Split string and get values before different delimiters - c++

Given the code:
procedure example {
y = z +c ;
while p {
b = a+c ;
I would like to split the code by using the delimiters {, ;, and }.
After splitting, I would like to get the information before it together with the delimiter.
So for example, I would like to get procedure example {, x=3;, y=z+c;, }. Then I would like to push it into a list<pair<int, string>> sList. Could someone explain how this can be done in c++?
I tried following this example: Parse (split) a string in C++ using string delimiter (standard C++), but I could only get one token. I want the entire line. I am new to c++, and the list, splitting, etc. is confusing.
Edit: So I have implemented it, and this is the code:
size_t openCurlyBracket = lines.find("{");
size_t closeCurlyBracket = lines.find("}");
size_t semiColon = lines.find(";");
if (semiColon != string::npos) {
cout << lines.substr(0, semiColon + 1) + "\n";
However, it seems that it can't separate based on semicolon separately, openBracket and closeBracket. Anyone knows how to separate based on these characters individually?
2nd Edit:
I have done this (codes below). It is separating correctly, I have one for open curly bracket. I was planning on adding the value to the list in the commented area below. However, when i think about it, if i do that, then the order of information in the list will be messed up. As i have another while loop which separates based on open curly bracket. Any idea on how i can add the information in an order?
1. procedure example {
2. x=3;
3. y = z+c
4. while p{
and so on.
while (semiColon != string::npos) {
//add list here
semiColon = lines.find(';',semiColon);

I think that you should read about std::string::find_first_of function.
Searches the string for the first character that matches any of the characters specified in its arguments.
I have a problem to understand what you really want to achieve. Let's say this is an example of the find_first_of function use.
list<string> split(string lines)
list<string> result;
size_t position = 0;
while((position = lines.find_first_of("{};\n")) != string::npos)
if(lines[position] != '\n')
result.push_back(lines.substr(0, position+1));
lines = lines.substr(position+1);
return result;


C++ breaking string into new line after punctuation

I'm trying to learn strings and I've figured out how to replace as well as insert into an existing string. I have 3 strings at the moment which I've declared as constants, I've merged them into one string variable which puts them all one after eachother.
I've also changed every single occurance of "Hi" to "Bye" in those strings. My 3 strings bundled into a single one are as following:
"Hi! My name is xxxx! I would like to be on my own but I don't know how to, could you help me?"
I want it to display as:
My name is xxxx!
I would like to be on my own but I don't know how to, could you help me?
As soon as a puncutation occurs I'd like to insert a line break "\n", using replace works but that means the punctuation will disappear, using insert will first insert the line break before the punctuation, and it won't continue to the next one which results in:
My name is xxxx! I would like to be on my own but I don't know how to, could you help me?"
I changed the code to only include dots to simplify it, once solved the same solution can be applied to any other part such as question marks or exclamation marks.
Any tips on how to fix this?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string const Text0 = "Hi.";
string const Text1 = "My name is xxxx.";
string const Text2 = "I would like to be on my own but I don't know how to, could you help me.";
string const Text3 = "I would, but I don't know how to.";
string text = Text0 + Text1 + Text2 + Text3;
int main() {
while (text.find("I") != string::npos) {
text.replace(text.find("I"), 1, "J");
while (text.find("like") != string::npos) {
text.replace(text.find("like"), 4, "milk");
text.insert(text.find("."), "\n");
cout << text;
return 0;
You can create your own short function that will add newline after every punctuation sign.
For example:
void addNewLines(std::string *text)
for (int i = 0; i < text->length(); i++)
if ((*text)[i] == '!' || (*text)[i] == '?' || (*text)[i] == '.')
(*text)[i + 1] = '\n';
As you can see in this piece of code, in the for loop you are going from the first to the last character of the string, and after every punctuation sign you replace empty space with \n character.
I'm using pointers here to prevent copying of the string to the function, in case it is a huge string, but you could do it without pointers, that way syntax is a little bit cleaner.

Why a "no matching function" error for call by reference with literal number?

