How can I remove zero values from list? - list

How can I remove zero values from the result list after the concatenation of two lists?
This is the code I've made to merge 2 lists but I'm stuck how to approach the removal of zero from the result list.
merge([], [], _).
merge([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H2|T]) :-
H1 > H2,
merge([H1|T1], T2, T),
merge([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H1|T]) :-
H1 =< H2,
merge(T1, [H2|T2], T),
merge([], [H2|T2], T) :-
append([], [H2|T2], T).
merge([H1|T1], [], T) :-
append([], [H1|T1], T).

The following code takes the list with zeroes as first argument and list without as second. It works by peeling of the head of the first list: if it's a zero, the second list doesn't need it. when you hit the empty string, you're done. prolog will now backtrack and build up the second list.
delete([0|T], L) :- delete(T, L).
delete([H|T], [H|T2]) :- delete(T, T2).
haven't tested it but I'm pretty sure it should give you
?- delete([1,2,0,3,4,0,5],0,R). R = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].


Longest subsequence in Prolog

I want to implement a predicate P(Xs,Ys,Zs) where Xs,Ys,Zs are lists.
I'm new in Prolog and I can't find a way to get to the longest sequence in Xs (example. Xs = ['b','b','A','A','A','A','b','b']) which is included to Ys (for example Ys = ['A','A','A','A','c','A','A','A','A']) without crossing- an even number of times. Maybe someone already wrote this code ore some one can say me how can I start. Thanks for helps.
explanation of teacher.
longest_subsequence(List, Part, Subsequence):-
longest_subsequence_(List, Part, [], Subsequence).
longest_subsequence_(Xs, Ys, CurrentSubsequence, LongestSubsequence):-
append(CurrentSubsequence, Ys, NextSubsequence),
divide_list(Xs, [_LeftYs, NextSubsequence, _RightYs]), !,
longest_subsequence_(Xs, Ys, NextSubsequence, LongestSubsequence).
longest_subsequence_(_Xs, _Ys, LongestSubsequence, LongestSubsequence).
okey i did.
main_task(Xs, Ys, Zs) :-
atom_chars(Xs, Xl),
atom_chars(Ys, Yl),
retractall(record(_, _)),
assert(record(0, [])),
process(Xl, Yl, Zl),
atom_chars(Zs, Zl).
process(Xl, Yl, _) :-
get_sublist(Xl, Zl),
length(Zl, L),
record(MaxL, _),
L > MaxL,
get_index(Yl, Zl, Il),
test_intersect(Il, L),
retractall(record(_, _)),
assert(record(L, Zl)),
process(_, _, Zl) :-
record(_, Zl).
get_sublist(L1, L2) :-
get_tail(L1, L3),
get_head(L3, L2).
get_tail(L, L).
get_tail([_|T], L) :-
get_tail(T, L).
get_head([H|T1], [H|T2]) :-
get_head(T1, T2).
get_head(_, []).
get_index(Yl, Zl, Il) :-
get_index(Yl, Zl, Il, 0).
get_index([], _, [], _).
get_index([Yh|Yt], Zl, [I|It], I) :-
get_head([Yh|Yt], Zl),
I1 is I + 1,
get_index(Yt, Zl, It, I1).
get_index([_|Yt], Zl, Il, I) :-
I1 is I + 1,
get_index(Yt, Zl, Il, I1).
test_even(Il) :-
length(Il, L),
L > 0,
L mod 2 =:= 0.
test_intersect([_], _).
test_intersect([X,Y|T], L) :-
Y - X >= L,
test_intersect([Y|T], L).
All lines in the list at the symbols on working with lists
Initialize the dynamic database - will be stored in it, and its maximum line length
