Does OpenGL change vertices in memory when you apply transformations? - c++

So let's say I have a single vertex (to make things easy) in my program, (0, 0, 0). Right at the origin. I render a single frame with a simple translation matrix, moving the vertex two units down the x-axis. The vertex is rendered accordingly. Does the same vertex now show up in the VRAM as
(2, 0, 0)? I've read that it's important to load all the respective identity matrices in OpenGL every time a frame is rendered--and I assume that's because everything would continually move, rotate, etc. further and further, implying that applying transformations DOES modify actual data, not just the appearance onscreen.

Strictly speaking, OpenGL is just an API definition. An implementation can do whatever it wants as long as it meets the specifications.
That being said, the answer to your question is generally: NO. It's hard to picture how storing transformed vertices back into the memory that also contained the original vertices would ever make sense.
The original vertex positions are passed into the vertex shader, where they are processed, which can include transformations. Once they exit the vertex shader, the transformed positions will most likely be stored in some kind of cache or dedicated on-chip GPU memory until they are processed by the next steps of the pipeline, which includes perspective division, application of the viewport transform, and rasterization. Once those vertex processing steps are completed, the transformed vertices can be discarded. They may stay in a cache for a little longer, for possible reuse of the processed vertex in case the same original vertex is used again. But they are not stored in any persistent way.
The way I interpret it, what you heard about having to reset the matrices for each frame was probably a misunderstanding. If you want to apply the same matrices in the next frame, you don't have to do anything at all.
What they were most likely talking about is related to how the matrix stack in legacy OpenGL works. Most calls that modify the current matrix, like glTranslatef(), glRotatef(), etc, are applied incrementally to the current matrix. For example, if you call glRotatef(), the rotation is combined with the transformation that was already on the matrix stack. The result it that your newly specified rotation is applied to the vertices first, followed by the transformations that were already on the matrix stack.
Based on this, if you want to specify transformations from scratch at the start of each frame, you will call glLoadIdentity() to reset the current transformation on the matrix stack before you start specifying your new transformations. Or you can use glPushMatrix()/glPopMatrix() to save and restore the desired state of the matrix stack.
If you use what many people call "modern OpenGL", meaning that you don't use the legacy fixed pipeline functionality, you don't have to worry about any of that. The matrix stack is gone for good, and you get to calculate your own transformation matrices, and pass them to your shader code.

Here is a link on wiki about the mathematics involved with Transformation Matrices. this will give you an understanding of the math behind the scenes. Another way to look at this is also on the lines of linear or vector algebra. So what happens under the hood when you render a scene is that all of the vertex (pixel) data is sent from the CPU to the GPU to be rasterized and drawn to the screen. This is your batch process or render call, now you also have a frame function that will happen x amount of times per second which will give you your frames per second. So if you are rendering at say 60 FPS then these pixels, vertices, triangles etc., will be drawn 60 times each second. When you apply a transformation to this set of vertices what happens here is you have a transformation matrix that is being multiplied to your model view projection matrix. MVP * T which this will be saved back into your existing MVP matrix if this is how you have your calculations set up. There are some differences between which version of OpenGL you are using as you go from OpenGL v1.0 Pure CPU calls up to v4.5. As far as I know after version 3.2 or 3.3 I don't remember which version off hand you have to implement the MVP yourself where versions greater than v1.5 where shaders were first introduced was handled for you already. Here is the documentation on OpenGL and on the main page there will be a topic that says documentation from there you can either select OpenGL Registry or which ever specific version you want to look at. From here you can read their documentation about the OpenGL API since this site covers everything that is available in their API. So as you begin to understand this process, yes the actual coordinate data for these vertices does change, however it will not continuously change unless you are incrementing a static type variable with a factor of time thus giving you some kind of simulation of movement or animation. If you apply only a single transformation then these pixels, vertices, triangles, etc., will either Rotate, Translate, Scale, or Shear depending on which Transformation you are applying. I will tell you that the order of these operations does matter, but I will not tell you which order they are, that will be for you to read up on and to figure out. These reason this does matter is due to the fact that not every Matrix Multiplication has a valid Inverse Matrix. The Identity is used for reasons such as round off errors and floating point precision, so that if you happen to apply say 1,000 transformations in a matter of about 10 seconds, you do not have astronomical errors. This should be enough to point you in the right direction and also serve as a guide as to how the OpenGL API works.


