How to create simple restful login system in django? - django

I want to create simple restful login system in django. I searched every where they are creating rest-full login system using Restful Framework. How to create without using any rest framework.

Though the default authentication views in Django are not RESTful, you can use third party addons that extend the default views.
Djoser works with Django Rest Framework and provides most of the endpoints for login system.
You can find the other options that work with most Django REST frameworks here:


Can I use django as frontend and have a login system with Token Authentication

Well, this question is for the ones who has experience in working with Django.
I'm new to Django and I have been studying Django, still I want to build an webapi with Django as backend and frontend, with a token authentication. Is that possible, and logical? I have been watching tutorial and reading documentation. Everyone who creates an api full django, creates a basic authentication. And, I want to know if is possible to create a more secure authentication with django as frontend. Thank you.
Generally speaking: yes, you can do that - but not with django alone. Also don't know every possible solution, but you can do this with the Django REST framework.
Here are some links to the documentation:
Django REST framework - Homepage
Django REST framework - TokenAuthentication
I personally use JSON Web Tokens in combination with Django and Django REST framework:
Simple JWT

Django Rest API vs pure Django

I want to build an app that will use a database.
I already build few of them, with models, views, urls... But I discovered that I can build my own API using Django Rest and use this API in my Django project. So if I undersand I will have to separate apps: -an API and my Django app and all my models and database related datas will be in my API app.
If I want to use vue.js for the frontend in my Django app, using an API will make eveything simpler to implement?

Is django a restful api?

I am confused. Some say it is a Restful API and some say it is not.
How do we define a RESTful API? GET,PUT,POST and DELETE commands ?
Can I call any web application which is built using django Web framework a Restful API?
I am confused. Some say it is a Restful API and some say it is not.
Two different kinds of Django:
Django - a web application framework to rapidly develop web applications
Django REST Framework (DRF) - a powerful framework to create RESTful APIs.
Both framework are in Python.
How do we define a RESTful API? GET,PUT,POST and DELETE commands ?
You create an API on your backend application that defines its purpose. If you use DRF for example, and the URL of your API is, you can have it to:
return all the customers information by implementing GET method
create a customer information by implementing POST method
... and so on
Can I call any web application which is built using django Web framework a Restful API?
You call it as backend
Django is a web framework to create web backend while REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style for developing web services.
You can use django to create REST apis.
You can explore further here:
What I understood from the web is here:
It should have some commands like PUT, GET, POST and DELETE etc., commands
The URL of the API should be user/machine understandable
It should have OAuth secret key and token for each client to access from his
The URL should be But I am not sure about it to have api in the URL. Can someone confirm it?
And few more constraints to be a RESTful API. Hope all these points are correct.

How site administration is managed in Django-Angular2 project

I have to use Angular 2+ for front-end and Django as back-end, in my project.
Usually Django provides the '/admin' URL through which we can access the admin portal to do all the site-administration stuffs. But to use Angular 2+ as front-end we need to convert the whole back-end (Django) into REST API, which is actually recommended.
In this case how can we use the Django Admin URL or its utilities from Angular URLs? Or else whether I have to replicate Django Admin in Angular 2.
It will be a great help if someone can give me some ideas on this.
You seem to have a misunderstanding of how the various technologies you are developing in actually coexist.
Django is the server-side framework.
DRF (Django REST Framework) is
used in addition to Django, to make it easier to implement a
RESTful API on top of your Django project. Django REST Framework does
not replace Django. Django REST Framework is an addition to
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that can be used in your project (or just parts of your project).
Using Django REST Framework does not suddenly mean that the Django admin interface will 'stop working'.
If your project's URL routing ('') still contains a route connecting the Django admin interface with /admin you can still go to and it will completely circumvent anything you've done with AngularJS.
It may be late to reply, but Angular and DRF connects over http call.

Stormpath for Django Rest Framework

We are using Django Rest Framework to build API's that feed AngularJS apps. The intent is to use Stormpath for oauth2 authentication and for storage of backend authorization information. However, all of the examples that I have found using Stormpath with Django are for Django web pages (not REST API's) using username and password, not tokens.
How do you integrate Django REST Framework authentication with Stormpath using oauth2?
In this case, you'll actually be relying on Django Rest Framework for the OAuth2 support -- not Stormpath at all. Stormpath will only provide the User model that DRF uses in the backend -- nothing more.
This was a design decision we made to help simplify the data model.
I'm currently looking into ways to add OAuth2 as a first-class Stormpath feature in Django, but that's a ways down the line currently.