C++ ::toupper not allowing equality comparison? - c++

I am trying to convert a string to uppercase so I can manipulate it, but while I can successfully manipulate natural uppercase strings, as well as convert lowercase to uppercase, using this method of conversion fails to allow the manipulation.
For example, if I pass "hello" through the encryption, my encrypted string becomes "HELLO", but when I pass "HELLO" through (naturally capitalized), it correctly shifts.
Is there a different way of forcing uppercase that I need to be using or am I doing something wrong?
int Caesar::encrypt (const std::string &message, std::string &emessage) {
int count = 0;
emessage = message;
std::transform(emessage.begin(), emessage.end(), emessage.begin(), ::toupper);
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < message.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) {
if (emessage[i] == std_alphabet[j]) {
std::replace(emessage.begin(), emessage.end(), message[i], c_alphabet[j]);
return count;
Caesar::Caesar (int shift) {
// loop to populate vector with 26 letters of English alphabet
// using ASCII uppcase letter codes
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
std_alphabet.push_back(i + 65);
// fills Caesar alphabet with standard generated alphabet
c_alphabet = std_alphabet;
// shifts Caesar alphabet based off the constructor parameter
std::rotate(c_alphabet.begin(), c_alphabet.begin() + shift, c_alphabet.end());
test file:
void testCaesar() {
Caesar test(4);
std::string original = "HELLO";
std::string encrypted = "";
std::cout << encrypted << std::endl;
std::cout << original << std::endl;
int main() {
return 0;
Obviously there is a header and includes and stuff but that is the basic code
the header file includes the two private vectors

The specific issue you are seeing is that you're replacing the wrong thing here:
std::replace(emessage.begin(), emessage.end(), message[i], c_alphabet[j]);
If message was lowercase, then emessage will be all upper-case letters - none of which will be message[i]. so that replacement won't do anything. You meant:
std::replace(emessage.begin(), emessage.end(), emessage[i], c_alphabet[j]);
That said, your algorithm is totally wrong as HELLO encrypts as BCBBA with a shift of 4. There is a 1-1 mapping on letters, so H and L cannot both go to B. What you want to do is shift each letter as you go by just replacing it with what its next letter should be. That is:
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < emessage.size(); ++i) {
emessage[i] = c_alphabet[emessage[i] - 'A'];
With which you don't actually need the initial transformation step:
emessage = message;
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < emessage.size(); ++i) {
emessage[i] = c_alphabet[::toupper(emessage[i]) - 'A'];
The whole thing can be abridged quite a bit by just dropping your count (which is just the size anyway, so is redundant) and taking the message by-value:
std::string encrypt(std::string from) { // intentionally copying
for (char& c : from) {
c = c_alphabet[::toupper(c) - 'A'];
return from;


