Unable to link CCfits example program - c++

This is probably related to
c++ reading fits file using ccfits
which was never answered.
Anyway, I hope my question is easier to reproduce. There is an example program for CCfits at:
I am attempting to compile this using:
g++ cookbook.cpp -o cookbook -lCCfits -lcfitsio
The link fails for every CCfits function in the file:
/tmp/cc7hVaju.o: In function main':
cookbook.cpp:(.text+0x14): undefined reference towriteImage()'
cookbook.cpp:(.text+0x31): undefined reference to writeAscii()'
cookbook.cpp:(.text+0x4e): undefined reference towriteBinary()'
cookbook.cpp:(.text+0x6b): undefined reference to copyHDU()'
cookbook.cpp:(.text+0x88): undefined reference toreadHeader()'
cookbook.cpp:(.text+0xa5): undefined reference to readImage()'
cookbook.cpp:(.text+0xc2): undefined reference toreadTable()'
cookbook.cpp:(.text+0xdf): undefined reference to readExtendedSyntax()'
cookbook.cpp:(.text+0xfc): undefined reference toselectRows()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I have tried this with the CCfits package that comes with Ubuntu. I have also tried installing the package myself. Same error.
Strangely, I get similar messages if I do not include the libraries on the command line (i.e., "g++ cookbook.cpp -o cookbook"). The one difference is that I also get this error:
/tmp/ccMVMkSB.o: In function CCfits::FITS::setVerboseMode(bool)':
cookbook.cpp:(.text._ZN6CCfits4FITS14setVerboseModeEb[_ZN6CCfits4FITS14setVerboseModeEb]+0xf): undefined reference toCCfits::FITS::s_verboseMode'
This must be a clue, right? Seems to say that the libraries I have named, although they exist, do not contain all the functions I need.
Thanks for any help,

Not sure if you got a suitable answer to this question but as far as I can tell the main issue is that you are not including the definitions to the function signatures. These are usually defined in the header files of c++ libraries.
For example, if your library is installed in "/usr/local" on a UNIX system then the header files will be installed in the location "/usr/local/include/CCfits". The corresponding lib files will be installed at "/usr/local/lib". The important thing is that the compiler does not know this and you need to inform it of these locations.
g++ cookbook.cpp -o cookbook -I /usr/local/include/CCfits -L /usr/local/lib -lCCfits -lcfitsio
The "-I /usr/local/include/CCfits" flag and the given parameter inform g++ of the location of the header files that it is looking for. The "-L /usr/local/lib" flag and the given parameter inform g++ of the location of the library files. It is important to note that g++ will search in the standard location for libraries on in your environment as well this is just giving it more locations to search. There are in fact rules for what it should do if it finds multiple libraries which are the same in different locations but I don't explicitly remember those.
Also to be safe, ensure that the libraries are loaded into memory by the OS. These are shared libraries not static so they are not stored into the executable file. This won't make a difference when compiling the source but will prevent the successful execution of the executable. To ensure that the OS has loaded the library into memory run the following command:
sudo ldconfig
Yours Aye,
Omar EQ


Including expect/tcl library for C/C++

Recently I found an example of how to use the expect library in C++. I tried to compile it, but the compiler (g++) said, that tcl8.5/expect.h doesn't exists. So I tried to include tcl8.6/expect.h - still the same error. I checked the /usr/include/ directory and I wasn't surprised when I've noticed, that there is no tcl8.x directory.
I've searched for files with "expect" in their name. Here's what I found:
Unfortunately when I tried to include any of these I got the following list of errors during compilation:
> g++ test.cpp -Wall -std=c++0x -ltcl8.6 -lglog -o test
/tmp/cce8k1BA.o: In function `task(std::string const&, std::string const&, std::string const&)':
test.cpp:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `exp_is_debugging'
test.cpp:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `exp_timeout'
test.cpp:(.text+0x38): undefined reference to `exp_popen'
How can I solve this problem?
When I tried to link it with the expect lib (-lexpect) I got the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lexpect
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I'm sure that both - tcl8.6 and expect 5.45-4 are installed.
The usual way of distributing Expect these days puts the shared library in a non-standard location and loads it dynamically by full pathname. This works well and is minimal fuss for most people, but does make it rather hard to use Expect's C interface in your own code.
The easiest way is going to be to build your own copy from source, especially as that will give you control over how exactly it was built. This can particularly include keeping the majority of symbols in the library instead of stripping them on install, which will help a lot with debugging. You probably ought to use the current supported version. (Yes, it's a release from several years ago. It doesn't need a lot of support effort most of the time.)
You haven't linked to the expect library during your build. Add -lexpect to your g++ command.

