access to spark, in a mesos cluster setup by dcos - amazon-web-services

I'm trying DCOS to setup a spark/mesos cluster.
I deployed the mesos cluster on AWS, and everything went smoothly, except that the cluster is put in a dedicated VPC almost inaccessible from anywhere.
The rest of my apps are in another VPC (default one), how am I supposed to access the services hosted on from there ?
I tried to setup a VPC peering, with routes, and new rules in security groups, but I'm stuck, and I don't feel I'm in the right direction.

Did you setup a dcos cluster via the Mesosphere site? In that case I would actually recommend to use the chat button on the lower left of the DCOS UI.
Otherwise -if I understand your problem correctly- you should have a look at this tutorial in order to make applications available to the public. A general overview of the security model can be found here.
So basically there are two options:
Start your tasks on public nodes (by setting acceptedResourceRoles": ["slave_public"])
Add an Edge Router making the tasks running on private slaves available to the outside.
For more details check the above link.


How can I deploy and connect to a postgreSQL instance in AlloyDB without utilizing VM?

Currently, I have followed the google docs quick start docs for deploying a simple cloud run web server that is connected to AlloyDB. However, in the docs, it all seem to point towards of having to utilize VM for a postgreSQL client, which then is connected to my AlloyDB cluster instance. I believe a connection can only be made within the same VPC and/or a proxy service via the VM(? Please correct me if I'm wrong)
I was wondering, if I only want to give access to services within the same VPC, is having a VM a must? or is there another way?
You're correct. AlloyDB currently only allows connecting via Private IP, so the only way to talk directly to the instances is within the same VPC. The reason all the tutorials (e.g., which is likely the quickstart you mention) talk about a VM is that in order to create your databases themselves within the AlloyDB cluster, set user grants, etc, you need to be able to talk to it from inside the VPC. Another option for example, would be to set up Cloud VPN to some local network to connect your LAN to the VPC directly. But that's slow, costly, and kind of a pain.
Cloud Run itself does not require the VM piece, the quickstart I linked to above walks through setting up the Serverless VPC Connector which is the required piece to connect Cloud Run to AlloyDB. The VM in those instructions is only for configuring the PG database itself. So once you've done all the configuration you need, you can shut down the VM so it's not costing you anything. If you needed to step back in to make configuration changes, you can spin the VM back up, but it's not something that needs to be running for the Cloud Run -> AlloyDB connection.
Providing public ip functionality for AlloyDB is on the roadmap, but I don't have any kind of timeframe for when it will be implemented.

Private service to service communication for Google Cloud Run

I'd like to have my Google Cloud Run services privately communicate with one another over non-HTTP and/or without having to add bearer authentication in my code.
I'm aware of this documentation from Google which describes how you can do authenticated access between services, although it's obviously only for HTTP.
I think I have a general idea of what's necessary:
Create a custom VPC for my project
Enable the Serverless VPC Connector
What I'm not totally clear on is:
Is any of this necessary? Can Cloud Run services within the same project already see each other?
How do services address one another after this?
Do I gain the ability to use simpler by-convention DNS names? For example, could I have each service in Cloud Run manifest on my VPC as a single first level DNS name like apione and apitwo rather than a larger DNS name that I'd then have to hint in through my deployments?
If not, is there any kind of mechanism for services to discover names?
If I put my managed Cloud SQL postgres database on this network, can I control its DNS name?
Finally, are there any other gotchas I might want to be aware of? You can assume my use case is very simple, two or more long lived services on Cloud Run, doing non-HTTP TCP/UDP communications.
I also found a potentially related Google Cloud Run feature request that is worth upvoting if this isn't currently possible.
Cloud Run services are only reachable through HTTP request. you can't use other network protocol (SSH to log into instances for example, or TCP/UDP communication).
However, Cloud Run can initiate these kind of connection to external services (for instance Compute Engine instances deployed in your VPC, thanks to the serverless VPC Connector).
the serverless VPC connector allow you to make a bridge between the Google Cloud managed environment (where live the Cloud Run (and Cloud Functions/App Engine) instances) and the VPC of your project where you have your own instances (Compute Engine, GKE node pools,...)
Thus you can have a Cloud Run service that reach a Kubernetes pods on GKE through a TCP connection, if it's your requirement.
About service discovery, it's not yet the case but Google work actively on that and Ahmet (Google Cloud Dev Advocate on Cloud Run) has released recently a tool for that. But nothing really build in.

