Possible to Interface with/use 3rd party Windows driver? - c++

This touches on some already-answered questions, so feel free to duplicate away, but chances are I've already read them and am not satisfied.
There are 2 drivers on my system (located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers) called pefndis.sys and wfpcapture.sys. I am 100% sure pefndis.sys is a kernel driver and 99.9% sure wfpcature.sys is as well. These are 3rd party drivers installed by Mircosoft's Message Analyzer. I have discovered pefndis.sys is used to capture data on the wire and wfpcapture.sys is used to capture data above the network layer (ie, this will capture loopback traffic). I have no documentation, header files, etc, for these drivers as there was no intention of Microsoft for these drivers to be used for custom solutions as I would like to do. It just so happens I've identified wfpcapture.sys as performing the exact tasks I want, and I'd love to tap into what it can do; this seems so much more reasonable than spending the time and pain of implementing my own driver. However, my efforts have failed.
This is what I've done: I have some simple c++ code here:
void Provider::InitDriver()
HANDLE wfpHandle = NULL;
DWORD lastError = 0;
LPCTSTR wfpName = L"\\\\.\\wfpcapture";
LPCTSTR pefName = L"\\\\.\\pefndis";
wfpHandle = CreateFile(
lastError = GetLastError();
When I run CreateFile with wfpName, I get an invalid handle and lastError==2 meaning the file cannot be found. When I run CreateFile with pefName, I get a valid handle and lastError==0. Upon further investigation, most of my randomly-picked .sys files from the drivers folder produce invalid handles with error codes of 2. Occasionally I'd get an error code of 5 (Access Denied, which also seems odd since I'm running everything as administrator). Does anyone have an explanation why I cannot get a handle to wfpcapture.sys? I brought up the pefndis.sys driver because it was installed by the same program as wfpcapture.sys, and I can clearly get a handle to that, so all my strings are formatted correctly, and both files are in the same directory. I came across this post yesterday which told me IoCreateSymbolicLink can be used in the driver code to give the driver another alias. If I'm using the wrong alias, does that explain why so many .sys files return FILE_NOT_FOUND errors when I try to get handles to them?
I've tried to do some more research on the file using IL DASM (no luck, this is native code), DUMPBIN, WinObj, and DependencyWalker.
DUMPBIN /EXPORTS [...]wfpcapture.sys returns no exports. I find this extremely odd. These answers suggest .DLLs without exports are simply resources or the code is obfuscated. I am almost certain wfpcapture.sys does not just contain resources. Is obfuscation the most reasonable explanation.. any other ideas why it doesn't have any exports?
I could not find wfpcapture in WinObj anywhere. I located pefndis in Device\. Where is wfpcapture? It doesn't actually talk to a device, so that makes sense, but it is still a driver, correct? Do drivers need to register with Windows in some way before CreateFile can find them?
DependencyWalker verified what DUMPBIN told me, I think .. no exports. I have no idea how Message Analyzer (or anything else down its dependency stack) is actually talking to it.
Just a bit more background for a complete picture... wfpcapture.sys is an ETW Provider that taps into Microsoft's WFP architecture (used for firewall and IDS applications) to sniff packets above the network layer. I want code that "activates" wfpcapture.sys and then sits back and collects the events (packet captures) that wfpcapture publishes. It's this activation part that I can't figure out. If I setup Message Analyzer to start capturing localhost traffic, then turn on the part of my code that captures the events (using StartTrace(...) and EnableTraceEx2(...)), that works just fine. I am just dying to know how Message Analyzer is talking to wfpcapture.sys and what it's saying in order to get it to cooperate and start publishing events. Another fun fact: When I start a trace in Message Analyzer and do sc query wfpcapture, it tells me the service (here it is identified as a kernel driver) is running. When I stop the trace, the query tells me the service is stopped. If I manually sc start wfpcapture and verify the service is running,, and then run my event capturing code, I get nothing. This tells me Message Analyzer must be sending something to wfpcapture.sys to get it activated and publishing. My plan that spawned this whole thing was to get a handle to driver and start sending it control codes via DeviceIoControl to glean some knowledge on how it worked. I have also seen some very strong evidence that Message Analyzer is passing filter masks to the driver.
Am I completely wasting my time here? That driver is not meant for my consumption, and poking and prodding it to learn about it may be a long shot, but I'm certain it does exactly what I need and I've never written a driver in my life; trying to do that seems foolish when this is sitting right here. Message Analyzer is free, I'm not trying to steal software. Could there possibly be some DRM associated with the driver that's boxing me out? I'd love to hear the thoughts of anyone out there who has Windows driver experience.
Ok, lot of questions there, hope this doesn't get flagged as too broad.


