Breaking encapsulation in C++ - c++

Is there any way to break a class enacapsulation? A friend keyword can be used for the same. If i use a friend function or class, then I can access all public and private data members of it. I want to know is there any other way for the same.This is one of my interview question, I have googled much, but not found convincing answers, hope someone could help me. Thanks in advance.

I would say that friend does not break encapsulation. See
Now let's ignore the issue of what "encapsulation" actually means. It is generally possible to access private members using a template specialization hack. The basic idea, for when the class has a member template, is explained in
This approach can be extended to access any private data member or private member function of a class, even if the class contains no templates. See and

It depends what you men by breaking encapsulation. Generally all operations perfomed on class members outside of the class may be considered as breaking class encapsulation.
For example getters that return non-const reference may be considered as breaking encapsulation because they expose private class members in such way, that you can freely modify them and there is little controll over this process.

Yes, there are. If the class has a public template member function, you can specialize it for a type of yours, and do whatever you want inside it.
There is a book by Herb Sutter that discusses this and other possibilities. IIRC, this is the only one that has standard conformance.

Anything you can do in C is also possible in C++.
You can take a pointer to the class, cast it to char *, treat it as an array and start overwriting the memory with whatever you like, adjusting all the private member variables. You can do this even if someone is using the pImpl idiom to try to hide those variables from you.
Doing things like that is generally a sign of code smell and great evil... the road to hell is paved with good intentions, they say. :)
But in general, when you make a variable or a function private, you are really saying "please don't touch this". The next programmer to come along can always do more or less whatever they want, without modifying your class definition. The features "private" and "public" really are just statements of intent, and a way to inconvenience someone who wants to go against your intent, and a guide to someone who isn't sure where they should be looking for something. It's like the locks on the door to your house -- anyone who is determined can get in anyways.

This is not for the meek and only use in extreme and temporary situations.
The following 3rd party header had private fields I needed to alter.
#define private public
#include "controllers/incremental_mapper.h"
#undef private
The was an experiment and if it worked I would modify the library properly which I knew would be a lot of work.


Is it confusing to omit the "private" keyword from a class definition?

I recently removed a private specified from a class definition because it was at the top, immediately after the class keyword:
class MyClass
int someVariable;
// ...
I thought that it was redundant.
A coworker disagreed with this, saying that it effectively "hid" the private nature of the data.
Most of our legacy code explicitly states the access specifiers, and usually intermingles them inconsistently throughout the definition. Our classes also tend to be very large.
I'm trying to make my newer classes small enough so that my class definitions are similar to:
class MyClass
// 3-4 lines of private variables
// 3-4 lines of protected functions
// public interface
which would allow omission of the redundant access specifier while (hopefully) keeping the private members close enough to the struct/class keyword for reference.
Am I sacrificing readability for brevity, or are the struct/class keywords sufficient?
If you are very familiar with all the default access levels then you probably won't see any difference in readability if you omit them whenever they are unnecessary.
However you will find that many people you work with aren't 100% sure about the default access level rules. This is especially true for people who regularly use different languages where the rules might be different in the different languages. As a result they might get the rules mixed up.
Always specifying the access is the safest option, if only to help the people you work with have one less thing to worry about.
Technically, "private" at the beginning of a class or "public" at the beginning of a struct is redundant, however I personally do not like the intermingled style but rather like to order by access and by declaration type. Readability is more important to me as brevity. So I would have a section "public methods", "private attributes" and so on and I format them as such:
class A
public: // methods
private: // methods
private: // attributes
This of course also generates redundant access declarations. Also, I like putting "public" stuff first because that's most important to users of the class. So, I need an access specifier at the beginning anyway. And I put "public" at the beginning of a "struct" as well.
While incorrect — strictly speaking — your coworker has a point; an experienced C++ programmer doesn't need the default access spoon fed to them, but a less experienced programmer might.
More to the point: most code I've seen and worked with puts the public stuff first, which renders the question moot.
I personally think that being very explicit is generally a good thing. The extra line of code is a small price to pay for the clarity that it adds.
In addition, it allows you to easily reorder your members (private must be first if it's omitted, which is really "backwards" from what you'd expect). If you reorder, and there's a private: modifier in place, other developers are less likely to break something.
Personally, I think it is much more clear with the private keyword included and I would keep it. Just to make sure it is private and everyone else knows it as well.
But I assume this is of personal taste and different for everyone.
I almost always arrange my classes backwards from yours: Public interface first, any protected interface second, and private data last. This is so that users of my classes can simply look at the public and protected interfaces at the top and need not look at the private data at all. Using that order then there's no possible redundancy and the question become moot.
If you prefer to organize yours in the way you outlined, I believe being explicit far outweighs the gain one of line of code. This way it's completely obvious to code readers what the intention is (for example if you change a struct to a class or the reverse at any point).
I often see the public part of a class/struct definition first, thus the protected/private stuff comes later.
It make sense, as a header file is meant to show what the public interface for your class actually is.
At the same time, why not use struct? public by default...
Still, it never hurts to be extra clear in your code as to what is going on. This is the same reason why I avoid the ternary operator and still put in the braces for an if statement that only has one line of code after it.
The most pressing issue though, is what are your companies code standards? Like them or not, that's the standard style you should do for your company, if they say do it such a way, you do it such a way.

