Grace Period? - AWS EC2 Container Service and Elastic Load Balancers - amazon-web-services

When an elastic load balancer (ELB) is associated with an auto-scaling group, it is possible to specify a grace period during which new EC2 instances will not be terminated even if they are marked as unhealthy by the ELB. Is it possible to specify a similar grace period, during which new ECS tasks will not be killed and restarted by their associated ECS service, even if the ECS instance on which a task is running has been marked unhealthy by the ELB?
In our current use case, the docker container being run as an ECS task contains a JBoss instance that loads a number of caches on startup. These caches can take several minutes to load. However, the ECS service registers the container instance with the ELB, as soon as the container has started. This means that traffic can be routed to the new container before it is ready to accept it. We could increase the health check interval and the "healthy/unhealthy thresholds" on the ELB to prevent the ELB from routing traffic to the instance and the ECS service from restarting the container until the caches have been loaded. However, increasing the health check interval and thresholds is not desirable, because if an instance is marked as unhealthy after the caches have been loaded, the ECS service should restart the container as soon as possible (which necessitates a shorter health check interval and smaller thresholds).
Thus, is it possible to apply a grace period during which traffic will not be routed to a new container by the ELB and the ECS service will not restart the container (even if it fails the health checks)? Or failing that, are there any suggestions regarding a solution for our use case?

In case anyone else finds themselves here via google, in the linked support thread, it is noted that this has been added to AWS, it is called healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds

After a discussion with the support team, it turns out that ECS cannot support our current use case.
There is a workaround that solves one of the issues we are facing. That workaround is to create a separate, essential, health-check container and in the same ECS task as the actual application container. The purpose of the health-check container is to monitor the application container to determine when the application has been started completely. If it detects that the application has failed to start, it exits, causing the ECS service to cycle the task. The ELB is then configured to perform its health checks against the health-check container, which will always report that it is up via the relevant port. This workaround will prevent the ECS service from cycling the ECS task due to failed health checks.
However, the ELB will begin routing traffic to the application container immediately. It will do so, even if the application container is not yet ready to receive traffic (for example, because it is still waiting for a cache to load). Currently, there is no way to delay the ELB from sending traffic to the application container, as the ECS service provides no support a grace period. We have managed to workaround this issue by providing messages to our application containers via SQS and only having them pull from the queue when their caches are fully loaded. However, we have future use cases (such as serving web requests) where this is not a feasible option. To this end, I intend to raise a feature request for the grace period.
As an aside, both Kubernetes ( and Marathon ( already support this option for health checking, if someone reading this is happy not to use a managed service.



Why is Elastic Beanstalk Traffic Splitting deploy strategy ignoring HTTP errors?

