Regex with stringr:: how to find first instance of pattern - regex

Behind this question is an effort to extract all references created by knitr and latex. Not finding another way, my thought was to read into R the .Rnw script and use a regular expression to find references -- where the latex syntax is \ref{caption referenced to}. My script has 250+ references, and some are very close to each other.
The text.1 example below works, but not the text example. I think it has to do with R chugging along to the final closing brace. How do I stop at the first closing brace and extract what preceded it to the opening brace?
text.1 <- c(" \\ref{test}", "abc", "\\ref{test2}", " \\section{test3}", "{test3")
# In the regular expression below, look back and if find "ref{", grab everything until look behind for } at end
# braces are special characters and require escaping with double backslacs for R to recognize them as braces
# unlist converts the list returned by str_extract to a vector
unlist(str_extract_all(string = text.1, pattern = "(?<=ref\\{).*(?=\\}$)"))
[1] "test" "test2"
# a more complicated string, with more than one set of braces in an element
text <- c("text \ref{?bar labels precision} and more text \ref{?table column alignment}", "text \ref{?table space} }")
unlist(str_extract_all(string = text, pattern = "(?<=ref\\{).*(?=\\}$)"))

The problem with text is the backslash in front of "ref" is being interpreted as a carriage return \r by the engine and R's parser; so you're trying to match "ref" but it's really (CR + "ef") ...
Also * is greedy by default, meaning it will match as much as it can and still allow the remainder of the regular expression to match. Use *? or a negated character class to prevent greediness.
unlist(str_extract_all(text, '(?<=\ref\\{)[^}]*'))
# [1] "?bar labels precision" "?table column alignment" "?table space"
As you can see, you can use a character class to match either (\r or r + "ef") ...
x <- c(' \\ref{test}', 'abc', '\\ref{test2}', ' \\section{test3}', '{test3',
'text \ref{?bar labels precision} and more text \ref{?table column alignment}',
'text \ref{?table space} }')
unlist(str_extract_all(x, '(?<=[\rr]ef\\{)[^}]*'))
# [1] "test" "test2" "?bar labels precision"
# [4] "?table column alignment" "?table space"

The reason why it didn't capture what is before the closing brace } is because you added an end of line anchor $. Remove $ and it would work.
Therefore, you new code should be like this
unlist(str_extract_all(string = text, pattern = "(?<=ref\\{)[^}]*(?=\\})"))


R regex remove unicode apostrophe

Lets say I have the following string in R:
text <- "[Peanut M&M\u0092s]"
I've been trying to use regex to erase the apostrophe by searching for and deleting \u0092:
replaced <- gsub("\\\\u0092", "", text )
However, the above doesnt seem to work and results in the same line as the original. What is the correct way to do this removal?
Furthermore, if I wanted to remove the opening and closing [], is it more efficient to do it all in one go or on separate lines?
You can use a [^[:ascii:]] construct with a Perl-like regex to remove the non-ASCII codes from your input, and you can add an alternative [][] to also match square brackets:
text <- "[Peanut M&M\u0092s]"
replaced <- gsub("[][]|[^[:ascii:]]", "", text, perl=T)
## => [1] "Peanut M&Ms"
See IDEONE demo
If you only plan to remove the \0092 symbol, you do not need a Perl like regex:
replaced <- gsub("[][\u0092]", "", text)
See another demo
Note that [...] is a character class that matches 1 symbol, here, either a ] or [, or \u0092. If you place ] at the beginning of the character class, it does not need escaping. [ does not need escaping inside a character class (in R regex and in some other flavors, too).

