I have a custom page in Opencart I'd like to use for a campaign, with the aim of getting people to register on the site.
My custom page is http://www.autohouseexpress.com/index.php?route=custom/helloworld
The question now is, how do I add the registration form to that page?
Do I copy the content from the registration.tpl alone?
Thank you.
Open the template file of the registration page
Copy the contents of the registration form into your custom template
<form action="<?php echo $action; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h2><?php echo $text_your_details; ?></h2>
<div class="content">
<table class="form">
Now you need to copy the relevant template data to your custom controller, any thing between <?php echo bla bla bla; ?> is relevant, just open the registration controller located in the file <OC_ROOT>\catalog\controller\account\register.php , find function index() # class ControllerAccountRegister and search for the variables there (for example, you need to copy $this->data['action'] , $this->data['text_your_details'] and so on
I was looking at http://archive.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration3x:editor_selector
Is there a way to select a textbox only if it is under a <form> with a specific id?
For example:
<form id="edit_page">
I know I can add a class to the text area to get it to work, but I'm hoping for this solution for my use case. As I'm using Active_admin and I don't want to have to redefine all the default forms for it.
If you are okay with using the tinyMCE jquery plugin, you can select the elements using the jquery selector($) and then call the tinymce function over that.
Codepen example is here.
JS Part:
$(function() {
$('#edit_page2 textarea').tinymce({
script_url : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tinymce/4.3.4/tinymce.min.js',
theme : "modern",
mode : "textareas"
HTML Part :
<form id="edit_page1">
<form id="edit_page2">
<form id="edit_page3">
This will select based on the parent's id. You can use any type of css selector.
You will need to include jquery and tinyMce's jquery file
I am using ACF repeater field in Wordpress Multisite template. Fields showing in its admin panel and I can add content using back end. But those data not showing in front end. This is my code to retrieve data.
<?php if(get_field('history')): ?>
<?php while(has_sub_field('history')): ?>
<div class="col-lg-3 history">
<h3><?php the_sub_field('year'); ?></h3>
<div class="description"><p><?php the_sub_field('description'); ?></p></div>
<?php endwhile; ?>
I have 3 sites.
How can I show data in front end..?
I believe your if statement is incorrect. its should probably ready if(get_sub_field('history')):
I am using Django and Bootrap 2.32. I want to include this wysiwyg-bootrap-themed text editor: http://mindmup.github.io/bootstrap-wysiwyg/. The usage of this editor is fairly simple, including
in the JS-declaration will render each
<div class=editor></div>
into a beatiful wysiwyg text-editor.
Now the problem: I want to include this editor into one of my django form field. I have the single form:
class Article_Form(ModelForm):
Article_text = CharField(widget=Textarea(attrs = {'id' : 'editor'}))
class Meta:
model= Article
, whereas the Article model includes one simple CharField . Is there any chance, to get the editor work inside the Article_text form-field? With the above-mentioned widget, the created textarea cannot be controlled by the wysiwyg-editor-control buttons. Wrapping the form-template-tag like this
<div id="editor">
{{ Article_Form.Article_text }}
doesn't work either. The problem thus is that Django creates a textarea, wheras the editor would need a <div> to render correctly. Do you guys have any idea how to get this to work (without refering to django-wysiwyg).
I don't know enough about Django but I wrote the editor you're referring to, so here's a suggestion. Assuming the other answer on this page is correct and you can't generate a div directly, you can generate a text area using whatever Django templates you would normally do, then assign two events:
1) page onload event that would copy the textarea contents into the div, something like
2) form onsubmit event that would reverse copy the current div contents into the textarea before it gets submitted
Take a look at this.
Summernote is a simple WYSIWYG editor based on Twitter's Bootstrap.
django-summernote plugin allows you to embed Summernote into your Django admin page very handy.
Are you sure that this "plugin" doesn't work with textarea?
{{ Article_Form.Article_text }}
will be rendered to something like:
<textarea cols="40" id="id_Article_text" name="Article_text" rows="10"></textarea>
So there is a chance that you can initialize the wysiwyg editor like:
However after checking the plugin, I doubt that would be possible since it is using contenteditable="true" attribute of HTML5 and probably the plugin works with div only.
So there is no way you can make it work natively with Django form. The solution should be display other fields of your form manually, hide the one with textarea and display the editor instead:
<form action="" method="POST">
{{ Article_Form.field1 }}
{{ Article_Form.field2 }}
<div class=editor></div>
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="submit" value="Submit" id="submit-btn" />
Then you can use JS to submit your form:
$('#submit-btn').click(function (e) {
// do your magic here.
// note that you can get the content of the editor with: $('#editor').cleanHtml();
This way is hackish I agree so I don't recommend you go for it, just find other plugin then. Also please read PEP 8 carefully.
Hope it helps.
Take a look at this repo: https://github.com/rochapps/django-secure-input
I think it solves most of your problems.
I am developing a Joomla 2.5 component. So I'm using Hello world example component for reference... In the edit view of the admin back end
<?php foreach($this->form->getFieldset('details') as $field): ?> <div>
<?php echo $field->label; echo $field->input;?> </div>
where the array $this->form->getFieldset('details') is stored.. and how to add new fields to the form that will store the data to another database table. where to change the fielda of the forms.
If you need to add more fields in your form then you can add new field in to the helloworld.xml browse to the following file on to
Open this file you will find the number of fields are listed over there you can add your own field by copy any of the field and rename it as you want.
You can also refer this link : J2.5:Developing a MVC Component/Adding backend actions
For example you want to add description field on to your form then you just need to add this line between the fieldset tag.
I would prefer you first read full tutorial of how to create MVC component for Joomla.Then you would be able to know how it works. Here the link :
J2.5:Developing a MVC Component/Developing a Basic Component
You may also use different form field type : Form field
I have trying since a few days to change the enctype in joomla registration page. I am not a pro at Joomla. I edited
and added the enctype attribute to the form line as, so now it looks like this:
<form id="member-registration" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo
JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&task=registration.register'); ?>"
method="post" class="form-validate" >
However, the change is not being reflected on the user side :(.
I want to change the enctype to multipart/form-data to allow image uploads via Profile Picture plugin. I tried using K2 registration form as well, but with no success. Any help is highly appreciated.
Your template probably has an override for the output. Have a look at the file in /templates/yourtemplate/com_users/registration/default.php
Some doc about template overrides can be found here: http://docs.joomla.org/How_to_override_the_output_from_the_Joomla!_core