I want to remove namespace (xmlns="http://www.cric.com") in the root element and also the comments.
Input xml looks like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AM xmlns="http://www.cric.com" name="Asmkl">
<!-- Sets a new value to the existing parameter -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
<soapenv:Header />
I have tried
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
<xsl:template match="*[namespace-uri() = 'http://www.cric.com']">
<xsl:when test="local-name(.)='root'">
<xsl:element name="root">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#* | node()"/>
<!-- Copy other elemnts -->
<xsl:element name="{name()}">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#* | node()"/>
<!-- Copy the rest -->
<xsl:template match="#* | node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#* | node()"/>
This stylesheet removes from root but adding the namespace in soapenv:Envelope tag.
Desired output is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AM name="Asmkl">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
<soapenv:Header />
but I am getting
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><AM name="Asmkl">
<!-- Sets a new value to the existing parameter -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET" xmlns="http://www.cric.com">
Kindly suggest. XSLT processor is 1.0
How about:
XSLT 1.0
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<!-- move elements in the default namespace into no namespace -->
<xsl:template match="*[namespace-uri() = 'http://www.cric.com']">
<xsl:element name="{local-name()}">
<xsl:copy-of select="#*"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
<!-- "copy" all other elements, without copying the default namespace -->
<xsl:template match="*">
<xsl:element name="{name()}" namespace="{namespace-uri()}">
<xsl:copy-of select="#*"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
Applied to your example (after correcting <set> to <Set>!), the result will be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AM name="Asmkl">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<web:GetCitiesByCountry xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
I want to remove namespace (xmlns="http://www.cric.com") in the root
I am not sure if you realize that the default namespace declared in the root element:
<AM xmlns="http://www.cric.com" name="Asmkl">
is also inherited by the Set and Payload elements.
I want to fetch values from elements without storing values in a variable. My request is long so I'm making it short here. It contains multiple tags. I tried with my XSLT but couldn't achieve the expected output. Due to multiple tags I'm unable to get into the correct path. How can I achieve below output without using variables in my XSLT ?
Below is my xml request:
Here is my expected output:
XSLT which I tried:
<xsl:stylesheet extension-element-prefixes="dp apim" version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="utf-8" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="no"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:template match="documents">
<xsl:apply-templates select="/documents/document" />
<xsl:template match="companies">
<xsl:value-of select="company/type"/>
<xsl:value-of select="company/empid"/>
<xsl:template match="pays">
<xsl:for-each select="pays/pay">
<xsl:value-of select="pay/pay1"/>
<xsl:value-of select="pay/pay2"/>
<xsl:value-of select="pay/due"/>
<xsl:value-of select="pay/month"/>
You can try this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="utf-8" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="no"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:template match="documents">
<xsl:apply-templates select="/documents/document" />
<xsl:template match="companies">
<xsl:value-of select="company/type"/>
<xsl:value-of select="company/empid"/>
<xsl:for-each select="company/pays">
<xsl:apply-templates select="pay"/>
<xsl:template match="pay1">
<xsl:template match="pay2">
<xsl:template match="due">
<xsl:template match="month">
link: https://xsltfiddle.liberty-development.net/eieFA1G
I have to transform an xml file using XSLT.
I had to get in the output the some structure of the input file file, expected some changes in some elements exsiting on a CDATA element.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:aa="http://example.com"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderImport xmlns="http://test.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
My expected output should be like this:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:aa="http://example.com"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderImport xmlns="http://test.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
**<Value>Other Value</Value>**
**<Value>Other Value</Value>**
For that i used this xsl file:
<xsl:template match="#*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="DataElement">
<xsl:apply-template select="name"/>
<xsl:template match="Name | Type">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:template match="Value">
Other Value
but I didn't had the expected output.
Thanks in Advance
To parse the inner XML in the CDATA you can use parse-xml, then push the nodes through templates that change the element value, then reserialize and make sure to define the aa:data as a CDATA section element:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
<xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy"/>
<xsl:output method="xml" cdata-section-elements="aa:data"/>
<xsl:template match="aa:data">
<xsl:variable name="transformed">
<xsl:apply-templates select="parse-xml(replace(., '^\s+', ''))/node()"/>
<xsl:value-of select="serialize($transformed, map { 'method' : 'xml', 'omit-xml-declaration' : false() })"/>
<xsl:template match="Value" xpath-default-namespace="http://test.com">
<xsl:copy>Other Value</xsl:copy>
Could you please tell me how could I remove only the name space xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" from the XML tags?