Select object in OpenGL when doing transformations in the vertex shader

I'm pretty new to OpenGL and am trying to implement a simple program where I can draw cubes, move them around with the mouse, and delete them.
Previously I had done my drag operations by translating on the CPU. In this way I was able to use ray-tracing to pick out the element I wanted because the vertices themselves were being updated.
However, I'm trying to move all of the transformations to the GPU and in doing so realized that I would then be giving up updated access to the vertices on the CPU (as the CPU still thinks the vertices are the un-transformed ones). How does one do this communication so that I wouldn't have to manually do transformations on the CPU as well as in the Vertex Shader?
No matter where you're doing your transformations, you will typically have a model matrix that describes where each object is in the scene. Instead of transforming each object into world space just so you can check for intersection with a world-space ray, you can also transform the ray into the object space of each object by transforming the ray with the inverse model matrix.
One general issue with ray-tracing is that, as your scene gets larger, brute force testing of each object will get increasingly slow. You can use acceleration structures like an Octree or a Bounding Volume Hierarchy to speed things up. A completely different approach when it comes to picking would be just render an ID buffer, i.e. a buffer that has the same resolution as your currently rendered frame and for each pixel saves the ID of the object that is visible at that pixel. Then you can simply read back the value of the pixel underneath the cursor to find out what object you hit without the need to do any raytracing. Rendering the ID buffer could be done as a separate pass or can likely just be added as an additional render target to a pass you're already doing, e.g., prefilling the depth buffer or just when rendering the scene in case you only do one pass.

How do I get started with a GPU voxelizer?

I've been reading various articles about how to write a GPU voxelizer. From my understanding the process goes like this:
Inspect the triangles individually and decide the axis that displays the triangle in the largest way. Call this the dominant axis.
Render the triangle on its dominant axis and sample the texels that come out.
Write that texel data onto a 3D texture and then do what you will with the data
Disregarding conservative rasterization, I have a lot of questions regarding this process.
I've gotten as far as rendering each triangle, choosing a dominant axis and orthogonally projecting it. What should the values of the orthogonal projection be? Should it be some value based around the size of the voxels or how large of an area the map should cover?
What am I supposed to do in the fragment shader? How do I write to my 3D texture such that it stores the voxel data? From my understanding, due to choosing the dominant axis we can't have more than a depth of 1 voxel for each fragment. However, since we projected orthogonally I don't see how that would reflect onto the 3D texture.
Finally, I am wondering on where to store the texture data. I know it's a bad idea to store data CPU side since you have to pass it all in to use it on the GPU, however the sourcecode I am kind of following chooses to store all its texture on the CPU side, such as those for a light map. My assumption is that data that will only be used on the GPU should be stored there and data used on both should be stored on the CPU side of things. So, from this I store my data on the CPU side. Is that correct?
My main sources have been: OpenGL Insights A SVO using a voxelizer. The issue is that the shader code is not in the github.
In my own implementation, the whole scene is positioned and scaled into one unit cube centered on world origin. The modelview-project matrices are straightforward then. And the viewport is simply the desired voxel resolution.
I use 2-pass approach to output those voxel fragments: the 1st pass calculate the number of output voxel fragments by accumulating a single variable using atomic counter. Then I use the info to allocate a linear buffer.
In the 2nd pass the rasterized voxel fragments are stored into the allocated linear buffer, using atomic counter to avoid write conflict.

Is my situation a good case to use GL_STATIC_DRAW?

