Public variables bad practice vs Getters and Setters functions? [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I came across this during his stream, and this stuck out to me like a sore thumb since. I thought maybe if I saved the video and come back to it in the future when I'm more proficient I'll understand it, but it just kept on bothering to just leave it be. Here's the video...
It automatically starts at 1:13:00 for you.
As a new programmer to C/C++ after hearing this its completely warped my way of thinking. With him being a professional and all I should take the advice, but I need some clarity. From sites, videos, to books, I've read that the use of public variables is a bad practice, but from what I'm getting from this video its saying otherwise. In the video he's uses a struct which by default has a access modifier of "public" vs a class which has a default access of "private". Is there something I'm not comprehending properly here.
I don't know what to do. If I make my variables public won't I risk ambiguity ? The way he's saying that he'll automatically fire someone for coding in format is getting to me haha! Which one should I truly use ? When and Why ?

In my experience people use getters/setters excessively for no good reason.
One can think of two major kinds of classes: the ones grouping together related data and the others providing behaviour.
Behaviour classes must be encapsulated with no public data members.
Data classes normally should have data members public and no behavior.
The grey area between these two is mutable data classes with invariants or dependencies between members, e.g. if member a is 1, then member b must be in range [1-10]. For such cases usage of getters/setters may be justified. For immutable data classes the constructor must establish the invariant.

First of all, a struct is completely equivalent to a class, but with the default member access being public rather than private.
Now, in Object Oriented Programming (OOP), it's not considered good practice to have public data members (variables), because that makes all your code dependent on the internals of the class, and thus breaking a primordial principle of OOP, and that is...
Holy and Sacred Encapsulation
Encapsulation is the coding philosophy that states that a class should englobe both data and the code that manages it in a single tight entity. That is, you don't access data directy, but rather you use methods from the class to manipulate such data. This has several design advantages, such as that you'll know that no code except the one inside the class may incorporate bugs with respect to the manipulation of such information.
Now, get()ers and set()ers, otherwise known as accessors, are a complete lie! With accessors, you're tricking yourself into thinking that you're respecting encapsulation, when you're rather breaking it! It adds bloat, unnecessary verbosity, bugs, and everything but encapsulation. Instead of having a class Person with unsigned getAge() and void setAge(unsigned), have it with a unsigned getAge() and a void incrementAge() or however you want to call it.
Now, to your question's core...
"Plain old" structs
Encapsulation is not always desired. Although you should (usually) not do this on header files (again, for at least some bit of encapsulation), you may create static plain old structs that are private to a single translation unit. My recommendation is to make them even "older" than they already are, i.e...
All data members are public.
No methods.
No constructors (except implicit ones).
Inheritance is always public, and only allowed from other plain old structs.
I repeat, don't put them on header files!
Now, another use for plain old structs is (ironically) metaprogrammatic exporting of constexpr data and types, otherwise known as modern-hardcore-template-metaprogramming-without-having-to-type-public-everywhere, for example...
template<bool B, typename T>
struct EnableIf {};
template<typename T>
struct EnableIf<true, T> {
typedef T type;
template<bool B, typename T>
using SFINAE = typename EnableIf<B, T>::Type;

It's certainly difficult to control the internal consistency of your object if you make the data members public.
What works well is to use constructors to set up the state of an object, then use public functions to retrieve values of member variables, but only if that's needed. If you need to mutate the object after construction, then provide very specific methods for that purpose.
If, however, your object is no more than something that aggregates orthogonal data types, then use public access for all members: a struct works well for that.
Note that the only difference between a struct and a class is that in the former, the default access is public whereas in the latter it is private.

If you keep your data members private then you can easily control about accessing their value. For example you have age variable in your code.
int age;
Now someone outside your class can easily change value of age, may also assign illegal value, for example age = -10. But your logic suggests age cannot be negative, so best practice is to keep variable private, and give some function which will assign value to your variable.
int age;
void setAge(int age)
if (age > 0)
this->age = age;


Is it possible in C++ to make an instance of a class as a member of structure? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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struct Frame {
int frame_num;
BoundingBox bbox;
In this above structure, BoundingBox is a class and later used in the following way. What is the benefit of making a class instance as a member of a structure?