Private class functions vs Functions in unnamed namespace

I've found myself that I tend not to have private class functions. If possible, all candidates to private class function rather I put in to unnamed namespace and pass all necessary information as function parameters. I don't have a sound explanation why I'm doing that but at least it looks more naturally to me. As a consequence I need to expose less internal details in the header file.
What is your opinion - is it correct practice?
In the semi large projects where I usually work (more than 2 million lines of code) I would ban private class functions if I could. The reason being that a private class function is private but yet it's visible in the header file. This means if I change the signature (or the comment) in anyway I'm rewarded sometimes with a full recompile which costs several minutes (or hours depending on the project).
Just say no to that and hide what's private in the cpp file.
If I would start fresh on a large c++ project I would enforce PIMPL Idiom: to move even more private details into the cpp file.
I've done this in the past, and it has always ended badly. You cannot pass class objects to the functions, as they need to access the private members, presumably by reference (or you end up with convoluted parameter lists) so you cannot call public class methods. And you can't call virtual functions, for the same reason. I strongly believe (based on experience) that this is A Bad Idea.
Bottom line: This sounds like the kind of idea that might work where the implementation "module" has some special access to the class, but this is not the case in C++.
It basically comes down to a question of whether the function in question really makes sense as part of the class. If your only intent is to keep details of the class out of the header, I'd consider using the pimpl idiom instead.
I think this is a good practice. It often has the benefit of hiding auxiallary structures and data types as well, which reduces the frequency and size of rebuilds. It also makes the functions easier to split out into another module if it turns out that they're useful elsewhere.