Run-length decompression using C++

I have a text file with a string which I encoded.
Let's say it is: aaahhhhiii kkkjjhh ikl wwwwwweeeett
Here the code for encoding, which works perfectly fine:
void Encode(std::string &inputstring, std::string &outputstring)
for (int i = 0; i < inputstring.length(); i++) {
int count = 1;
while (inputstring[i] == inputstring[i+1]) {
if(count <= 1) {
outputstring += inputstring[i];
} else {
outputstring += std::to_string(count);
outputstring += inputstring[i];
Output is as expected: 3a4h3i 3k2j2h ikl 6w4e2t
Now, I'd like to decompress the output - back to original.
And I am struggling with this since a couple days now.
My idea so far:
void Decompress(std::string &compressed, std::string &original)
char currentChar = 0;
auto n = compressed.length();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
currentChar = compressed[i++];
if(compressed[i] <= 1) {
original += compressed[i];
} else if (isalpha(currentChar)) {
} else {
int number = isnumber(currentChar).....
original += number;
I know my Decompress function seems a bit messy, but I am pretty lost with this one.
Sorry for that.
Maybe there is someone out there at stackoverflow who would like to help a lost and beginner soul.
Thanks for any help, I appreciate it.
Assuming input strings cannot contain digits (this cannot be covered by your encoding as e. g. both the strings "3a" and "aaa" would result in the encoded string "3a" – how would you ever want to decompose again?) then you can decompress as follows:
unsigned int num = 0;
for(auto c : compressed)
if(std::isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)))
num = num * 10 + c - '0';
num += num == 0; // assume you haven't read a digit yet!
original += c;
Untested code, though...
Characters in a string actually are only numerical values, though. You can consider char (or signed char, unsigned char) as ordinary 8-bit integers as well. And you can store a numerical value in such a byte, too. Usually, you do run length encoding exactly that way: Count up to 255 equal characters, store the count in a single byte and the character in another byte. One single "a" would then be encoded as 0x01 0x61 (the latter being the ASCII value of a), "aa" would get 0x02 0x61, and so on. If you have to store more than 255 equal characters you store two pairs: 0xff 0x61, 0x07 0x61 for a string containing 262 times the character a... Decoding then gets trivial: you read characters pairwise, first byte you interpret as number, second one as character – rest being trivial. And you nicely cover digits that way as well.
#include "string"
#include "iostream"
void Encode(std::string& inputstring, std::string& outputstring)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputstring.length(); i++) {
int count = 1;
while (inputstring[i] == inputstring[i + 1]) {
if (count <= 1) {
outputstring += inputstring[i];
else {
outputstring += std::to_string(count);
outputstring += inputstring[i];
bool alpha_or_space(const char c)
return isalpha(c) || c == ' ';
void Decompress(std::string& compressed, std::string& original)
size_t i = 0;
size_t repeat;
while (i < compressed.length())
// normal alpha charachers
while (alpha_or_space(compressed[i]))
// repeat number
repeat = 0;
while (isdigit(compressed[i]))
repeat = 10 * repeat + (compressed[i++] - '0');
// unroll releat charachters
auto char_to_unroll = compressed[i++];
while (repeat--)
int main()
std::string deco, outp, inp = "aaahhhhiii kkkjjhh ikl wwwwwweeeett";
Encode(inp, outp);
Decompress(outp, deco);
std::cout << inp << std::endl << outp << std::endl<< deco;
return 0;
The decompression can't possibly work in an unambiguous way because you didn't define a sentinel character; i.e. given the compressed stream it's impossible to determine whether a number is an original single number or it represents the repeat RLE command. I would suggest using '0' as the sentinel char. While encoding, if you see '0' you just output 010. Any other char X will translate to 0NX where N is the repeat byte counter. If you go over 255, just output a new RLE repeat command

C++ insert symbol if rotation is specific character

I'm trying my luck at decrypting/crypting and I want to insert characters if a said rotation would result in a few specific characters. I have a constant string called CHARS ="ABCXYZabcxyz". My crypted string at the moment is "eDhrS3S0/".
I am using ASCII rotation 4, and if the current string character would be one of my characters from "CHAR" I want to add / before and / after the said character, but I cant get it working, this is my code at the moment for this.
const string CHARS="ABCXYZabcxyz";
string crypt = "eDhrS3S0/", encrypted;
string cryptTemp = crypt;
for (int i=0; i<cryptTemp.length(); i++){
for (int j=0; j<CHARS.length(); j++){
if (((int)crypt[i]-4) == (int)CHARS[j]){
crypt.insert(crypt[i],CHARS[j], 0);
I manage to replace the characters if they match chars without rotation, but once I add "-5" in the if statement nothing happens and I am really stuck at this point. The first character in the string "e" should translate to "a" after I remove 4 from it, but I cant get it working.
Adding some separation of concerns will make your code clearer:
Pull out the rot4 code into a separate function.
Explicitly call this function and assign the result to c
Use std::string#find instead of a loop.
Accumulate all characters in ret and return that.
char rot4(char c) {
bool wasupper = isupper(c);
c = tolower(c);
int value = int(c - 'a') - 4;
if (value < 0) value += 26;
c = value + (wasupper ? 'A' : 'a');
return c;
string decrypt(string crypt) {
string ret;
for (int i=0; i<crypt.length(); i++){
char c = rot4(crypt[i]);
if (CHARS.find(c) != string::npos) {
ret += '/';
ret += c;
ret += '/';
} else {
ret += c;
return ret;
As for your original question, I'm pretty sure you were using the wrong overload of std::string#insert.