The problem asks to create a program that asks the user to enter some text and that text will be surrounded by asterisks depending on the width of the screen for example if the user inputs "Hello world" the output should be:
* Hello World! *
I've tried to create the functions but I'm stuck becaus of a compiler error with the shown minimal code.
Question: Why does it tell me no matching function for within_width(text, 80)?
Some of the code I have is below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void display_header (std::string &header) {
std::string text;
header = text;
bool within_width (std::string& text, unsigned short int& max_width) {
int main() {
std::string text;
std::cout << "Please enter header text: ";
std::getline(std::cin, text);
if (within_width(text, 80)) {
// call the display_header function and pass in the text
// inputted by the user
} else {
std::cout << text;
return 0;
This declaration of the function
bool within_width (std::string& text, unsigned short int& max_width)
asks for an unsigned short int variable, because it has a reference parameter, see the second &.
To satisfy it, you need to put the value 80 into a variable and give the variable as parameter.
unsigned short int MyWidth=80;
if (within_width(text, MyWidth))
Alternatively (but I assume you are not allowed) you can use a call by value parameter
bool within_width (std::string& text, unsigned short int max_width)
Then you could call as shown.
I won't give a full answer to the exercise here, just some clues.
the display_header() and within_width() functions need to know the string given in parameters but may not modify it ; thus the type of this parameter should be const std::string & (the const was missing).
the second parameter of the within_width() function is just an integer that will be compared to the length of the string ; you don't need to pass it by reference (or at least const), rather by value. Here, the (non-const) reference prevents from passing the literal constant 80.
(it seems to be the main concern of the question after edition)
You need to reason step by step.
all of this depends on the size of the string (12 for Hello World!) ; this information is available via size(text) (or text.size())
This size will have to be compared to max_width
Displaying the line with header will require 4 more characters because * will be prepended and * will be appended.
Thus the two surrounding lines will have the length size(header)+4 too.
In order to create such a string made of *, you could use a constructor of std::string taking two parameters : the count of characters and the character to be repeated.
Send all of this to std::cout in the correct order.
Edit: Just noticing that this answer probably goes far beyond the scope of the task you have been given (just filling in some skeleton that has been provided by your teacher).
I'll still leave it here to illustrate what could be done with arbitrary input. Maybe you want to experiment a little further than what you have been asked...
bool within_width(...)
Pretty simple: string.length() <= max – just wait a second, you need to consider asterisks and spaces at beginning and end of output, so: max - 4
But you can do better, you can split the string, best at word boundaries. That's a bit difficult more difficult, though:
std::vector<std::string> lines;
// we'll be starting with an initially empty line:
auto lineBegin = text.begin();
auto lineEnd = text.begin();
for(auto i = text.begin(); i != text.end(); ++)
// stop condition empty: we'll stop from inside the loop...
// ok, we need to find next whitespace...
// we might try using text.find_first_of("..."), but then we
// need to know any whitespace characters ourselves, so I personally
// would rather iterate manually and use isspace function to determine;
// advantage: we can do other checks at the same time, too
auto distance = std::distance(lineBegin, i);
if(std::distance(lineBegin, i) > maxLineLength)
if(lineEnd == lineBegin)
// OK, now we have a problem: the word itself is too long
// decide yourself, do you want to cut the word somewhere in the
// middle (you even might implement syllable division...)
// or just refuse to print (i. e. throw an exception you catch
// elsewhere) - decide yourself...
lines.emplace_back(lineBegin, lineEnd);
lineBegin = lineEnd; // start next line...
// OK, now handle current character appropriately
// note: no else: we need to handle the character in ANY case,
// if we terminated the previous line or not
if(std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(*i)))
lineEnd = i;
// otherwise, we're inside a word and just go on
// last line hasn't been added!
lines.emplace_back(lineBegin, lineEnd);
Now you can calculate maximum length over all the strings contained. Best: Do this right when adding a new line to the vector, then you don't need a separate loop...
You might have noticed that I didn't remove whitespace at the end of the strings, so you wouldn't need to add you own one, apart, possibly, from the very last string (so you might add a lines.back() += ' ';).
The ugly part, so far, is that I left multiple subsequent whitespace. Best is removing before splitting into lines, but be aware that you need to leave at least one. So:
auto end = text.begin();
bool isInWord = false; // will remove leading whitespace, if there is
for(auto c : text)
if(std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)))
*end++ = ' '; // add a single space
isInWord = false;
*end++ = c;
isInWord = true;
This would have moved all words towards the beginning of the string, but we yet to drop the surplus part of the string yet contained:
text.erase(end, text.end());
Fine, the rest is pretty simple:
iterate over maximum length, printing a single asterisk in every loop
iterate over all of your strings in the vector: std::cout << "* " << line << "*\n";
repeat the initial loop to print second line of asterisks
Finally: You introduced a fix line limit of 80 characters. If console is larger, you just won't be using the entire available width, which yet might be acceptable, if it is smaller, you will get lines broken at the wrong places.
You now could (but that's optional) try to detect the width of the console – which has been asked before, so I won't go any deeper into.
Final note: The code presented above is untested, so no guarantee to be bugfree!

Tokenize elements from a text file by removing comments, extra spaces and blank lines in C++