enumerates all of the substring (sublists) from X. Bust goes double "pruning" - first place in a list of cut off the front, then from behind.
Check the length of the resulting string, if we already have a long, immediately leave for the continuation of busting
We consider a list of indexes in the occurrence of a Y, then there is every element of the list - a position in the Y, from which it includes Z.
Check the parity - just consider the length of the list of indexes, chёtnaya length - an even number of entries. And we need to check that it is greater than zero.
Check the intersection - you need to check the difference between two adjacent elements of the list of indexes, the difference should always be greater than the length Z.
If all checks are made, there is a dynamic database updates - current list Z is stored as the maximum
At the end it is a forced failure, it is rolled back to the fork in paragraph 3) and the continued search.
Note: If any check is not performed, the failure of this test is immediately rolled back to the fork in paragraph 3) and the continued search.
When the bust comes to an end, performed a second rule predicate process, it simply selects the last spicok Z in the base.
At the end of the list Z is converted back to a string
A naive approach is the following:
longest_subsequence(Xs,Ys,Zs) :-
longest_subsequence([X|Xs],Y0,[Y|Ys],N0,Z0,Z) :-
(Nc > N0
-> longest_subsequence([X|Xs],Y0,Ys,Nc,Zc,Z)
; longest_subsequence([X|Xs],Y0,Ys,N0,Z0,Z)
longest_subsequence([_|Xs],Y0,[],N0,Z0,Z) :-
try_seq([H|TA],[H|TB],N,[H|TC]) :-
N is N1+1.
here a predicate try_seq/3 aims to match as much as possible (generate the longest common subsequence) starting from the beginning of the list.
The problem is that this is a computationally expensive approach: it will have a time complexity O(m n p) with n the length of the first list, m the length of the second list and p the minimum length of the two lists.
Calling this with your example gives:
?- longest_subsequence([b,b,a,a,a],[a,a,a,c,a,a,a],Zs).
Zs = [a, a, a] ;
You can make the algorithm more efficient using back-referencing, this is more or less based on the Knuth-Morris-Pratt-algorithm.
When approaching a problem, first try: divide and conquer.
When we have a list_subsequence(+List, ?Subsequence) predicate
list_subsequence([H|T], S) :-
list_subsequence(H, T, S, _).
list_subsequence([H|T], S) :-
list_subsequence(H, T, _, R),
list_subsequence(R, S).
list_subsequence(H, [H|T], [H|S], R) :- !, list_subsequence(H, T, S, R).
list_subsequence(H, R, [H], R).
we can call for library(aggregate) help:
longest_subsequence(Seq, Rep, Longest) :-
aggregate(max(L, Sub), N^(
list_subsequence(Seq, Sub),
aggregate(count, list_subsequence(Rep, Sub), N),
N mod 2 =:= 0,
length(Sub, L)
), max(_, Longest)).
edit: more library support available
A recently added library helps:
longest_subsequence_(Seq, Rep, Longest) :-
order_by([desc(L)], filter_subsequence(Seq, Rep, Longest, L)), !.
where filter_subsequence/4 is simply the goal of the outer aggregate:
filter_subsequence(Seq, Rep, Sub, L) :-
list_subsequence(Seq, Sub),
aggregate(count, list_subsequence(Rep, Sub), N),
N mod 2 =:= 0,
length(Sub, L).

