VisualGDB c++ to RaPi Poco no such file or directory - c++

I am taking over a project and am pretty new with this entire setup (linux/gdb/c++). This project did work at 1 point, on RaPi 1.
Using VisualGdb to compile a c++ program to run on a RaspberryPi 2. I've seen similar questions, but either the answers didn't work or I don't fully understand how to implement.
When I try to compile, I get a fatal error: library name: No such file or directory.
2 that I know of so far are:
include "Poco/Data/Common.h"
include "Poco/Data/SQLite/Connector.h"
I have a similar program that uses different poco libraries and it compiles fine. If I look in the External Dependencies of the project, I see Common.h and Connector.h. The GDB Makefile settings have pthread PocoFoundation PocoData PocoDatad PocoDataSQLite PocoDataSQLited libraries listed.
Tried a few things, but not really sure how to debug this. I don't seem to be able to find the files on the RaPi using find -iname "Common.h", but I can't find the ones that are working in the other project either using that method.
I've done the Complete Edition install of poco and run sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo rpi-update.
Tried to give as much info as I understand of this, but sure I missed something. Any help/suggestions would be great. Let me know if you need more info on something I didn't include.
Thanx ahead of time.

In case anyone else has this issue.
libmysqlclient-dev needs to be installed first for these libraries to get installed with the poco install.


Linking problem to libraries installed with Homebrew since Mojave update

I have recently updated to Mojave and since then am experiencing linking problems to libraries (gsl, Cuba etc.) that I had installed with Homebrew.
When compiling my code, gcc (tried g++-6 and g++-8, also installed with brew) does not seem to search the directories where brew stores the header files for those libraries. The code compiled when I manually set the paths to
But since I am using this in all my make-files I do not want to do this every time...
Before I was using Sierra and I have included in my .bash_profile the following:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
This seemed to do the trick before. But now /usr/local/sbin did not exist anymore. I ran brew doctor which suggested:
You should create these directories and change their ownership to your account.
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/Frameworks /usr/local/sbin
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/Frameworks /usr/local/sbin
I did just that and reinstalled the libraries but it did not sort out the issue.
I have tried to include
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/include:/usr/local/lib:$PATH
in the bash-profile, but that did not help either. (Maybe I did it wrong, I am not familiar with setting paths) At this point I am not sure whether brew installs the libraries in a weird place or if gcc just does not look in the correct location.
I have installed Xcode and the command tools. I have tried everything I found (and could understand) that I found as solutions for related problems.
I would like for gcc to look in the directories that brew installs the libraries to by default.
I would be really grateful for a suggestion of a clean fix for this issue.
Please excuse the long essay; if you need additional information please do tell, this ist my first time asking for help here.

How to compile Quantlib via Xcode?

I am trying to install QuantLib on my Mac running OSX 10.11.6. Installed Boost 1.59 via MacPorts and then followed these instructions.
I used these additional environment variables
./configure --with-boost-include=/opt/local/include/ \
--with-boost-lib=/opt/local/lib/ --prefix=/opt/local/ \
CXXFLAGS='-O2 -stdlib=libstdc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.6' \
LDFLAGS='-stdlib=libstdc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.6'
and then make && sudo make install.
However when I run the Bermuda Swaption test it gave me the same error described here.
Little premise: I don't know anything about C++. I need QuantLib to work on Python. So I read carefully the answer by SmallChess and tried to solve it by myself. As I read in his answer
You can't just compile BermudanSwaption.cpp and hope everything would be fine. You have to compile the entire QuantLib library and link with the generated library files. Please google "compiling and linking C++" for more information.
By far, the easiest way to make it happen on Mac is to do it with Xcode. You will need to create a new Xcode project, and import the entire Quantlib project files into it. Next, you will need to create a main() function. Xcode does the compiling and linking for your automatically.
This is what I exactly did:
created a new project in Xcode (version 8.2.1)(file/new project/Command Line Tool/"HelloWorld"/Documents/create)
selected Targets, Build Phases and Link Binary With Library. Added libQuantLib.0.dylib
set libstdc++(GNUC++ standard library) as C++ Standard Library in Build Settings
Modified Header Search Paths to include: /opt/local/include/, and Library Search Paths to include: /opt/local/lib
C++ Language Dialect is set on Compiler Default.
Dragged the ql folder onto the left window of the Xcode
Now, I managed to copy a simple code which includes the library and even if there are many warnings, it runs. Still when I run on the Terminal the command for the Bermuda Swaption test I get the same error. What am I doing wrong?
Additional info (may or may not be useful): if I change the C++ Standard Library setting on Xcode to libc++, I get on Xcode the same error I get when i try the Bermuda Swaption test (ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64).
Any help would be very much appreciated
EDIT: you can find a picture of the code at