Linking Intel's MKL (BLAS & LAPACK) to GCC

I am trying to compile a giant software package, and this is the last hurdle I can't seem to figure out.
I'm getting errors like:
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x22bf): undefined reference to `dgetrf_'
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x2524): undefined reference to `dgetri_'
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x3005): undefined reference to `dgetri_'
../../lib/libqmcwfs.a(RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp.o): In function `qmcplusplus::RNDiracDeterminantBase::ratio(qmcplusplus::ParticleSet&, int, qmcplusplus::ParticleAttrib<qmcplusplus::TinyVector<double, 3u> >&, qmcplusplus::ParticleAttrib<double>&)':
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x4156): undefined reference to `dgemv_'
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x420f): undefined reference to `dger_'
Google reveals that these references are to Intel's MKL library. However, I don't know what file I need to link. I've tried libmkl_core.a, libmkl_gnu_thread.a, libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a, etc. There's tons of files in:
Can post more information if requested.
I don't know what file I need to link. I've tried libmkl_core.a, libmkl_gnu_thread.a, libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a, etc. There's tons of files in: /mkl/lib/intel64/
The fact that there are tons of files doesn't mean you have to try each library in turn.
To find out which library defines the symbols you want, run this command:
cd /mkl/lib/intel64
nm -A *.a | egrep '[TWBD] (dger_|dgemv_|dgetrf_|dgetri_)$'
Also be sure to put libraries at the end of your link line, as the order of archive libraries on command line matters.
Based on the incomplete information you provided, it's likely that you need libmkl_intel_lp64.a, libmkl_gnu_thread.a, and libmkl_core.a.
Intel MKL has a built-in tool to help you figure out linking: /mkl/tools/mkl_link_tool. This tool is also available on the web: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-mkl-link-line-advisor. Use this tool to get the exact link line for your situation.
You should have asked your question on the official MKL forum (http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-math-kernel-library). You'd get the answer for this type of questions within hours instead of days.
I had a similar problem when setting up mingw on windows.
The following library linking order worked for me with gcc:
Hope this helps anyone stuck with this problem.

GMP Library, compile error in C++, MinGW, Code::Blocks

I have built GMP for MinGW. The IDE I'm using is Code::Blocks. I don't have any problems with C functions of GMP. But I'm having problem with C++. The program I tried to run is as simple as this,
using namespace std;
mpz_class a;
return 0;
And the Errors I get are
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osmpz.o):osmpz.cc|| undefined reference to `__gmpz_get_str'|
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osfuns.o):osfuns.cc:(.rdata+0x1c)||undefined reference to `__gmp_asprintf_memory'|
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osfuns.o):osfuns.cc:(.rdata+0x20)||undefined reference to `__gmp_asprintf_reps'|
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osdoprnti.o):osdoprnti.cc|| undefined reference to `__gmp_doprnt_integer'|
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osdoprnti.o):osdoprnti.cc|| undefined reference to `__gmp_asprintf_final'|
||=== Build finished: 5 errors, 0 warnings ===|
Now, some additional data:
I don't have any problem with C functions. And also, if I remove cout<< statement the file compiles and runs fine. The problem is probably with overloaded operators.
libgmpxx.a and libgmp.a are linked with compiler. It can be seen in the error messages too...
The problem is probably with the libgmpxx.a alone. So, I built the Library again, but the files are same.
I used this tutorial build GMP with MSYS for MinGW. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/exact/core/gmp/ and http://suchideas.com/journal/2007/07/installing-gmp-on-windows/
The version of GMP I'm using is 5.0.4.
So, what I want to know is, what could be the problem? And how could it be solved?
And, if unsolvable and if you have the working files for 5.0.4 version, please share it. :(
I suspect the command to build your program specifies the libgmp* libraries in the wrong order. Make sure the libgmp.a library is specified after the libgmpxx.a library:
-lgmpxx -lgmp
If they are specified in the other order, then when pulling in dependencies from libgmpxx.a library, the libgmp.a library won't be searched.
From the ld linker's docs on the -l option:
The linker will search an archive only once, at the location where it
is specified on the command line. If the archive defines a symbol
which was undefined in some object which appeared before the archive
on the command line, the linker will include the appropriate file(s)
from the archive. However, an undefined symbol in an object appearing
later on the command line will not cause the linker to search the
archive again.
See the -( option for a way to force the linker to search archives
multiple times.
You may list the same archive multiple times on the command line.