compare the elements of one list with the elements of another list in prolog

First of all, I am completely a beginner at Prolog.
I am trying to compare each element of a list with each element of another list. By compare, I mean sending these 2 elements to a predicate(conflicts) I wrote. So far, I got this:
%iterate over the first list
%iterate over the second list
not(conflicts(X,A)), %compare
cmp_list_inner(X,B,[X-A|S]).%if okay, add their combination, i.e X-A to the main list which will be returned
The predicate cmp_list stands for the recursion of outer list, whereas the one with inner stands for inner list.
cmp_list(firstlist, secondlist, new list after the combination which will be returned.)
This doesn't work! Even though it adds the values for a single element in the first value to the main list, it doesn't append the second comparison(for the second element in the first list) to the main list which will be returned. Result should be in the form of:
[X1-Y1], [X1-Y2], [X2-Y1], [X2-Y2].... where Xs are from the first list and Ys are from the second list.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You only need one simple predicate:
cmp_list([], [], []). % cmp_list succeeds for two empty lists
cmp_list([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H1-H2|R]) :-
% cmp_list of [H1|T1] and [H2|T2] succeeds if...
\+ conflicts(H1, H2), % conflicts fails for H1 and H2
cmp_list(T1, T2, R). % cmp_list succeeds for T1 and T2, result R
% Otherwise, cmp_list fails (e.g., lists are diff length)
A little more compact would be to use the built-in predicate, maplist:
cmp_list(L1, L2, R) :- % cmp_list succeeds on L1, L2 if...
maplist(no_conflicts, L1, L2, R). % no_conflicts succeeds for every
% corresponding pair of L1, L2 elements
no_conflicts(X, Y, X-Y) :- \+ conflicts(X-Y).
If you just want to capture all the corresponding pairs that don't conflict and ignore the rest, then:
cmp_list([], _, []).
cmp_list([_|_], [], []).
cmp_list([H1|T1], [H2|T2], R) :-
( conflicts(H1, H2)
-> cmp_list(T1, T2, R)
; R = [H1-H2|R1],
cmp_list(T1, T2, R1)
This uses the "if-then-else" pattern in Prolog formed by grouping -> with ;. This will create a result that looks like, [x1-y1, x3-y3, ...]. You can choose however you want to form your result elements by changing this line:
R = [H1-H2|R1]
For example, R = [[H1,H2]|R1] would yield a result that looks like, [[x1,y1], [x3,y3], ...].
For the more general problem (i.e., the one you were really looking for :)), I'll start with the original code but modify it where it's needed:
%iterate over the first list
cmp_list([], _, []).
cmp_list([X|T], L2, Result):-
cmp_list_inner(X, L2, R1),
cmp_list(T, L2, R2),
append(R1, R2, Result).
%iterate over the second list
cmp_list_inner(_, [], []).
cmp_list_inner(X, [A|B], R) :-
( conflicts(X, A)
-> cmp_list_inner(X, B, R)
; R = [X-A|T],
cmp_list_inner(X, B, T)

Insert a list into another list given a position P. Prolog

I need to finish a prolog exercise, I have half of it but I need something more to finish it, that is the reason I am asking for help.
What I need is an small prolog program, given two lists (L1, L2) and one position as P, insert the first list into the second one and store that list in a third list (L3).
Here an example:
?- insert_at ([h1,h2], [a1,a2,a3,a4], 2,L3).
L3 = [a1,h1,h2,a2,a3,a4]
The code I have for this is this one:
remove_at(X,[Y|Xs],K,[Y|Ys]) :-
K > 1,
K1 is K - 1,
insert_at(X,L,K,R) :- remove_at(X,R,K,L).
What I get is this:
?- insert_at([h1,h2],[a1,a2,a3,a4],2,L3).
L3 = [a1, [h1, h2], a2, a3, a4] % What I get
L3 = [a1, h1, h2, a2, a3, a4] % What I really want
I dont know why I get the brackets inside the list...I dont want them as I explained up.
To finish it I also need to take care about more cases:
If P is higher than the second list lenght, L1 will be inserted at the end of L2.
If we insert a non-empty list in an empty list (no matters P), we will get the inserted list.
If we insert an empty list in a non-empty list (no matters P), we will get the non-empty list.
Thanks in advance
The quick-fix solution:
insert_at(X, L, K, R) :-
remove_at(X, R1, K, L),
flatten(R1, R).
The solution involving rewriting remove_at to manage a list:
remove_at([], Y, _, Y) :- !. % added as a list base case
remove_at(_, [], _, []) :- !. % added as a list base case
remove_at([X|T], [X|Xs], 1, L) :- % handle a list [X|T] instead of just X
remove_at(T, Xs, 1, L).
remove_at(X, [Y|Xs], K, [Y|Ys]) :- % same as before :)
K > 1,
K1 is K - 1,
remove_at(X, Xs, K1, Ys).
insert_at(X, L, K, R) :- remove_at(X, R, K, L).
The second remove_at/4 base case says that if the list I want to remove from is empty, then the result is empty and it succeeds. That means insert_at/4 will succeed if K is greater than the length of L and it will return the original list, L, as the solution.
If you want the insert_at/4 to succeed when K is greater than the length of the list and instantiate R with X appended to L (rather than just L itself), you can replace remove_at(_, [], _, []) :- !. with remove_at(X, X, _, []) :- !.