I have a textured polygon mesh that I plan to be move-able based on the user's various inputs.
For example: the user can move the vertices in various directions. But the number of vertices and the texture coordinates will always be constant.
Is this a good situation to use GL_STATIC_DRAW, or should i use something else, like GL_STREAM_DRAW?
Instead of updating a VBO every time the vertices are moved, I would suggest using transformations. With transformations, you can create a matrix that can translate, rotate, or scale the vertices by simply multiplying the transformation matrix by the position vector. This multiplication can be done on the graphics card with a GLSL shader. Using this method, your vertex buffer would never have to change.
I would suggest reading this article for more information on how to use transformations in OpenGL:
No, your situation is not a good case to use GL_STATIC_DRAW. As h4lcOn's link suggests you should use dynamic or stream. Though if I understand correctly what you are trying to do I wouldn't even use VBO at all. There will not be much overhead (if any at all) if you push the coordinates every draw call for a simple polygon. Use a VBO in cases when you have a large quantity of polygons or when you make large amount of draw calls with the same vertex data in a single frame.

OpenGL glMatrixMode help

I'm starting to work a little on OpenGL stuff, and I'm seeing a lot of examples that make calls to the glMatrixMode function.
From what I've gathered, setting this to either GL_MODELVIEW or GL_PROJECTION (etc) will activate that specific transformation matrix and all subsequent calls to matrix transformation functions (glTranslatef, glPushMatrix, glLoadIdentity, glLoadMatrix etc) will affect the active matrix only.
What I don't get is why are there 3 (4 in some cases) different matrices? Which one should I use? (I'm probably going to get a lot of "Use Shaders", but I can't. Limited by school...) When should I switch and activate a different matrix? What is the benefit of utilizing all of them as opposed to only using one?
Thanks for any help :)
glMatrixMode doesn't "activate" matrices. The OpenGL fixed pipeline uses 3 matrices (sometimes 4): Two are responsible for transforming the geometry, one for transforming texture space (and some implementations one for color adjustments). Those matrices are used all the time.
The modelview matrix is used to move geoemtry around. Since OpenGL doesn't have a "camera" the viewer is positioned by moving all the geometry in the opposite (=inverse) of the movements of the "camera".
The projection matrix is used to transform the geometry from modelview space into clip space, i.e. it projects the transformed geometry into the viewport.
The texture matrix transforms the texture coordinates. In case (s,t,r,q) are directly given the benefit of this matrix isn't clear at first. But OpenGL also allows to generate texture coordinates from the vertex positions. This together with the texture matrix allows to implement projection textures.
The color matrix is seldomly used and not even available in all implementations (it's part of an extension). If available it transforms the incoming vertex colours. Since there are not implicit color generators what use is then? Well, it can be used to transform between linear colourspaces, e.g. RGB->XYZ or any other colour space conversion that can be expressed as a matrix of scalars. Nobody used the color matrix these days, shaders do the job much better.
glMatrixMode is there so that there's no bloat of functions. Otherwise you'd need:
and so on. Also you couldn't use functions like glFrutum in both projection and texture matrices. You'd need two of those, too.
And last but not least one important hint. Setting the viewport and the projection matrix belongs in the rendering function. Most tutorials you'll see out there place them in the window resizing handler, which is the totally wrong place for that. Don't immitate this bad habit.
You will be using all of these if you use the fixed function pipeline (i.e. "no shaders"). In fact, you'll use them with shaders too, but you'll implement them yourself in that case.
This part of OpenGL can be hard to grasp at first, although it is actually quite simple. When you select a particular matrix, then this does not turn on or off anything. All it does is that it makes functions like glTranslatef work with the one specific matrix that you've selected.
OpenGL works like this everywhere (except for direct state access), for example with textures and buffers, in the same way.
EDIT: As for why there are several matrices, they all do different things. Your models are usually in their "own space", which means they need to be somehow transferred to the "world", by scaling them appropriately and translating them to the right location. Then everything (the whole "world") needs to be transformed in a way according to your "eye position", and it must be transformed into a "normalized" clip space, because that is how the hardware can be implemented in the most efficient manner, etc, etc, etc.
All those matrices are usually multiplied together (without you knowing that this happens).If you google for opengl transform pipeline, you will get a lot of good resources that explain what happens when in detail, for example this.
Or, read the specification (freely available at, it contains very explicit (and in my opinion easy) information on how all the seemingly complicated matrix stuff is intended.
You will probably just use glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) once, followed by gluPerspective() (or maybe glOrtho()), so that you will set how the projection will be done. It is not that very common to change the perspective once set.
Then you change to GL_MODELVIEW and just use it to rotate/translate/scale stuff around. Both matrix are used on redering, being final position on screen = GL_PROJECTION * GL_MODELVIEW * your vertex. But since GL_MODELVIEW should change much more often than GL_PROJECTION, they are separated by the specification.
It's because matrix multiplies are not commutative. If you only had one matrix mode, the new transformation would always occur after all existing ones, and that's not always desirable.
By keeping several matrices which effectively get multiplied together for each piece of geometry, it's possible to e.g. have both translation to render the different bits of an object and also a point-of-view transformation, and be able to adjust these independently of each other.