Is it possible in C++ to make an instance of a class as a member of structure?
You've answered your own question in your snippet. Yes, possible.
what is the benefit of making a class instance as a member of a structure?
What is the benefit of int frame_num in Frame? It's the same benefit you get in having custom types.
Classes are a way of making custom types (BoundingBox in your example) which work besides the built-in types (int, float, etc.) the language gives out of the box. Both can be put inside another custom type (like Frame) and they provide a way to interact with data. E.g. int is a type that allows the programmer to work with integer data in a specified way i.e. int dictates how the values of its type interact with say float. Likewise, a custom type will allow the user of the type to work with some data is some fashion.
Aside: Classes and structs are almost the same in C++.
It's perfectly fine. Go ahead and use it.
The two abstractions -- Frame and BoundingBox -- server their own purposes. Whether one is a class and the other is a struct does not change that.
In essence, structures are almost identical to classes.
However, members of a struct are declared as public by default, while members of a class are declared as private ones.
Why not? A struct is a class so there is nothing special about them.
It's called "Object Association", and it depends on the design. Typically, object association is called the "Has-A" relationship.
In C++ Class and Struct are the Same thing, with minor difference of the default access modifier being private for class and public for structs
Additionally, syntax speaking nesting those constructs is allowed if not required inorder to get correct OOP design.
That said, I'd note that, semantically, there is a difference:
as structs are mostly used to describe data,
while classes mostly describe object.
Some programmers might (allow themselves to) use memset on a struct, or copy it to another memory location.
These operations might corrupt the class like struct by:
- corrupting vptr of the contained class member
- If this struct has a virtual method itself then it's own vptr.
- Copy pointers and create some surprising results.
Bottom Line:
Nest classes in classes, structs in classes...
But avoid nesting class in struct, there is no good reason to do so.
Also, You might want to embrace the convention of "struct -> DATA, class -> Object"

C++ struct inheritance [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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As far as I know the main difference (and may be the unique one) between classes and structs in C++ is that classes have their members private by default and structs have theirs public by default.
However, and probably because I was a C-developer before, I still continue to declare structs to hold only "public" fields, and I almost never declare methods (except constructors to initialize members).
I also want to take advantage of C++ inheritance for structs.
My questions are:
Even if the language allows it, is it a good practice to inherits structs ?
Is it possible to prevent a struct to declare a virtual method, which will create a vtable and modify the size of the struct ?
Thank you
classes have their members private by default and structs have theirs public by default.
Structs also inherit public by default, where classes inherit private by default.
Even if the language allows it, is it a good practice to inherits structs ?
Sure. It works exactly as you would expect.
Is it possible to prevent a struct to declare a virtual method, which will create a vtable and modify the size of the struct ?
Not yet. There is a proposal for C++20+ (P0707) to allow exactly this, but it's still pretty young and not implemented far enough to be used anywhere. In particular, search for "3.6 plain_struct" to see how they enforce plain structs to be that.
In general I would recommend using a struct when you're using it as a "struct" sort of function - holding data without invariants. If you have invariants, you should keep them using encapsulation and data hiding, so it should be a class.
Just want to address this question:
Even if the language allows it, is it a good practice to inherits structs ?
You should rid yourself of connotation that "struct" indicates POD. Sometimes, the most reusable components are those that don't encapsulate anything, despite having some behavior.
For instance, consider this meta-function:
template<typename T> struct is_foo : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_foo<Foo> : std::true_type {};
All of the above types (and the types behind the aliases for true and false) are declared with the struct keyword. This is simply because having everything public by default forwards the behavior we want without us having to spell it out every time.
Another time when you find yourself inheriting from a "struct" is when extending a C library. If the library defines a structure named struct Bar that is used to communicate with it, the easiest way you can add functionality to it, is by inheriting from Bar. Like this:
class ExtendedBar : Bar {
void mem_func() {
//Need to call the C library function? No problem
c_library_func(this); // ExtendedBar is-a Bar
The only important difference is the default accessibility levels. And the only thing you should concern yourself with (IMO) is which default accessibility works best for your purpose.
Even if the language allows it, is it a good practice to inherits structs?
Yes it is. Just look around C++ STL (Standard Template Libraries). You will find struct in abundance.