SDL.h not found on g++ compile

Using OSX and vim...
Downloaded SDL2 from the website, then moved the SDL2.framework into /Library/Frameworks/
Using tutorial code, and Makefile... SDL.h is not found.
Makefile: g++sdl-config --cflags --libssdltest.cpp -o sdltest
I've read numerous things about pointing the compiler to the framework, but everything I've tried doesn't seem to work, and I thought /Library/Frameworks/ was the default area for the compiler to look
Got it to work.
Getting this to work took multiple tries, but the root of the issue for each try was that most of the Tutorials I was looking at were for SDL1.2 when I was using SDL2.
This changed flags in the make file, directories to search in and other things. Interestingly, I could never get the compiler to see SDL.h when it was in the /Library/Frameworks/ directory. However using Macports to install SDL2 allowed me to point the compiler to where Macports installed SDL2 header files - /opt/local/include/SDL2
That seems to have done it for me
Thank you for your question, because I was having similar difficulties! There seems to be a dearth of detailed and helpful tutorials on how to install SDL2 using Macports.
I got it working! Here are the steps:
Visit this link to find the Macports package appropriate for your version of Mac OS X. Install the version you need, and once that is done, proceed to step 2.
After installation is done, visit this link to find the SDL2 port.
The one I needed was the third from the top, called libsdl2. I will be providing the name for you so feel free to visit the link simply for your own edification.
Open the Terminal, and type sudo port install libsdl2. If all goes to plan, you should see it installing and updating. Once it is complete, you should have a functional installation of the SDL2 Header files, (ending in .h), Static Library files (ending in .a) and Dynamic Library files (which contain dylib). You may have to do some poking around in Finder to locate where it installed.
The advantage of this workaround is the ability to use SDL with other IDE's besides Xcode, Eclipse for instance. Whereas Xcode requires you to assign a path of /Library/Frameworks, this technique should allow you to use the IDE of your choosing.
The final step is going into your IDE and assigning the build paths to these newly installed and compiled SDL files. For instance, the paths for mine are /opt/local/include and /opt/local/lib. Be mindful of the fact that your path may differ from these, but these examples should give you an idea of where to look.
Hopefully this is helpful for somebody!