Trying to hook to MessageBeep system API

I've been asked by a client to solve the following pesky issue. They have a custom software that has a tendency of displaying message boxes "left and right" without any apparent reason. For instance, the software itself is an accounting program, and when they take a customer's payment, the message box may be displayed about 3 or 4 times in a row. Each message box plays Windows default sound. Unfortunately the way this software was programmed, the type of sounds it plays is completely wrong. For instance, it may display a warning message box and play the warning system sound when the message itself is just an information. All this is quite annoying for the staff who uses the software.
I tried to contact the vendor who distributes the software, but I hit a deadend with them. So now I am looking for ways to mitigate this issue.
My easiest solution was to suggest to mute the speakers, but unfortunately, they require sound to be present to be able to hear incoming emails, and most importantly, be able to play voice mail from them later. So my solution was to somehow mute message box sounds just for a single process.
From my experience, I know that there're two APIs that may be producing these sounds: MessageBeep and an older Beep.
I also found this article that explains how to use AppInit_DLLs to hook to system APIs. It works great, except that both of the APIs that I need to hook to come from User32.dll and not from kernel32.dll like the author suggests.
There's also this post in the questions section that kinda gives approximate steps to hooking to an API from User32.dll, but when I tried to implement them, there's not enough information (for my knowledge to do it.)
So my questions is, does anyone know how to hook to an API in the User32.dll module?
EDIT: PS. Forgot to mention. This software is installed on Windows 7 Professional, with UAC disabled -- because it is not compatible with UAC :)
As an alternative you can patch you application. Find calls to MessageBeep and overwrite them with nop.
This is the hard way of doing it: if your app is supposed to be running as Administrator on a pre-Vista Windows, you could get the address of the API via ::GetProcAddress(), give yourself privileges to write to its memory page, and overwrite the beginning of the API's code with a "jmp" assembly instruction jumping into the address of your override function. Make sure your overwrite function takes the same arguments and is declared as __cdecl.
Expanded answer follows.
The "standard" technique for API hooking involves the following steps:
1: Inject your DLL into the target process
This is usually accomplished by first allocating memory in the target process for a string containing the name/path of your DLL (e.g. "MyHook.dll"), and then creating a remote thread in the target process whose entry point is kernel32::LoadLibraryA() passing the name of your DLL as argument. This page has an implementation of this technique. You'll have to wrestle a bit with privileges, but it's guaranteed to work 100% on Windows XP and earlier OSes. I'm not sure about Vista and post-Vista, Address Space Layout Randomization might make this tricky.
2. Hook the API
Once your DLL is loaded into the target process, its DllMain() will be executed automatically, giving you a chance to run anything you want in the target process. From within your DllMain, use ::LoadLibraryA() to get the HMODULE of the library containing the API you want to hook (e.g. "user32.dll") and pass it to ::GetProcAddress() together with the name of the API you want to hook (e.g. "MessageBeep") to get the address of the API itself. Eventaully give yourself privileges to write to that address' page, and overwrite the beginning of the API with a jmp instruction jumping into your detour (i.e. into your "version" of the API to hook). Note that your detour needs to have the same signature and calling convention (usually _cdecl) as the API you want to hook, or else monsters will be awakened.
As described here, this technique is somewhat destructive: you can't call back into the original API from the detour, as the original API has been modified to jump into yours and you'll end up with a very tight and nice infinite loop. There are many different techniques that would allow you to preserve and/or call back into the original API, one of which is hooking the ...A() versions of the API and then calling into the ...W() versions (most if not all of the ...A() Windows API's convert ASCII strings into UNICODE strings and end up calling into their ...W() counterparts).
No need to spend time on a custom program to do this.
You can mute a particular application when it's running, and that setting will be remembered the next time you open the application. See https://superuser.com/questions/37281/how-to-disable-sound-of-certain-applications.
There's also the Windows Sound Sentry that will turn off most system sounds, although I'm not aware of any per-application settings for Sound Sentry.
You can use Deviare API hook and solve the hook in a couple of C# lines. Or you can use EasyHook that is a bit more difficult and less stable.