Is it possible to prevent a struct to declare a virtual method, which will create a vtable and modify the size of the struct ?
No.... as of now.. As soon as you declare virtual functions.. the vtable will be created for struct
Structs vs Classes
You are correct, a primary difference between struct and class in C++ is default access levels. Without an explicit access modifier, class members are private, and struct members public. Struct members can also be made private using an access modifier. Keep in mind; this also applies to inherited classes and structs.
As for a general recommendation: many use structs only for data and classes for everything with behavior [1]. In other words, structs for POD (Plain Old Data) types[2], this is a widespread practice. It does not mean you cannot have functionality related to accessing and setting data members, setting up constructors, destructors, etc. "If more functionality is required, a class is more appropriate. If in doubt, make it a class." Their guide also recommends structs instead of classes for functors and traits.
You have to keep in mind, aside from any technical upsides or downsides, there are other reasons to enforce specific practices and standards in a team, and on a project basis. As also mentioned in Google's style guide, we can add semantic meaning to the data structures we use. As a team member, I would want to know if structs have behavior or not. It would be nice to know, for instance, that all structs are just POD types.
The Joint Strike Fighter coding standard specifies, "A structure should be used to model an entity that does not require an invariant." While "A class should be used to model an entity that maintains an invariant." And that public and protected data should only be used in structs, not in classes. Their rationale for this is that a class can't control access to public members; hence, all data in a class should be private. Consider the needs of your project when deciding on coding standards.
Struct inheritance
When thinking about inheritance, you must consider what public inheritance means versus private inheritance. Keep in mind what access levels the new, derived one will have, and if it makes sense to inherit your structs. Struct members can be made private, if you inherit from this, the derived one will not have access to the base's private members.
struct base {
int public_data;
int private_data;
struct derived : base {
derived() {
public_data = 1;
// private_data = 1; // no access, won't compile
In other words, inheritance might be considered more of a logical issue than an implementation one.
There is nothing, technically, fundamentally wrong with inheriting structs. It might be a benevolent practice, and it might, in some cases, be beneficial and make a lot of sense.
Keep in mind, in C++, structs can inherit from classes and vice versa.
See this question for more information on vtables: When is a vtable created in C++?
As far as I know the main difference (and may be the unique one) between classes and structs in C++ is that classes have their members private by default and structs have theirs public by default.
The only difference between classes declared with the keyword struct, and those declared with the keyword class is indeed the default access specifier (which applies to bases too as well as members).
Indeed, the easiest way to understand structs is to understand that they are classes.
Even if the language allows it, is it a good practice to inherits structs ?
Sure. It is OK to inherit a class, and structs are classes.
Is it possible to prevent a struct to declare a virtual method, which will create a vtable and modify the size of the struct ?
No, there is no such feature as far as I know.
Given struct A { ... };, struct B { A a; ... } is much safer than struct B : A { ... }.
I suggest not inheriting is better than inheriting with non-virtual destructor. The only thing you lose is the implicit conversion from B*, B& to A*, A& etc. However you still have the explicit B b; b.a for those circumstances.

Why do we need a `class` in C++, when a `struct` can be used to achieve the same? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Using a struct we can achieve all the functionality of a class: constructors (that can be modified/overloaded), destructors (that can be modified/overloaded), operator overloading, instance methods, static methods, public/private/protected fields/methods.
Why do we need class then?
Note: I don't want the answer saying that in struct, fields/methods are public by default.
You don't need classes, the language just gives you another option to choose from. Technically, you're right, you can achieve anything a class can do with a struct.
Besides the default access level, there's also the meaning most programmers associate with the two - struct generally means a light-weight, typically POD, data-type with little to no functionality. A class is usually associated with something bigger.
As Tal Pressman answered at When should you use a class vs a struct in C++?:
From the C++ FAQ:
The members and base classes of a struct are public by default, while in class, they default to private. Note: you should make your base classes explicitly public, private, or protected, rather than relying on the defaults.
struct and class are otherwise functionally equivalent.
