Multisampling with glBlitFramebuffer - opengl

This is my first attempt to do multisampling (for anti-aliasing) with opengl. Basically, I'm drawing a background to the screen (which should not get anti-aliased) and subsequently I'm drawing the vertices that should be anti-aliased.
What I've done so far:
//create the framebuffer:
glGenFramebuffers(1, &fbo);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);
//Generate color buffer:
glGenRenderbuffers(1, &cb);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, cb);
glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 4, GL_RGBA8, x_size, y_size);
//Generate depth buffer:
glGenRenderbuffers(1, &db);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, db);
glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 4, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, x_size, y_size);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
//draw background ... ...
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);
//draw things that should get anti-aliased ... ...
glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, x_size, y_size, 0, 0, x_size, y_size, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST);
The problem is: when I call glBlitFramebuffer(...) the whole background gets black and I only see the anti-aliased vertices.
Any suggestions?

Normally, blending is the most obvious option if you want to render a new image/texture on top of existing rendering while taking transparency in the image into account. Looking at the rendering into the multisampled framebuffer as an image with transparency, that's exactly the situation you have.
In this case, there are a couple of challenges that make the use of blending more difficult than usual. First of all, glBlitFramebuffer() does not apply blending. From the spec:
Blit operations bypass the fragment pipeline. The only fragment operations which affect a blit are the pixel ownership test and the scissor test.
Without multisampling in play, this is fairly easy to overcome. Instead of using glBlitFramebuffer(), you perform the blit by drawing a screen sized textured quad. Since all fragment operations are in play now, you could use blending.
Howerver, the "drawing a textured quad" part gets much trickier since your content is multisampled. A few options come to mind.
Render background to FBO
You could render the background to the multisampled FBO instead of the primary framebuffer. Then you can use glBlitFramebuffer() exactly as you do now.
You may think: "But I don't want my background to be anti-aliased!" That's not really a problem. You simply disable multisampling while drawing the background:
I think that should give you what you want. And if it does, it's by far the easiest option.
Multisample Textures
OpenGL 3.2 and later support multisample textures. For this, you would use a texture instead of a renderbuffer as the color buffer of your FBO. The texture is allocated with:
glTexImage2DMultisample(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, 4, GL_RGBA8,
xsize, ysize, GL_FALSE);
There are other aspects that I can't all cover here. If you want to explore this option, you can read up on all the details in the spec or other sources. For example, sampling of the texture in the shader code works differently, with a different sampler type, and sampling functions that only allow you to read one sample at a time.
Two-Stage Blitting
You could use a hybrid of glBlitFramebuffer() for resolving the multisample content, and the "manual" blit for blending the content into the default framebuffer:
Create a second FBO where the color attachment is a regular, not multisampled texture.
Use glBlitFramebuffer() to copy from multisampled renderbuffer in first FBO to texture in second FBO.
Set up and enable blending.
Draw a screen sized quad using the texture that was the attachment to the second FBO.
While this seems somewhat awkward, and requires an extra copy which is undesirable for performance, it is fairly straightforward.
Render the background last
For this, you do exactly what you're doing now, copying the multisampled FBO content to the default framebuffer with glBlitFramebuffer(). But you do this first, and render the background afterwards.
You may think that this wouldn't work because it puts the background in front of the other content, which makes it... not much of a background.
But here is where blending comes into play again. While blending content on top of other content is the most common way of using blending, you can also use it to render things behind existing content. To do this, you need a few things:
A framebuffer with alpha planes. How you request that depends on the window system/toolkit you use for your OpenGL setup. It's typically in the same area where you request your depth buffer, stencil buffer (if needed), etc. It is often specified as a number of alpha planes, which you typically set to 8.
The right blend function. For front to back blending, you typically use:
This adds the new rendering where nothing was previously rendered (i.e. the alpha in the destination is 0), and will keep the previous rendering unchanged where there was already rendering (i.e. the destination alpha is 1).
The blending setup can get a little trickier if your rendering involves partial transparency.
This may look somewhat complicated, but it's really quite intuitive once you wrap your head around how the blend functions work. And I think it's overall an elegant and efficient solution for your overall problem.