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:urn="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
<AMOUNT xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">1</AMOUNT>
<DEFECT_CODE xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">393</DEFECT_CODE>
<DEFECT_DESC xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">393</DEFECT_DESC>
<DEFECT_PID xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">601000</DEFECT_PID>
<INSPID xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"/>
<ORDER xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">20262950</ORDER>
<ORIGIN_PID xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">600000</ORIGIN_PID>
<OVER_CONSUMP xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">text</OVER_CONSUMP>
you can use below code by creating element use local-name which will take name without namespaces:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="#* | node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#* | node()"/>
<xsl:template match="urn:BAPI_QM_DEFECT_RECORDING/*">
<xsl:element name="{local-name(.)}">
I have some xml as follows...
<ns1:service1 xmlns:ns1="http://foo.com/service_1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
Now I need to take it and do 2 things
Wrap in a SOAP envelope
insert a trans tag in SystemInfo
the following works for wrapping...
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:param name = "transId" />
<xsl:template match="#*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="*">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<xsl:copy-of select="/*"/>
Now I need to add the tag, problem is we do not know what the Namespace is (and it could change per request). So I can't hardcode it. However, it will already be in the root tag.
So after I would want...
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns1:service1 xmlns:ns1="http://foo.com/service_1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<ns1:trans />
But this doesn't seem to accomplish it....
<xsl:template match="*[local-name()='SystemInfo']">
<xsl:element name="type"/>
<xsl:call-template name="copy-children"/>
<!-- Copy the children of the current node. -->
<xsl:template name="copy-children">
<xsl:copy-of select="./*"/>
What should the above be instead?
Instead if using xsl:copy-of which will just copy the current element without allowing you to make any changes, use xsl:apply-templates
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
Then you can write a template to match your SystemInfo element, and add whatever new elements you need. You could even make use of the namespace-uri function to add it with the same namespace.
<xsl:template match="*[local-name()='SystemInfo']">
<xsl:element name="trans" namespace="{namespace-uri()}" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
Try this XSLT
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:param name="transId"/>
<xsl:template match="#*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="*[local-name()='SystemInfo']">
<xsl:element name="trans" namespace="{namespace-uri()}" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
below is the input xml:
<ns:TXLife xmlns:ns="http://ACORD.org/Standards/Life/2">
<TransType tc="228"/>
and below is my XSLT :
xmlns:ns="http://ACORD.org/Standards/Life/2" version="1.0">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:acor="http://www.foresters.com/esb/ws/wsdl/ACORD-v1.0" xmlns:ns="http://ACORD.org/Standards/Life/2">
<xsl:apply-templates />
<xsl:template match="node() [local-name(.) = 'TXLife']">
<xsl:element name="ns:{local-name()}">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
By using this tranformation i am not able to add namespace prefix to all the child element of TXLife.
how to add namespace prefix (ns) to all child elements? so that it should look as below
<ns:TransType tc="228"/>
If you want only TXLife and descendant to be under http://ACORD.org/Standards/Life/2 namespace, use this stylesheet:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:template match="*[ancestor-or-self::ns:TXLife]">
<xsl:element name="ns:{local-name()}">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="#*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
<soapenv:Header />
<ns:TransType tc="228"></ns:TransType>
Your XML isn't valid, but I assume you just've missed the closing TXLifeResponse element.
The following transformation will do what you want:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns:TXLife xmlns:ns="http://ACORD.org/Standards/Life/2">
<TransType tc="228"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:template match="*">
<xsl:element name="ns:{local-name()}">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="#*">
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>
<ns:TransType tc="228"/>
The template xsl:template match="node()[local-name(.) = 'TXLife']" is somewhat strange to me. What are you trying to accomplish? Maybe we can help explain why this isn't the appropriate way to do it.