OK, enough of that squeaky clean techno talk. Emotionally, most developers make a strong distinction between a class and a struct. A struct simply feels like an open pile of bits with very little in the way of encapsulation or functionality. A class feels like a living and responsible member of society with intelligent services, a strong encapsulation barrier, and a well defined interface. Since that's the connotation most people already have, you should probably use the struct keyword if you have a class that has very few methods and has public data (such things do exist in well designed systems!), but otherwise you should probably use the class keyword.
I think one addition to this reason could be that C already had structs. When Bjarne Stroustrup designed C++, he wanted to add classes with all the functionalities you listed in your original question, features which were not present in C. When implementing those features, he probably realised it didn't make sense to make two separate implementations for struct and class (except the public/private default visibility).
TL/DR: in C++ structs/classes describe the intent of the programmer to have POD or more complex abstractions, and the introduction of the class keyword is probably here for historical reasons (add an additional keyword in order to create featurefull classes, then backport those features into the struct keyword because it's more pragmatic to implement).
class is simply the commonly accepted name in OO for a type used for instantiating objects. When introducing the OO paradigm in C++, it was deemed less surprising to use class instead of struct.
struct was kept to maximize backwards compatibility with C.
Today's usage of the two is in line with this : struct is most commonly used for C-style POD types, while class is used for the OO concept of classes.
To make a long story short, class really wasn't needed at all. It changes the defaults to ones that are arguably safer and more applicable to OO programming, but you could use a struct (as defined by C++) for any place that you currently use a class (if you wanted to get cute and meta about it, you could call struct a base class of class that satisfies the LSP).
At the same time, misunderstanding of struct in C++ is rampant, and class fits the intended concept enough better that it's often much easier to explain. New users often seem to find it at least marginally more understandable -- a reasonable goal in itself.
There are no such difference between C++ struct and C++ class, you can perform almost all the functions with struct as you can do with class, but struct is a C keyword which gradually got modified/evolved in C++ and named as class. A we are in C++, it is better to use class rather than struct.
Take an example, if you have done some coding in C++ and some person who works in Java came after 2 months to review your code, which one will he find comfortable to understand a code with "struct" or a code with "class"?

Always create classes in C++? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Coming from a Java background it is new for me to deal with the choice of creating a class or just implementing the functions I might need. Normally this is no question when it comes to modeling something which could have a state.
Now I am implementing a shared library which has no main function and exclusively static member functions. Does something speak against creating a class to encapsulate the functions?
Further I wanted to encapsulate further code, especially auxillary functions, in another file. The execute code is always the same and the state of it does not change, so I guess I would declare them also static - so the same questions arises here to.
If you find you have a class where every method is static, then perhaps a namespace would be more appropriate.
Frankly, this is philosophical, and kind of fuzzy guidelines, but I prefer to use the simplest things first then build up in terms of complexity when its needed.
My first preference is
Free, stateless, side-effect free functions that perform some operations/calculations/transformations on their arguments and return the result(s).
However, if any of those arguments evolve to become stateful, and your function become in charge of maintaining that state, consider wrapping stateful data and methods that manipulate that data into a class for good encapsulation/data hiding.
File I/O is an example of something that's stateful. You open a file, write some data to it which moves ahead a write pointer, and ultimately close it, its a good example of where you'd want a class.
The most obvious example of a place where a free functions are best are math. Other examples might be performing a regex, transforming one kind of message into another kind, etc.
(1) Is simplest because in its purest form there's no persistent state, everything is transformational, and you should consistently get the same output with the same input. Easy to test, easy to figure out how it works. Ideally we wouldn't need to persist any state and we could all program this way.
(2) Is needed because safely updating state is a necessary part of life and if you can't do any data hiding or encapsulation you lose confidence that state is being maintained correctly and safely.
You may want to define a namespace instead of a class.
namespace mycode
//Code for the library here
void myfunction()
//function definition
then when you need to use it you can either preface it or use the namespace
using mycode;
Not sure if I completely understand you but yes you can create a container class that provides static methods. It may be worthwhile to make the constructors private to prevent people from instantiation an instance of the class.
class HelperFunctions
static void DoSomethingUseful() { /* useful bits */ }
// yata yata
HelperFunctions(); // private default constructor
HelperFunctions(const HelperFunctions&); // private copy constructor
Then you could do something like this:
But you couldn't do something like this:
HelperFunctions myHelperFunction; // private constructor = compile error
You also could create namespaces for the purpose of organization non-member functions.
namespace HelperFunctions
void DoSomethingUseful() { /* useful bits */ }
// yata yata
Remember you can define namespaces across multiple files as well making these particular useful for grouping objects and functions wherever they may be. This is preferable as it logically separates the functions making the design and intended use more obvious
Unlike Java where everything is a method in C++ we can have functions at a global, namespace, or member scope. You also can have non-member friend functions which can access internal members of a class without being a member of the class themselves.
