Finite State Machine vs ID3 Decision Tree - c++

I have a project that is running on an Arduino like microcontroller and it is currently a soup of mixed IF ELSE statements that can be hard to follow as all the different "rules" are applied and moving through the states. I essentially have (6) modes/states that have been wrapped into functions that are managed via a Case stement in the main loop and the changes needed for transitions are buried at the top of those functions to allow for nearly any state to transition to another state. A little research has led me to Finite State Machines (FSMs) but I also see a lot of people pointing to ID3 and similar decision trees. The inputs that determine state are well defined/known. Given my system isn't trying to solve for "known unknows" would the effort of a decision tree vs a FSM be worth it?

If you use ID3, it will go through the same process for every new "input" in order to produce the output/state, where in an FSM you move from state to state in a single step.
So, In your case it really seems that using ID3 adds unnecessary compelxity. I would opt for FSM.


State design pattern usage in embedded software

I have been solving following problem. I'm a newbie in C++ and I need to implement
a state machine for an embedded software. This state machine should constitute
core of an application logic. It should control transitions between states
"STANDSTILL", "RUN" and "FAULT" of a controller. These transitions occur based
on: logic inputs state, analog inputs state, messages received over communication lines and messages created internally in the controller's software.
I would like to implement this state machine in such a manner that I utilize the
power of the C++ (object oriented programming). So I have spent some time in
looking for some appropriate design pattern. I have found the "state" desing
pattern but I am not sure whether it is a good choice for me. As far as
I understand the definition in right manner it is intended for situations when I
have some object (so called context object) which behavior (methods of its public interface) is strongly dependent on its state.
My first idea was that the so called context object could be the controller itself. (I mean a class which will realize the software model of the whole device.) The state dependent methods could be the methods asociated with the above mentioned inputs processed by the state machine i.e. logic inputs, analog inputs, messages received over communication lines and internal messages. But I am not sure whether it is good approach. Does anybody have any experience with such usage of the state design pattern? Thanks for any suggestions.
Just because you are using C++, you are not necessarily using object-oriented design. Nor do you have to use OOD when implementing trivial things. It is quite feasible to implement a state machine without involving OOD, since it is such a simple data structure. Basically it is just an array (of function pointers) with named members.
The "pattern" is known as finite state machine. A typical C implementation for embedded systems can be found here. You could write a simple class around that array. State machines in embedded systems are almost always static and read-only, so the class would have to be a "Singleton". You'll find that there's no obvious benefit of using a class here.
the state pattern is a good design to start with. But as mentioned, there are existing tools that can generate the code for you. Another one you could look at is This one create code that uses 'the power of C++' and is also based on the state pattern design.

FSM vs become/unbecome in Akka

Akka provides two somewhat overlapping ways to manage actor states, Finite State Machines and unbecome/become. What are their respective benefits/drawbacks? When should one of them be chosen over the other?
FSM is a DSL that allows you to build more sophisticated, readable state machines than would be possible using the core actor API. You could potentially show the FSM code to a business person and they could validate the business rules.
The FSM DSL allows you to compose things together more cleanly. For example transitions allow you to factor out logic that would have to be duplicated across actor become behaviors. Also you can subscribe other actors to be notified of transitions which helps with decoupling and testing.
Also timers are integrated nicely into the DSL and things like cancellation are handled cleanly. Coding timeout messages using the scheduler has a number of gotchas.
The down side to FSM is that it's a DSL and a new syntax for other team members to digest. The up side is that it's a DSL and a much higher level abstraction. I think agilesteel's threshold of 2 states is a good one. But once you get past 2 states the benefits of FSM are really compelling.
Definitely read the FSM docs and the accompanying examples contrasting become and FSM.
One note re: "popping" a behavior using unbecome - the default behavior is to not use the behavior stacking. It is only relevant in a small number of use cases (ie, usually not state machines).
Become/Unbecome are very lightweight in contrast to FSMs. So unless you have more than 2 states (on/off for example) and/or complex state change policies I wouldn't convert Become/Unbecome to a full blown FSM. Other then that, I think there are only minor differences...Like for example FSMs give you a nice built in timer DSL:
setTimer("TimerName", msg, 5 seconds, repeat = true)
// ...
Or for instance I'm not sure if it's possible in an FSM to "go back" to the previous state, there is only "go forward", since you have to explicitly specify which state to go to. Whereas unbecome gives you exactly that.

Debugging or mapping out a large state machine?

