Of course you need to declare INTEGER :: ios at the beginning of your program. This will try to read the values into the next position on the arrays, and if it fails (usually because it has reached the end of the file) it will just end.
Note that this again expects date, odometer, and fuel to be arrays, and moreover, to be arrays large enough to contain all values. If you can't guarantee that, I recommend reading up on allocatable arrays and how to dynamically increase their size.

c/c++: How can I know the size of used flash memory?

I recently faced flash overflow problem. After doing some optimization in code, I saved some flash memory and executed software successfully. I want to how much flash memory is saved through my changes. Please let me know how can I check for used flash / available flash memory. Also I want to how much flash is utilized by particular function/file.
Below mentioned are some info about my developing environment.
- Avr microcontroller with 64 k ram and 512 K flash.
- Using freeRtos.
- Using GNU C++ compiler.
- Using AVRATJTAGEICE for programming and Debugging.
Please let me know the solution.
GCC's size program is what you're looking for.
size can be passed the full compiled .elf file. It will, by default, output something like this:
$ size linked-file.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
11228 112 1488 12828 321c linked-file.elf
This is saying:
There are 11228 bytes in the .text "section" of this file. This is generally for functions.
There are 112 bytes of initialized data: global variables in the program with initial values.
There are 1488 bytes of uninitialized data: global variables without initial values.
dec is simply the sum of the previous 3 values: 11228 + 112 + 1488 = 12828.
hex is simply the hexadecimal representation of the dec value: 0x321c == 12828.
For embedded systems, generally dec needs to be smaller than the flash size of your target device (or the available space on the device).
It is generally sufficient to simply watch the dec or text outputs of GCC's size command to monitor the size of your compiled code over time. A large jump in size often indicates a poorly implemented new feature or constexpr that are not getting compiled away. (Don't forget function-sections and data-sections).
Note: For AVR's, you'll want to use avr-size for checking the linked size of AVR .elf files. avr-size takes an extra argument of the target chip and will automatically calculate the percentage of used flash for your chosen chip.
GCC's size also works directly on intermediate object files.
This is particularly useful if you want to check the compiled size of functions.
You should see something like this excerpt:
$ size -A main.cpp.o
main.cpp.o :
section size addr
.group 8 0
.group 8 0
.text 0 0
.data 0 0
.bss 0 0
.text._Z8sendByteh 8 0
.text._ZN3XMC5IOpin7setModeENS0_4ModeE 64 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac6OptionIN5Clock4TimeEEmmEi 76 0
.text.Default_Handler 24 0
.text.HardFault_Handler 16 0
.text.SVC_Handler 16 0
.text.PendSV_Handler 16 0
.text.SysTick_Handler 28 0
.text._Z5errorPKc 8 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac5Motor2goEi 368 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac5Motor3getEv 12 0
.rodata.cst1 1 0
.text.startup.main 632 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac7Program3runEv 380 0
.text._ZN7NamSpac8Position4tickEv 24 0
.text.startup._GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN7NamSpac7displayE 292 0
.init_array 4 0
.bss._ZN5Debug9formatterE 4 0
.rodata._ZL10dispDigits 8 0
.bss.position 4 0
.bss.motorState 4 0
.bss.count 4 0
.rodata._ZL9diameters 20 0
.bss._ZN7NamSpac8diameterE 16 0
.bss._ZN5Debug3pinE 12 0
.bss._ZN7NamSpac7displayE 24 0
.rodata.str1.4 153 0
.rodata._ZL12dispSegments 32 0
.bss._ZL16diametersDisplay 10 0
.bss.loadAggregate 4 0
.bss.startCount 4 0
.bss._ZL15runtimesDisplay 10 0
.bss._ZN7NamSpac7runtimeE 16 0
.bss.startTime 4 0
.rodata._ZL8runtimes 20 0
.comment 111 0
.ARM.attributes 49 0
Total 2494
Please let me know the solution.
Sorry, there's no the solution! You've gotta getting through what's linked to your final ELF, and decide if it was linked by intend, or unwanted default.
Please let me know how can I check for used flash / available flash memory.
That primarily depends on your actual target hardware platform, so you have to manage to get your .text section fitting in there.
Also I want to how much flash is utilized by particular function/file.
The nm tool of the GCC binutils provides detailed information about any (global) symbol found in an ELF file and the space it occupies in it's associated section. You'll just need to grep the results for particular functions/classes/namespaces (best demangled!) to accumulate section type and symbol filtered outputs for analysis.
That's the approach, I've been using for a little tool called nmalyzr. Sorry to say, as it stands on the GIT repo, its not really working as intended (I've got working versions, that aren't pushed back).
In general, it's a good strategy to chase for code that has #include <iostream> statements (no matter if std::cout or alike are used or not, static instances are provided!), or unwanted newlib/libstdc++ bindings as for e.g. default exception handling.
Use size command from binutils on the generated elf file. As you seem to use an AVR chip, use avr-size.
To get the size of functions, use nm command from binutils (avr-nm on AVR chips).