Why is there a glMatrixMode in OpenGL?

I just don't understand what OpenGL's glMatrixMode is for.
As far as I can see, when glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) is called, it
is followed by glVertex, glTranslate, glRotate and the like,
that is, OpenGL commands that place some objects somewhere in
the space. On the other hand, if glOrtho or glFrustum or gluProjection
is called (ie how the placed objects are rendered), it has a preceeding call of glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION).
I guess what I have written so far is an assumption on which someone will prove
me wrong, but is not the point of using different Matrix Modes exactly
because there are different kinds of gl-functions: those concerned with
placing objects and those with how the objects are rendered?
This is simple and can be answered very briefly:
Rendering vertices (as in glVertex ) depends on the current state of matrices called "model-view matrix" and "projection matrix";
The commands glTranslatef, glPushMatrix, glLoadIdentity, glLoadMatrix, glOrtho, gluPerspective and the whole family affect the current matrix (which is either of the above);
The command glMatrixMode selects the matrix (model-view or projection) which is affected by the forementioned commands.
(There's also the texture matrix used for texture coordinates, but it's seldomly used.)
So the common use case is:
Have the model-view matrix active most of the time;
Whenever you have to initialize the projection matrix (usually at the beginning or when the window is resized, perhaps), switch the active to projection, set up a perspective, and revert back to model-view.
You can use glRotate and glTranslate for projection matrices as well.
Also: OpenGL supports transforms of textures and colors. If you active this feature you can for example modify the texture coordinates of an object without rewriting the texture coordinates each frame (slow).
This is a very useful feature if you want to scroll a texture across an object. All you have to do for this is to draw the textured object, set the matrix mode to GL_TEXTURE and call glTranslate to set the offset into the texture.
As Nils pointed out, you do have more to matrices than just what you mentioned.
I'll add a couple thoughts:
OpenGL core (from 3.1 onwards) does away with all the matrix stuff completely, so does GL ES 2.0. This is simply due to the fact that shader programs removed much of the requirement of having them exposed at the GL level (it's still a convenience, though). You then only have uniforms, and you have to compute their value completely on the client side.
There are more matrix manipulation entrypoints than the ones you mention. Some of them apply equally well to projection/modelview (glLoadIdentity/glLoadMatrix/glMultMatrix, Push/Pop), They are very useful if you want to perform the matrix computation yourself (say because you need them somewhere else in your application).
All geometry coordinates undergo several linear transformations in sequence. While any linear transformation can be expressed by a single matrix, often you want to think of a sequence of transformations and edit the sequence, and if you have only a single matrix you could only change the ends of that sequence. By providing several transformation steps, OpenGL gives you several places in the middle where you can change the transformation as well.
Calling glMatrixMode before emitting geometry has no effect at all. You call glMatrixMode before editing the transform matrix, to determine where in the overall sequence those edits appear.
(NB: Looking at the sequence makes a lot more sense if you remember that translation and rotation are not commutative, because translation changes the center of rotation. Similarly translation and scaling are not commutative.)