Regular expression in R: gsub pattern

I'm learning R's regular expression and I am having trouble understanding this
gsub example:
gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", x)
So far I think I get:
if x is alphanumeric it doesn't match so all nothing modified
if x contains a . or | or ( or { or } or + or $ or ? it adds \\ in front of it
I can't explain:
> gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", '10\1')
[1] "10\001"
> gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", '10/1')
[1] "10/1"
I am also confused why the replacement "\\\\\\1" add only two brackets.
I'm suppose to figure out what this function does and I think it's suppose to escape certain special characters ?
The entire pattern is wrapped in parentheses which allows back-references. This part:
... is a "character class" so it matches any one of the characters inside teh square-brackets, and as you say it is changing the way the pattern syntax will interpret what would otherwise be meta-characters within the pattern definition.
The next part is a "pipe" character which is the regex-OR followed by an escaped open-square-bracket, another "OR"-pipe, and then an escaped close-square-bracket. Since both R and regex use backslashes as escapes, you need to double them to get an R+regex-escape in patterns ... but not in replacement strings. The close-square-bracket can only be entered in a character class if it is placed first in the string, sot that entire pattern could have been more compactly formed with:
"[][.|()\\^{}+$*?]" # without the "|\\[|\\])"
In replacement strings the form "\\n" refers to whatever matched the n-th parenthetical portion of the 'pattern', in this case '\1' is the second portion of the replacement. The first position is "\" which forms an escape and the second "\" forms the backslash. Now get ready to the even weirder part ... how many characters are in that result?
> nchar( gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\1", '10\1') )
[1] 3
And then of course none of the items in the match is equal to '\1". Somebody writing whatever tutorial you have before you (which I do not think is the gsub help page) has a weird sense of humor. Here are a couple of functions that may be useful if you need to create characters that would otherwise be intercepted by the system readline function:
> intToUtf8(1)
[1] "\001"
> ?intToUtf8
> 0x0
[1] 0
> intToUtf8(0)
[1] ""
> utf8ToInt("")
And do look at ?Quotes where a lot of useful information can be found (under what I would consider a rather unlikely title) about how R handles octal, hexadecimal and other numbers and special characters.
The first regex broken down is this
( # (1 start)
| \[
| \]
) # (1 end)
It captures any what's in the 'class' or '[' or ']' then it looks like it replaces it with \\\1 which is an escape plus whatever was in capture 1.
So, basically it just escapes a single occurrence of one of those chars.
The regex could be better written as ([.|()^{}\[\]+$*?]) or within a
string as "([.|()^{}\\[\\]+$*?])"
Edit (promoting a comment) -
The regex won't match string 10\1 so there should be no replacement. There must be an interpolation (language) on the print out. Looks like its converting it to octal \001. - Since it cant show binary 1 it shows its octal equivalent.

Extract subset of a string following specific text in R

I am trying to extract all of the words in the string below contained within the brackets following the word 'tokens' only if the 'tokens' occurs after 'tag(noun)'.
For example, I have the string:
m<- "phrase('The New York State Department',[det([lexmatch(['THE']),
inputmatch(['The']),tag(det),tokens([the])]),mod([lexmatch(['New York State']),
I want to get a list of all of the words that occur within the brackets after the word 'tokens' only when the word tokens occurs after 'tag(noun)'.
Therefore, I want my output to be a vector of the following:
[1] new, york, state, department
How do I do this? I'm assuming I have to use a regular expression, but I'm lost on how to write this in R.
Remove newlines and then extract the portion matched to the part between parentheses in pattern pat. Then split apart such strings by commas and simplify into a character vector:
pat <- "tag.noun.,tokens..(.*?)\\]"
strapply(gsub("\\n", "", m), pat, ~ unlist(strsplit(x, ",")), simplify = c)
[1] "new" "york" "state" "department"
Visualization: Here is the debuggex representation of the regular expression in pat. (Note that we need to double the backslash when put within R's double quotes):
Debuggex Demo
Note that .*? means match the shortetst string of any characters such that the entire pattern matches - without the ? it would try to match the longest string.
How about something like this. Here i'll use the regcatputedmatches helper function to make it easier to extract the captured matches.
m<- "phrase('The New York State Department',[det([lexmatch(['THE']),inputmatch(['The']),tag(det),tokens([the])]),mod([lexmatch(['New York State']),inputmatch(['New','York','State']),tag(noun),tokens([new,york,state])]),head([lexmatch([department]),inputmatch(['Department']),tag(noun),tokens([department])])],0/29,[])."
rx <- gregexpr("tag\\(noun\\),tokens\\(\\[([^]]+)\\]\\)", m, perl=T)
lapply(regcapturedmatches(m,rx), function(x) {
# [[1]]
# [1] "new" "york" "state" "department"
The regular expression is a bit messy because your desired match contains many special regular expression symbols so we need to properly escape them.
Here is a one liner if you like:
paste(unlist(regmatches(m, gregexpr("(?<=tag\\(noun\\),tokens\\(\\[)[^\\]]*", m, perl=T))), collapse=",")
[1] "new,york,state,department"
Broken down:
# Get match indices
indices <- gregexpr("(?<=tag\\(noun\\),tokens\\(\\[)[^\\]]*", m, perl=T)
# Extract the matches
matches <- regmatches(m, indices)
# unlist and paste together
paste(unlist(matches), collapse=",")
[1] "new,york,state,department"