Accessing private members [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is it appropriate to access a class' private members by casting it to a void pointer and then to a struct?
I don't think I have permissions to modify the class that contains the data members that I need to access. I don't want to take a risk accessing the data members in an indirect way if it is not ethical.
EDIT: Had to edit this further... I am pretty sure the class wouldn't be modified, so it's ok to that extent... my only concern is, if the person who coded that class gets to know of this, it might not go down well with him :(.
Let's not consider ethics for a moment. Let's consider the standard.
What you are proposing to do is nonstandard. See section 9.2, clause 12 of the standard. "The order of allocation of nonstatic members separated by an access-specifier is unspecified." Therefore, if you have a class with private members, and a struct with no private members, the standard does not guarantee that the members will be in the same order.
Therefore, if your hack works, it works only by accident, that the compiler writers happened to do it that way. There is no guarantee that it will work on another compiler, a later version of the same compiler, or with different class layouts.
Not to mention that, if you don't have authority to modify the class (say, to provide a simple accessor function), you probably don't have authority to object if any implementation detail in the class changes. (One of the ideas behind public and private is to distinguish what is promised from what is freely changeable.) Therefore, the layout may change, or the member might come to mean something different, or be removed altogether.
Herb Sutter wrote a Guru of the Week column on this issue.
Oh, as far as the ethics go? If you really, really have to do something like this, and you can't get out of it, document it very carefully. If your coding standards have some sort of procedure to flag nonstandard behavior, use them. If not, be very careful to note it in a way it won't be overlooked when something goes wrong.
I'm not sure that "ethics" really come into it. It busts the heck out of encapsulation though.
EDIT: I would almost never accept this if I were performing a code review. You'd have to work really hard to convince me there's no way of designing around the need for this. It's possible you'd succeed, but there'd have to be major warnings all over the place, and rock hard unit tests to make sure that if anything changed to break it, you'd know quickly.
I've just added an entry to my blog that shows how it can be done in a completely conforming way. Here is an example on how you use it for the following class
struct A {
int member;
Just declare a tag name and instantiate a robber like the following example shows (my post shows the implementation of the robber). You can then access that member using a member pointer
struct Amem { typedef int type; };
template class rob<Amem, &A::member>;
int main() {
A a;
a.*result<Amem>::ptr = 42; // Doh!
But actually, this doesn't show that c++'s access rules aren't reliable. The language rules are designed to protect against accidental mistakes - if you try to rob data of an object, the language by-design does not take long ways to prevent you.
The above is a way to access private and protected members in a conforming way. This one is another way to access protected members in a Standard conforming way. The basic idea is to use a member pointer
std::deque<int> &getAdapted(std::stack<int> &s) {
struct voyeur : stack<int>
{ using stack<int>::c; };
return s.*(&voyeur::c);
int main() {
std::stack<int> s;
std::deque<int> &adapted = getAdapted(s);
output(adapted); // print the stack...
No casting or type punning involved. It takes a pointer to a protected member of std::stack<int> through a class derived from it where that member name is public, so the compiler allows this. Then it uses it on a std::stack<int> object, which is allowed too.
I have had this happen to me since there was a very crappy source control system in place where for old versions of the application making changes to header files was pretty much impossible.
If some cases you just need to do a hack.
In the source file from which you need to access the private data member you can put in this as a first line:
#define private public
#define protected public
and access anything you want.
No. What you are doing is Pure Evil.
"Never say never". I'm sure somewhere in the universe, there's a situation that will force you to have to do this...
But I certainly would cringe if I had to do it. You truly need get lots of opinions on your situation before pulling the trigger. Can you describe your specific situation and maybe we could see if it makes sense or what better alternatives might exist?
In response to comment/question--
Define "permissions" -- institutional permission? That sounds like not a programming problem, but something to talk to whoever is asserting said permission. Maybe this is more of a political issue than a technical one? Again, I think we need more specifics--even if it was somewhat about the politics of the situation. That may or may not be deemed out of scope for the website, however.
If you feel the urge to do this, forget casting - just modify the class declaration in the header file:
class A {
int x;
change that to:
class A {
int x;
and you are good to go. Well, perhaps "good" is not quite the right word.
It's ethical, but it's usually lots of dirty code neighbouring with undefined behaviour and unportability. Do it only if you absolutely have to.
Ah, abstraction - you can't live without it and yet it is so painful to deal with sometimes :)
Anyway, ethics aside, what if the "owner" of the class decides to change the internal implementation, or simply reverses the order of the private data members?
The only "ethical" problem is what you are doing to the poor bastard who is going to have to figure out and maintain your code.
Private members are just that. He may, and most likely will, one day change that member. When that happens, you might not even notice as there most likely will still be memory there, just not the member you were expecting. Damn near any nearly impossible thing you can imagine might then start happening when your code is run. How is anybody ever going to be able to debug that?
Simple answer: No.
It is not ethical and it will turn into a maintenance nightmare at some point. The internal private members of a library can change and break your code. Developers of the library do not need to know (nor want to) that you are violating the encapsulation.
Classes usually have invariants over their methods that some times will not be documented, but accessing and changing the values from the outside can break those invariants. As an example, if you change the reserved space in a vector for a higher value, the vector will not allocate new space until it has filled the existing and that won't happen before hitting unallocated memory: your application will crash.
If the attribute is private, it is not for you to use it, only for the class itself or the the class' friends that know about the member, how to use it, how not to break it. If the programmer wanted you to change the field, it would be public.
I assume that this class is part of project you are working on.
There is one ethical problem here:
If in your company you see ownership of code as sacrum. Or worst you are disallowed to modify code that is not yours. Yes You may hurt feeling of person that maintain that class. Or angry him if his salary is related to his code.
so best is just to ask him for any help, and few suggestions eg. add getter function or change private to public - all based on your intuition of using that new code.
Hack that you have mention is really bed practice. If cant modify that code and maintainer dont wont to change anything. Consider using adapter design pattern.

