Can't build Assembly Language program in Visual Studio - c++

I am trying to build an assembly language in Visual Studio 2013 using MASM. If I import an .asm file, it initially builds. However, the second I go to make changes to that file, most of the code is highlighted red. Visual Studio is treating this assembly program as a C++ file or similar. Even though I have the MASM box selected in Build Customization, the program will not build because it does not recognize the syntax.
Can anyone help?

Visual Studio includes ML.EXE (32 bit) and ML64.EXE (64 bit). I generally create a custom build step for each .asm file in a project. For VS 2015, I right click on source file name, ..., choose custom build tool, and I also set "excluded from build" to "No" , for all configurations. The options for custom build tool or custom build step are:
Example debug build:
Command Line: ml /c /Zi /Fo$(OutDir)\example.obj example.asm
Outputs: $(OutDir)\example.obj
Example release build:
Command Line: ml /c /Fo$(OutDir)\example.obj example.asm
Outputs: $(OutDir)\example.obj
If building a 64 bit program, use ML64 instead of ML.


Is is possible to build codes using Bazel in Visual Studio?

I'm currently following this instruction to build C++ code with tensorflow.
What I want to do is to run the execution (binary) file with Visual Studio's debug mode.
To do this, I think I have to build a binary file via Visual Studio first so that I can set a breakpoint and execute the code line by line.
But problem is that building the code in VS is not that simple because it uses bazel command instead of g++.
Is is possible to build codes using Bazel in Visual Studio?
As of version 0.22.0, there is no plugin support for Visual Studio: see list of supported IDEs and editors.
There is, however, an API to build IDE plugins.
In the meantime, has been published. This is a project generator that generates a Visual Studio Solution file and project files given Bazel build files (WORKSPACE, BUILD, etc.). Also debugging works surprisingly well.

How to locate C, C++, and Fortran compilers on my win7x64 machine?

I'm trying to build binary files of the LAPACK 3.7.0 using CMAKE based on what is told here. In order to use them in my Visual Studio 2013 C++ project.
But I really don't know which option should I choose here?
And also which compilers should I choose in the following?
Because I can't find them in the suggested directories within Program Files or Program File(x86) folders.
my machine uses a dual-core Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU
When using Visual Studio < 2015, a common solution is to run CMake GUI from Visual Studio Command line.
Use windows start menu to run "Visual Studio Command Prompt"
Run cmake-gui from command line. If the folder is in your path, simply launch cmake-gui. If not, launch it using the full path
Locate the source folder of your project (the folder containing the top-level CMakeLists.txt) and create a new build folder (ex c:/my-project/build_32). Generating an environment in the source folder is discouraged)
Generate your project selecting the right MSVC version. In your case, it will be "Visual Studio 12 2013". In my case, this is MSVC 2010.
That's all. Click on finish button and it should generate the compilation environment, solutions, projetcs, etc.
This will generate environment for compiling x86 application. If you also need to compile a x64 version of your project, simply follow again that process, generating in a new build folder and selection "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64".
By default, if you have a paid version of Visual Studio you have both x86 and Win64 compiler installed. If you have the express version, you only have the x86 compiler (so generation using MSVC Win64 will fail).

visual studio builds with optimization flags even when disabled in options

I want to use openCV in my Qt project. But the release build crash and mixing release and debug causes bugs. So I made search and found that building openCV on my very computer setting the same flags (optimization flags) that my project may help.
So I used cmake to generate the openCV project, and open the openCV.sln in my visual studio. But even when I disable the optimization in the properties, the detailed log output shows me that there's /O2 in the cl.exe command line.
Any one get a solution? I don't know well how to use Visual Studio, maybe I can build project from command line?

Visual Studio 2012 C++ How to add compiler option in NMake project

I am currently modifying on a open-source project to suit my own need, however, the project to be built (or compiler) requires me to add a /EHsc option to cl.exe
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 to work on the project. I have been searching long enough but I cannot find the solution still.
Is it possible to add a flag via MS Visual Studio 2012? Because I saw the output log displaying that compiler (cl.exe) compiled with various flag in this project such as /nologo /c /WX.
How can I add the options to cl.exe with this IDE?
Project working on : SumatraPDF
[Edit #1] After reading the first answer provided below, this is the screen I got, it doesn't seem there is an option to do so.
Update: From the screenshot you posted, it seems the SumatraPDF project is NMake-based.
Therefore, you will have to add /EHsc to the build command line, using the NMake property page described here, or edit the Makefile directly.
Original, misguided answer follows:
To set this compiler option in the Visual Studio development
Open the project's Property Pages dialog box. For details, see How to: Open Project Property Pages.
Select the C/C++ folder.
Select the Code Generation property page.
Modify the Enable C++ Exceptions property.
Or, set Enable C++ Exceptions to No, and then on the Command Line
property page, in the Additional Options box, add the compiler option.

How can I debug a MinGW EXE with the Microsoft Visual C++ debugger?

How can I debug a MinGW EXE with the Microsoft Visual C++ debugger?
You can attach the Visual C++ debugger to any process running on the system (from the Visual C++ menu). But for being able to step through your source code Visual C++ would have to load the symbol file (.pdb if I remember correctly) and I don't think GCC generates those files.
Exists many Visual studio extensions such us: WinGDB, VisualGDB you can find it on the web. It allows you to debug as regular Visual Studio project. These projects are not free but it has full functional 30 days trial. It has some restrictions but it's good enough.
The Problem:
GCC compiler (ie MinGW's gcc) generates debug info with "-g" flag. The debug info is embedded into the generated executable. Windows' compiler, on the other hand, uses a peculiar ".pdb" format to store the debug info. For example, Microsoft Visual Studio's debugger needs not only the executable (.exe), but also its debug info (.pdb) to be available.
The Solution:
There is a small program that can extract .pdb files from executables compiled with gcc.
It is called cv2pdb, available at
Download cv2pdb
Put the cv2pdb.exe somewhere in your path, maybe a custom bin folder, so that it will be accessible through the command line.
Compile your file as usual using MinGW's gcc compiler, with the "-g" flag, so that the debug info is included.
Simply run cv2pdb.exe on your executable.
cv2pdb out.exe
This will generate a out.pdb file in the same directory.
(If you have Microsoft Visual Studio installed) Open the executable directly in Microsoft Visual Studio
devenv out.exe
Note: This command simply opens the executable in Microsoft Visual Studio, without creating a project for it. In effect, you can use whatever text editor + build system you want to build your executable, and then use Visual studio only as a standalone debugger.