Amazon AWS elasticsearch Kibana access from browser

I know this issue has been already discussed before , Yet I feel my question is a bit different.
I'm trying to figure out how am I to enable access to the Kibana over the self manged AWS elastic search which I have in my AWS account .
Could be that what am I about to say here is inaccurate or complete nonsense .
I am pretty novice in the whole AWS VPC wise section and to ELK stuck.
Here is the "Architecture":
I have a VPC.
Within the VPC I have several sub nets.
Each server sends it's data to the elastic search using log stash which runs on the server itself. For simplicity lets assume I have a single server.
The elastic search https url which can be found in the Amazon console is resolved to an internal IP within the sub net that I have defined.
I have found the following link which suggest to use one of two option:
Option 1: resource based policy
Either to allow resource based policy for elastic search by introducing condition which specify certain IP address.
This was discussed in the following thread but unfortunately did not work for me.
Proper access policy for Amazon Elastic Search Cluster
When I try to implement it in the Amazon console, Amazon notifies me that because I'm using Security group , I should resolve it by using security group.
Security group rules:
I tried to set a rule which allows my personal computer(Router) public IP to access Amazon elastic search ports or even opening all ports to my public IP.
But that didn't worked out.
I would be happy to get a more detailed explanation to why but I'm guessing that's because the elastic search has only internal IP and not public IP and because it is encapsulated within the VPC I am unable to access it from outside even if I define a rule for a public IP to access it.
Option 2: Using proxy
I'm decline to use this solution unless I have no other choice.
I'm guessing that if I set another server with public and internal IP within the same subnet and VPC as that of the elastic search , and use it as a proxy, I would be then be able to access this server from the outside by defining the same rules to the it's newly created security group . Like the article suggested.
I found out of the box solution that some one already made for this issue using proxy server in the following link:
Using either executable or docker container.
Option 3: Other
Can you suggest other solution? Is it possible to use Amazon Load balancer or Amazon API gateway to accomplish this task?
I just need proof of concept not something which goes into production environment.
Bottom line:
I need to be able to aceess Kibana from browser in order to be able to search elastic search indexes.
Thanks a lot
The best way is with the just released Cognito authentication.
This is a great way to authenticated A SINGLE USER. This is not a good way for the system you're building to access ElasticSearch.

Setup external firewall network security with kops and aws

At the moment I want to introduce some external firewall solution for kubernetes within the AWS.
I'm using kops to help build the production environment. It’s a pretty good framework
However, I’m new to the AWS network structure and kubernetes is also a new thing for me.
What I want to do is setup a firewall for all requests come to the services within the kubernetes.
And if someone hacked a container within the kubernetes, he or she cannot attack any other containers in the cluster. Any idea or suggestion?
For general Kubernetes restricting actions at a network level can be done (assuming you're on 1.7) via Network Policies.
In addition to that if you're concerned about malicious containers in your cluster, I'd recommend reviewing the CIS Kubernetes standard to make sure you've locked down your cluster as, out of the box there appear to be some concerns with kops.
OK I finally figured out a solution. At the beginning, I try to use Fortinet Gate with kops. But it's not working and causing a lot of seems that the change of route table will have some conflict with kops. Anyway, it's not a good idea to reconnect subnets and firewall instances regarding kops. Later we switched to Deep security. All good. The only issue is kops doesn't support custom launch config at the moment. I hope this can help anyone who want to setup security env on kubernetes.

Upload local Vagrant to AWS

So, I've been working locally in a vagrant ubuntu box for the past month: I've spent a lot of time working on customizing it and installing exactly all the software I want on it. I started all of this through the normal vagrant tutorial (aka, nothing special). I packaged my local vagrant box into a file. Now, I want to move my development environment (e.g. file) to an Amazon EC2 instance on AWS. I know I'm not supposed to ask for software recommendations, but my question is basically: is this possible to do and, if it is, could you point me to some examples of people doing it? I've read that packer might be an option, but it looks to me (a very inexperienced perspective) that maybe I should have started with that instead of trying to use it now. Any help would be appreciated - I don't want to spend a couple weeks setting up a new environment when I have one locally set up.
Progress! I followed #error2007s link and followed the tutorial. I'm at the point where I've uploaded the VMDK image to s3 and provisioned an instance using it (all done automatically with the ec2-import-instance command on the CLI). However, I don't see a Public IP to access the new instance after I start it up.
I think this is related to cloud-init somehow, but I'm not sure what that is really. I tried it with both the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg file that came with the box as well as the one listed here and neither of the two boxes I uploaded gave me a Public IP to access.
Edit 2:
Here are some things I see in the Console (They all seem right to me, but a more experienced eye might see something wrong):
subnet info:
Auto-assign Public IP: yes
Network ACL:
VPC info:
DNS resolution: yes
DNS hostnames: yes
ClassicLink DNS Support: no
DHCP Option Set:
Options: domain-name = ec2.internal domain-name-servers = AmazonProvidedDNS
From my perspective, those all look right, or am I missing something?
I assigned an Elastic IP per these instructions, but when I ssh ec2-user#<elastic-ip>, it says ssh: connect to host <elastic-ip> port 22: Connection refused. The security group assigned to the instance is set to allow all protocols on all ports. Also, this is the first time I encounter a Elastic IP and I'm unsure what exactly it is doing.
Amazon enables you to transfer your Vm to AWS as a EC2 instance. Check this tutorial this is more simple.
You want to use the Vagrant AWS provider found here:
This is a Vagrant 1.2+ plugin that adds an AWS provider to Vagrant,
allowing Vagrant to control and provision machines in EC2 and VPC.
This will allow you to provision your AWS instances using Vagrant, allowing you to migrate the same local development environment to an AWS EC2 instance.
There is a good tutorial here:
Hi I have found these articles but I have not yet tested them myself. Im still in the middle of organizing my personal notes and identifying my technology stack. I intend to have a Homestead vagrant box be replicated as an EC2 instance, so I wont have to configure the instance(s) manually.
I find their approaches similar. The only thing that I am worried at is the "vagrant add box" part.
I asked myselft, what if I had to do this setup again for familiarization purposes, what will happen since I already added a vagrant box (the dummy one, as instructed in the tutorials) previously.