Noise during QAudioOutput::setVolume() - c++

The file plays good, but when I try to change the volume by moving a slider in GUI, I hear some rattle. Is this a bug or kind of bad implementation of QAudioOutput? I need to use only QAudioOutput and QMediaPlayer/etc is not allowed. My volume changing code: famous player such as mplayer this problem is also present. Is this is a real problem in lower implementing of setVolume? My code is:
void MainWindow::on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(int value)
audio->setVolume(value / 100.0);
I also found that in very


Problem with Keypress simulation on Linux (Ubuntu 18)

I'm making a hobby project that is basically a bot for a very old flash game, the mouse move and click works fine, but all key presses make the operating system lag/stutter and sometimes stop listening to all keyboard inputs, real or fake.
I started using just XLib with XTests but didn't work, so I tried XSendEvent instead of XTests, but all symptoms stayed the same, so the last attempt was with XDO, which gave better results, but still freezes the OS.
this is the current snippet that I'm trying to use to simulate a keypress:
CheatCore::CheatCore() {
xdo_t x = xdo_new(NULL);
Window *list;
xdo_search_t search;
unsigned int nwindows;
memset(&search, 0, sizeof(xdo_search_t));
search.max_depth = -1;
search.require = xdo_search::SEARCH_ANY;
search.winclass = "Chrome";
int id = xdo_search_windows(x, &search, &list, &nwindows);
qDebug() << nwindows;
qDebug() << "Chrome not found";
w = list[0];
//I have to call activate twice to really bring it forward, I suspect that its
//because I use a transparent "overlay" that show stats for the cheat and it is set as Aways on top
//(i used Qt to set it to not get any Events)
//there is a function that executes every second to check if a pixel color has changed,
//if so, then the SendKey is called to Reload weapon magazine pressing the "space" key
void CheatCore::SendKey(){
xdo_send_keysequence_window(x, w, "space", 500);
I'm using a transparent overlay to show the bot status, with just some numbers appearing, it is a widget created using Qt that is AlwaysOnTop and the paint event draws the desired information's, it is another object and don't have direct impact in the CheatCore, but this is the window flags used to draw over a transparent window and ignore events.
setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowTransparentForInput | Qt::FramelessWindowHint |
I didn't manage to understand what could be provoking this weird behavior, could it be the windowing system?
Also, I tried to find a Qt way of simulating mouse/keyboard inputs, but i didn't manage to find any solution to send events to other windows if there is a way possible of achieving this would be great!
The game i'm trying to automate is called "Storm the House"
If interested this is the link to the online repo : link
Can you help me make this work? Thank you!
Context about the setup:
Ubuntu 18.10 using VGA and Nvidia drivers (if it may influence the xserver)
Did you ever try to use xdotool from command line. To use xdotool you need to install package first.
To simualte a key press, you can use.
xdotool key <key>
For example if you want to simulate key press for X you can use this code
xdotool key x
Or any other combination like
xdotool key ctrl+f
Also you can replace key press with another one, for example if you want to replace pressing D with Backspace you can try this one
xdotool key D BackSpace
You can read complete guid online, also you can write script with this tool and use it in many different situations.
Also you can use it for remote connection too.
I hope this helps you with your little problem.
Using evdev is a linux specific option.
It's a simpler solution as you just need to open the correct file and write to it.
Take a look at this similar question to see how to get started.

Change image on StaticBitmap wxWidgets

I would like to have a window, in which a picture changes depending on what is happening during an infinite loop.
Imagine someone walking around and when he leaves a given track, the program should display an arrow towards the direction of the track. Therefore I have a program, which determines the distance between user and track, but I have no idea on how to update the image.
I use code::blocks with wxWidgets and think I have to use the wxStaticBitmap class. (If there is a better way, please tell me.)
I tried with:
(Note that this snippet is mostly pseudocode, except the StaticDirectionBitmap part.)
On default the Bitmap has a "no_arrow" image. With this I get an error: error: no matching function for call to 'wxStaticBitmap::SetBitmap(const char [51])'|. I see from the documentation that this cannot work, but I have no idea what could.
If anyone knows how to handle this, I would be happy to hear. I remember a few years back, when I tried something similar in C# and failed completely because of thread safety... I hope it is not this hard in C++ with wxWidgets.
SetBitmap takes a wxBitmap parameter not a string. So the call should look something like:
SetBitmap(wxBitmap( "D:\\WindowsDgps\\WindowsDgpsGraphic\\arrow_right.png", wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) );
Make sure prior to making this call that the png handler has been added with a call like one of the following:
wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler);
The easiest place to do this is in the applications OnInit() method.
If you want update the static bitmap from a worker thread, you should throw a wxThreadEvent and then make the call to SetBitmap in the event handler. The sample here shows how to generate and handle these events.