I'm trying to debug a chunk of code that's mostly a straightforward 16-state state machine, although there are some cases where the transitions are not very simple (the data the state changes operate on are about 200 bytes of data in a couple C++ classes).
We're finding the machine ending up in a "final" state much earlier than expected. Since I'm not yet intimately familiar with the code, I'm hoping I can try to make out the different states and transitions in a way that will make it easier for me to quickly identify and debug the different transition paths.
Are there any useful tools or techniques for mapping out a state machine like this?
It might be worth noting that I'm doing this from a reverse-engineering standpoint, so there is no planning documentation for the system available to me.
You can look into formal model checking tools, such as UPPAAL. This tool can be used for modelling and verification of any system that can be modelled as networks of timed automata - this includes state machines. I have used it previously to verify e.g. invariants and reachability of possible states.

Removing dependencies from statechart framework

I've got lots of problems with project i am currently working on. The project is more than 10 years old and it was based on one of those commercial C++ frameworks which were very populary in the 90's. The problem is with statecharts. The framework provides quite common implementation of state pattern. Each state is a separate class, with action on entry, action in state etc. There is a switch which sets current state according to received events.
Devil is hidden in details. That project is enormous. It's something about 2000 KLOC. There is definitely too much statecharts (i've seen "for" loops implemented using statecharts). What's more ... framework allows to embed statechart in another statechart so there are many statecherts with seven or even more levels of nesting. Because statecharts run in different threads, and it's possible to send events between statecharts we have lots of synchronization problems (and big mess in interfaces).
I must admit that scale of this problem is overwhelming and I don't know how to touch it. My first idea was to remove as much code as I can from statecharts and put it into separate classes. Then delegate these classes from statechart to do a job. But in result we will have many separate functions, which logically don't have any specific functionality and any change in statechart architecture will need also a change of that classes and functions.
So I asking for help:
Do you know any books/articles/magic artefacts which can help me to fix this ? I would like to at least separate as much code as I can from statechart without introducing any hidden dependencies and keep separated code maintainable, testable and reusable.
If you have any suggestion how to handle this, please let me know.
The statechart pattern is intended to be used specifically to remove switch statements, so this sounds like a horrid abuse. Additionally, states should only change on asynchronous events. If you are processing an event and you change through multiple states (or for loop, etc.), then this is also a horrid abuse of the pattern.
I would start from these two points, as they will solve much of your concurrency issues just fixing them up. What you need to determine is:
What are your external, asynchronous events to the system? These are the only things that should be determining state transitions, not things that happen during event processing. An event may cause 0 or 1 state transitions. Once you have a list of these state transitions, you can reconstruct the actual states of your system. If you are aware of UML State diagrams, this would be a perfect time to sketch one up in a charting program, not just for yourself (though it will help you immensely), but also for everyone in the future that has to return to the project. As you have learned, this happens.
Now that you know what are really states, list what are states in the code that shouldn't be. This usually indicates that something can be "functionally decomposed". Instead of a state object for each of these, likely all that is needed is a separate function. This will cut down on a lot of the overhead of state objects and should clean up the code immensely.
Now it's time to tackle those horrendous switch statements you mentioned. If they were truly based on state, you shouldn't need one at all. Instead, you should be able to call the state machine directly.
Something like:
and it should work without any switch. But notice, this may be the case even for some of those objects that don't work across asynchronous events. This is also an indication of where you may just use inheritance to get the same effect. If you have:
switch (someTypeIdentifier)
case type1:
case type2:
usually the correct OOP method to do is to create two actual types Type1, Type2, both derived from an abstract base TypeBase, with a virtual method doSomething() that does what you need. The reason this is useful is because it means you can "close" the handling (in the meaning of the Open/Closed Principle), and still extend the functionality by adding new derived types as needed (leaving it open to extension). This saves bugs like crazy because it gets developers hands out of those switch statements, which can get quite ugly and convoluted, instead encapsulating each separate behavior in separate classes.
4 - Now look to fix up your thread issues. Identify all objects used from multiple threads. Make a list. Now, how are these used? Are some of them always used together? Start making groups. The goal here is to find the level of encapsulation that best works for these objects, separate the objects into individual classes that control their own synchronisation, figure out the atomic level of actual "transactions" for the objects, and make methods of the classes that expose those meaningful transactions, wrapped behind the scenes with the appropriate mutexes, condition variables, etc.
You might be saying "that sounds like a lot of work! Why do all that instead of just writing it all over myself?" Good question! :) The reason is actually straightforward: if you are going to do it all by yourself, those are the steps you should be doing anyway. You should be identifying your states, your dynamic polymorphism, and getting a handle on the multithreaded transactions. But, if you start with the existing code, you also have all of those unspoken business rules that were never documented and may cause all sorts of unexpected bugs down the line. You don't have to bring everything over - if you suspect it's a bug, discuss the logic with the people who have worked with the system in the past (if available), QA, or whoever might identify bugs, and see if it really should be carried over. But you need to actually evaluate what the bugs are either way, or you may not code something that actually needed coding.
In the end, this is a manual process that is a part of software engineering. There are CASE tools that can help draw up the state diagrams and even publish them to code, there are refactoring tools, like those found in many IDEs, that can help move code between functions and classes, and similar tools which can help identify threading needs. However, those things shouldn't be picked up for a single project. They need to be learned throughout your career, picking them up and learning them more deeply over years of work, as they are a part of being a software engineer. They don't do it for you. You still need to know the whys and hows, and they just help get it done more efficiently.
Statecharts (including nested Statecharts) are a powerful way to specify, understand and even simulate/validate complex control flow. But to gain the benefit, you need the statechart model in a suitable tool (I used Statemate way back in the day, not sure if it's still available), plus a reliable mapping from the chart to the code (Statemate used to generate the code) - then you can forget about the state management code (mostly)! In your situation, if you don't have the model, I would try to reverse one from the code - as Ira says, chances are high that the original developers had a model in some form, and you may find the code making a lot of sense as the model emerges. If this works out, you will have a really good spec/model of the code which should make future code edits much easier (even if you don't want to go to automatic code generation, and maintain the code/model mapping manually (but you'll need to be meticulous!!))
Sounds to me like your best bet is (gulp!) likely to start from scratch if it's as horrifically broken as you make out. Is there any documentation? Could you begin to build some saner software based on the docs?
If a complete re-write isn't an option (and they never are in my experience) I'd try some of the following:
If you don't already have it, draw an architectural picture of the whole system. Sketch out how all the bits are supposed to work together and that will help you break the system down into potentially manageable / testable parts.
Do you have any kind of requirements or testing plan in place? If not, can you write one and start to put unit tests in place for the various chunks of code / functionality which exist already? If you can do that, you can start to refactor things without breaking as much of whatever does currently work.
Once you've broken things down a bit, start building your unit tests into integration tests which pull together more of the functionality.
I've not read them myself, but I've heard good things about these books which may have some advice you can use:
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Object Technology Series).
Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Robert C. Martin)
Good luck! :-)

