My question is simple. Imagine that you have a project built with marionette/backbone and you have two target medias: mobile and desktop. There is a backing server, written in DJango (or Ruby, or etc.).
How can I organize the project, so I can compile it to mobile and make it run for desktop? I mean, imagine collections, that have a url parameter. Set it to relative? To absolute, from scratch?
The project already has a feasible layout where I can compile it using r.js. It's pretty much like this:
- src/
- assets/
- css/
- images/
- project-code/
- vendor/
- build.js
- config.xml (phonegap conf)
- index.html
- main.js
- tests/
- bower.json
- .gitignore
here's an example of a collection:
"use strict";
var Backbone = require("backbone");
var FeatureClass = require("atlas-backbone/models/FeatureClass");
return Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: "api/featureclasses",
model: FeatureClass
My question is how to organize this, so it can be compiled to a mobile device and run in a desktop version.
In my current job on my current project we make extensive use of Gulp and gulp tasks. We have Gulp tasks for production and for development, and setup different pipelines for each.
Optionally, if you would like to manage such things independently you can utilize more antiquated methods such as a mock server, relative URLs, or host file changes.
So I have a Django project that acts as a backend REST server, and I would like to integrate that with an existing React project that makes AJAX calls to this REST server. Again, both of these projects already exist, I just want to connect them. Let's say the root of my Django project is DJANGOROOT and that is where is located. My Django project has a couple of Django apps that are part of the project. Let's say my Django project is called "mydjangoproj", the two Django apps are called "myapp1" and "myapp2" and the React project is called "myreactproj". Each of these two projects (the Django project with the two apps, and the React project) is stored in a separate GIT repo and to connect them on my server I have the following directory structure:
Note that the React app root folder is inside DJANGOROOT and is parallel to my django project and app folders.
The React app uses an npm module called react-scripts (see that has a build script that will build all the stuff in DJANGOROOT/myreactproj/src (staring with index.js) and will put all this in a folder called DJANGOROOT/myreactproj/build. When I run the build (using "npm run build") it fills up the folder DJANGOROOT/myreactproj/build like this:
DJANGOROOT/myreactproj/build/{several other files}
So it appears that to connect Django to my React app, I have to find a way to have the root path for Django ( point to DJANGOROOT/myreactproj/build/index.html. I understand that I must create a "home" template that is launched by the Django view that runs at, and that home template has to launch the React app something like this:
{% load render_bundle from webpack_loader %}
{% render_bundle 'main' 'js' 'DEFAULT' %}
But I'm not sure how exactly I need to tell Django where to look for main.js (or is it index.js) and I'm not sure how to get Django to see all the static stuff in DJANGOROOT/myreactproj/build/static.
I also ran "npm list webpack" inside DJANGOROOT/myreactproj to get the version of webpack, and it shows this:
└─┬ react-scripts#1.0.11
└── webpack#3.5.1
I assume this means that webpack 3.5.1 is being used and is somehow bundles with react-scripts v 1.0.11
Also note that the Django app is already running under HTTPS under NGINX and UWSGI, so this is a real server not a dev server.
Can someone who has been through this process shed some light on what I need to do to hook this all up properly?
If your react app is using django just to get data via REST, why you want to use react in django templates? I think preferred approach here is separation not integration. Create standalone react app with its own server (both can run on one physical server of course) - this way your react app and django app will communicate only by rest calls and nothing else needed. If you have some assets in django app - move them to frontend react app.
I just started a new little project for learning purposes and I want to try out Vue js with Django (with DRF). I'm trying to use vue loader (webpack-simple template).
The problem is that I don't know how to synchronize npm run dev and python runserver. I don't know how to access a template that is rendered by django in webpack-dev-server.
I mean I have a template with django-template specific keywords like {% load static %} that is not handled by webpack-dev-server, obviously.
I know I can build it everytime npm run build, but that's kinda annoying and boring to wait for it everytime I want to make a little change.
In webpack, it's specified to run on a default index.html file, how can I make it work on the template that is actually rendered on with python runserver running? I know it doesn't make any sense to run 2 dev servers, but I don't know how to explain in other way.
Is there an alternative?
Thanks in advance for answers!
Run your Django server as normal. webpack shouldn't serve your files. It should just build them (use webpack development settings and webpack --watch) and let webpack put them in the static directory of your Django project, e.g.
// in your webpack config
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'project/static/js')
That way Django can serve the files that are run through your webpack pipeline.
On top you can use the webpack live reload plugin and the live reload browser extension to auto-reload when your assets change.
When you are ready to commit your changes, build your files in production mode and commit the build files in the static dir.
I have this app built with flask and now i'm trying to run it on my phone with phonegap.
Although the way i have it organized originally with flask is something like this:
My problem comes from the fact that phonegap demands its main html to be the one in
Of course it's useless to just copy my index.html from one folder from another, because we will not find the python files that lie within the app folder.
You best solution would be to use flask on a backend (remote) server and have the PhoneGap application make server requests to the flask server.
PhoneGap projects require that the index.html be set within the application (www) folder.
This post on Reddit might be able to clarify some of the details.
I've set up a website using Ember-CLI and it is now ready for production, so we're looking for a way to keep it running permanently.
Right now we're using $ ember serve --port 80
but obviously this only works whilst we're logged in. I've used Forever before to keep a node app running but am not sure how to make this work with Ember CLI, as the 'ember serve' command obviously does more than just running app.js?
Any input would be appreciated!
Ember-CLI apps are NOT node apps, they are Browser apps, so you don't need anything special to serve them. To keep and Ember-CLI app running permanently, I suggest doing:
ember build --environment=production
This will perform the necessary build steps so that the code works in browsers (e.g, transpiling ES6 modules) and put the code in the build folder. It will also minify JS files and fingerprint all resources (this only happens when the environment is production).
All you have to to then is put the files inside the dist/ folder on a Web Server.
I suggest Apache or Nginx, but anything will work.
As Omair Vaiyani pointed out, this might not work in some servers because Ember-CLI
uses the locationType: 'auto' which defaults to 'history'. For that to work, you have to configure your SERVER to serve the ember app from all routes.
What I do, and server me well because I don't have control over the server, is to simply change the locationType to 'hash', which will generate URLs with hashes (http://myemberapp/#/myroute/myid) and will work with any server. Just edit the environment.js file accordingly:
module.exports = function(environment) {
var ENV = {
/* other stuf ... */
locationType: 'hash',
/* other stuf ... */
/* other stuff */
The old accepted answer for Django project layout specifies that it's good practice to make a glue application that ties in data from various other applications (e.g. for the home page).
Now that Django 1.4 automatically creates the ../project_name/project_name/ folder, should I use the project_name application as the glue application? Or should I still make a core app and leave the automatically created project_name application alone?
Over the last couple of projects, I've found the following layout to work quite well:
The common folder above contains all the stuff that doesn't really fit elsewhere, including the base,, general template tags, general context processors and so on. I find this pretty clean and easy to maintain. Most importantly, the entire directory can be easily checked into git.
I wouldn't worry about the default layout for 1.4. Do whatever suits you.
- apps/
- /foo_app
- /bar_app
- common # The equivalent of the glue app you talk about
- confs # Uwsgi/supervisor/nginx/gunicorn etc. configurations
- /production
- /staging
- /dev
- docs
- fixtures
- media
- static
- requirements # for `pip freeze > ...`
- /production
- /staging
- /development
- scripts
- settings
- # Secret Key etc., not put on VCS
- # DB Settings, also no in VCS
- # All Django's settings
- # Custom application settings
- templates