Qt5.2/C++ Critical/Fatal error detection

Good Day All,
I am using the following code to open and display html content.
void MyClass::playHtml(QString filePath, int w, int h) {
QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath);
mWidget = new QWebView(this);
mWidget->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
mWidget->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
mWidget->setGeometry(0, 0, width(), height());
float h_scale = (float) height() / h;
float w_scale = (float) width() / w;
float zoom = 1.0;
if (h_scale < w_scale) {
zoom = h_scale;
} else {
zoom = w_scale;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
This is inside the MyClass, which sets its own geometry and this function scales the QWebView appropriately to maintain aspect ratio. The Deletion for the mWidget(QWebView pointer) is being called when the MyClass object is deleted. Here is the process of how it is called.
1.) MyClass is instantiated as “mclass”.
2.) after instantiation, the playHtml method above is called on mclass object
3.) the playHtml method above takes the full path to an html file that resides in a self-contained folder, the w/h are the pre-determined dimensions of the html content are used in scaling
4.) after about 25 seconds, the mclass object is deleted
4a.) during those 25 seconds the playHtml method scales the html content appropriately, and loads the html file. A lot of javascript happens for animation, etc.
5.) after the deletion another instantiation of MyClass occurs and the process is repeated
this process can be repeated literally 3000 times in a day, one after another. Neither the cpu nor ram are taxed during this time. The only thing I left out of the process above is the logging. I installed a MessageHandler to log the qDebug and other messages.
Here is what I am seeing in the logs after the above process runs for a while (anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days).
A bunch of these per instance of “MyClass”:
CRITICAL: QWindowsBackingStore::flush: GetDC failed ()
followed by a bunch of these per instance of “MyClass”:
CRITICAL: QWindowsBackingStore::flush: BitBlt failed ()
Followed shortly by a crash.
In the event viewer, I get the crash “Error” message. It is always in one of these faulting modules MSVCR100.dll or one of the Qt5Webkit or Qt5WebkitWidget dlls.
I am not specifically drawing anything. I relying on the QWebView to do that — both for drawing itself and the content it contains. It does it well except when the above starts occurring. Nothing else is running on the machine except the software.
How would one go about detecting errors like this? At this point, I don’t know anything about them until they get to the log. I would like to detect and deal with them before that time but am unsure how. As a side note, I would like to take this opportunity to learn more about error detection in general for Qt and C++. Primarily, how do I detect errors like this that seem to be occurring further up the food chain. I fear I have been spoiled by the stack traces provided by Java/C#.
Environment information:
Windows 7 professional 64bit
Qt 5.2.1 (32 bit)
Compiled using VS2010

Google Glass preview image scrambled with new XE10 release

This occurs using a few apks that make use of the camera (e.g., zxing, opencv). It displays a glitched image in the preview but it is still a function of what the camera sees so it appears to be an encoding mismatch. The native camera preview works fine, so the internal apps do not exhibit this problem.
For now, please try adding the following workaround after you acquire the Camera but before you setup and start the preview:
Camera.Parameters params = camera.getParameters();
params.setPreviewFpsRange(30000, 30000);
(Or just add the setPreviewFpsRange call to your existing parameters if you're setting others as well.)
For anyone using ZXing on their Glass, you can build a version from the source code with the above fix.
Add the following method into
public void googleGlassXE10WorkAround(Camera mCamera) {
Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters();
params.setPreviewFpsRange(30000, 30000);
And call this method immediately after anywhere you see Camera.setParameters() in the ZXing code. I just put it in two places in the CameraConfigurationManager and it worked.
I set the Preview Size to be 640x360 to match the Glass resolution.
30 FPS preview is pretty high. If you want to save some battery and CPU, consider the slowest supported FPS to be sufficient:
List<int[]> supportedPreviewFpsRanges = parameters.getSupportedPreviewFpsRange();
int[] minimumPreviewFpsRange = supportedPreviewFpsRanges.get(0);
parameters.setPreviewFpsRange(minimumPreviewFpsRange[0], minimumPreviewFpsRange[1]);
The bug still exists as of XE16 and XE16.11 but this code gets past the glitch and shows a normal camera preview, note the three parameter setting lines and their values. I have also tested this at 5000 (5FPS) and it works, and at 60000 (60FPS) and it does not work:
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) {
if (mCamera == null) return;
Camera.Parameters camParameters = mCamera.getParameters();
camParameters.setPreviewFpsRange(30000, 30000);
camParameters.setPreviewSize(1920, 1080);
camParameters.setPictureSize(2592, 1944);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
mCamera = null;
This still is an issue as of XE22 (!) Lowering the frames per second to 30 or lower does the trick:
parameters.setPreviewFpsRange(30000, 30000);
And indeed, don't forget to set the parameters:
I have found no clear explanation as to why this causes trouble, since 60 fps is included in the supported fps range. The video can record 720p, but I never saw a source add the fps to this.
You can set the params.setPreviewSize(1200,800). You can change the values around this range until you can clear color noise.

Qt QPrinter setPaperSize does not work properly

I am trying to create a Windows application (but will eventually port it to linux also, so cross-compatibility is important if possible) that will take a picture from a webcam and can print without using a printDialog box, but I am having an issue selecting a paper size. I would like the paper size to be set to 4" x 6" which is the A6 format, but when I use setPaperSize(QtPrinter::A6) it seems to default to the letter format. It does not always default to letter with all printers though, it looks like each printer handles the command differently, but most default to letter. I believe this may be an issue with Qt and printer compatibility with the drivers.
My question is: Does anyone know a way to set the printer to 4" by 6" in Qt that should work with all printers?
My code is shown below.
void MainWindow::Print() {
QPainter painter;
QPrinter *printer = new QPrinter(QPrinter::HighResolution);
if (!painter.begin(printer)) {
qWarning("Failed to open file");
painter.fillRect(QRectF(QPointF(108,118),QPointF(110+352, 120+352)), Qt::black);
painter.fillRect(QRectF(QPointF(109,119),QPointF(109+352, 119+352)), Qt::white);
ui->graphicsView->scene()->render(&painter, QRectF(110,120, 350, 350), QRectF(0,0, ui->graphicsView->scene()->width(), ui->graphicsView->scene()->height()), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio);
painter.drawText(110, 110, "Test");
I have tried the following for resizing the paper
printer->setPaperSize(QSizeF(4.0, 6.0), QPrinter::Inch)
none of those seemed to work. If anyone could help me with this issue I would be very greateful
setPaperSize relies on information received from the printer driver, so to be really printer independant, calculare pageRects yourself.
See the pageRect and the paperRect property together with the fullPage property of QPrinter.
See also my answer to Printing pagerect issues where there is a (wrong) starting example of printing arbitrary print rects and how to fix the code given with the question.