Cannot access memory at address while adding breakpoints and running the program - c++

I am trying to set the breakpoints as below in gdb.c file.
b *0x400ee8
b *0x400efd
When I run the program, I get this error in the log file.
(WorkersMap * const) 0xc350
/home/zack/workspace_ok_zack/FaultAnalysis/BCT_DATA/check/conf/files/scripts/originalSoftware.gdb.config.txt:1929: Error in sourced command file:
Cannot access memory at address 0xc350
[Inferior 11406 exited]
How do I debug this?

You could be simply trying to dereference an uninitialized pointer.
One reason could be that you're trying to inspect a coredump on a 32-bit machine while it was running on a 64-bit, then it can't be mapped as expected.


gdb print file name line number when program is running

I need to debug a flow using gdb - I do not know the call stack hence cannot set break points and going thru first entry points will be really very tedious in project code that runs thru thousands of line.
In same regards is there a way that when I start the program execution via gdb we enable some commands (after some initial breakpoint) - hence when the program starts processing further on it print file name line number without user interaction - something like code flow itself?
Well I want to list lines of code when executing via GDB - like we do
when breakpoint is set and we run 'step'.
You can run step in infinite loop like this:
(gdb) start
Temporary breakpoint 2, main () at ttt123.cpp:23
23 vector<A> v1;
(gdb) while 1

How can I use a variable name instead of addresses when debugging valgrind runs with gdb?

Let's say I'm debugging with valgrind and gdb by doing:
$ valgrind --vgdb-error=0 ./magic
...and then in a second terminal:
$ gdb ./magic
(gdb) target remote | /usr/lib/valgrind/../../bin/vgdb
If I want to examine the defined-ness of some memory, I can use:
(gdb) p &batman
$1 = (float *) 0xffeffe20c
(gdb) p sizeof(batman)
$2 = 4
(gdb) monitor get_vbits 0xffeffe20c 4
Using three commands to do one thing is kind of annoying, especially since I usually want to do this a few times for many different variables in the same stack frame. But if I try the obvious thing, I get:
(gdb) monitor get_vbits &batman sizeof(batman)
missing or malformed address
Is it possible to get gdb to evaluate &batman and sizeof(batman) on the same line as my monitor command?
But if I try the obvious thing, I get: missing or malformed address
This is from GDB doc ( for the monitor cmd:
monitor cmd
This command allows you to send arbitrary commands
directly to the remote monitor. Since gdb doesn't care about the
commands it sends like this, this command is the way to extend gdb—you
can add new commands that only the external monitor will understand
and implement.
As you can see "gdb doesn't care about the commands it sends like this". It probably means that the command after monitor is not processed in any way and sent AS IS.
What you can do to evaluate your variable on the same line is to use user defined commands in gdb ( Define your own comand and use the eval gdb command to prepare your command with necessary values (
define monitor_var
eval "monitor get_vbits %p %d", &$arg0, sizeof($arg0)
And then use it like this:
(gdb) monitor_var batman

QTCreator: GDB debugs code once, then drops to assembly

Using Qt 5.1.1 for Windows 32-bit (with MinGW 4.8), when debugging GDB wants to drop into dissassembly while debugging code after the first time.
I make a "Plain C++" project, insert some simple code:
int x = 5;
cout << x << endl;
return 0;
Build, and debug it with a breakpoint on first line. First time through it debugs just fine stepping through the code with "Step Over". Any debug session after that, it will drop into dissamebly view of ntdll when it hits cout (or anything else library related).
Operate By Instruction is not checked and there is debug information for my code. It works as expected once, then refuses to.
I can delete the build folder and the .pro.user file and the project still exhibits the same behavior after a new build. Even tried wiping my QTProject settings folder. There seems to be no way to debug just my code more than once without it wanting to drop into assembly instead of stepping over statements. If I make a new project, I can debug it normally once, then it starts behaving the same way.
Looking for a fix or suggestions of things to try.
Had a chance to go back...diffed the debugger log on the good initial vs sequential runs. Everything looks similar until I get to this in good run:
sThread 2 in group i1 exited
~"[Switching to Thread 5588.0x239c]\n"
sThread 1 selected
Bad runs never have that. Later, this is unique to bad run:
>1272^done,threads=[{id="2",target-id="Thread 7148.0x242c",frame=
{id="1",target-id="Thread 7148.0x1bbc",frame=
Then once it hits the breakpoint, good run shows this:
Bad run shows this:
>*stopped,reason="signal-received",signal-name="SIGTRAP",signal-meaning="Trace/breakpoint trap",
dState changed from InferiorRunOk(11) to InferiorStopOk(14) [master]
sStopped: "signal-received"
sThread 2 selected
>1283^done,threads=[{id="2",target-id="Thread 7148.0x242c",frame=
{id="1",target-id="Thread 7148.0x1bbc",
<1284-stack-list-frames 0 20
<1285-stack-select-frame 0
<1286disassemble 0x7791fff9,0x77920071
<1287bb options:fancy,autoderef,dyntype vars: expanded:return,local,watch,inspect typeformats: formats: watchers:
>&"disassemble 0x7791fff9,0x77920071\n"
>~"Dump of assembler code from 0x7791fff9 to 0x77920071:\n"
>~" 0x7791fff9 <ntdll!LdrFindResource_U+60953>:\t"
>&"Cannot access memory at address 0x7791fff9\n"
>1286^error,msg="Cannot access memory at address 0x7791fff9"
sDisassembler failed: Cannot access memory at address 0x7791fff9
Looks like for some reason that extra thread is not exiting when expected and qtcreator/gdb convince themselves there are breakpoints in ntdll that I want to stop at.