R regex: specifying output selections from wider string matches

One for the regex enthusiasts. I have a vector of strings in the format:
<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" STYLE="font-size: 10px" size="10" COLOR="#FF0000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Desired output string containing any symbols</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>
I'm aware of the perils of parsing this sort of stuff with regex. It would however be useful to know how to efficiently extract an output sub-string of a larger string match - i.e. the contents of angle quotes >...< of the font tag. The best I can do is:
strng = str_extract(strng, "<FONT.*FONT>") # select font statement
strng = str_extract(strng, ">.*<") # select inside tags
strng = str_extract(strng, "[^/</>]+") # remove angle quote symbols
What would be the simplest formula to achieve this in R?
Use str_match, not str_extract (or maybe str_match_all). Wrap the part that you want to extract match in parentheses.
str_match(strng, "<FONT[^<>]*>([^<>]*)</FONT>")
Or parse the document and extract the contents that way.
doc <- htmlParse(strng)
fonts <- xpathSApply(doc, "//font")
sapply(fonts, function(x) as(xmlChildren(x)$text, "character"))
As agstudy mentioned, xpathSApply takes a function argument that makes things easier.
xpathSApply(doc, "//font", xmlValue)
You can also do it with gsub but I think there are too many permutations to your input vector that may cause this to break...
gsub( "^.*(?<=>)(.*)(?=</FONT>).*$" , "\\1" , x , perl = TRUE )
#[1] "Desired output string containing any symbols"
^.* - match any characters from the start of the string
(?<=>) - positive lookbehind zero-width assertion where the subsequent match will only work if it is preceeded by this, i.e. a >
(.*) - then match any characters (this is now a numbered capture group)...
(?=</FONT>) - ...until you match "</FONT>"
.*$ - then match any characters to the end of the string
In the replacement we replace all matched stuff by numbered capture group \\1, and there is only one capture group which is everything between > and </FONT>.
Use at your peril.

Matching non commented pattern in eclipse

I am having troubles with a regex syntax.
I want to match all occurrences of a certain word followed by a number, but exclude lines which are commented.
Comments are (multiple) # or ## or ### ...
#This is a comment <- no match
#This is a comment myword 8 <- no match
my $var = 'myword 12'; <- match
my $var2 = 'myword'; <- no match
Until now I have
orignal pattern: ^[^(\#+)](.*?)(myword \d+)(.*?)$
new pattern: ^([^\#]*?)(myword\s+\d+)(.*?)$
Which should match lines which do no begin with one or more #, followed by something, then the word number combination I am searching for and finally something.
It would perhaps be good to match also parts of lines if the comment does not begin at the beginning of the line.
my $var3 = 'test';#myword 8 <- no match
What am I doing wrong?
I want to use it in Eclipse's file search (with Perl epic module).
Edit: The new pattern I got does no return false matches, but it return multiple the line which includes myword and several lines before that line. And I'm not sure it returns all matches.
Note that [] are character classes. You cannot use quantifiers in there. They are like the . – matches any character given in there. The dot itself, or a character class, can then be quantified.
In your example, [^(#+)] would match everything except (,), +, and depending on the flavour (I guess) # and \.
So what you want here is to match a line that starts with any character except for a #. (I think.)
A problem is that the # might occur in a string where it is not a comment. (Regarding comments not starting at the beginning of the line.)
Re: comments not at the beginning of the string.
To do this right (e.g. not to miss any valid matches) you pretty much have to parse a file's specific programming language's grammar properly, so you can't do this (easily, or even at all) with a RegEx.
If you don't, you risk missing valid search hits that follow a "#" used in a context other than comment start - as an example common to pretty much any language, after a string "this is my #hash".
It's even worse in Perl where "#" can also appear as a regex delimiter, as a $#myArr (index of the last element of an array), or - joy of joys - as a valid character in an identifyer name!
Of course, if You are aware of these problems and still want to use regexp to extract the content. Something like this may be useful:
This is a little bit complex but I hope it will works for You.
For me this matches as below:
my $var = 'myword 12'; <- match
my $var = 'myword 17'; <- match
my $var2 = 'myword'; <- no match
my $var = 'myword 9'; #'myword 17'; <- partly match
my $var = 'myword 8'; ##'myword 127'; <- partly match
my $var = ;#'myword 17'; <- no match
#my $var = 'myword 13'; <- no match
##my $var2 = 'myword 14'; <- no match