DHCP client information request - c++

I am calling the DhcpGetClientInfo function from Windows DHCP Server Management API. Below is a segment of code where I query the DHCP server(in my case a Raspberry Pi) for a specific client's general information. The necessary header files have been included and the program builds fine with no compile time errors.
int a;
// Search criteria
SearchInfo.SearchType = DhcpClientIpAddress;
SearchInfo.SearchInfo.ClientIpAddress = inet_addr("");
a = DhcpGetClientInfo(L"", &SearchInfo, &ClientInfo);
std::ofstream outputFile("C:\\Temp\\TestX\\log4.txt");
outputFile << a;
However, the function fails and returns error number #1722 which does not appear in the DHCP Server Management API Error Codes here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363378(v=vs.85).aspx
I cannot find any information on said error. Has anyone any experience to help me out here. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Error 1702: RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE: The RPC server is unavailable.
Source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms681386%28v=vs.85%29.aspx


Batch jcl error for cics web services using cics web service assistant tool

I am facing issue while submitting below job, can someone please suggest?
RETURN CODE IS (00000081) REASON CODE IS (0594003D)
FILENAME IS (/ka7a/KA7A.in)
//KA7LS2W2 JOB (51,168),'$ACCEPT',CLASS=1,
// JAVADIR='java/J7.0_64',PATHPREF='',TMPDIR='/ka7a',
LOGFILE=/home/websrvices/wsbind/payws.log `enter code here`
Based on the Return Code 81 / Reason Code 0594003D the pathname can't be resolved.
the message IGD17501I explains the error. You'll find more information looking up the Reason Code 0594003D.
You can use BPXMTEXT to lookup more detail on the Reason Code.
Executing this command in USS you'll see:
$ bpxmtext 0594003D
BPXFVLKP 05/14/20
JRDirNotFound: A directory in the pathname was not found
Action: One of the directories specified was not found. Verify that the name
specified is spelled correctly.
Per #phunsoft adding that the same command can be executed in TSO and is not case sensitive like USS.
I'd suspect that /ka7a doesn't exist. Is it a case issue? Or perhaps you meant /u/ka7a/ or `/home/ka7a' ?

How to use the WinRM C++ API in a simple example

why is my code failing to run a simple executable using WinRM's C++ API?
int main()
ShellClient *shellClient = new ShellClient();
//Set up the shell client here and connect to the localhost.
//This seems to be working fine because I'm handling every
//possible error code, and none of them are being triggered
PCWSTR commandLine = L"\"MyExampleExecutable.exe\"";
isOk = shellClient->RunCommand(commandLine);
if (!isOk)
return 1;
return 0;
bool ShellClient::RunCommand(PCWSTR command)
WSMAN_SHELL_ASYNC createCommandAsync;
ZeroMemory(&createCommandAsync, sizeof(createCommandAsync));
createCommandAsync.operationContext = this;
createCommandAsync.completionFunction = (WSMAN_SHELL_COMPLETION_FUNCTION)CommandCreatedCallback;
WSManRunShellCommand(shellHandle, 0, command, NULL, NULL, &createCommandAsync, &commandHandle);
if (commandHandle == NULL)//It is *always* NULL
std::cout << "command handle null" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
One possible clue is that my C++ code thinks the shell gets created fine, but in the Event Viewer for my machine, there is this:
WSMan operation CreateShell failed, error code 2150859250
At the time of writing, this lovely error code gives precisely zero results when put into Google, making it rather difficult to know what it means.
Background and common solutions which I have already checked
As documented here and explaned in this video by the same author, most WinRM issues boil down to either connection or authentication problems. In my case, if I deliberately enter incorrect user credentials, I get an authentication error, so I know that my program is connecting and authenticating fine when the correct username and password are supplied. Also:
From the command line, I can connect to my local machine and pretend it's a remote server, for example the following command works fine:
winrs -r:http://localhost:5985 -u:COMPUTERNAME\Jeremy "dir"
winrm quickconfig shows the service is working (which we already know otherwise the winrs command wouldn't work)
winrm get winrm/config shows TrustedHosts = localhost, AllowUnencrypted = true, and all authentication methods are set to true
Following this advice, I have set the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy = 1
Working in Windows 10
Thank you in advance!
I wasn't aware of this so can't comment on whether it's common knowledge but Microsoft have a nifty error lookup tool where you can enter an error code (after converting it from a normal number to hexadecimal) and it tells you what it means.
In this case, 2150859250 (803381F2 in hex) corresponds to:
# The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The
# requested IdleTimeout is outside the allowed range.
When setting up the WinRM shell, I was doing the following:
ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(startupInfo));
startupInfo.idleTimeoutMs = 1000;//not large enough!
startupInfo.workingDirectory = L"C:\\";
//other parameters of startupInfo set here
WSManCreateShell(session, 0, shellUri, &startupInfo, NULL, NULL, &createShellAsync, &shellHandle);
Changing idleTimeoutMs from 1000 to a much larger number like 100000 solved the error and my program now works fine.
Since the official docs for this parameter say anything between 0 and 0xFFFFFFFF are valid, it remains a mystery why a value of 1000 is throwing this error. I leave this for somebody more knowledgable than myself to answer, on the off chance that they come across this question.