GDB Patching results in "Cannot access memory at address 0x

I have a program that I need to patch using GDB. The issue is there is a line of code that makes a "less than or equal test" and fails causing the program to end with a Segmentation fault. The program is already compiled and I do not have the source so I cannot change the source code obviously. However, using GDB, I was able to locate where the <= test is done and then I was able to locate the memory address which you can see below.
(gdb) x/100i $pc
... removed extra lines ...
0x7ffff7acb377: jle 0x7ffff7acb3b1
All I need to do is change the test to a 'greater than or equal to' test and then the program should run fine. The opcode for jle is 0x7e and I need to change it to 0x7d. My assignment gives instructions on how to do this as follows:
$ gdb -write -q programtomodify
(gdb) set {unsigned char} 0x8040856f = 0x7d
(gdb) quit
So I try it and get...
$ gdb -write -q player
(gdb) set {unsigned char} 0x7ffff7acb377 = 0x7d
Cannot access memory at address 0x7ffff7acb377
I have tried various other memory addresses and no matter what I try I get the same response. That is my only problem, I don't care if it's the wrong address or wrong opcode instruction at this point, I just want to be able to modify the memory.
I am running Linux Mint 14 via VMware Player
Cannot access memory at address 0x7ffff7acb377
You are trying to write to an address where some shared library resides. You can find out which library that is with info sym 0x7ffff7acb377.
At the time when you are trying to perform the patch, the said shared library has not been loaded yet, which explains the message you get.
Run the program to main. Then you should be able to write to the address. However, you'll need to have write permission on the library to make your write "stick".

gdb and GPS: Cannot set a breakpoint on a function or procedure that is part of a protected type Ada object

I've got a protected object that presents functions and procedures in its interface.
In gdb, when I set a bp on the first line of one of those, I get odd results.
Here's a snippet from my gdb console:
(gdb) b database-access_manager.adb:20001
Breakpoint 3 at 0x1a10588: file y:/svs/central_switch/controller/database/, line 20001.
You can see that gdb is confused. I specified a bp at 20001 of the .adb file but gdb responded by saying it had set the bp at 20001 of the corresponding ads file - which doesn't have that many lines.
What gives?
That .ads file wouldn't happen to be defining or using a generic, would it?
I have yet to find a debugger that handles Ada generics very well. The compiler often creates a raft of semi-invisible code that confuses the heck out of debuggers. I suspect C++ templates have the same issue.
Another possibility is that you are looking at a source file that has been modified since your program was compiled.
Running on Windows with GNAT Pro 6.3.1 (I realise this isn't an ideal data point for you!) this worked fine.
I did notice that when I requested a bp on the subprogram specification, GDB effectively set two bps, one in the specification and one at the first statement: so, given
package body Protected_Object is
protected body PO is
procedure Put (V : Integer) is
Value := V;
end Put;
function Get return Integer is
return Value;
end Get;
end PO;
end Protected_Object;
the GDB console says (for Put)
gdb) break protected_object.adb:4
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401729: file protected_object.adb, line 6. (2 locations)
and at run time, sure enough there are 2 breaks:
Breakpoint 1, <protected_object__po__putP> (<_object>=..., v=42) at protected_object.adb:4
(gdb) cont
Breakpoint 1, protected_object.po.put (<_object>=..., v=42) at protected_object.adb:6
Version: GNU gdb (GDB) 7.0.1 for GNAT Pro 6.3.1 (20100112) [rev:158983]
Here's the update on my problem.
I made a protected type with access methods and used it in a small main and found that breakpoints in my example protected type worked fine.
Now I'm trying to understand why, within the context of my company's very large build, the breakpoints don't work.
I'm using the same gdb, GPS, & compiler switches in each case and it works for the small program but not in the large one.
I'll post my results when/if I have any.
Thanks to all the repliers.