EF power tools reverse engineer from database vs EF Database first. What is difference? - entity-framework-6.1

I have an existing sql server database and want to add a new Entity Data Model which i want to point to that existing database.I want to use reverse engineer to make it 'code first' style. what is the advantage and disadvantage of this? What is the advantage and disadvantage of Database first approach on reverse engineering. I have stored pocedure in my database.

The database first approach is appealing but not sustainable in its current form. EF 7 will get rid of the EDMX file which stands in the middle. Code first will be used, event for existing database.
It seems that your intuition to go to CodeFirst and reverse engineer it is the right one. Tools have been created for such purpose. A good start is this SO question.
But to answer to your question: the main advantages for the code first (1) approach are:
Easier to update to EF 7 when its released
Make the extra effort to reverse engineer and then, you'll save lots of time and troubles enjoying the Migration system
Remove a graphical layer in Visual Studio (the EDMX) which is often slow and clumsy when the DB grows
(1) Side Note: in EF 7, it is still "database first" per say, meaning, the database already exists. It is just that the EDMX layer is not used anymore. There will be some language misunderstandings I think in the first months of EF 7.


Correct implementation of the Filter (Criteria) Design Pattern

The design pattern is explained here:
I'm working on a software very similar to Adobe Lightroom or ACDSee but with different purposes. The user (photographer) is able to import thousands of images from his hard drive (it wouldn't be weird to have over 100k/200k images).
We have a side panel where users can create custom "filters" which are expressions like:
Does contain the keyword: "car"
Does not contain the keyword "woods"
Camera model is "Nikon D300s"
Camera model is "Canon 7D Mark II"
Directory is "C:\today_pictures"
You can get the idea from the above example.
We have a SQLite database where all image information is stored. The question is, should we load ALL Photo objects into memory from the database the first time the program is loaded and implement the Criteria/Filter design pattern as explained in the website cited above so our Criteria classes filter objects or is better to do the criteria classes actually generate an SQL query that is finally executed in order to retrieve only what's needed from the database?
We are developing the program with C++ (QT).
TL;DR: It's already properly implemented in SQLITE3, and look at how long that took. You'll face the same burden.
It'd be a horrible case of data duplication to read the data from the database and store it again in another data structure. Use database queries to implement the query that the user gave you. Let the database execute the query. That's what databases are for.
By reimplementing a search/query system for ~500k records, you'll be rewriting large chunks of a bog-standard database yourself. It'd be a mostly pointless exercise. SQLITE3 is very well tested and is essentially foolproof. It'll cost you thousands of hours of work to reimplement even a small fraction of its capabilities and reliability/resiliency. If that doesn't scream "reinventing the wheel", I don't know what does.
The database also allows you to very easily implement lookahead/dropdowns to aid the user in writing the query. For example, as you're typing out "camera model is", the user can have an option of autocompletion or a dropdown to select one or more models from.
You paid the "price" of a database, it'd be a shame for it all to go to waste. So, use it. It'll give you lots of leverage, and allow you to implement features two orders of magnitude faster than otherwise.
The pattern you've linked to is just a pattern. It doesn't mean that it's an exact blueprint of how to design your application to perform on real data. You'll be, eventually, fighting things such as concurrency (a file scanning thread running to update the metadata), indexing, resiliency in face of crashes, etc. In the end you'll end up with big chunks of SQLITE reimplemented for your particular application. 500k metadata records are nothing much, if you design your query translator well and support it with proper indexes, it'll work perfectly well.

When to use Haystack/ElasticSearch vs Django's ORM

So I implemented Haystack with ElasticSearch a week ago within our BETA application. One thing I can notice is that getting some data (large amount) back to our users (for example listing all the users within the application) is much faster by going through Haystack then Django's ORM. Now, I will be releasing a REST service (with TastyPie) to serve the possible tablets within the next weeks, as I want to be able to access the information from iPads, Nexus tablets and so on.
One thing I was wondering, is when should I be querying the ORM vs Haystack/ElasticSearch? For example, if the user on the tablet is requesting a specific set of users, should we let TastyPie query the ORM, or go to ElasticSearch?
If we look at this answer Django: Haystack or ORM, we can all agree that a DB is made to retrieve and write data. However, could we say that retrieving faster can be faster with Haystack/ElasticSearch once the search engine was updated?
I am a bit confused as to when, should we not be querying Haystack if it is much faster?!
To make things clear I guess you're talking about querying Elasticsearch via Haystack without later instantiating any objects for your search results with data from you database.
Some points to consider besides the points mentioned in the other post:
A search engine like Elasticsearch is highly optimized when dealing with full-text searches (When doing something with SQL it highly depends on the database/engine you are using)
Queries that are involving a lot of relations/joins will most like be easier to handle with the ORM, but on the other hand you can eg save data from foreign-key relations in a denormalized fashion when using ES which could give you a performance boost. Of course you can denormalize your database tables as well but this is quite often considered as a bad practice as long as you know what you are doing, eg when solving a performance bottleneck.
ES is somehow quite easy to scale while scaling your SQL DB might be more complicated.
Most likely this is a decision that depends very much on your use case, the amount of data to process and the queries you are intending to run. So the best thing of course is - as always - to do some benchmarking yourself and compare this two solutions. But don't do any premature optimisations as one big advantage of the ORM is to keep things simple - you don't have to care much about the integrity of your data and maintain an additional system.

