how to rewrite code using tail recursion - ocaml

I just looking for a little advice, how to rewrite code using tail recursion
open Core.Std;;
let rec dig x =
match x with
| 0 -> []
| _ -> x :: dig (x - 1)
let () =
let numbers = dig 10 in
List.iter ~f:(Printf.printf "%d, ") numbers;
Printf.printf "\n";
Any advice will be helpful

let dig x =
let rec f x s =
match x with
| 0 -> s
| _ -> f (x-1) (x::s)
f x []
Is this what you want? It's using tail recursion.
for a decreasing seq, just replace (x::s) with (List.append s [x]) or (s # [x]) but it's NOT a good idea,and List.rev is better:
let dig x =
let rec f x s =
match x with
| 0 -> s
| _ -> f (x-1) (s # [x])
f x []

let dig x =
let rec f s z =
if z = x then s
else f (z::s) (z+1)
f [] 0
not sure if this floats your boat: You may have to tweak the border cases depending if you want 0 or the starting number included.

If you don't want to use List.rev after building the list backwards (which in my opinion is perfectly fine), nor starting your recursion with 0 instead of n, you can use some kind of continuation:
let dig2 x =
let rec aux x kont =
match x with
| 0 -> kont
| _ -> aux (x-1) (fun l -> kont (x::l))
aux x (fun l -> l) [];;
Basically each step returns a function that, given the list built by the remaining steps, will append x to it. We start the recursion with the identity function since we don't have anything to build yet. Then, when we exit from the recursion, we thus just have to apply the empty list to the obtained function.

Well, it seems to can have multiple solutions
open Core.Std;;
let rec digtail ?(l=[]) x =
match x with
| 0 -> l
| _ -> digtail ~l: (l # [x]) (x - 1)
let () =
let numbers = digtail 10 in
List.iter ~f:(Printf.printf "%d, ") numbers;
Printf.printf "\n";
Thanks to all, you helped a lot.


Different ways of declaring a function

When declaring a function, I've 3 different ways:
let f x = ...
let f = (fun x -> ...)
let f = function
| ... -> (pattern matching)
It's this last one that I don't fully understand how it works.
I was doing a function that, considering a list (we'll assume it has integers in it but could be anything), reverses it, pretty basic, but with a complexity of O(n). After struggling for an hour at least I check the answer, and it is written like this:
let reverse lst =
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> acc
| hd :: tl -> aux (hd :: acc) tl
aux [] lst
I thought that using the key word function was just another way of doing patter matching, but when I do this:
let reverse lst =
let rec aux acc =
match aux with
| [] -> acc
| hd :: tl -> aux (hd :: acc) tl
aux [] lst
It doesn't work, and idk why. On top of that, why can we add tl at the end of the first function? Isn't aux a single argument function?
There are a few problems with this question. First, the code you give as the solution for reverse is not valid OCaml. It matches aux (which is a function) against list patterns. Most likely aux was supposed to be acc. But even so it doesn't seem right because it should have two arguments (the accumulated result and the input that still needs to be processed).
Second, your two code examples are the same. You seem to be saying that one works and one doesn't work. That doesn't make sense since they're the same.
IMHO you need to rewrite the question if you want to get a helpful answer.
Ocaml uses currying, which means that a two-argument function is the same thing that a function whose return value is a function.
To define a two-argument function, you can combine all the ways you know of creating one-argument functions:
let f x y = x + y
let f x = (fun y -> x + y)
let f x = function
| y -> x + y
let f = (fun x -> (fun y -> x + y))
let f = function
| x -> function
| y -> x + y
let f x = (let g y = x + y in g)
etc, etc.
All these definitions for f lead to the same result:
val f : int -> int -> int = <fun>
# f 3 4;;
- : int = 7
Note that the signature of f is:
val f : int -> int -> int = <fun>
If we added parentheses to better understand this signature, it would be this:
val f : int -> (int -> int) = <fun>
Meaning that f is a one-argument function whose return value is a one-argument function whose return value is an int.
Indeed, if we partially apply f:
# f 3;;
- : int -> int = <fun>
# let add_three = f 3;;
val add_three : int -> int = <fun>
# add_three 4;;
- : int = 7
The code you give at the end of your question is wrong. It's most likely intended to be this:
let reverse lst =
let rec aux acc l =
match l with
| [] -> acc
| hd :: tl -> aux (hd :: acc) tl
aux [] lst;;
val reverse : 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
# reverse [1;2;3;4;5];;
- : int list = [5; 4; 3; 2; 1]