When to use friend class in C++ [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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When should you use 'friend' in C++?
I was brushing up on my C++ (I'm a Java developer) and I came across the friend class keyword which I had forgotten about for a while. Is this one of those features that's just part of the kitchen sink, or is there a good reason for doing this rather than just a vanilla getter? I understand the difference in that it limits who can access the data, but I can't think of a scenario when this would be necessary.
Note: I've seen a similar question, but specifically I'm asking, is this just an advanced feature that adds no real value except to confuse people looking at you're code until they realize what you're doing?
I agree with the comments that say the friend keyword can improve encapsulation if used wisely. I'd just add that the most common (legitimate!) use for friend classes may be testing. You may want a tester class to have a greater degree of access than other client classes would have. A tester class could have a good reason to look at internal details that are deliberately hidden from other classes.
In my experience, the cases when friend (or mutable, which is a little similar) to actually enhance encapsulation of data are rare compared with how often it's used to break encapsulation.
It's rarely useful to me but when I do use it it's for cases in which I've had to split a class that was formerly a single class into two separate classes that need to access some common data/functionality.
Edit to respond to Outlaw Programmer's comment: We absolutely agree on this. One other option apart from friend'ing classes after splitting them is to make public accessors, which sometimes break encapsulation! I think that some people think that friendly classes somehow breaks encapsulation because they've seen it used improperly a lot, and many people probably never see code where it's been used correctly, because it's a rare thing. I like your way of stating it though - friendliness is a good middle ground between not allowing you to split up your class and making EVERYTHING accessible to the public.
Edit to respond to David Thornley: I agree that the flexibility that C++ allows you to do things like this is a result of the design decisions that went into C++. I think that's what it makes it even more important to understand what things are generally good and bad style in flexible languages. Java's perspective is that you should never have friend classes so that these aren't provided, but as C++ programmers it's our responsibility as a community to define appropriate use of these very flexible but sometimes misused language constructs.
Edit to respond to Tom: Mutable doesn't necessarily break encapsulation, but many of the uses of the mutable keyword that I've seen in real-life situations break encapsulation, because it's much more common to see people breaking encapsulation with mutable than to actually find and understand a proper use of mutable in the first place.
When you wish that one class (Factory) be responsible for creating instances of another class (Type). You can make the constructor of the Type private and thus make sure that only the Factory can create Type objects. It is useful when you wish to delegate the checks to some other class which could serve as a validator.
Just one usage scenario.
P.S. Really missing the "friend" keyword in C#...
A concrete instance would be a class factory, where you want one class to only be created through another factory class, so you make the constructors private, and the factory class a friend of the produced class.
It's kinda' like a 2" 12-point 3/4"-drive socket - not terribly common, but when you need it, you're awfully glad you have it.
Helps with Memento design pattern
The FAQ's section about friends: here
The FQA's section about friends: here
Two different points of view about friend.
I look at the friend construct as one of those features of the language that should be used in rare occasions, but that doesn't make it useless. There are several patterns that call for making friend classes, many of them already on this site in that "Related" bar on the right. ====>
Friendship is used when you have multiple classes and/or functions that work together to provide the same abstraction or interface. The classic example is implementing some kind of numerical class, and all the non-member operator functions (*, -, +, <<, etc) are given friendship so that they can work on the private data of the numerical class.
Such use cases are somewhat rare, but they do exist, and friend is very useful.
Here is one example, of several, I'm sure, where a friend class can be legitimately used without disregarding the reasons for encapsulation.
MyClass inherits from GeneralClass. MyClass has gotten big, so you created HelperClass to encapsulate some of the function of MyClass. However, HelperClass needs access to some protected functions in GeneralClass to properly perform it's function, so you make HelperClass a friend to MyClass.
This is better than exposing the protected functions, because they don't need to be available to everybody, but it helps keep your code organized in an OOP way to keep MyClass from getting too complex. It makes sense, because although HelperClass isn't concretely related to MyClass by inheritance, it does have some sort of logical connection to it, embodied in the code, and in design, as "friend".
I always ( and only ) use friend for unit testing private methods. The only other way I can imagine to do this would be to load up the public interface with a whole lot of testing methods, which is just too messy and so I prefer to hide the test methods in a seperate test class.
Something like this:
class cMyClassTest;
class cMyClass
friend cMyClassTest;
int calc(); // tricky algorithm, test carefully
class cMyClassTest
int test_calc()
cMyClass test;
int result = test.calc();
if( result == 42 )
return 1;
return 0;
friend class mean we all know that is acesss the value of variable from other class so it is mainly used for use the values so we no need to return the value of other class to main function then main to needed class member function but it having the problem that is a class is friend for other class then friend class should be in below of that class

Class design vs. IDE: Are nonmember nonfriend functions really worth it?

