Shopify: Include a template into another template - templates

I'm trying to customize a Shopify theme and I want to include a template into another template, but this seems to work for snippets only.
Detailed: I want to add the login / register forms into a dropdown menu in the header which appears onlick.
So I added to my theme.liquid file the following code:
{% include 'customers/login' %}
But this returns the following error:
"Liquid error: Could not find asset snippets/customers/login.liquid"
This means that include can be used only for snippets? No template can be included / called into another? Or am I missing something?
Any way around this or a direct command for templates / pages?

No Shopify template can be included / called into another template. You should rely on snippets.

Shopify {% include '' %} works only with snippets, hence why your returned error by defaults states that it looked into snippets folder and could not found what you have included as in:
"Liquid error: Could not find asset snippets/customers/login.liquid"
That pretty much says the liquid looked for the login.liquid file inside the customers folders in snippets, but could not find it!
In this case, you would want to go to templates ==> create new templates and duplicate the file you want to make changes on.


(Django) How to include template file from app into base.html in templates

I am building a site in Django CMS. In my templates directory for the project is base.html.
I am writing an app "was_this_helpful" to add a dialog box on some pages for users to give feedback. I want to include a file from was_this_helpful/templates into base.html but it says the file does not exist.
{% include 'was_this_helpful/dialog.html' %}
My file structure look like this:
- was_this_helpful
- templates
- was_this_helpful
- dialog2.html
- dialog.html
- required app files
I read somewhere that sometimes template files need to be another level deeper in templates to be found which is why I made the dialog2.html but still it's not working. I do not understand how to accomplish this. Based on what I've read it should work. Is it different because I'm not in another app, just the templates directory?
Without knowing more it's hard to tell if it's a simple solution or not.
The way you have your code written, there is not a was_this_helpful/dialog.html - you only have a dialog2.html inside your was_this_helpful so was_this_helpful/dialog2.html would be the reference path.
I've always created another folder inside my templates folder with the name of the directory above my templates folder. Just like you have with your was_this_helpful second directory. I find that this makes it much easier to extend base.html files.
You can always do it absolutely too by two periods before the path call, so ../was_this_helpful/templates/dialog.html
If you don't have luck with that either, there is an {% extends %} method as well which might accomplish what you're trying to do as well.
Good luck!

Donetnuke (DNN) importing template error

When i try to import the project template i got the error
Why it was happening, and how to solve it?
I export the template by checking Content and Files option
Please help someone who have encountered this before?
This isn't a project template, it is a Portal or Site template (possibly a page template), but not a Project.
That sure looks like the error is telling you that the TAB (page) already exists. Check the XML file that the template created to see if you have multiple TABS in there with the same name/path.
Are you perhaps creating a TAB with the same name as the "ALIAS"
Example, in the Parent site you have http://site/CHILDNAME and you are now trying to create a portal called http://site/CHILDNAME?

not able to add custom template files in gitbook themes

I am trying to create a custom gitbook theme and in that I also want to change the layout so that the book I create using the theme have the layout that I want. I copied the default templates dir in my assests dir of the custom theme and then modified the layout.html and header.html files as I wanted. Then to include the modified template files, I added the following attribute to the index.js file
module.exports = {
book: {
assets: "./assests",
templates: {
However with this configuration, the generated book is not picking the template file changes. However I do see the css/js changes that I had done.
For the record, layout and header template files do exist if you're going the "unadvised" (emphasizing the unadvised nature of this) route of:
Add "theme": "./customtheme" to your book.json file.
Create your customtheme folder in the root with the files from the Gitbook repo
Edit from there
This is so far the only way I've found edit your favicon, sidebar, header, and layout files. It's not recommended because you're no longer using the files in the repo, so updates could break it, but some things either aren't easy or possible to make changes without doing something messy and hacky like this. Hopefully simple things like updating a favicon, header, or sidebar could be made to be easier in the future. I've only found this solution after many, many google searches and plugin comparisons, so maybe some one has a better solution that I haven't found yet.
Templates "layout" and "header" don't exist. You can only change:
site: template for the website
glossary: template for the glossary
langs: template for the choice of languages
page: template for the ebook
Changing templates is really not advised, you should use plugins to only extend html,css,js using:

Tell TYPO3 extension to use different template using Typoscript

I'm trying to get an extension/plugin on a page to use a different template from the one its hardcoded with.
I made an html template stored in:
I made a typoscript template object in the root of my site (so it would definitely get picked up).
In it, I have defined the following simple Typoscript (names changed for demonstration)
plugin.tx_myextension_pi1 {
templateFile = typo3conf/ext/myextension/pi1/new_extension_template.html
However when I load the page containing the plugin, I get a "no typoscript template found" error on that black TYPO3 error page.
I have tried a bunch of alternative ways in case the syntax was wrong but the above worked for me when working with the tt_news plugin.
E.g I have tried these without success too:
templateFile.file = typo3conf/ext/myextension/pi1/new_extension_template.html
tempfile.template_file = typo3conf/ext/myextension/pi1/new_extension_template.html
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Can html templates stored in typo3conf be called via typoscript stored outside the plugin?
I'm thinking perhaps html template files would have to be stored in fileadmin/plugin_templates/ for this to work.
You are mixing things: no typoscript template found means that on the page you inserted the plugin there is no TS template available.
Page with plugin isn't nested under the main page (which - as I assume - has main TS template and is displayed properly), so just drag it into the main page, or create new TS template on its level.

modx is only showing html code, not the template

I have installed ModX and Downloaded the "Basic" Template in the Extensionmanager! I chose the Basic Template at my first Page for the Resource! I cant find a Globalsetting to choose an Template? My problem is that if iam going to the site i only get the pure html code shown, no website! Why is this?
AFAIK there is no "Globalsetting" to choose a template. One of the nice things with MODX is that each resource can specify which template to use. So you can mix and match as required.
You could check if you have set the base href tag in head like this:
<base href=""/>
It will tell the site where to start looking for the other files that you have included in your markup.