Does Installer Need an Internet Connection? - python-2.7

I have a Windows machine that I want to install Python (2.7) on.
That machine is not connected to the internet and never will be.
Hence the question: If I download the thing that the python site
calls the installer and copy it to that machine, will that be
enough to install python? Or does the installer need internet
access, like so many "installers" these days?
(Yes, I could just try it. Got a very slow connection...)
Anyone happens to know the answer to the same question regarding
wxpython that would be great.

If you mean python installer for windows, yes it's enough and installer doesn't need internet connection, but if you want to install another modules through pip you will need internet connection.


Virtualbox Shared Folder With using kivy

Ive been trying to use ubuntu on virtualbox to make APK from my Android program that I wrote with kivy.
But it just doesn't work. VM doesn't recognize shared folder. I've tried everything like guest-additions and I've check every article/Q-A about this subject and I'm about to go mad.
Is there any other way to make APK in windows other than using a VM. Please inform me, I've got my exams soon and I don't want to get hang to this subject anymore. I'm using windows 10. Thank you for your helps.

File upload Selenium Web driver python in linux machine calling a remote machine

Hi I have scenario that needs to upload a file in a webpage. Actually I know that selenium will not support file upload scenario. But this can be done in python with external libraries such as AUTOIT, PYWINAUTO. But the challenge is i have to run my code in a linux server that is going to call a windows remote machine.
When i tried installing pywinauto in linux server i got an error in importing winreg library. Hence i dont know how to proceed further. Please help me out to solve this scenario.
Both AutoIt and pywinauto are Windows-only libraries (at least for now). If you need to automate file upload on Linux, consider using AT-SPI accessibility (say pyatspi2 package).
If it's a server without X and DBus, I think the question is about remote code execution from Linux to Windows. Good option for the SSH remote execution is Fabric (very pythonic & nice), but using Cygwin or OpenSSH might be an additional challenge for you. There are many other tools like Ansible etc.

Installing open source web-based software?

new to working with Web Servers and despite my tedious Googling, I think I am missing some of the most general (obvious?) questions regarding how to install an open source web-based program.
I have a dedicated server running CentOS 6, 32GB of RAM, etc........ I used a SSH Client to install the prerequisites of PandoraFMS. Everything installed finE.
Now what, just upload all the open-source files onto the web server?? That's the part I am not understanding about the general process of installing an open source program using build files, do I just UPLOAD it all to my server, or am I missing something???
You use Yum from the command line. Here is a link to the documentation If you really want a linux box that is easy to use I recommend Ubuntu. Good Luck

Is there any website which offers Coldfusion Cloud IDE?

I'm looking for something similar to
Have you tried the updated Kodingen, Koding? They give you a full Ubuntu VM now, with root!
After a bit of Googling for ColdFusion on Ubuntu, i see a lot of options, so check it out! I'm sure it will run on Koding :)
You could run tmux, and inside tmux run something like vim, with a CFML library. This in turn would allow you to ssh in from anywhere into a machine (such as a VPS or cloud machine) in which you could do all of your development.

Looking for Virtual PC or VMware Guest O/S with Linux already installed

I wanted to play around with Linux and do some testing. I've tried installing Linux on a Virtual PC (2004) guest but couldn't get it to work.
I figured with all the folks out there proselytizing about Linux maybe someone had made an guess file that I could just download and open up in Virtual PC (ideally) or VmWare.
PS - I asked question on ExpertsExchange about 2 years ago and all I got was people telling me I should use VMware (but not suggestions of where to find a pre-made Guest record.)
The VMWare library of pre-installed guests is at - it seems to be currently down for maintenance though.
VMware player:
Vmware images:
The appliances website was down for me, but you can download premade images of various operating systems and run them using the vmware player or vmware server.
Ubuntu 8.04:
Also, just look at the popular section on the right-hand side. I have found that when you want to use Linux, vmware is the way to go. I have had issues trying to install it on virtual pc, but that might have changed since I tried it back in 2006 with Fedora.
The VMWare appliance site is down as I write this but there is a very useful appliance that is about 60K that allows you to mount an ISO as a VM.
This is great because you don't have to install the distribution in a VM. You can load up the ISO into the VM every time as new or simply reload a suspended image.
When you feel comfortable - try installing the version of Linux in the VM.
You could also simply burn an ISO to a CD/DVD and boot it up to play with it - no install required.
You should also take a look at Sun's VirtualBox VM manager. Its free and pretty good.
They have a a la carte approach for linux VM's.
Virtual Hosted Linux is a pain. If you MUST do this, then use Sun's VirtualBox - it starts up faster and really is easier to use than anything else .. You can get Ready To Use VDI images from VirtualBoxImages too... But, if you just wanna 'play around' with linux, then why not boot up a LiveCD ..