In the (otherwise) excellent book C++ Coding Standards, Item 44, titled "Prefer writing nonmember nonfriend functions", Sutter and Alexandrescu recommend that only functions that really need access to the members of a class be themselves members of that class. All other operations which can be written by using only member functions should not be part of the class. They should be nonmembers and nonfriends. The arguments are that:
It promotes encapsulation, because there is less code that needs access to the internals of a class.
It makes writing function templates easier, because you don't have to guess each time whether some function is a member or not.
It keeps the class small, which in turn makes it easier to test and maintain.
Although I see the value in these argument, I see a huge drawback: my IDE can't help me find these functions! Whenever I have an object of some kind, and I want to see what operations are available on it, I can't just type "pMysteriousObject->" and get a list of member functions anymore.
Keeping a clean design is in the end about making your programming life easier. But this would actually make mine much harder.
So I'm wondering if it's really worth the trouble. How do you deal with that?
Scott Meyers has a similar opinion to Sutter, see here.
He also clearly states the following:
"Based on his work with various string-like classes, Jack Reeves has observed that some functions just don't "feel" right when made non-members, even if they could be non-friend non-members. The "best" interface for a class can be found only by balancing many competing concerns, of which the degree of encapsulation is but one."
If a function would be something that "just makes sense" to be a member function, make it one. Likewise, if it isn't really part of the main interface, and "just makes sense" to be a non-member, do that.
One note is that with overloaded versions of eg operator==(), the syntax stays the same. So in this case you have no reason not to make it a non-member non-friend floating function declared in the same place as the class, unless it really needs access to private members (in my experience it rarely will). And even then you can define operator!=() a non-member and in terms of operator==().
I don't think it would be wrong to say that between them, Sutter, Alexandrescu, and Meyers have done more for the quality of C++ than anybody else.
One simple question they ask is:
If a utility function has two independent classes as parameteres, which class should "own" the member function?
Another issue, is you can only add member functions where the class in question is under your control. Any helper functions that you write for std::string will have to be non-members since you cannot re-open the class definition.
For both of these examples, your IDE will provide incomplete information, and you will have to use the "old fashion way".
Given that the most influential C++ experts in the world consider that non-member functions with a class parameter are part of the classes interface, this is more of an issue with your IDE rather than the coding style.
Your IDE will likely change in a release or two, and you may even be able to get them to add this feature. If you change your coding style to suit todays IDE you may well find that you have bigger problems in the future with unextendable/unmaintainable code.
I'm going to have to disagree with Sutter and Alexandrescu on this one. I think if the behavior of function foo() falls within the realm of class Bar's responsibilities, then foo() should be part of bar().
The fact that foo() doesn't need direct access to Bar's member data doesn't mean it isn't conceptually part of Bar. It can also mean that the code is well factored. It's not uncommon to have member functions which perform all their behavior via other member functions, and I don't see why it should be.
I fully agree that peripherally-related functions should not be part of the class, but if something is core to the class responsibilities, there's no reason it shouldn't be a member, regardless of whether it is directly mucking around with the member data.
As for these specific points:
It promotes encapsulation, because there is less code that needs access to the internals of a class.
Indeed, the fewer functions that directly access the internals, the better. That means that having member functions do as much as possible via other member functions is a good thing. Splitting well-factored functions out of the class just leaves you with a half-class, that requires a bunch of external functions to be useful. Pulling well-factored functions away from their classes also seems to discourage the writing of well-factored functions.
It makes writing function templates easier, because you don't have to guess each time whether some function is a member or not.
I don't understand this at all. If you pull a bunch of functions out of classes, you've thrust more responsibility onto function templates. They are forced to assume that even less functionality is provided by their class template arguments, unless we are going to assume that most functions pulled from their classes is going to be converted into a template (ugh).
It keeps the class small, which in turn makes it easier to test and maintain.
Um, sure. It also creates a lot of additional, external functions to test and maintain. I fail to see the value in this.
It's true that external functions should not be part of the interface. In theory, your class should only contain the data and expose the interface for what it is intended and not utilitarian functions. Adding utility functions to the interface just grow the class code base and make it less maintainable. I currently maintain a class with around 50 public methods, that's just insane.
Now, in reality, I agree that this is not easy to enforce. It's often easier to just add another method to your class, even more if you are using an IDE that can really simply add a new method to an existing class.
In order to keep my classes simple and still be able to centralize external function, I often use utility class that works with my class, or even namespaces.
I start by creating the class that will wrap my data and expose the simplest possible interface. I then create a new class for every task I have to do with the class.
Example: create a class Point, then add a class PointDrawer to draw it to a bitmap, PointSerializer to save it, etc.
If you give them a common prefix, then maybe your IDE will help if you type
In many OOP languages non-friend non-class methods are third-class citizens that reside in an orphanage unconnected to anything. When I write a method, I like to pick good parents - a fitting class - where they have the best chances to feel welcome and help.
I would have thought the IDE was actually helping you out.
The IDE is hiding the protected functions from the list because they are not available to the public just as the designer of the class intended.
If you had been within the scope of the class and typed this-> then the protected functions would be displayed in the list.