Need refactoring ideas for Arrow Anti-Pattern

I have inherited a monster.
It is masquerading as a .NET 1.1 application processes text files that conform to Healthcare Claim Payment (ANSI 835) standards, but it's a monster. The information being processed relates to healthcare claims, EOBs, and reimbursements. These files consist of records that have an identifier in the first few positions and data fields formatted according to the specs for that type of record. Some record ids are Control Segment ids, which delimit groups of records relating to a particular type of transaction.
To process a file, my little monster reads the first record, determines the kind of transaction that is about to take place, then begins to process other records based on what kind of transaction it is currently processing. To do this, it uses a nested if. Since there are a number of record types, there are a number decisions that need to be made. Each decision involves some processing and 2-3 other decisions that need to be made based on previous decisions. That means the nested if has a lot of nests. That's where my problem lies.
This one nested if is 715 lines long. Yes, that's right. Seven-Hundred-And-Fif-Teen Lines. I'm no code analysis expert, so I downloaded a couple of freeware analysis tools and came up with a McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity rating of 49. They tell me that's a pretty high number. High as in pollen count in the Atlanta area where 100 is the standard for high and the news says "Today's pollen count is 1,523". This is one of the finest examples of the Arrow Anti-Pattern I have ever been priveleged to see. At its highest, the indentation goes 15 tabs deep.
My question is, what methods would you suggest to refactor or restructure such a thing?
I have spent some time searching for ideas, but nothing has given me a good foothold. For example, substituting a guard condition for a level is one method. I have only one of those. One nest down, fourteen to go.
Perhaps there is a design pattern that could be helpful. Would Chain of Command be a way to approach this? Keep in mind that it must stay in .NET 1.1.
Thanks for any and all ideas.
I just had some legacy code at work this week that was similar (although not as dire) as what you are describing.
There is no one thing that will get you out of this. The state machine might be the final form your code takes, but thats not going to help you get there, nor should you decide on such a solution before untangling the mess you already have.
First step I would take is to write a test for the existing code. This test isn't to show that the code is correct but to make sure you have not broken something when you start refactoring. Get a big wad of data to process, feed it to the monster, and get the output. That's your litmus test. if you can do this with a code coverage tool you will see what you test does not cover. If you can, construct some artificial records that will also exercise this code, and repeat. Once you feel you have done what you can with this task, the output data becomes your expected result for your test.
Refactoring should not change the behavior of the code. Remember that. This is why you have known input and known output data sets to validate you are not going to break things. This is your safety net.
Now Refactor!
A couple things I did that i found useful:
Invert if statements
A huge problem I had was just reading the code when I couldn't find the corresponding else statement, I noticed that a lot of the blocks looked like this
if (someCondition)
100+ lines of code
simple statement here
By inverting the if I could see the simple case and then move onto the more complex block knowing what the other one already did. not a huge change, but helped me in understanding.
Extract Method
I used this a lot.Take some complex multi line block, grok it and shove it aside in it's own method. this allowed me to more easily see where there was code duplication.
Now, hopefully, you haven't broken your code (test still passes right?), and you have more readable and better understood procedural code. Look it's already improved! But that test you wrote earlier isn't really good enough... it only tells you that you a duplicating the functionality (bugs and all) of the original code, and thats only the line you had coverage on as I'm sure you would find blocks of code that you can't figure out how to hit or just cannot ever hit (I've seen both in my work).
Now the big changes where all the big name patterns come into play is when you start looking at how you can refactor this in a proper OO fashion. There is more than one way to skin this cat, and it will involve multiple patterns. Not knowing details about the format of these files you're parsing I can only toss around some helpful suggestions that may or may not be the best solutions.
Refactoring to Patterns is a great book to assist in explainging patterns that are helpful in these situations.
You're trying to eat an elephant, and there's no other way to do it but one bite at a time. Good luck.
A state machine seems like the logical place to start, and using WF if you can swing it (sounds like you can't).
You can still implement one without WF, you just have to do it yourself. However, thinking of it like a state machine from the start will probably give you a better implementation then creating a procedural monster that checks internal state on every action.
Diagram out your states, what causes a transition. The actual code to process a record should be factored out, and called when the state executes (if that particular state requires it).
So State1's execute calls your "read a record", then based on that record transitions to another state.
The next state may read multiple records and call record processing instructions, then transition back to State1.
One thing I do in these cases is to use the 'Composed Method' pattern. See Jeremy Miller's Blog Post on this subject. The basic idea is to use the refactoring tools in your IDE to extract small meaningful methods. Once you've done that, you may be able to further refactor and extract meaningful classes.
I would start with uninhibited use of Extract Method. If you don't have it in your current Visual Studio IDE, you can either get a 3rd-party addin, or load your project in a newer VS. (It'll try to upgrade your project, but you will carefully ignore those changes instead of checking them in.)
You said that you have code indented 15 levels. Start about 1/2-way out, and Extract Method. If you can come up with a good name, use it, but if you can't, extract anyway. Split in half again. You're not going for the ideal structure here; you're trying to break the code in to pieces that will fit in your brain. My brain is not very big, so I'd keep breaking & breaking until it doesn't hurt any more.
As you go, look for any new long methods that seem to be different than the rest; make these in to new classes. Just use a simple class that has only one method for now. Heck, making the method static is fine. Not because you think they're good classes, but because you are so desperate for some organization.
Check in often as you go, so you can checkpoint your work, understand the history later, be ready to do some "real work" without needing to merge, and save your teammates the hassle of hard merging.
Eventually you'll need to go back and make sure the method names are good, that the set of methods you've created make sense, clean up the new classes, etc.
If you have a highly reliable Extract Method tool, you can get away without good automated tests. (I'd trust VS in this, for example.) Otherwise, make sure you're not breaking things, or you'll end up worse than you started: with a program that doesn't work at all.
A pairing partner would be helpful here.
Judging by the description, a state machine might be the best way to deal with it. Have an enum variable to store the current state, and implement the processing as a loop over the records, with a switch or if statements to select the action to take based on the current state and the input data. You can also easily dispatch the work to separate functions based on the state using function pointers, too, if it's getting too bulky.
There was a pretty good blog post about it at Coding Horror. I've only come across this anti-pattern once, and I pretty much just followed his steps.
Sometimes I combine the state pattern with a stack.
It works well for hierarchical structures; a parent element knows what state to push onto the stack to handle a child element, but a child doesn't have to know anything about its parent. In other words, the child doesn't know what the next state is, it simply signals that it is "complete" and gets popped off the stack. This helps to decouple the states from each other by keeping dependencies uni-directional.
It works great for processing XML with a SAX parser (the content handler just pushes and pops states to change its behavior as elements are entered and exited). EDI should lend itself to this approach too.