Libusb undefined reference to

I'm trying to set up libusb API on my OS. I downloaded libusb api on libusb.org. I followed the standard installation procedure:
cd into directory
make check //without errors
make install
Then I launched Eclipse C/C++ and copied some code from the tutorial found on the internet. But when trying to build it I got following output:
main.cpp:(.text+0x19): undefined reference to `libusb_init'
main.cpp:(.text+0x76): undefined reference to `libusb_set_debug'
main.cpp:(.text+0x8a): undefined reference to `libusb_get_device_list'
main.cpp:(.text+0x136): undefined reference to `libusb_free_device_list'
main.cpp:(.text+0x142): undefined reference to `libusb_exit'
/tmp/ccOWJGwe.o: In function `printdev(libusb_device*)':
main.cpp:(.text+0x162): undefined reference to `libusb_get_device_descriptor'
main.cpp:(.text+0x28a): undefined reference to `libusb_get_config_descriptor'
main.cpp:(.text+0x4d4): undefined reference to `libusb_free_config_descriptor'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I have libusb.so in /lib and also I have usb.h in /usr/local/include and the link for the .so and libusb.a in /usr/local/lib.
Also the #include inside the code is correct.
I know that problem is in linker but I, kind of, cannot make it work :)
I'm using Fedora 15 operating system and gcc 4.6.0 20110603 (Red Hat 4.6.0-10) version compiler.
So what could I do to resolve these undefined references? Thanks very much for help :)
I did face the same problem. But I was able to solve it by adding '-lusb-1.0' to the linker.
e.g : g++ myfile.cpp -lusb-1.0
you have to set the library linker flag for compilation in the linker,
you can get a full list in the console by executing
pkg-config --list-all
These are the libraries which you have installed on your system and you have to link against the ones you want to use.
so in your example it is libusb so you do
pkg-config --libs libusb
there should be the output
This gives you the flag you have to pass to the linker. e.g.
g++ myfile.cpp -lusb[-1.0]
Then you edit the configuration of the project and search for the linkerflags, there should be a textfield for that somewhere in the buildoptions. i'm not quite shure where to find it but googling for it suggested:
Project -> Properties -> C/C++
Build -> Miscellaneous -> flags
After you found it, just add the linker flag in the textfield and you should be fine.
since my answer is the accepted one, I also added the other flag that seems to work for a lot of people.
What is your linker command line? You need to have -lusb in the linking command; just having the header included won't work.
I don't use Eclipse C/C++ but I am pretty sure the reason is the same that I faced some while ago when setting up a C project in Netbeans.
It's not enough to have the #include in your code and the library at the right location - you also have to tell Eclipse where to look for them and how to use them. This turorial shows you how to set it up in Eclipse.

Link error: undefined reference to EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ and EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init

I am using crypto++ in my code. I don't want to use its dependencies so i've tried to import crypto++ files in my folder and include them in my .cpp file
I have the followng errors:
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x89a0): undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x8cb0): undefined reference to `EVP_aes_128_cbc'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x8cdd): undefined reference to `EVP_CipherInit_ex'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x8d49): undefined reference to `EVP_CipherUpdate'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x8dd6): undefined reference to `EVP_CipherFinal_ex'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x922d): undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup'
what am i missing? need some help. Appreciate!
I am working in ubuntu.
You need to do two things, of which you've only done one so far.
You need to tell your compiler where to find the appropriate declarations. You've done this by adding
#include "evp.h"
in your source file. (Depending on how you installed crypto++, you might also need to tell the compiler where to find "evp.h", probably using -Isome_directory.)
The step you're missing is telling the linker where to find the actual implementation (the compiled code) of the functions you're using. According to the Readme.txt file included in the distribution, bulding crypto++ creates a library file called libcryptopp.a.
So something like this should do the job:
gcc my_program.c -o my_program -lcryptopp
Depending on how and where you installed it, you might also need to specify -Lsome_directory to tell the linker where to find libcryptopp.a. (The gcc command invokes both the compiler and the linker. The -l option tells the linker to use libcryptopp.a. The -L option, if needed, tells it what directory to look in.)
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x89a0): undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x8cb0): undefined reference to `EVP_aes_128_cbc'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x8cdd): undefined reference to `EVP_CipherInit_ex'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x8d49): undefined reference to `EVP_CipherUpdate'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x8dd6): undefined reference to `EVP_CipherFinal_ex'
TEST.cpp:(.text+0x922d): undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup'
That's not Crypto++ - its OpenSSL.
If you need to install Crypto++ on Ubuntu, then:
root#bruno:/# apt-cache pkgnames | grep -i crypto++
root#bruno:/# apt-get install libcrypto++8 libcrypto++8-dbg libcrypto++-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libcrypto++-dev libcrypto++8 libcrypto++8-dbg
0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 10.7MB of archives.