Basically you can do whatever you want including shoot yourself in the foot.
Edit: Why so serious?
I wasn't suggesting what the OP should or shouldn't do. It seemed as though they were new to C++ coming from the Java world where everything is a method and all "functions" are class members. To that affect my answer was to show how firstly you can create something in C++ similar to what you might have in Java and secondly how you can do other things as well and why that is.
As others have stated it's considered good practice to prefer non-member non-friend functions when possible for various reasons. I agree if you do not need an object with state than you probably shouldn't design one. However I'm not sure if the OP was looking for a philosophical discussion on best practice in design and implementation or just a curiosity for equivalent C++.
I had hoped my last line joking about shooting yourself in the foot was enough to make the point that "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" but perhaps not with this crowd.
Actually, if the code does not belong in a class, you should not put it in a class in C++. That is, one should prefer non-friend non-member functions to member and friend functions. The reason is that pulling the method out of the class results in better encapsulation.
But don't take my word for it, see Scott Meyers' Effective C++ Item #23: Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions.
Careful, in C++, static functions are functions that are only visible to other functions in the same file. So basically they are auxiliary functions that cannot be part of the interface of a library.
Static methods in classes is something completely different (even though the same keyword is used in both cases). They are just like normal functions that can call protected/private methods in the same class. You can think of static methods as simple (non-static) functions that are "friends" with the class.
As for the general guideline, I don't think it matters if you have (non-static) functions or static methods as the interface of your library, this is mostly a matter of syntax: call f() or call obj::f(). You can also use namespaces for encapsulation. In this case the syntax is: ns::f() for a function and ns::obj::f() for a static method.
EDIT: Ok, I though there was a confusion around the keyword static, turns out this is more of a controversial answer than I would have wanted it to be. I personally prefer the term method for member functions (which is also the same vocabulary used in the actual question). And when I said static methods can call private methods I was referring to visibility (a.k.a. access control).

Accessing private members [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is it appropriate to access a class' private members by casting it to a void pointer and then to a struct?
I don't think I have permissions to modify the class that contains the data members that I need to access. I don't want to take a risk accessing the data members in an indirect way if it is not ethical.
EDIT: Had to edit this further... I am pretty sure the class wouldn't be modified, so it's ok to that extent... my only concern is, if the person who coded that class gets to know of this, it might not go down well with him :(.
Let's not consider ethics for a moment. Let's consider the standard.
What you are proposing to do is nonstandard. See section 9.2, clause 12 of the standard. "The order of allocation of nonstatic members separated by an access-specifier is unspecified." Therefore, if you have a class with private members, and a struct with no private members, the standard does not guarantee that the members will be in the same order.
Therefore, if your hack works, it works only by accident, that the compiler writers happened to do it that way. There is no guarantee that it will work on another compiler, a later version of the same compiler, or with different class layouts.
Not to mention that, if you don't have authority to modify the class (say, to provide a simple accessor function), you probably don't have authority to object if any implementation detail in the class changes. (One of the ideas behind public and private is to distinguish what is promised from what is freely changeable.) Therefore, the layout may change, or the member might come to mean something different, or be removed altogether.
Herb Sutter wrote a Guru of the Week column on this issue.
Oh, as far as the ethics go? If you really, really have to do something like this, and you can't get out of it, document it very carefully. If your coding standards have some sort of procedure to flag nonstandard behavior, use them. If not, be very careful to note it in a way it won't be overlooked when something goes wrong.
I'm not sure that "ethics" really come into it. It busts the heck out of encapsulation though.
EDIT: I would almost never accept this if I were performing a code review. You'd have to work really hard to convince me there's no way of designing around the need for this. It's possible you'd succeed, but there'd have to be major warnings all over the place, and rock hard unit tests to make sure that if anything changed to break it, you'd know quickly.
