port number in URL - web-services

we currently have a web service hosted on our server and the link to the service is something like this: www.something.com:8041/MyService.asmx
our client cant open that link in their browser or connect to the service through the app. They found out that port 8041 is blocked.... this doesnt make sense to me, that port number is in the URL why would blocking ports have anything to do with that? its not looking the request is going out through port 8041?
We are going to unblock port 8041 at the client but that doesnt make sense, the port 8041 is for our servers benefit and has been unblocked...

No, actually going to http://www.something.com:8041/MyService does in fact go through port 8041, and if you have a group of clients sitting behind one firewall (e.g. business 1) trying to access a server behind a second firewall (e.g. business 2), you need to make sure both firewalls are setup to allow this.
If you don't want to have to go around opening ports, a common solution is to configure a webserver (nginx, varnish, etc.) that is listening on port 80 (or 443) that reverse proxies to whatever service is listening on the non-standard port.


Connecting to a Akamai website - actually not connecting

I'm trying to connect to a domain that seems to have Akamai tech.
I can't connect and nor does curl - but the browser does.
So I assume the IP address is not blocked.
Reading up - it seems that Akamai runs some algorithms and doesn't allow connections sometimes.
But since a web browser works (from same pc) - I assume it can be made to work.
Any tip?
Your question is quite wage. Akami WAF will not allow curl unless you have white-listed your IP address. Browser connect is just TCP connection on port 80, 443. Which http method did you try to access and is that method allowed? By default i believe only GET and POST are allowed.

C++ Winsock Determine HTTP or HTTPS

I've just started studying Winsocks and I've a simple question for you: how can I determine if the connection to a server must take place over a HTTP or HTTPS connection?
Let's say I want to connect to randomsite.random, how can I know what kind of connection I need? I know that for HTTP I must connect to port 80, while for HTTPS is needed 443, but how can I determine WHEN is needed a HTTPS connection?
Thank you for the attention!
The same way a web browser decides: Based on the URL you are trying to load. In a web browser, the URL begins with http or https, which is used to determine whether an SSL connection should be used. This is also used to determine the port if no port number is specified in the URL.
Many sites offer both a secure and a non-secure version. Some offer only a secure version, but still run a non-secure server which issues a redirect to the URL of the secure version. If you implement following of redirects, you don't need to worry about which version to use: it will happen automatically.
This is usually a function of the site you are connecting to.
If the site requires a HTTPS connection, then if you connect over HTTP you will get a redirect response code with a HTTPS URL.
Firstly, it's not always port 80 and port 443. Secondly, you won't establish successful communication if you use the wrong communication protocol. As said in another answer, if you try to connect via HTTP to an HTTPS server, it will give you a redirect response code with an HTTPS URL.
Most of the time, you have this information before-hand!

Resolving DNS with winsock, with server behind router

I recently started to play around with sockets in windows and I ran into a bit of trouble..
I have an application that I want to find a host with DNS name resolution (through an internet connection).
The program manages to resolve the DNS name to an IP address, but the IP address it finds is the one of the router that sits in front of the computer that runs the server application(which is what I expect, since it is the default gateway)..
My question would be if there is a way to connect to the server application without having to modify the router's settings by hand every time the server application is installed on a system that has a router sitting in front of it.. Or is the only way to do this to somehow forwarding the port of the computer to the router ?
Any help is appreciated!
If the server is behind a router, then the router has to be configured for Port Forwarding. There is no getting around that. The router needs to know which machine on its network to forward incoming client requests to for any given port. However, depending on the type of router and its features, the server app might be able to configure the Port Forwarding programmably using uPNP or SNMP, if available and enabled. Otherwise, the router has to be configured by hand by the router admin.

CFHTTP firewall issue? How are CFHTTP requests made?

CFHTTP on my new CF 9 server is failing. I get back "408 Request Time-out" when attempting to connect to the test page on the server via its internal or external IP. I am not using SSL and using the standard port 80.
My old CF 9 server can connect to itself fine but it also fails if attempting to connect to the new server.
If I RDP into the server, I am able to pull up the same test page via a web browser or via telnet to that ip port 80.
I suspect that this is a firewall issue. I'd like to know how CF makes an HTTP request under the hood before I talk to the hosting team. What service is making the call? What port is it running under, etc.
You don't say what operating system you are running under, but if it is Windows, I'd take a look at the Windows Firewall settings on your new machine, and disable the firewall. That will allow you to check if indeed it is the Firewall in the way.
If that works you can then try and add a firewall exception for the application, i.e. JRun.
Hope that helps.

publish jax-ws service on public ip

I've a simple jax-ws web service that on localhost works fine with the clients, but now I want to publish the web service on a public ip, so the clients can interact with it through wan network instead lan network.
I signed to no-ip dns service provider and defined my host like "myname.no-ip.info".
In my code i start the service in this way:
Endpoint.publish("http://localhost:8080/baseStationProvider", new BaseStationProvider());
and the browser at http://myname.no-ip.info:8080/baseStationProvider#wsdl doesn't show the wsdl.
If i start the service in this way:
Endpoint.publish("http://myname.no-ip.info/baseStationProvider", new BaseStationProvider());
compiling the code, it raise this exception:
Server Runtime Error: java.net.SocketException: Unresolved address
Any idea to problem and/or how to do what i need?
thanks in advance
This seems likely to do with routing and firewalls as opposed to web service publication etc. Ignoring the web-service aspect, can you even reach your server when you use this in your browser:
Which should look the same as
If not, then it is probably DNS/Routing/Firewalls that you need to check. Diagnostics that will help there are:
1) can the machine you are testing on resolve the DNS name mynam.no-ip.info? nslookup, ping, traceroute/tracert
2) is there a firewall blocking port 8080 from reaching local host? If the route from the internet to your host hits a firewall (which it will) that firewall will have to forward the request.
Good luck.