Prolog. Sum of the elements of two lists of different length

Please help me!
I need to find sum of the elements of two lists of different length.
It should look like:
L = [2,4,6,9].
p([H1|T1],[H2|T2],[H|T]):-H is H1 + H2,p(T1,T2,T).
So I've got some troubles with different length of lists. I don't know how to do it.
Thanks for your help! Tanya.
I prefer shorter, deterministic code, where possible:
p([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [Z|Zs]) :-
Z is X + Y,
!, p(Xs, Ys, Zs).
p([], Ys, Ys) :- !.
p(Xs, [], Xs).
This should work:
p([], [], []).
p([], [H2|T2], [L|Ls]) :-
L = H2,
p([], T2, Ls).
p([H1|T1], [], [L|Ls]) :-
L = H1,
p(T1, [], Ls).
p([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [L|Ls]) :-
L is H1 + H2,
p(T1, T2, Ls).
As long as there are elements in both lists, they get added and 'prepended' to L. Whenever there is 1 list empty, it will just 'prepend' them to L without adding it. When both are empty, the recursivity stops.

Remove unique elements only

There are many resources on how to remove duplicates and similar issues but I can't seem to be able to find any on removing unique elements. I'm using SWI-Prolog but I don't want to use built-ins to achieve this.
That is, calling remove_unique([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 7], X). should happily result in X = [2, 2, 7, 7].
The obvious solution is as something along the lines of
count(_, [], 0) :- !.
count(E, [E | Es], A) :-
S is A + 1,
count(E, Es, S).
count(E, [_ | Es], A) :-
count(E, Es, A).
is_unique(E, Xs) :-
count(E, Xs, 1).
remove_unique(L, R) :- remove_unique(L, L, R).
remove_unique([], _, []) :- !.
remove_unique([X | Xs], O, R) :-
is_unique(X, O), !,
remove_unique(Xs, O, R).
remove_unique([X | Xs], O, [X | R]) :-
remove_unique(Xs, O, R).
It should become quickly apparent why this isn't an ideal solution: count is O(n) and so is is_unique as it just uses count. I could improve this by failing when we find more than one element but worst-case is still O(n).
So then we come to remove_unique. For every element we check whether current element is_unique in O. If the test fails, the element gets added to the resulting list in the next branch. Running in O(n²), we get a lot of inferences. While I don't think we can speed it in the worst case, can we do better than this naïve solution? The only improvement that I can clearly see is to change count to something that fails as soon as >1 elements are identified.
Using tpartition/4 in tandem with
if_/3 and (=)/3, we define remove_unique/2 like this:
remove_unique([], []).
remove_unique([E|Xs0], Ys0) :-
tpartition(=(E), Xs0, Es, Xs),
if_(Es = [], Ys0 = Ys, append([E|Es], Ys, Ys0)),
remove_unique(Xs, Ys).
Here's the sample query, as given by the OP:
?- remove_unique([1,2,2,3,4,5,7,6,7], Xs).
Xs = [2,2,7,7]. % succeeds deterministically
As long as you don't know that the list is sorted in any way, and you want to keep the sequence of the non-unique elements, it seems to me you can't avoid making two passes: first count occurrences, then pick only repeating elements.
What if you use a (self-balancing?) binary tree for counting occurrences and look-up during the second pass? Definitely not O(n²), at least...