SHDocVw::IShellWindowsPtr fails with IE8? (Error 0x80040154)

My program is a dll that hooks into a running instance of IE. It's worked fine for years.
Recently I dusted it off and ran it, but the last line below fails with hr = 0x80040154:
#import <mshtml.tlb> rename("value", "theValue") rename("event", "theEvent")
#import <shdocvw.dll>
// ....
SHDocVw::IShellWindowsPtr spSHWinds;
HRESULT hr = m_spSHWinds.CreateInstance(__uuidof(SHDocVw::ShellWindows));
Could it matter that IE7 has been replaced by IE8? Where else should I look?
I'm using VS2008, if that matters.
Edited to add
I don't see that it could be a 32/64 bit issue - it ran fine last year on this same machine. The only thing that's changed (as far as I have noticed) is the version of IE, from 7 to 8.
Note to the bounty hunters:
I only have access to this system for a few hours a day (around 0:00 EST), so you may not get quick responses to your suggestions, but I will look into them.
If you think there are things I should be checking (registry values, for example), be specific.
Edited to add:
I now see that the first time I call CreateInstance, it returns 0x80070002, not 0x80040154.
That's going to be very hard to diagnose. The ShellWindows coclass is special, its CLSID registry key is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39}. When you look there, you'll see nothing useful registered there. The background story is that this is a leftover of an ill-fated attempt to make the Windows shell resemble a web browser. Still visible today, enumerating the shell windows returns both Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer instances.
The SysInternals' ProcMon utility is almost always the weapon of choice to debug 0x80040154 errors but it falls flat here. You can see it probing the registry, and not finding what it is looking for, but then the program knows how to load ieframe.dll anyway. This can only work by the operating system intercepting the CoCreateInstance() call. Which makes sense in general, considering the coclass enumerates shell windows.
All you got left is the trial-and-error approach. Reinstall IE first, OS next. Or to shove the machine out of a 4th story window before it eats too much of your valuable time.

Getting PEB from remote process in Win 7

Specs: Windows 7 x64, Visual C++
Objective: I'm trying to get the remote PEB from a sample program (calc.exe e.g.). I've found the proc ID and I've opened a handle to the process with all the good rights. I've now moved on to writing a class to retrieve the location of the PEB from the process using PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION.
Problem: I've found several posts elsewhere that seem to indicate that the NtQueryInformationProcess turned to shit at MS. One post suggests a method of dynamic-runtime-linking NtQueryInformationProcess out of ntdll.dll. However, I think this would be unstable in the long-run (MS could remove NtQueryInformationProcess tomorrow) without extensive error handling.
This idea is realized later in this thread, and it is then suggested by Mike2343 that one should "use other methods."
Questions: What would be another method to locate the PEB of a remote process that doesn't involve NtQueryInformationProcess?
Thanks to anyone who spends any time looking at this.
Method I ended up using:
I stole pretty much all of this code and fixed it up for 64-bit. I spent a ton of time wrapping my head around various documents related to all of the different headers and structs. I also ran into an issue regarding the PE32+ format, where jcopenha was kind enough to enlighten me on a few problems I might be facing. After accounting for these problems I had a functioning program that is capable of obtaining a list of all the DLL's and their respective functions loaded in by an executable along with their relative addresses.
In retrospect, I don't think I had a good handle on what I was attempting to do. I think that I thought I was going to read in a process out of memory and find the PEB related structs or something (Later I found out that image headers and the like account for the information in the PEB). Albeit that may be possible, but what I have now is an offline example that reads in exe files and works for me.