I've just added an entry to my blog that shows how it can be done in a completely conforming way. Here is an example on how you use it for the following class
struct A {
int member;
Just declare a tag name and instantiate a robber like the following example shows (my post shows the implementation of the robber). You can then access that member using a member pointer
struct Amem { typedef int type; };
template class rob<Amem, &A::member>;
int main() {
A a;
a.*result<Amem>::ptr = 42; // Doh!
But actually, this doesn't show that c++'s access rules aren't reliable. The language rules are designed to protect against accidental mistakes - if you try to rob data of an object, the language by-design does not take long ways to prevent you.
The above is a way to access private and protected members in a conforming way. This one is another way to access protected members in a Standard conforming way. The basic idea is to use a member pointer
std::deque<int> &getAdapted(std::stack<int> &s) {
struct voyeur : stack<int>
{ using stack<int>::c; };
return s.*(&voyeur::c);
int main() {
std::stack<int> s;
std::deque<int> &adapted = getAdapted(s);
output(adapted); // print the stack...
No casting or type punning involved. It takes a pointer to a protected member of std::stack<int> through a class derived from it where that member name is public, so the compiler allows this. Then it uses it on a std::stack<int> object, which is allowed too.
I have had this happen to me since there was a very crappy source control system in place where for old versions of the application making changes to header files was pretty much impossible.
If some cases you just need to do a hack.
In the source file from which you need to access the private data member you can put in this as a first line:
#define private public
#define protected public
and access anything you want.
No. What you are doing is Pure Evil.
"Never say never". I'm sure somewhere in the universe, there's a situation that will force you to have to do this...
But I certainly would cringe if I had to do it. You truly need get lots of opinions on your situation before pulling the trigger. Can you describe your specific situation and maybe we could see if it makes sense or what better alternatives might exist?
In response to comment/question--
Define "permissions" -- institutional permission? That sounds like not a programming problem, but something to talk to whoever is asserting said permission. Maybe this is more of a political issue than a technical one? Again, I think we need more specifics--even if it was somewhat about the politics of the situation. That may or may not be deemed out of scope for the website, however.
If you feel the urge to do this, forget casting - just modify the class declaration in the header file:
class A {
int x;
change that to:
class A {
int x;
and you are good to go. Well, perhaps "good" is not quite the right word.
It's ethical, but it's usually lots of dirty code neighbouring with undefined behaviour and unportability. Do it only if you absolutely have to.
Ah, abstraction - you can't live without it and yet it is so painful to deal with sometimes :)
Anyway, ethics aside, what if the "owner" of the class decides to change the internal implementation, or simply reverses the order of the private data members?
The only "ethical" problem is what you are doing to the poor bastard who is going to have to figure out and maintain your code.
Private members are just that. He may, and most likely will, one day change that member. When that happens, you might not even notice as there most likely will still be memory there, just not the member you were expecting. Damn near any nearly impossible thing you can imagine might then start happening when your code is run. How is anybody ever going to be able to debug that?
Simple answer: No.
It is not ethical and it will turn into a maintenance nightmare at some point. The internal private members of a library can change and break your code. Developers of the library do not need to know (nor want to) that you are violating the encapsulation.
Classes usually have invariants over their methods that some times will not be documented, but accessing and changing the values from the outside can break those invariants. As an example, if you change the reserved space in a vector for a higher value, the vector will not allocate new space until it has filled the existing and that won't happen before hitting unallocated memory: your application will crash.
If the attribute is private, it is not for you to use it, only for the class itself or the the class' friends that know about the member, how to use it, how not to break it. If the programmer wanted you to change the field, it would be public.
I assume that this class is part of project you are working on.
There is one ethical problem here:
If in your company you see ownership of code as sacrum. Or worst you are disallowed to modify code that is not yours. Yes You may hurt feeling of person that maintain that class. Or angry him if his salary is related to his code.
so best is just to ask him for any help, and few suggestions eg. add getter function or change private to public - all based on your intuition of using that new code.
Hack that you have mention is really bed practice. If cant modify that code and maintainer dont wont to change anything. Consider using adapter design pattern.