Blitting several textures at once with glBlitFramebuffer

I have got a small OpenGL app and I am looking for the optimal way of blitting several texture buffers at once.
Let's say I have got two framebuffers (fbo1, fbo2) that each contain two texture buffers. And I have got a target fbo (fbo3) with four texture buffers. And I want to blit all the textures from fbo1 and fbo2 to fbo3.
Currently I am doing it separately for each texture like,
glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo1)
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo3)
glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, ds_width, ds_height, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_LINEAR)
glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, 0)
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0)
How is it usually done? And is that even doable?
It isn't "usually" done because people generally don't go around copying a bunch of framebuffer images a lot. Indeed, if you are, that strongly suggests that you're probably doing something wrong.
The only way to do it is the way you've done here (though the needless rebinding of the framebuffers can go away): change the read/draw buffers each time and blit.

Draw OpenGL renderbuffer to screen

I created a Renderbuffer, that's then modified in OpenCL.
glGenFramebuffers(1, &frameBuffer);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
glGenRenderbuffers(1, &colorRenderbuffer);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorRenderbuffer);
glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_RGBA8, 600, 600);
glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorRenderbuffer);
renderEngine = new OpenCLProgram("");
How would I then proceed drawing my OpenCL creation, the buffer to the screen? I could bind it to a texture and draw a quad the size of my window, but I am not that sure, if it is the most efficient way. Also, if there was a better way of drawing to the screen from OpenCL, that would help!
The call you're looking for is glBlitFramebuffer(). To use this, you bind your FBO as the read framebuffer, and the default framebuffer as the draw framebuffer:
glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, srcFbo);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight, 0, 0, dstWidth, dstHeight,
Adjust the parameters for your specific use based on the linked man page.
This is preferable over writing your own shader and rendering a screen sized quad. Not only is it simpler, and requires fewer state changes, it can also be more efficient. Knowing that a blit operation needs to be performed gives the implementation a chance to use a more efficient path. For example, where present, it could use a dedicated blit engine that can run asynchronously to the general rendering functionality of the GPU.
Whether you should use a renderbuffer or texture is not as clear cut. Chances are that it won't make much of a difference. Still, I would recommend to use a renderbuffer as long as that's all you need. Because it has more limited functionality, the driver has the option to create a memory allocation that is more optimized for the purpose. Rendering to a renderbuffer can potentially be more efficient than rendering to a texture on some hardware, particularly if your rendering is pixel output limited.
Don't make it a renderbuffer.
OpenGL renderbuffers exist for the sole purpose of being render targets. The only OpenGL operations that read from them are per-sample operations during rendering to the framebuffer, framebuffer blits, and pixel transfer operations.
Use a texture instead. There is no reason you couldn't create a 600x600 GL_RGBA8 2D texture.

GL_TEXTURE_3D color and stencil FBO attachments

I am doing a layered rendering to an offscreen FBO using OpenGL 4.3.I used GL_TEXTURE_3D with several layers as COLOR attachment.Then I use geometry shader to index into different layers when writing the output.It works ok.Now I need also stencil attachment for stencil test I am performing during the rendering.First I tried just to attach a render buffer as in the case with 2D attachments.
GL_RENDERBUFFER, _stencilBuffer)
In this case,when checking FBO for completeness I am getting frame buffer error:
Then I assumed that if the color attachment is 3D so the stencil attachment also must be 3D.And because there is no 3D render buffer I tried to attach a 3D texture for depth stencil slot of the FBO.
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, width, height, depth,
Where width - texture width,height-texture height,depth-number of layers inside texture 3D.
//Attach to FBO:
Doing it this way I am getting:
I have searched any possible example to find how such a setup should be done,but found nothing.I also tried to use GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY instead,but same problem. (for some reason this actually fixed the problem which persisted in my earlier tests)
My fault as got confused with some of my findings during the debug.Basically half of what I wrote above can be discarded.But because other people may get into the same issues I will explain what happened.
At first,when I attached a 3d texture to COLOR attachment of FBO I created a render buffer for GL_DEPTH_STENCIL attachment.And yes,on completeness check I got:
Next,I tried instead:
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, width, height, depth,
which thrown:
Now,instead of GL_TEXTURE_3D target I tried GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY which finally caused the FBO to be complete.So,while I would still like to understand why GL_TEXTURE_3D causes INVALID_OPERATION(feel free to post an answer),this change has solved the problem.
Based on the spec, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS means (quoted from OpenGL 4.5 spec):
If any framebuffer attachment is layered, all populated attachments must be layered. Additionally, all populated color attachments must be from textures of the same target (three-dimensional, one- or two-dimensional array, cube map, or cube map array textures).
Based on the first part of this, your initial attempt of using a single layer stencil attachment with a layered 3D texture color attachment was clearly illegal.
The second part sounds somewhat unclear to me. Since it only talks about "color attachments", it suggests that using a GL_TEXTURE_3D color attachment and a GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY stencil attachment would be legal. But I'm not convinced that this is actually the intention. Unfortunately I couldn't find additional confirmation of this in the rest of the spec.
Using GL_TEXTURE_3D for a stencil or depth/stencil texture is a non-starter. There's no such thing as a 3D stencil texture. From the 4.5 spec, pages 191-192 in section "8.5 Texture Image Specification"
That's a long list, but TEXTURE_3D is not in it.
Based on this, I believe that what you found to be working is the only option. You need to use textures with target GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY for both the color and stencil attachment.