DirectInput8 EnumDevices sometimes painfully slow

Sometimes (in about 50% of runs), EnumDevices takes 5-10 seconds to return. Normally it is almost instant. I couldn't find any other reports of this kind of behaviour.
When things are this slow, it's ok to profile by watching stdout :) This:
std::cout << "A";
directInput8Interface->EnumDevices(DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL, MyCallback, NULL, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY);
std::cout << "C";
std::cout << "B";
Seems to hang at a random point through enumerating devices - sometimes it'll be before the callback is called at all, sometimes after a couple, and sometimes it will be after the last call to it.
This is clearly a simplified chunk of code; I'm actually using the OIS input library ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/wgois/ ), so for context, please see the full source here:
There doesn't seem to be anything particularly fruity going on there though, but possibly something in their initialisation could be the cause - I don't know enough about DI8 to spot it.
Any ideas about why it could be so slow will be greatly appreciated!
I've managed to catch the hang in an etl trace file and analysed it in Windows Performance Analyzer. It looks like EnumDevices eventually calls through to DInput8.dll!fGetProductStringFromDevice, which calls HIDUSB.SYS!HumCallUSB, which calls KeWaitForSingleObject and waits. 9 times out of 10 (literally - there are 10 samples in the trace) this returns very quickly (324us each), with the readying callstack containing usbport.sys!USBPORT_Core_iCompleteDoneTransfer followed by HIDUSB.SYS!HumCallUsbComplete, which looks quite normal.
But 1 time in 10, this takes almost exactly 5 seconds to return. On the readying callstack is ntkrnlmp.exe!KiTimerExpiration instead of the HIDUSB.SYS function. I guess all this indicates that the HIDUSB.SYS driver is querying devices asynchronously with a timeout of 5 seconds, and sometimes it fails and hits this timeout.
I don't know whether this failure is associated with any one device in particular (I do have a few USB HIDs) or if it's random - it's hard to test because it doesn't always happen. Again, any information anyone can give me will be appreciated, though I don't hold out any hope for Microsoft fixing this any time soon given the odd situation DirectInput is in!
Perhaps I'll just have to start initialising input earlier, asynchronously, and accept that sometimes there'll be a 5 second delay before user input can happen.
I was running into this too, largely as an end user, but it's been annoying the hell out of me for years. I didn't realize it was this issue until I ran into it on an open source project and was able to debug it.
Turns out it was my USB Headphone DAC (The Objective DAC from Massdrop), it installs the driver: wdma_usb.inf_amd64_134cb113911feba4\wdma_usb.inf for Device Instance ID USB\VID_262A&PID_1048&MI_01\7&F217D4F&0&0001 and then shows up in Device Manager under Sound, video and game controllers as: ODAC-revB USB DAC and, under Human Interface Devices as: USB Input Device and HID-compliant consumer control device.
I have no idea what the HID entries do but... When they are enabled and this DAC is set as the Audio Output device both IDirectInput8_CreateDevice and EnumDevices are painfully slow. Disabling the "USB Input Device" entry seems to cause no negative effects and completely solves my issue.
Changing the Audio output from the DAC to anything else also weirdly solved the issue.
This was so bad that it made the Gamepad Configuration dialog joy.cpl unusable, hanging and eventually crashing.
I was wanting this to just be a comment but I don't have enough rep for it, and this is pretty much the only place on the internet that describes this problem though so hopefully this helps someone else one day!
I had the same issue. I have a Corsair K65 LUX RGB keyboard. I updated CUE and it seems to have fixed the issue
Got same issue when having my Corsair K55 Keyboard. Changing the keyboard of USB port fixes the issue for a while, but then it comes back later on. So it seems to be a buggy drivers issue.
As DaFox has pointed out, a likely cause appears to be certain device drivers being enabled. I contacted JDS Labs support (who sell one device which happens to install one such driver) and they kindly pointed out that the root cause is actually a bug within Windows (not the installed driver), and they actually provide the solution on their troubleshooting page. See Games hang or experience loading delays, which explicitly mentions VID_262. Disabling this driver fixes the issue without apparent side effects (under the condition that that is the only driver triggering the bug). As for what exactly is going wrong within Windows, here there be dragons.
So I guess the go-to solution (for users) is to scrape all the troubleshooting and FAQ pages for all devices which you have ever connected to your system and see if there is a mention of delays/lag caused by a driver.
As a software developer, you will probably want to benchmark the execution time of the affected code and kindly tell the user there is something wrong with their system configuration and where to look for how to fix it in case it is unreasonably long.
Same issue with Corsair K70 Keyboard.
Quickly reconnecting keyboard fixes this, until next time. Usually happens after some DirectInput devices removed from the system or go to sleep.
This has been plaguing me as a developer and my friend as a user for years. All games using DInput, SDL SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK or anything depending on that, took extremely long to initialize.
It was caused by a faulty driver of a DAC, and as pointed out by DaFox, disabling the corresponding USB Input Device resolved the issue. Although it's labeled with a different manufacturer name, the vendor IDs match.
The hardware ID of the device is USB\VID_262A&PID_9023&REV_0001&MI_00.
Same issue appears to happen with a Steelseries Apex 7 keyboard. Unplugging and plugging that keyboard back again got rid of 3 freezes (of 10 seconds each) while enumerating USB devices.