I am using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. In there, I selected a Traffic Splitting deploy strategy, with a 100% split (so that 100% of new instances will have the new version and have their health evaluated).
Here's how (according to their documentation) that is supposed to work:
During a traffic-splitting deployment, Elastic Beanstalk creates a new set of instances in a separate temporary Auto Scaling group. Elastic Beanstalk then instructs the load balancer to direct a certain percentage of your environment's incoming traffic to the new instances. Then, for a configured amount of time, Elastic Beanstalk tracks the health of the new set of instances. If all is well, Elastic Beanstalk shifts remaining traffic to the new instances and attaches them to the environment's original Auto Scaling group, replacing the old instances. Then Elastic Beanstalk cleans up—terminates the old instances and removes the temporary Auto Scaling group.
And more specifically:
Rolling back the deployment to the previous application version is quick and doesn't impact service to client traffic. If the new instances don't pass health checks, or if you choose to abort the deployment, Elastic Beanstalk moves traffic back to the old instances and terminates the new ones.
However, it seems silly that it only looks at my internal /health health checks, and not the overall health status of the environment, from the HTTP status codes, that it already has information on.
I tried the following scenario:
Deploy a new version.
As soon as the "health evaluation period" begins, flood the server with error 500s (from an endpoint I made specifically for this purpose).
AWS then moves all my instances into "degraded" state, and "unhealthy", but then seems to ignore it, and goes on anyway.
See the following two log dump screenshots (they are oldest-first).
Is there any way that I can make AWS respect the HTTP status based health checks that it already performs, during a traffic split? Or am I bound to only rely on custom-developed health checks entirely?
Update 1: Even weirder, I tried making my own healthchecks fail always too, but it still decides to deploy the new version with the failed healthcheck!
Update 2: I noticed that the temporary auto scaling group that it creates while assessing health does only have an "EC2" type health check, and not "ELB". I think that might be the root cause. If I could only get it to use "ELB" instead.
That is interesting! I do not know if setting the health check type to "ELB" may do the job because we use CodeDeploy, which has far better rollback capabilities than AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
However, there is a well-document way in the docs [1] to apply the setting you are looking for:
[...] By default, the Auto Scaling group, created for your environment uses Amazon EC2 status checks. If an instance in your environment fails an Amazon EC2 status check, Auto Scaling takes it down and replaces it.
Amazon EC2 status checks only cover an instance's health, not the health of your application, server, or any Docker containers running on the instance. If your application crashes, but the instance that it runs on is still healthy, it may be kicked out of the load balancer, but Auto Scaling won't replace it automatically. [...]
If you want Auto Scaling to replace instances whose application has stopped responding, you can use a configuration file to configure the Auto Scaling group to use Elastic Load Balancing health checks. The following example sets the group to use the load balancer's health checks, in addition to the Amazon EC2 status check, to determine an instance's health.
Example .ebextensions/autoscaling.config
Type: "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup"
HealthCheckType: ELB
HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
It does not mention the new traffic splitting deployment feature, though.
Thus, I cannot confirm this is the actual solution, but at least you can give it a shot.
Once upon a time I thought that the Immutable Deployment option in Elastic Beanstalk was a holy panacea -- but it only works when a deployment involves no changes to the application's database schema.
We've now resorted to blue-green deployments. However, this only works if you control the DNS. If you are a SaaS solution and you allow customers to create a CNAME then B/G is often a spectacular failure as the enterprise: a) sets a very high TTL, and/or b) their internal DNS or firewalls caches the underlaying IP addresses of the ALB (which are dynamic and, of course, replaced when you swap the URL of the blue and green environments).
Traffic splitting is written as an option in the Elastic Beanstalk documentation.
But it's not actually an option in the configuration section in the console.
This wouldn't be the first time I've seen Elastic Beanstalk's docs are out of date so it could be AWS have removed that feature.
Since AWS introduced CodeStar I suspect Elastic Beanstalk is getting the cold shoulder.

ECS health check from container passed, but container was unresponsive

The other day, we came across an issue where one of the containers in our ECS Cluster was unresponsive. The troubling part was that the instances health checks, administered via Docker, seemed to indicate that nothing was wrong.
In addition to ECS, we use Route53 service discovery, and all of our containers use these service entries to communicate.
For reference, Docker health checks can be used by ECS to determine if a container should be replaced. We use something like the following (pseudo code):
HEALTHCHECK curl localhost:3000 ... more docker params here
When the incident occurred, connections to the container were timing out, but I could see in the task logs that the health checks were completing successfully. I even tried logging into Cloud9 instance in the VPC and connecting to the task, and was receiving these timeouts. Nothing else seemed out of the ordinary.
All that was required to fix the issue was stopping the container in question.
How can this be avoided? In an ideal situation, ECS should have detected that the container was inaccessible. Is there a way to health check at the container level, AKA "can the container accept connections?", rather than just at the application level?

