Django: Static files not working in production environment - django

I tried all the ways to deploy static files in production environment but still the static files are not appearing. I don't know whats wrong.
Please help me in deploying static files(like css, javascripts, images, etc.).
I've tried using many different ways from many sources.But all in vain
Is there any easy way or can you please explain the traditional ways. Can you please explain the steps that you followed?

At last i got an easy way to deploy static files in production environment. Therefore answering my own question.
For all the newbies like me who are feeling helpless in this case see this:-
1st Step: Install this using following command in terminal
$ sudo pip install dj-static
This is a simple Django middleware utility that allows you to properly serve static assets from production with a WSGI server like Gunicorn.
2nd Step:- Just set
#In file (to set production environment.)
Debug= False
3rd Step:- Configure your static assets in
#add your path to STATIC_ROOT
STATIC_ROOT = 'staticfiles'
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
4th Step:-
And copy the lines written below and add them to
Do not remove any other lines. Just add these
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
from dj_static import Cling
application = Cling(get_wsgi_application())
And its done. Now test it.
Note: Only using Apache(2.4) as web server. Nothing else to support apache.
Hope this helps other people too.
if you have some more ways or simplified version of the traditional way please do share it.


Apache will not serve Django static files

So I've seen alot about Apache not serving Django admin static files, but for some reason, Apache is not serving any static files. It understands and finds the templates, but no images, css, or javascript is loaded.
EDIT 2: Updated the two files to show new settings
EDIT: I added the STATIC_ROOT and I was able to collectstatic files, but it still doesn't serve them after server restart.
I've tried ./ collectstatic and get this error:
ImproperlyConfigured("You're using the staticfiles app "
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: You're using the staticfiles app without
having set the STATIC_ROOT setting to a filesystem path.
My file is here:
My file is here:
If someone could please let me know exactly how to configure this so that Apache will serve django's static files, that would be great. I'm running Ubuntu on AWS with a mysql db. The filepath to the site on the server is: /home/ubuntu/
Thanks in advance
The error message seems quite clear: you have not set the STATIC_ROOT setting, so collectstatic does not know where to put the collected files. From the looks of your httpd.conf, it seems like it should be set to "/home/ubuntu/"

serve static file with herokku, django and wsgi

I was working to deploy a website to heroku. The site seems to recognize my static files if I run with django's builtin server namely "runserver". However if I run with gunicorn The static files cannot be recognized. I was wondering if there's any special setting I need to tweak to magically make the recognition happen. Can anyone enlighten me how these two commands differ specifically or does it have anything to do with wsgi staff?
This is how I do with runserver in Procfile, which is quite neat.
web:python runserver
And here's what I do with gunicorn in Procfile, which is a mess
web: gunicorn
Luckily I worked around this problem by including the following line to my Though I know it's not a perfect solution because in real word, you need to shutdown DEBUG. but as for now in development. it's working well. Can anyone explain what this line magically do?
if settings.DEBUG:
urlpatterns += patterns('django.contrib.staticfiles.views',
url(r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$', 'serve'),
Serving static files on Heroku with Django is a bit tricky. Assuming you're using the 'staticfiles' app, you have to run 'collectstatic' to collect your static files after deploying. The problem with Heroku is that running 'collectstatic' in the shell will actually run in a new dyno, which disappears as soon as it's finished.
One potential solution is outlined here:
Basically, the idea is to combine a few commands in your Procfile so that 'collectstatic' is run during the dyno spinup process:
web: python my_django_app/ collectstatic --noinput; bin/gunicorn_django --workers=4 --bind=$PORT my_django_app/
You also have to add the 'static' views to your (see, but duplicate for STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT). It's worth noting that the Django docs recommend against using this in production.
This solution isn't ideal though, since you are still using your gunicorn process to serve static files. IMHO the best approach to dealing with static files on Heroku is to host them on something like S3.