Adding Elements in List from Left OCaml

I have written a function:
let rec addAll f l =
match l with
| [] -> 0
| [x] -> x
| hd::tl -> let combined = addAll f tl in
f (hd) combined
I works as titled, it will add all the elements of a list. However, I want to write this program so it is Left associative, so instead of combining the elements [1;2;3] as 1 - (2 - 3), I want it to be: (1 - 2) - 3.
Any hints on how I can make this forward recursive instead of tail? Or how can I make it so this function works as I intend? I know I could just reverse the list, but I want to try another way.
Your code does a right fold. Roughly speaking, it's like this:
let addAll f l = List.fold_right f l 0
You want to change it to a left fold. Roughly speaking you want this:
let addAll f l = List.fold_left f 0 l
Or, slightly more accurately you want:
let addAll f = function
| [] -> 0
| h :: t -> List.fold_left f h t
This second function does seem to do what you want:
# addAll (-) [1;2;3];;
- : int = -4
If you want to write it from scratch (not using List.fold_left), the easiest way is with an accumulator:
let addAllScratch f l =
let rec iadd f accum l =
match l with
| [] -> accum
| a::l -> iadd f (f accum a) l
match l with
| [] -> 0
| h :: t -> iadd f h t
This does do what you want:
# addAllScratch (-) [1;2;3];;
- : int = -4
(In essence, I just inserted the standard definition of List.fold_left into the code.)
let rec addAll f l =
match l with
| [] -> 0
| [x] -> x
| x::y::tl -> addAll f ((f x y)::tl)
# addAll (fun a b -> Printf.printf "(%d %d)" a b; a+b) [1;2;3];;
(1 2)(3 3)- : int = 6

Library function to find difference between two lists - OCaml

Is there a library function to find List1 minus elements that appear in List2? I've been googling around and haven't found much.
It doesn't seem too trivial to write it myself. I've written a function to remove a specific element from a list but that's much more simple:
let rec difference l arg = match l with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
if (x = arg) then difference xs arg
else x :: difference xs arg;;
Will this do?
let diff l1 l2 = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x l2)) l1
What I ended up actually doing was just writing another function which would call the first one I posted
let rec difference l arg = match l with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
if (x = arg) then difference xs arg
else x :: difference xs arg;;
let rec list_diff l1 l2 = match l2 with
| [] -> l1
| x :: xs -> list_diff (difference l1 x) xs;;
Although the solution I accepted is much more elegant

Rotate list in OCaml

I want to write a function rotate n l that returns a new list containing the same elements as l, "rotated" n times to the right. For example,
rotate 0 [1;2;3;4] should return [1;2;3;4]
rotate 1 [1;2;3;4] should return [4;1;2;3]
rotate 2 [1;2;3;4] should return [3;4;1;2]
rotate 3 [1;2;3;4] should return [2;3;4;1]
rotate 4 [1;2;3;4] should return [1;2;3;4]
The behavior of rotate n for n less than 0 should be the same as for n equal to 0.
I want to write this without using the list concatenation operator # from Pervasives.
Update: Here is the rotation function I wrote:
let rot1 l =
let rec iterate acc = function
[] -> []
| [x] -> x :: List.rev acc
| x :: l -> iterate (x :: acc) l
iterate [] l;;
But I want it to do the same thing without using List.rev.
Is there a way to do this?
Agree with Jeffrey, show us what you tried. Here's a small hint in case you need to get started. If you can write a function that performs only 1 rotation i.e. equivalent to rotate 1 l. (I call it one_rot). Then rotate can be easily defined as:
let rec rotate n l =
match n with
| 0 -> l
| _ -> rotate (n-1) (one_rot l)
Your solution is perfectly fine for me. Not sure what you have against List.rev but here's a completely stand alone one_rot. Note that we have to sacrifice tail recursion. You could probably make this quite a bit shorter too:
let rec last = function
| [] -> assert false
| [x] -> x
| x::xs -> last xs
let rec init = function
| [] -> []
| [x] -> []
| x::xs -> x::(init xs)
let one_rot l = (last l)::(init l)
This problem can be solved by combining these 3 functions:
cat(skip(list, places), take(list, places))
The implementation looks like:
let rec cat = function
([], y) -> y
| (x::xs, y) -> x :: cat (xs, y)
let rec skip = function
([], _) -> []
| (_::xs as xs1, c) -> if c > 0 then skip(xs, c - 1) else xs1
let rec take = function
([], _) -> []
| (x::xs, c) -> if c > 0 then x :: take(xs, c - 1) else []
let cycle l i =
cat (skip (l, i), take (l, i))
cycle ([1;2;3;4;5;6], 3);;
val it : int list = [4; 5; 6; 1; 2; 3]

How do you map a function to only certain elements in a list?

E.g. if you have a function (fun x -> x+1) and you want to map it to [1; 2; 3]. But you only want to map it when x=1, so that the output is [2; 2; 3]. How do you do this?
Using OCaml, I tried:
let rec foo (input : int list) : int list =
match input with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> (fun x -> if x=1 then (x+1)) input;;
And I've tried 'when' statements, but to no avail.
An else branch is missing here.
You're almost there. You just need to make a complete if/else statement:
if x=1 then (x+1) else x
OCaml requires a return value on any branch of above expression.
To be clear, when guard is irrelevant here because it is used for conditional pattern matching. Since pattern matching is redundant in this case, your function could be shortened quite a lot:
let foo input = (fun x -> if x=1 then x+1 else x) input
You can actually use a when statement, even if I prefer #pad's solution:
let foo (input : int list) : int list =
let rec aux acc input =
match input with
[] -> List.rev acc
| x :: xs when x = 1 -> aux ((x + 1) :: acc) xs
| x :: xs -> aux (x :: acc) xs
aux [] input