Business Catalyst "Edit" template of Web App, possible for user to change Item from "Enabled" to "Disabled"? - bc

Just wondering if it is possible now for a user to Edit a Web App item and changed it from Enabled to Disable?
I'd like for users to be able to Delete their own web app items, but deleting would mean it would disappear from the Admin area, so is it possible for them to "Disable" a web app item?

Short answer is no, the user cannot specify if a web app is enabled or disabled. However, there are a couple ways that may work that essentially disable the web app, without actually disabling the web app (if that makes sense).
1) Create a custom field that is a true/false field. When a person deletes a web app it actually updates the web app to check this field. You then use liquid to display web apps. If the field is checked, then it isn't displayed, otherwise it is.
2) Set the expiry date to the date they click delete. I haven't tested this method but it may work.
First, in the web app settings is a field called Specify item expiry date. Check this box, then re-insert the edit form.
When you insert the form you will see this field <input name="Days" id="Days" style="display:none;width:25;" value="" type="text"> (along with a few others). This field should be hidden in the edit form, keep it hidden.
When a person clicks delete, to delete the web app you use javascript and do a things: to set the value of Days to 0 then submit the web app edit form.
The system should (this is the part I haven't tested but should work) set the Expiry Date for the web app item to today's date. When this happen the web app will become Inactive which functions the same as disabling the web app. (To make it active again, set the expiry date to a future date in the system.)


Oracle-Apex: Dynamically redirecting from login button

The scenario
I have implemented social authentication similarly to described by Dimitri Gielisin hist post "Facebook, Google and Custom Authentication in the same Oracle APEX 18.1 app" (
The pertinent point is that there is a button which has the request 'APEX_AUTHENICATION=FACEBOOK' which logs the user in and also hard codes the page that the user is taken to.
It works great. (However if I have a login menu item which directs back to the same page - the user name isn't updated on the page.)
The Issue
Default behaviour is for apex to redirect users to the login page when they attempt to access a page which is not publicly available.  After logging in the user is taken to the page hard coded page in the button (except for modal dialogues which just produce an invalid session error). 
I'd love it if they could sign in and then continue to the page they need to go to. Is there some not extremely cumbersome ways of doing that? I thought of trying to saving the page number I want the user to go to into an application item and then having the button redirecting based on the application item- but while I was saving the page number the dynamic redirect in the button is not working...and I feel like I'm fighting the apex framework...
Is there a better way? If not can a button reference an item for the page number? I was trying &APP_ITEM. but that didn't seem to work...
(I"m using Apex 20.1)

How to create a quiz using sharepoint list? OOTB only version 2013

I have created a list of around 443 items
I have set item limit to 1 so that it shows one item at a time
Now to create a quiz
I need to know how do i show the random items in sharepoint list and how to create a column whic user will fill and submit the answers.
Then sharepoint column will check using that column whether the answer is right or not
Survey may not suit your case.
Because the rating/grading functionality would be very difficult to address with Surveys. I'd also recommend you to create ASP.NET pages, but create them as application pages.
After creating this page just deploy to _LAYOUTs and call this page into your web part page. I've a different thought of using PageViewer web part. Do not use page viewer webpart for this kind of quiz functionality. If you have a single plain vannila page, you can go for page viewer web part. Quiz would be a full-blown ASP.NET web application. Its' better to deploy that as application page instead of a page viewer web part approach.
If you ready to purchase 3'rd party products, you can try evaluating the following web part.

In sitecore, after I created and published a web form, it don't appear in the site

I've created a few web forms (WFFM) in Page Editor (Tell a friend and 2 blank forms), but they don't appear in the site after I published them. What can it be? Thanks in advance.
If you can see this form in the page editor but not on your website this is pointing out it has something to do with publishing. Try to open your environment in Desktop mode (when login in u can select it) and re-check if u can see all the items in the web database. For example if your placeholder settings are not published you will find this behavior to happen. Recheck all items that need to be published (layouts / sublayouts / placeholder settings / form itself / form fields etc.) and that should solve your problem.

Creating new user welcome tips

I'd like to create a tooltip bubbles for my site for new users - many other sites do this (most google apps). I'd like to show them for all accounts created within the last week, unless the user specifically 'dismisses' the tip.
I thought about doing this with cookies - ie. set a "-dismissed=True" value that I could check as well as the account creation date and determine whether to show the tips.
However - this doesn't work across browsers, since cookies aren't shared between browsers. So if a user logs into chrome, dismisses the tip then logs in in FF the tip will reappear.
Does anyone know if there is common way to do this sort of thing? Or at least a better way than what i've described?
I'm using browser length sessions so I can't store it in the session.
You could have a user preferences model, with a one-to-one relationship to the main user model, which stores preferences like this. Create an instance when the user entry itself is created, and default the 'show tips' field to True.
You could also use the new custom user model functionality in 1.5 to store this in the user model itself, but that seems like overkill here.

Sitecore (Web Forms for Marketers) success page

Let's imagine I've made a simple form using the Web Forms for Marketers module 2.2 (for CMS 6.4), and have set this up to use a 'success page' (server side redirect to a specified sitecore item). This works great.
Now it turns out that the thank you page needs to show certain field variables from the form which was just submitted.
"Dear x, thank you for your interest in Y".
On the success page, it seems like there is no way to retrieve the information (server-side) I need to show this information.
What would be a good way to approach this problem?
Is there a way to hook into sitecore webforms before the page is redirected to the success page (so I can pass along an orderId, for example)?
You can create a custom action which will give you access to all the forms data. From the action you can redirect the user to the appropriate place. You can find documentation on how to create a custom action in the reference guide on page 42.
Make sure your action is always after Save To Database because otherwise the data won't be saved.