Get text for error code returned by Poco?

I have an App with a Poco module for internet connection to support users with legacy XP and Vista OS connecting with TLS1.2. There is a connection problem that returns a Poco error code but I don't know what that means. Here is part of the logging output:
poco_connection::end_receiving_response_body entered
poco_connection::close entered
poco_session::destroy_connection entered
poco_connection::end_transaction entered (code 0x00280166, hresult 0x00000000, closing: FALSE)
--------- 043d7450 (Closing request)
poco_connection::transaction_notify entered (code 0x00280166, hresult 0x00000000): Status: 3
Poco Communication Failed: code 0x00280166, hresult 0x00000000
poco_connection::~poco_connection entered
A little research shows there is a class Poco::Error that includes a method
static std::string getMessage(
int errorCode
which returns a text string for errors. Unfortunately I don't have source for the Poco module and so I can't add that translation call.
Since Poco is an open source project, can anyone point me to a code location where I can look up the mapping of Poco errors? Specifically error code 0x00280166
Seems I got lucky with a bit of googling
But I don't think you're in luck, the code just assumes the error code is a windows system error code. And when I google 0x00280166 this page is the only hit.

WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl always fails with error code 12180 (ERROR_WINHTTP_AUTODETECTION_FAILED)

I'm trying get the proxy settings for my computer automatically.
I've set up a local server and I've uploaded a .pac file (which I can access from my browser) and I've set the link to it in the Internet Explorer connection settings, in the "address" field and checked "Use automatic configuration script".
My code is the following:
int main()
printf("%d\n", GetLastError());
return 0;
The function always fails and GetLastError returns 12180 (ERROR_WINHTTP_AUTODETECTION_FAILED)
What am I doing wrong?
From https://developer.appcelerator.com/question/120622/errorwinhttpautodetectionfailed:
This error message is not necessarily a problem and can be ignored if you are using direct connection. you get this error if you are having direct connection. to check that and get more info, you can use the following commands:
cd windows\system32
netsh winhttp help
— answered 4 years ago by Nick G
From your comment I gather that this was indeed the reason you were getting this error, so I'm posting it as an answer.

ora-24399- Invalid number of connections specified -OCCI program

I am using following simple code to connect to database and I am getting error as ORA-24399 which says invalid number of connections specified. I have googled enough but not clue. This is a CPP program.
Following is code Snippet:
Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection *con= env->createConnection("test","test","testdb");
catch(SQLException ex)
P.S Using SQL Plus I am able to connect to the database where this code is being run. There are no issues there. Only through program there is a failure seen.
P.P.S Tried using connectionpool as well but still no luck...
Looking at your error, it seems that the problem is somewhere else in your code: you should fix the parameters (related to connection numbers) in the call to OCIConnectionPoolCreate.