How to check current breakpoint function in TRACE32? - trace32

I'm trying to check if the program stopped in a function in a TRACE32.
I know I can see the the functions in FRAME window but no idea how to copy them to a variable inside my script.
Any idea how to do that ?

You get the name of the function, where the program counter points to with:
(Instead of printing the result you can also assign it to a macro.)
So one approach to check if you've stopped in function myFunc() would be:
PRINT STRing.ComPare(sYmbol.FUNCTION(PP()),"*\myFunc")
Another way is to check if the program counter is inside the first and last address of your function myFunc():
PRINT (ADDRESS.OFFSET(sYmbol.BEGIN(`myFunc`))<=Register(PP))&&(Register(PP)<=ADDRESS.OFFSET(sYmbol.END(`myFunc`)))


C++ Unable to print the entire list in a that has already been created and read from a text file

Hello I have been having trouble with my program I've created a list and I have the following program
Its goal is to Read the 5 variables inside the text file 5 variables in 5 different inputs
so I manage to correctly show the list inside the while loop since every time a line is read it's printed untill .eof(End Of File)
My goal is that I am trying to print the list OUTSIDE of the while Loop that has already read and printed those 5 variables 10x the problem is that it repeats the last entered 5 Variables in the list
I and repeats that 10x (size of the list)
I've also tried something like this inside the for loop which I found in here:
int ID=it->ID;
string NAME=it->NAME;
double GRADE=it->GRADE;
As if those are nodes but I am a starter with nodes as well as lists and it seems to have failed
When I look at the code you've provided, I see that in your for loop the a_student is used, which is not updated by/with the iterator. Basically you're not looping over the created student list.
Maybe try using std::for_each (cppreference) it will save you a lot of time:)
Godbolt example:
The issue on the left column of code is that you are not de-referencing the iterator. You never set the a_students variable inside the loop, so why do you expect it to change on each iteration?
Write something like:
a_students = *it;
inside the loop. However there is a simpler way. Instead of manually handling the iterators, use:
for (auto a_students: s_stl_list)
// do something with each "a_students" which will be AUTOmatically the right type

gdb how to find where the function exited

I have put a break point on a function by attaching to a running program. The function is long, and returns same error value from multiple places. Is there any way to find out where the function has exited without stepping through each line or putting breakpoints on all return values?
There is finish command which gives me the return value, but it doesn't say where it exited.
Thanks in advance
Enable reverse debugging and then put a breakpoint after the function call. Once the breakpoint is hit, do reverse-next/reverse-step to go backwards to the return statement that terminated the function.

dirEntries with walklength returns no files

I am working with dirEntries. Great function by the way. I wanted to test for the number of files before I used a foreach on it. I looked here on stack overflow and the suggested method was to use the walkLength function (Count files in directory with Dlang). I took that suggestion. The return from it was a non-zero value - great. However, the foreach will not iterate over the result of dirEntries. It acts like the walkLength has left the dirEntries at the end of the range. Is there a way to reset it so I can start at the beginning of the dirEntries list? Here is some example code:
auto dFiles = dirEntries("",filter, SpanMode.shallow);
if (walkLength(dFiles) > 0)
writeln("Passed walkLength function");
foreach (src; dFiles)
writeln("Inside foreach");
The output shows it gets past the walkLength function, but never gets inside the foreach iterator.
Am I using dirEntries wrong? I have looked at Ali Cehreli's great book Programming in D as someone suggest. Nothing stuck out at me. I have looked online and nothing points to my interpretation of the problem. Of course, I could be completely off base on what the problem really is.
dirEntries gives you a range. You consume that range with walkLength and reach its end. Then you attempt to read more entries from it with the foreach loop. However, you have already reached its end, so there is nothing more to read.
You can either repeat the dirEntries call, use the array function from std.array to convert the range to an array, or use the .save function to create a copy of the range that you pass to walkLength.
If you don't care about the length and only care about whether it's empty, you can use the .empty property of the range instead of walkLength.

gdb and current function stack

so I know that my current block is between epb and esp
is there a way to print my stack the following way:
lets says that len=ebp-esp
I would like a command on gdb that would look like this
x/lenx $esp
so I'm priting what's on the stack for the current function being executed?
can I do this using display like:
display/lenx $esp ?
is it possible to have a variable that will change each time
Seems display doesn't allow this. So you can define your own command and simply call it when you need to see a function stack:
define display_stack
eval "x /%dbx $esp", $ebp-$esp
And then while debugging your program:
(gdb) display_stack
If you need to see your function stack on each step you can 1) define another command nn and use it when you debug your functions 2) use hook for the pseudo-command, ‘stop’ :
define nn
define hook-stop
echo "hook-stop, display_stack:\n"
Useful links:

Make GDB print context around every time

LLDB print context around current line every time like this:
int a = 12;
int b = a * 13;
-> printf("%d\n", b);
return 0;
In the same time, GDB just print one current line:
-> printf("%d\n", b);
Can I make GDB print context every step like LLDB? Googling give all around list command.
a way to accomplish this might be by defining a macro that redefines a keyword, such as 's' or 'n'.
for example, if you wanted to print out the value of the stack pointer at each step you could redefine 's' by entering these lines into the (gbd) console:
def s
info registers sp
now every time you use the command 's' you actually do a step and print of the sp register
There is no built-in way to do this.
You could maybe make it work, sort of, using hookpost-stop to invoke an explicit list command.
I think most people just use one of the many gdb GUIs instead, though.