Database versions deployment. Entity Framework Migrations vs SSDT DacPacs

I have a data-centered application with SQL Server. The environments in which it´ll be deployed are not under our control and there´s no DBA in there (they are all small businesses) so we need the process of distribution of each application/database update to be as automatic as possible.
Besides of the normal changes between versions of an application (kind of unpredictable sometimes), we already know that we´ll need to distribute some new seed data with each version. Sometimes this seed data will be related to other data in our system. For instance: maybe we´ll need to insert 2 new rows of some master data during the v2-v3 update process, and some other 5 rows during the v5-v6 update process.
We have checked Entity Framework Db Migrations (available for existing databases with no Code-First since 4.3.1 release), which represents the traditional sequential scripts in a more automatic and controlled way (like Fluent Migrations).
On the other hand, with a different philosophy, we have checked SSDT and its dacpacs, snapshots and pre- and post-deployment scripts.
The questions are:
Which of these technologies / philosophies is more appropriate for the case described?
Any other technology / philosophy that could be used?
Any other advice?
Thanks in advance.
That's an interesting question. Here at Red Gate we're hoping to tackle this issue later this year, as we have many customers asking about how we might provide a simple deployment package. We do have SQL Packager, which essentially wraps a SQL script into an exe.
I would say that dacpacs are designed to cover the use case you describe. However, as far as I understand they work be generating a deployment script dynamically when applied to the target. The drawback is that you won't have the warm fuzzy feeling that you might get when deploying a pre-tested SQL script.
I've not tried updating data with dacpacs before, so I'd be interested to know how well this works. As far as I recall, it truncates the target tables and repopulates them.
I have no experience with EF migrations so I'd be curious to read any answers on this topic.
We´ll probably adopt an hybrid solution. We´d like not to renounce to the idea deployment packagers, but in the other hand, due to our applications´s nature (small businesses as final users, no DBA, no obligation to upgrade so multiple "alive" database versions coexisting), we can´t either renounce to the full control of the migration process, including schema and data. In our case, pre and post-deployment scripts may not be enough (or at least not comfortable enough ) for a full migration like EF Migrations are. Changes like addind/removing seed data, changing a "one to many" to a "many to many" relationship or even radical database schema changes (and, consequently , data migrations to this schema from any previous released schema) may be part of our diary work when our first version is released.
So we´ll probably use EF migations, with its "Up" and "Down" system for each version release. In principle, each "Up" will invoke a dacpac with the last database snapshot (and each Down, its previous), each one with its own deployment parameters for this specific migration. EF migrations will handle the versioning line, an maybe also some complex parts of data migration.
We feel more secure in this hybrid way. We missed automatization and schema changes detection in Entity Framework Migrations as much as we missed versioning line control in Dacpacs way.

Entity Framework 4 CTP 5 POCO - How to Unit Test my Repository<T>

This is the 2nd part of another question Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable), where I asked how to implement a generic repository pattern using EF 4 POCO. Now that my repository is working, I would like to know how to unit test my Repository (TDD or BDD).
Thanks all.
Hey I wrote some blog posts on doing this with SpecFlow. But that was a disaster when it got complex.
I tried to implement a testing repository which was also a disaster. Trying to replicate how the data context work is not a smart idea.
But you learn from your mistakes and have fun along the way. What I learnt was to use a light-weight or in-memory database (SQLite).
So I would definitely say to use a SQLite database if you can get it working with EF Code First. I wasn't able to do this, so I went with a SQL CE compact edition. It runs amazingly quick, even in testing.
You probably know all about this blog post, but re-check step 4. http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/07/16/code-first-development-with-entity-framework-4.aspx
So in essence, all I did on my most recent project was to have a separate database SQL CE 4.0 compact edition for testing. Super quick and no complaints.

How to utilize sqlite for undo/redo features?

I'm writing a desktop application to do vector drawing in C++, and considering using sqlite to back my undo/redo feature.
Has anybody used sqlite for undo/redo features? How does it work out for you?
I was aware of the stack approach, I have even implemented one application with that approach. The problem I encountered was that it becomes hard to maintain after a while.
What I meant by utilizing sqlite is that I will map my entire in-memory data structure into a sqlite database, and let the sqlite do the diff and revision for me.
Speed should not be a issue if I create a in-memory database.
That was the idea and I was wondering if that could work.
It makes sense to use SQLite to back undo/redo when an SQLite database is the application's data file format. See the SQLite website for an explanation of how to do this with SQLite triggers.
Basically a undo/redo feature can be implemented using a stack: when the user does an operation, you push on the stack an object that represents the delta between the state before and after the operation, and when you undo, you "unroll" the delta. Because every operation the user does creates a new delta object on the stack, it might by that sqlite is not your choice of technology because it might be too slow. I would recommend considering the possibility of just storing the undo/redo information in memory, and linearizing it on the disk only if you want to actually save the undo/redo history.
Take a look at Memento Design Pattern.
Here is what worked for me in sqlite3
-- enter your INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE command
-- if you want to keep it then run command below
-- to undo - run command below
Source SQLite Transactions (Begin, Commit, Rollback)