I'm trying to eliminate comments, blank lines and extra spaces within a text file, then tokenize the elements leftover. Each token needs a space before and after.
/* declare variables */a1 ,
b2a , c,
Here's what's working as of now,
string line; //line: represents one line of text from file
ifstream InputFile("exampleFile", ios::in); //read from exampleFile.txt
//Remove comments
while (InputFile && getline(InputFile, line, '\0'))
while (line.find("/*") != string::npos)
size_t Begin = line.find("/*");
line.erase(Begin, (line.find("*/", Begin) - Begin) + 2);
// Start at Begin, erase from Begin to where */ is found
This removes comments, but I can't seem to figure out a way to tokenize while this is happening.
So my questions are:
Is it possible to remove comments, spaces, and empty lines and tokenize all in this while statement?
How can I implement a function to add spaces in between each token before they are tokenized? Tokens like c, need to be recognized as c and , individually.
Thank you in advanced for the help!
If you need to skip whitespace characters and you don't care about new lines then I'd recommend reading the file with operator>>.
You could write simply:
std::string word;
bool isComment = false;
while(file >> word)
if (isInsideComment(word, isComment))
// do processing of the tokens here
std::cout << word << std::endl;
Where the helper function could be implemented as follows:
bool isInsideComment(std::string &word, bool &isComment)
const std::string tagStart = "/*";
const std::string tagStop = "*/";
// match start marker
if (std::equal(tagStart.rbegin(), tagStart.rend(), word.rbegin())) // ends with tagStart
isComment = true;
if (word == tagStart)
return true;
word = word.substr(0, word.find(tagStart));
return false;
// match end marker
if (isComment)
if (std::equal(tagStop.begin(), tagStop.end(), word.begin())) // starts with tagStop
isComment = false;
word = word.substr(tagStop.size());
return false;
return true;
return false;
For your example this would print out:
The above logic should also handle multiline comments if you're interested.
However, denote that the function implementation should be modified according to what are your assumptions regarding the comment tokens. For instance, are they always separated with whitespaces from other words? Or is it possible that a var1/*comment*/var2 expression would be parsed? The above example won't work in such situation.
Hence, another option would be (what you already started implementing) reading lines or even chunks of data from the file (to assure begin and end comment tokens are matched) and learning positions of the comment markers with find or regex to remove them afterwards.

Split a string in C++ after a space, if more than 1 space leave it in the string

I need to split a string by single spaces and store it into an array of strings. I can achieve this using the fonction boost:split, but what I am not being able to achieve is this:
If there is more than one space, I want to integrate the space in the vector
For example:
(underscore denotes space)
This_is_a_string. gets split into: A[0]=This A[1]=is A[2]=a A[3]=string.
This__is_a_string. gets split into: A[0]=This A[1] =_is A[2]=a A[4]=string.
How can I implement this?
For this, you can use a combination of the find and substr functions for string parsing.
Suppose there was just a single space everywhere, then the code would be:
while (str.find(" ") != string::npos)
string temp = str.substr(0,str.find(" "));
str = str.substr(str.find(" ")+1);
The additional request you have raised suggests that we call the find function after we are sure that it is not looking at leading spaces. For this, we can iterate over the leading spaces to count how many there are, and then call the find function to search from thereon. To use the find function from say after x positions (because there are x leading spaces), the call would be str.find(" ",x).
You should also take care of corner cases such as when the entire string is composed of spaces at any point. In that case the while condition in the current form will not terminate. Add the x parameter there as well.
This is by no means the most elegant solution, but it will get the job done:
void bizarre_string_split(const std::string& input,
std::vector<std::string>& output)
std::size_t begin_break = 0;
std::size_t end_break = 0;
// count how many spaces we need to add onto the start of the next substring
std::size_t append = 0;
while (end_break != std::string::npos)
std::string temp;
end_break = input.find(' ', begin_break);
temp = input.substr(begin_break, end_break - begin_break);
// if the string is empty it is because end_break == begin_break
// this happens because the first char of the substring is whitespace
if (!temp.empty())
std::string temp2;
while (append)
temp2 += ' ';
temp2 += temp;
begin_break = end_break + 1;

Cannot get second while to loop properly

I'm making a function that removes elements from a string. However, I cant seem to get both of my loops to work together. The first while loop works flawlessly. I looked into it and I believe it might be because when "find_last_of" isn't found, it still returns a value (which is throwing off my loop). I haven't been able to figure out how I can fix it. Thank you.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string foo(string word) {
string compare = "!##$";
string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
while(word.find_first_of(compare) < word.find_first_of(alphabet)) {
int position = word.find_first_of(compare);
word = word.substr(++position);
while(word.find_last_of(compare) > word.find_last_of(alphabet)){
int size = word.length();
word = word.substr(0, --size);
return word;
int main() {
cout << foo("!!hi!!");
return 0;
I wrote it like this so compound words would not be affected. Desired result: "hi"
It's not entirely clear what you're trying to do, but how about replacing the second loop with this:
string::size_type p = word.find_last_not_of(compare);
if(p != string::npos)
word = word.substr(0, ++p);
It's not clear if you just want to trim certain characters from the front and back of word or if you want to remove every one of a certain set of characters from word no matter where they are. Based on the first sentence of your question, I'll assume you want to do the latter: remove all characters in compare from word.
A better strategy would be to more directly examine each character to see if it needs to be removed, and if so, do so, all in one pass through word. Since compare is quite short, something like this is probably good enough:
// Rewrite word by removing all characters in compare (and then erasing the
// leftover space, if any, at the end). See std::remove_if() docs.
// Returns true if a character is to be removed.
[&](const char ch) {
return compare.find(ch) != compare.npos;
BTW, I'm not sure why there is both a compare and alphabet string in your example. It seems you would only need to define one or the other, and not both. A character is either one to keep or one to remove.