Building c++ project in Ubuntu Linux with

I am new in Ubuntu/Linux and I've been working with java using the NetBeans IDE, so I don't have much experience with building c++ projects. But now I have to provide a proof of concept and I need to connect a C++ client with my ActiveMQ server. I downloaded The ActiveMQ-CPP API from this link, but I can't build/run it.
The download came with the files: and I searched it and I found that I need automake/autoconf to build it. I tried running ./configure but it says that it couldn't find such file or directory. I tried
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install automake
sudo apt-get install autoconf
and a lot of other commands that I found on the Internet. None of then worked. I know that this question is really basic and it seems to be already answered somewhere else, but every attempt I've made failed. I think I'm missing something. I even tried the solution provided in the last message in this topic but it didn't work either.
Can anyone help me install autoconf/automake, or tell me how to use / to build the project I downloaded, or even suggest me some other way of building it?
Since you're open to other methods of building your project, I'm going to suggest CMake. It is a far better build system than autotools (at least from where I stand).
project(MyProject CXX)
set_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_executable(foobar foo.cpp bar.cpp)
That example will build an executable called "foobar" by compiling and linking foo.cpp and bar.cpp. Put the above code in a file called CMakeLists.txt, then run the following commands:
cmake <path to project> #run in the folder you want to build in
make #this does the actual work
The really cool thing about CMake is that it generates a build system (Makefiles by default) but you can use it to generate project files for Eclipse, a Visual Studio solution, and a bunch of other things. If you want more information, I'd check out their documentation.
The "configure" script should be in your ActiveMQ-cpp source directory. From the Linux command line, you should be able to:
1) "cd" into your ActiveMQ* directory
2) "ls -l" to see the "configure" script
3) "./configure" to set things up for building the library\
4) "make" to actually build the library
This is mentioned in comments, but this particular point of confusion has been common for well over a decade and I think needs to be clarified as often as possible. You DO NOT need to have autoconf or automake installed to build a project that used those tools. The entire point of the autotools is to generate a build system that will build on a system using only the standard tools (make, a c compiler, sh, and few others.) Unfortunately, many developers release tarballs that do not build cleanly. If you unpack the tarball and it does not contain a configure script, or if the configure script is broken, that is a bug in the package. The solution is absolutely not to install autoconf/automake/libtool and try to produce a working configure script. The solution is to report the build error as a bug to the package maintainer.
The world would be a better place if Linux distributions stopped installing multiple versions of the autotools by default as less than .002% of the population needs those tools, and anyone who actually needs to have the tools should be capable of installing it themselves. Anyone incapable of acquiring and installing the tools has no business using them.

Build Boost on Mac with Xcode

I've recently got acquainted with Boost library and I'd like to use it in my Xcode project. But sadly there is no HowTo or FAQ on how to do it :(
What's the sequence of actions to build and use Boost libraries in Xcode?
The easiest way I've found to do it is to install MacPorts, then you can install/build Boost via a single command:
sudo port install boost
Plus you get similar access to other open source software. The only downside I've found is that, like any other package management system, they are not always up to date with the latest version.
If you prefer Homebrew as your package manager, the command is:
brew install boost
I don't know how to use Boost from XCode (I'm not a Mac programmer), but building boost is usually done through their own build tool, bjam.
They have a guide to building boost here, and you can download the latest version of bjam here
Once it is built, you reference it from Xcode the same way you would any other library. The boost/include should be added to your include path, and the libraries in boost/lib can be referenced for the boost libs that require it.
To build boost on a mac, follow the unix variants getting started page ( You won't use Xcode directly to perform the build, but once complete you can add the boost include paths and dylib's to your Xcode project.
I found that to build Boost 1.41.1 on MacOS, you need to do the following:
Download boost 1.46.1 from here:
Unpack the file
Open terminal, cd to the install directory, and do the following:
chmod u+x
cd tools/build/v2/engine/src
chmod u+x
Then go back to the install directory, and:
If that runs successfully, it will tell you to run:
That's it.. for whatever reason, I needed to set those permissions manually before it would work.
su - root
enter root password and then run below as root
/opt/local/bin/port install boost
If you have never logged in as root or forgotten your password, here are the steps to reset root password
For most of the boost libraries, there's nothing to build, it's all in header files.
The remainder of the instructions are here.
Currently I'm very happy with using Pete Goodliffe's script which builds a framework from the Boost source package for both iOS and Mac. Drag and drop it into a project and it works!
There are multiple versions of the script out there. Here's one:
Elaboration of Ferrucio's answer:
Install Boost using MacPorts (sudo port install boost) or Homebrew (brew install boost).
Find the path to the Boost header files (it should be in /opt/homebrew/include if you're using Homebrew).
Add the path to System Header Search Paths in the Build Settings of your Xcode target.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you add the path to User Header Search Paths instead of System Header Search Paths, as other users suggested, then your code will fail to build, since the Boost files use angled-includes (#include <boost/filename.hpp>) to include each other. Angled-includes are only for including system library headers, and thus they only work if Boost is in the System Header Search Paths.
You can read about the difference between angled-includes and quoted-includes here.