Search a string for all occurrences of a substring in C++

Write a function countMatches that searches the substring in the given string and returns how many times the substring appears in the string.
I've been stuck on this awhile now (6+ hours) and would really appreciate any help I can get. I would really like to understand this better.
int countMatches(string str, string comp)
int small = comp.length();
int large = str.length();
int count = 0;
// If string is empty
if (small == 0 || large == 0) {
return -1;
// Increment i over string length
for (int i = 0; i < small; i++) {
// Output substring stored in string
for (int j = 0; j < large; j++) {
if (comp.substr(i, small) == str.substr(j, large)) {
cout << count << endl;
return count;
When I call this function from main, with countMatches("Hello", "Hello"); I get the output of 5. Which is completely wrong as it should return 1. I just want to know what I'm doing wrong here so I don't repeat the mistake and actually understand what I am doing.
I figured it out. I did not need a nested for loop because I was only comparing the secondary string to that of the string. It also removed the need to take the substring of the first string. SOOO... For those interested, it should have looked like this:
int countMatches(string str, string comp)
int small = comp.length();
int large = str.length();
int count = 0;
// If string is empty
if (small == 0 || large == 0) {
return -1;
// Increment i over string length
for (int i = 0; i < large; i++) {
// Output substring stored in string
if (comp == str.substr(i, small)) {
cout << count << endl;
return count;
The usual approach is to search in place:
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
int count = 0;
for (;;) {
pos = large.find(small, pos);
if (pos == std::string::npos)
That can be tweaked if you're not concerned about overlapping matches (i.e., looking for all occurrences of "ll" in the string "llll", the answer could be 3, which the above algorithm will give, or it could be 2, if you don't allow the next match to overlap the first. To do that, just change ++pos to pos += small.size() to resume the search after the entire preceding match.
The problem with your function is that you are checking that:
Hello is substring of Hello
ello is substring of ello
llo is substring of llo
of course this matches 5 times in this case.
What you really need is:
For each position i of str
check if the substring of str starting at i and of length = comp.size() is exactly comp.
The following code should do exactly that:
size_t countMatches(const string& str, const string& comp)
size_t count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < str.size()-comp.size()+1; j++)
if (comp == str.substr(j, comp.size()))
return count;

How do I get alphabet from the user

I have a trouble with this. I writing a code for the "vigenere cipher".
I have text and key. But i want to get alphabet from the user. what the user wants etc:"abcdfgh" or "sdgfjdgkfdsgs" just what the user wants.
So but i can't do it.
How do I get alphabet from the user?
Firstly, i want to do get alphabet from the user.
After, I want it to enter the word and encrypt it. But the words alphabet is user's alphabet.
Here is the codes:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Bu fonksiyon bir key oluşturur.
string generateKey(string str, string key)
int x = str.size();
for (int i = 0; ; i++)
if (x == i)
i = 0;
if (key.size() == str.size()) // eğer oluşturulan key boyutu girilen
metnin boyutuna eşitse fonksiyonu durdur.
return key;
string cipherText(string str, string key) // "/Bu fonksiyon orjinal metni şifreler \"
string cipher_text;
for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)
// converting in range 0-25
int x = (str[i] + key[i]) % 26;
// alfabeyi ASCII kodlarina dönüştür:
x += 'A';
return cipher_text;
// "/Bu fonksiyon şifreli metni orjinal hale getirir\"
string originalText(string cipher_text, string key)
string orig_text;
for (int i = 0; i < cipher_text.size(); i++)
// converting in range 0-25
int x = (cipher_text[i] - key[i] + 26) % 26;
// convert into alphabets(ASCII)
x += 'A';
return orig_text;
int main()
cout << " Sifrelenmesini istediginiz kelimeyi/cumleyi giriniz" << endl;
string str;
getline(cin, str);
//string str = "METINBUGRA";
cout << "Anahtar kelimeyi giriniz." << endl;
string keyword;
getline(cin, keyword);
//string keyword = "ABC";
string key = generateKey(str, keyword);
string cipher_text = cipherText(str, key);
cout << "Sifrelenmis Kelime : "
<< cipher_text << "\n";
cout << "Cozumlenmis kelime : "
<< originalText(cipher_text, key);
return 0;
If I correctly understood your question, you want to use a custom alphabet instead of English alphabet. For instance you may add digits.
Instead of actual letters you must operate on numbers: 0, 1, 2, ... N-1, where N is the size of the alphabet. For English alphabet this means you must use 0 instead of A (0x41), 1 instead of B (0x42), ... 25 instead of Z.
If the size of the key is M, the encryption algorithm for letter at position i is:
( L[i] + K[i mod M] ) mod N
Once you have a functional algorithm that operates on numbers, all you have to do is map your input from letters to numbers and your output from numbers to letters.
Mapping numbers to letters is easy; you just have to store the alphabet into a string – this answers your question:
string n_to_letter; // alphabet
int main()
cin >> n_to_letter; // read the alphabet
Mapping letters to numbers is probably beyond your current knowledge; you must use a map:
#include <map>
string n_to_letter; // alphabet
map< char, int > letter_to_n;
void init_letter_to_n() //...
If you do not know how to use a map, there is a workaround: just search for the letter in the alphabet string, or use a 256 characters vector/string.