Implementing custom windows authentication package

I'm building a custom authentication subpackage for MSV1_0 for Windows 7. I've used the msvsubauth sample in from the Windows SDK and I have 2 questions regarding some problems I'm facing with that:
When I'm trying just to make sure that the routine get's invoked and set the Auth0 property in the registry to my package and add a simple code at the end of the Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutine that creates a file:
// Cleanup up before returning.
hTestFile = CreateFile(
return Status;
} // Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutine
Apparently the package gets invoked because when I enter my password I get an error message from windows "the parameter is incorrect" which is a good sign. But why I'm getting that error? when the exactly same code is executed from a separate .exe file it runs perfectly and creates the test text file. I've checked the permissions and set "full control" for "everyone". Any ideas? the SDK doesn't exactly mention what kind of isolation LSA is creating for code within auth packages.
The second problem is testing the AP. Currently with every change I rebuild the library, copy it to a test VM and then to the System32 folder and reboot it. Is there an easier way to do that?
Thank in advance!
Debugging in Winlogon and LSASS makes for the most time consuming debugging.
To ease your debugging, you could write a proxy AP that exports the same functions. When loaded, you proxy_ap would
Copy the real AP from a known location to a temp locationand.
LoadLibrary that DLL, GetProcAddress of everything, and forward any calls it receives to that newly loaded DLL.
Watch for changes in the directory where the original AP was copied from
When a change occurs (and if your AP changed) FreeLibrary and goto step 2
But you need to keep a tight grip on what happens on your development target, because handling the dll switch while dealing with requests comming from many threads can become a worse nightmare that what you are trying to solve.
LogonUI.exe starts a new instance every time, but LSASS.exe is long lived.
+Have a look at CVSNT source code (http://cvsnt.sourcearchive.com/). They have a pretty nice AP that implements su. Run the sample in the local system account with psexec -s (from Microsoft/SysInternals pstools suite)
Perhaps your problem is Everyone only includes Authenticated users? This is just a guess.
I suggest you use Process Monitor to monitor for Access Denied messages or for your path. It is fantastic for debugging permission/path problems of all kinds.
If you experience the issue at the "Unlock Workstation" or "change Password" screens, and it doesn't prevent you logging in, this should be easy to do - set it running, reproduce the problem, log back in and hey presto.
Otherwise you might have to resort to tricks like executing that code path only for certain user accounts, on the Nth try, etc.