Django. Mezzanine new project not importing all files

I wanted to start playing around with Django again (I'm not an expert in Python/Django, but I can make nice things work tho). I used Mezzanine once just to see how it worked. The 'mezzanine-project myproject' command worked like a charm as I had a nice small app running quickly. So, today I downloaded the new Mezzanine 1.3 along with Django 1.4.3 and all its dependencies (pillow, pytz, html5lib, etc) and tried to create another project so I could now work on it in a more consistent manner for personal purposes.
For my surprise, when I ran the server, I got lots of 404 errors pointing to missing /static/ files. Also, after creating the database (with createdb command), the only thing created was the static folder containing only the pictures of the predefined gallery that come along with Mezzanine. Also, there is no Log in or signup buttons as well.
I've tried making a clean install of all Python and its site-packages with the same result. I also tried copying/pasting the folders containing missing files from the /site-packages/mezzanine folder into my project, but the result was just reducing the number of 404 messages.
I've been doing an extensive research on this issue (with no luck but maybe because of the release being recent?) and even trying to contact someone on the Mezzanine IRC channel with no success.
I hope I'm not missing something silly. Do I have to change anything (note that I'm ok with the old mezzanine default settings) in my or in a specific file before running createdb command?
For the record: before running createdb, The only thing I edited was and changed the database parameters to make it work with my MySQL Server and commenting the local_settings configuration as I do not need it.
Some parameters that could be of help:
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, STATIC_URL.strip("/"))
By default, DEBUG is set to False in, and DEBUG is set to True in
Given that, if you just commented out importing, DEBUG would be False.
Django's development server won't serve static files when DEBUG is set to False, see the staticfiles section of the Django docs for more details.

Git - How to deploy code from my central Git repo to my production server?

I'm new to Git. I need to setup Git to deploy a Django website to the production server. My question here is to know what is the best way of doing this.
By now I only have a Master branch. My problem here is that Development environment is not equal to the Production environment. How can I have the two environments(Development and Production) in Git? Should I use two new Branches(Development and Production). Please give me a clue on this.
Other question... when I finish to upload/push the code to the Production server I need to restart the Gunicorn(serves Django website). How can I do this?
And the most important question... Should I use Git to do this or I have better options?
Best Regards,
The first question you must solve is your project structure. Usually the difference between development and the production environment is and So why you firstly separate those? :) For example you can have one main where you define all the default settings which are in common. Then at the end of the file you just import the and for exemple:
from settings_prod import *
except ImportError:
from settings_dev import *
except ImportError:
Then simply you can overload all the setting you want and have custom settings of the project (for example installed apps). The same logic you can use for file.
Then you can simply ignore adding the *_dev files to repo and on the server side you can just checkout the code from repo and restart http server. To automatize this for now I can't give the right name of app to use. Sometimes simple python script could be solution like: watching if the file datetime changed and if yes, just run restart command for http.
Hope that helped.
You can follow this brunching model -
And, git is ok but use Fabric for deployment.

django-cms + grappelli

If anyone knows how to make django-cms play with grappelli, please give some tips
Well I've just gone through a fairly epic adventure, the story of which might be of some use to you. The end point of said adventure was getting django-cms 2.1.3 working with django-filebrowser-no-grappelli . Whilst that may sound in fact like the opposite of what you want, I ended up there because what I really wanted was to get django-cms working with filebrowser. Without grappelli though the standard django-filebrowser does not work as expected. But with grappelli django-cms does not work as expected. So therein lay the rub, to quote shakespeare. Getting django-cms working with filebrowser was relatively straight forward except for the fact that when trying to upload files with uploadify (which is shipped with filebrowser), after selecting the files in the file dialog, nothing happened. Eventually I figured out that this was because the jquery library was being loaded twice: once by filebrowser for use with uploadify, and once by django-cms. So by commenting out the second line in this file:
your site packages dir/cms/templates/cms/toolbar/toolbar.html
which loads jquery.min.js, uploadify worked as expected. Soooo...if you just want to get django-cms working with grappelli so you can use filebrowser, the above might be helpful. Here is my settings file for reference.
My solution is to implement 2 subdomains, 'www' and 'cms', in each of which a separate instance of the Django site is running with a different STATIC_ROOT and a modified INSTALLED_APPS. grappelli runs in the 'www' subdomain. It is not running in the 'cms' subdomain, so that you can use django-cms there.
Set up a subdomain:
Modify your webserver to serve this subdomain. Use the same settings as your main django site but point to a different script handler. e.g. if using wsgi direct the server to run
cp Edit and change the line
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "myproject.settings")
to os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "myproject.settings_cms") :
from settings import *
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join('/what/ever/static_cms/')
STATIC_URL = '/static_cms/'
modify change INSTALLED_APPS from a tuple to a list
restart web servers
./ collectstatic --settings=myproject.settings_cms
your regular site continues as normal. To edit django-cms pages with grappelli disabled go to
I've once made a django-cms fork on github that supports grappelli, it's a bit outdated, but maybe helps you to get started or probaly you'd like to contribute.