Retrieve data from Account Server - c++

I'm trying to make a game launcher in C++ and I was wondering if I could get some guidance on how to carry out this task. Basically I've created an API which outputs the account data in JSON format.
i.e {"success":true,"errorCode":0,"reason":"You're now logged in!"}
How am I able to retrieve the data?
Sorry if you don't understand. English isn't my first language :)

Look for a library that allows you to parse Json. Some examples:
Both are quite easy to use and allow you to turn json into a model that can later be used to map to your own model. Alternatively you could write your own Json parser though that would be a bit of work (reinventing the wheel perhaps).


What is design pattern to store JSON objects in C++?

A co-worker and I have been discussed the best way to store data in memory within our C++ server. Basically, we need to store all requisitions made by clients. Those requisitions come as JSONs objects, so each requisition may have different number of parameters. Later, clients can ask the server for a list of those requisitions.
The total number of requisitions is small (order of 10^3). Clients ask for the list of requisitions using pagination.
So my question is what is the standard way of doing that?
1) Create a class that stores every JSON and then, when requested, send the list of those JSONs.
2) Deserialize the JSON, store it in a class then serialize the data again when requested.
If 2, what is the best way of doing that in modern C++?
3) Another option?
Thank you.
If the client asks you to support JSON, the are only two steps you need to do:
Add some JSON (e.g this) library with a suitable license to project.
Use it.
If the implementation of JSON is not the main goal of the project, this should work.
Note: you can also get a lot of design hints inspecting the aforementioned repo.

Are there tools for generating the clients model from an odata metadata?

Back in the good old days of flex (anyone?) flash builder provided a tool for generating the clients model based on the server model. Is there something similar for generating, say an ember's app model, based on the odata metadata?
datajs documentation does mention the subject. Though the reference for used in the sample doesn't say explicitly that it interprets the metadata somehow, it seems implied. You'll have to verify that.
It does take an optional metadata object however, suggesting there exists a formal representation for metadata to the library -- I would imagine generated via Documentation seems non-existent. I don't know what that looks like.
From there, you should be able to further transform the model to something suitable for Ember.
(datajs is a low-level javascript library that implements client-side OData operations.)
I also know that JayStack provides a JaySvcUtil, a CLI process assembly (.NET program) that extracts metadata. The destination format is JavaScript code, though the model it uses is specific to JayData. Still, you may be able to work from there.
As mentioned by Maya, Microsoft provides the OData Client Code Generator, which generates .NET proxies. Might be more difficult to transform that.
If none of these work for you (which is actually likely), you can always parse the $metadata resource yourself -- I believe it always uses an XML representation in all current versions of OData.
If you need to do it dynamically in the browser, use DOMParser or XMLHttpRequest. More information.
If you can do it statically, then by all means do so -- it's simply best for performance. In this case, you can use whatever language and runtime tools you want to fetch, parse, transform and re-serialize the model.
The format (CSDL) is specified for OData here (v4) and here (v3).
Finally, check out this list, something new may appear that better fits your needs.
There are two suggestion which may help you.
1, OData provide client code generator to generate client-side proxy class. Just need to pass metadata url, .net client code will be generate for you. You can follow the following blog:
2, If the model means "EdmModel", you can just de-serialize $metadata. OData reader can de-serialize the $metadata to IEdmModel, which can be used in client side. The following is sample code:
HttpWebRequestMessage message = new HttpWebRequestMessage(new Uri(ServiceBaseUri.AbsoluteUri + "$metadata", UriKind.Absolute));
message.SetHeader("Accept", MimeTypes.ApplicationXml);
using (var messageReader = new ODataMessageReader(message.GetResponse()))
Model = messageReader.ReadMetadataDocument();

How to get binary post data in Django !nicely?

forgive me if this is a bit of a newbie question, I started to learn Django yesterday, and I'm trying not to get into bad habits, i.e. I am trying to do things "the django way" from the start.
I have a view that recieves binary data as a http post field. Now Django of course autoconverts my binary data to a unicode string.
My question is, how do I just get the raw binary data?
A couple of things occurred to me. Let request be the request I'm processing.
Using request.raw_post_data would involve parsing the data again - when appearantly request.POST actually stores raw data and I am actually just trying to get around the on-the-fly conversion (and besides, that is new in the development version).
Using base64 or so to transfer the data would work, but seems like too much overhead when the data transfer itself is not the problem.
doing request.encoding="foo" before getting that field (and reassigning afterwards) doesn't work either because I still get a unicode string, besides feeling like a bit of a dirty hack. Using "base64" here (not as bad as for the transfer encoding) gives me an
Thanks in advance for your ideas!
To clarify - I am not talking about a classic file upload here, but as binary data stored in a POST field. I'd like to do it that way because the only way I want to interface with that view is via an upload script. Using a normal POST field makes both the client and the server much simpler in that case.
Some might say that storing binary data in a standard form field is a bad habit in some way :)
You could use standard library methods of Python to convert your string back to a binary representation.
Take a look at binascii — Convert between binary and ASCI
Posting before edit:
What about this piece of code (receiving data from a POST)
def handleFile(self, request):
file = request.FILES["file"]
destination = open('filename.ext', 'wb')
for chunk in file.chunks():
Works for me.

Want to store profiles in Qt, use SQLite or something else?

I want to store some settings for different profiles of what a "task" does.
I know in .NET there's a nice ORM is there something like that or an Active Record or whatever? I know writing a bunch of SQL will be fun
I'm going to agree with Micheal E and say that you can use QJson, but no you don't have to manage serialization. QJson has a QObject->QJson serializer/deserialzer. So as long as all your relevant data is exposed via Q_PROPERTY QJson can grab it and write/read it to/from the disk.
Examples here:
From there you can simply dump the data into a file.
One option would be to serialize objects to JSON with QJson. You still need to manage serialization, but it could well be a lot simpler if you don't need sophisticated query capabilities.

building objects from xml file at runtime and initializing, in one pass?

I have to parse the XML file and build objects representation based on that, now once I get all these data I create entries in various database for these data objects. I have to do second pass over that for value as in the first pass all I could do is build the assets in various databases. and in second pass I get the values for all the data and put it in the database.
I have a feeling that this can be done in a single pass but I just want to see what are your opinions. As I am just a student who started with professional work, experienced ppl please help.
Can someone who have ideas or done similar work, please provide some light on the topic so that I can think over the possibility of the work and get the prototype going based on your suggestion.
Thanks a lot for your precious time, I honestly appreciate it.
You might be interested in learning several techniques of building XML parsers like DOM or SAX. As it is said in SAX description the only thing which requires second pass could be the XML validation but not the creating the tree.
Beside DOM and SAX parsing, you can use XQuery for querying data from XML files.It is fast, robust and efficient.
here is a link
You can use Qt Xml module for DOM ,SAX and XQuery, btw it is open source.
Another option is xml - C++ data binding, Here is the link.You can create C++ codes from definition directly.It is an elegant solution.
the latter one is at compile time.
You can also use Apache Licensed It works under Windows and Linux.
you could take a look at the somewhat simpler 'pull' api called stax instead of using sax (event based).