Draw the contents of the render buffer Object

Do not quite understand the operation render buffer object. For example if I want to show what is in the render buffer, I must necessarily do the render to texture?
GLuint fbo,color_rbo,depth_rbo;
glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &color_rb);
glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, color_rb);
glRenderbufferStorageEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, GL_RGBA8, 256, 256);
glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &depth_rb);
glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth_rb);
glRenderbufferStorageEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, 256, 256);
//main loop
//This does not work :-(
any idea?
You are not going to see anything when you draw to an FBO instead of the default framebuffer, that is part of the point of FBOs.
Your options are:
Blit the renderbuffer into another framebuffer (in this case it would probably be GL_BACK for the default backbuffer)
Draw into a texture attachment and then draw texture-mapped primitives (e.g. triangles / quad) if you want to see the results.
Since 2 is pretty self-explanatory, I will explain option 1 in greater detail:
/* We are going to blit into the window (default framebuffer) */
glBindFramebuffer (GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glDrawBuffer (GL_BACK); /* Use backbuffer as color dst. */
/* Read from your FBO */
glBindFramebuffer (GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);
glReadBuffer (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0); /* Use Color Attachment 0 as color src. */
/* Copy the color and depth buffer from your FBO to the default framebuffer */
glBlitFramebuffer (0,0, width,height,
0,0, width,height,
There are a couple of things worth mentioning here:
First, blitting from one framebuffer to another is often measurably slower than drawing two textured triangles that fill the entire viewport. Second, you cannot use linear filtering when you blit a depth or stencil image... but you can if you take the texture mapping approach (this only truly matters if the resolution of your source and destination buffers differ when blitting).
Overall, drawing a textured primitive is the more flexible solution. Blitting is most useful if you need to do Multisample Anti-Aliasing, because you would have to implement that in a shader otherwise and multisample texturing was added after Framebuffer Objects; some older hardware/drivers support FBOs but not multisample color (requires DX10 hardware) or depth (requires DX10.1 hardware) textures.

low resolution in OpenGL to mimic older games

I'm interested in know how is the right way to mimic the low resolution of the older games (like Atari 2600) in OpenGL to do a fps game. I imagine the best way to do it is writing the buffer into a texture, put onto a quad and display it to the screen resolution.
Take a look of, for example (great game!)
Any advice, help or sample-code will be welcome.
I think the best way to do it would be like you said, render everything into a low-res texture (best done using FBOs) and then just display the texture by drawing a sceen-sized quad (of course using GL_NEAREST as magnification filter for the texture). Maybe you can also use glBlitFramebuffer for copying directly from the low-res FBO into the high-res framebuffer, although I don't know if you can copy directly into the default framebuffer (the displayed one) this way.
EDIT: After looking up the specification for framebuffer_blit it seems you can just copy from the low-res FBO into the high-res default framebuffer using glBlitFramebuffer(EXT/ARB). This might be faster than using a texture mapped quad as it completely bypasses the vertex-fragment-pipeline (although this would have been a simple one). And another advantage is that you also get the low-res depth and stencil buffers if needed and can this way render high-res content on top of the low-res background which might be an interesting effect. So it would happen somehow like this:
generate FBO with low-res renderbuffers for color and depth (and stencil)
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, lowFBO);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 1024, 768,