I Am Able To Go Outside Array Bounds

Given two strings, write a method to decide if one is an anagram/permutation of the other. This is my approach:
I wrote this function to check if 2 strings are anagrams (such as dog and god).
In ascii, a to z is 97 - 122.
Basically I have an array of bools that are all initially false. Everytime I encounter a char in string1, it marks it as true.
To check if its an anagram, I check if any chars of string2 are false (should be true if encountered in string1).
I'm not sure how but this works too: arr[num] = true; (shouldnt work because I dont take into account that ascii starts at 97 and thus goes out of bounds).
(Side note: is there a better approach than mine?)
EDIT: Thanks for all the responses! Will be carefully reading each one. By the way: not an assignment. This is a problem from a coding interview practice book
bool permutation(const string &str1, const string &str2)
// Cannot be anagrams if sizes are different
if (str1.size() != str2.size())
return false;
bool arr[25] = { false };
for (int i = 0; i < str1.size(); i++) // string 1
char ch = (char)tolower(str1[i]); // convert each char to lower
int num = ch; // get ascii
arr[num-97] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < str2.size(); i++) // string 2
char ch = (char)tolower(str2[i]); // convert char to lower
int num = ch; // get ascii
if (arr[num-97] == false)
return false;
return true;
There is nothing inherent in C++ arrays that prevents you from writing beyond the end of them. But, in doing so, you violate the contract you have with the compiler and it is therefore free to do what it wishes (undefined behaviour).
You can get bounds checking on "arrays" by using the vector class, if that's what you need.
As for a better approach, it's probably better if your array is big enough to cover every possible character (so you don't have to worry about bounds checking) and it shouldn't so much be a truth value as a count, so as to handle duplicate characters within the strings. If it's just a truth value, then here and her would be considered anagrams.
Even though you state it's not an assignment, you'll still learn more if you implement it yourself, so it's pseudo-code only from me. The basic idea would be:
def isAnagram (str1, str2):
# Different lengths means no anagram.
if len(str1) not equal to len(str2):
return false
# Initialise character counts to zero.
create array[0..255] (assumes 8-bit char)
for each index 0..255:
set count[index] to zero
# Add 1 for all characters in string 1.
for each char in string1:
increment array[char]
# Subtract 1 for all characters in string 2.
for each char in string2:
decrement array[char]
# Counts will be all zero for an anagram.
for each index 0..255:
if count[index] not equal to 0:
return false
return true
Working approach : with zero additional cost.
bool permutation(const std::string &str1, const std::string &str2)
// Cannot be anagrams if sizes are different
if (str1.size() != str2.size())
return false;
int arr[25] = {0 };
for (int i = 0; i < str1.size(); i++) // string 1
char ch = (char)tolower(str1[i]); // convert each char to lower
int num = ch; // get ascii
arr[num-97] = arr[num-97] + 1 ;
for (int i = 0; i < str2.size(); i++) // string 2
char ch = (char)tolower(str2[i]); // convert char to lower
int num = ch; // get ascii
arr[num-97] = arr[num-97] - 1 ;
for (int i =0; i< 25; i++) {
if (arr[i] != 0) {
return false;
return true;
Yes, C and C++ both doesn't carry out the index-out-of-bounds.
It is the duty of the programmer to make sure that the program logic doesn't cross the legitimate limits. It is the programmer who need to make checks for the violations.
Improved Code:
bool permutation(const string &str1, const string &str2)
// Cannot be anagrams if sizes are different
if (str1.size() != str2.size())
return false;
int arr[25] = { 0 }; //<-------- Changed
for (int i = 0; i < str1.size(); i++) // string 1
char ch = (char)tolower(str1[i]); // convert each char to lower
int num = ch; // get ascii
arr[num-97] += 1; //<-------- Changed
for (int i = 0; i < str2.size(); i++) // string 2
char ch = (char)tolower(str2[i]); // convert char to lower
int num = ch; // get ascii
arr[num-97] = arr[num-97] - 1 ; //<-------- Changed
for (int i =0; i< 25; i++) { //<-------- Changed
if (arr[i] != 0) { //<-------- Changed
return false; //<-------- Changed
return true;