Fargate deployment restarting multiple times before it comes online

I have a ECS Service deployed into Fargate.
It is attached to Network Load Balancer. Rolling update was working fine but suddenly I see the below issue.
When I update the service with new task definition Fargate starts the deployment and tries to start new container. Since I have the service attached to NLB, the new task registers itself with the NLB Target Group.
But NLB Target Group's health check fails. So Fargate kills the failed task and starts new task. This is being repeated multiple times(this number actually varies, today it took 7 hours for the rolling update to finish).
There are no changes to the infra after the deployment. Security group is allowing traffic within the VPC. NLB and ECS Service are deployed into same VPC, same subnet.
Fargate health check fails for the task with same docker image N number of times but after that it starts working.
Target Group healthy/unhealthy threshold is 3, protocol is TCP, port is traffic-port and the interval is 30. In the microservice startup log I see this,
Started myapp in 44.174 seconds (JVM running for 45.734)
When the task comes up, I tried opening security group rule for the VPN and tried accessing the Task IP directly. I can reach the microservice directly with task IP.
But why NLB Health Check is failing?
I had the exact same issue.
simulated it with different images (go, python) as I suspected of utilization overhead in CPU/Mem, which was false.
The mitigation can be changing the Fargate deployment parameter Minimum healthy percent to 50% (while before it was 100% and seemed to cause the issue).
After the change, the failures would become seldom, but it would still occur.
The real solution is still unknown, it seems to be something related to the NLB Configuration in Fargate

AWS - Load balancing for ECS service with hard connections limit per container

I have a container deployed on ECS Fargate as a service.
The container should serve long HTTP Websocket connections and perform real time processing. Each connection can live from few minutes to few hours in different use cases.
Each container can serve up to constant amount of connections simultaneously (e.g max 10 connection) to be able to process to input in real-time.
AWS Application Load balancer is at the front of this service.
On regular autoscaling rules - containers number can be scaled out or down by monitoring CPU.
This Application Load balancer is using round robin routing algo for each incoming request.
My question :
Having the requirement of constant HARD limit of connections per container, how can I enforce ALB not to route new connection to a container with no available connection slot?
The service itself inside the container - can it tell ALB that it is closed for new connections? By specific HTTP response maybe?
Is there any other good practice to handle this requirement?
You will need to write your own code for this.
A possible solution is to combine:
Auto Scaling
Lifecycle hooks
Container Instance Draining.
Your code will need to detect how many connections it is processing. When the number hits your limit of 10, remove the container from the auto scaling group. By using Lifecycle hooks, you can keep the container alive. Once your 10 connections reach 0, complete the termination of the container.
Note this will cause a new container to be launched while you are draining the container that has reached its peak.
I don't know of another method to tell the ALB to stop sending traffic to a specific container without removing it. They key is the draining and termination lifecycle part as you want the container to continue to have its connections to the client.

ELB backend connection errors when deregister ec2 instances

I've written a custom release script to manage releases for an EC2 autoscaling application. The processing works like so...
Create an AMI based on an application git tag.
Create launch config.
Configure ASG to use new launch config.
Find current desired capacity for ASG.
Set desired capacity to 2x previous capacity.
Wait for new instances to become healthy by querying ELB.
Set desired capacity back to previous value.
This all works fairly well, except whenever I run this, the monitoring for the ELB is showing a lot of backend connection errors.
I don't know why this would be occurring, as it should (based on my understanding) still service current connections if the "Connection draining" option is enabled for the ELB (which it is).
I thought perhaps the ASG was terminating the instances before the connections could finish, so I changed my script to first deregister the instances from the ELB, and then wait a while before changing the desired capacity at the ASG. This however didn't make any difference. As soon as the instances were deregistered from the ELB (even though they're still running and healthy) the backend connection errors occur.
It seems as though it's ignoring the connection draining option and simply dropping connections as soon as the instance has been deregistered.
This is the command I'm using to deregister the instances...
aws elb deregister-instances-from-load-balancer --load-balancer-name $elb_name --instances $old_instances
Is there some preferred method to gracefully remove the instances from the ELB before removing them from the ASG?
Further investigation suggests that the back-end connection errors are occurring because the new instances aren't yet ready to take the full load when the old instances are removed from the ELB. They're healthy, but seem to require a bit more warming.
I'm working on tweaking the health-check settings to give the instances a bit more time before they start trying to serve requests. I may also need to change the apache2 settings to get them ready quicker.