Rethinkdb chef solo cookbook - amazon-web-services

Is there any RethinkDB chef solo cookbook that allows one to install latest rethinkdb on ubuntu 14.04 / AWS.
I tried couple options, however it didn't help. - how to install latest version? - source compilation takes hours
I would appreciate any help regarding this.

Try the cookbook that is available from the community repository first:
It claims to be integration tested on Ubuntu. If it doesn't work under chef-solo, then I'd advise you to switch to local mode chef client instead.
Also checkout Berkshelf for managing cookbook dependencies. It's a standard tool in the chefdk

I updated rethinkdb-chef to work with the latest version of RethinkDB as well as removed the network portion of the .kitchen.yml file. I validated that this does work on CentOS 6 and Ubuntu 14.04.
I still need to write tests as well as documentation. As per Marks answer, try to use the community supported version 1st. I created this cookbook, so that I can customize it as per my needs with vFense.


Will there be any compatibility issue if i upgrade my Databricks run time version

Will there be any issue in my current notebooks and jobs if i upgrade my Databricks run time version from 9.1 LTS to 10.4 LTS
I didn't tried upgrading the version. If I upgrade it then will I be able to change it back to previous version
It's really a very broad question - exact answer depends on the features and libraries/connectors that you're using in your code. You can refer to the Databricks Runtime 10.x migration guide and Spark 3.2.1 migration guide for more information about upgrade.
Usually, the correct way to do is to try to run your job with new runtime, but using the test environment, where your production data won't be affected.

Hadoop : how to start my first project

I'm starting to work with Hadoop but I don't know where and how do it. I'm working on OS X and I follow some tutorial to install Hadoop, it's done and it's work but now I don't know what to do.
Is there an IDE to install (maybe eclipse)? I find some codes but nothing works and I don't know what I have to add in my project etc ...
Can you give me some informations or guide me to a complete tutorial ?
If you want to learn Hadoop framework then i recomend to just start with installing Cloudera QuickStart virtual machine on your OSX system provided your system has all the prerequisites:
Cloudera QuickStart virtual machines include everything you need to try Hadoop, MapReduce, Hive, Pig, Impala, etc. and Eclipse IDE as well.
Above will do perfect if you are interested in perusing career as Hadoop Developer however, if you are interested in Hadoop systems administrator then follow the #Alvaro recommendation.
Then there is a intro to Hadoop and MapReduce course on Udacity would be a good start for beginners:
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide By Tom White could be a great comprehensive book to refer:
I would recommend you install the Cloudera pseudo distributed example on a virtual machine, the latest LTS Ubuntu. That way, you don't messed up with your laptop and it would be a environment closer to anything you would do in production. Have you checked
When you have it installed, you could choose on work directly on Java or chose a framework like MrJob (python) to execute some custom programs.

Is there any well documented Redmine installation process

is there any well documented step by step procedure to install redmine?. I tried to install it on my Ubuntu machine.But i am unable to access it from another machine. please tell me how to it. is there any document which show how to host as centralized
See this guide: Its a general installation guide. I used it to install Redmine on Debian Jessie.

Step by Step install of wso2 EMM for Ubuntu

I've visited the wso2 website and the install instructions are very disjointed in that there is a lot of jumping around between pages. I've seen the following blog that seemed to streamline the instructions but it doesn't seem complete (plus it's out of date with the version it's installing) -
Has anyone seen step-by-step instructions on what needs to be done to completely setup wso2-EMM on a newly installed Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine with just the O/S on it and none of the pre-reqs installed yet? The blog I mentioned above seems to give a lot of the necessary apt-get install bits but doesn't mention anything about a database (yet the wso2 has a whole section on installing and using a database).
Thank you.
To try out WSO2 EMM you will only need to have JDK 7 or 8 [1] installed as minimum to start off the server. WSO2 products are build to run with OOB database which is H2. So to get things started and play around, I suggest that you install java and then start the pack to get things going.
To getting started all you need is JDK installed in your machine and setting the Java related environment variables like PATH, JAVA_HOME. You might have to install the correct version of JDK for the particular version of the EMM.

Couchbase Community Upgrade - couchbase-server (3.x) conflicts with couchbase-server-community (4.x)

I am trying to upgrade a Couchbase Community server that is currently running 3.0 to 4.0. I am using the 'Amazon Linux' on AWS, and have used the CentOS 6 build to upgrade from 2.5 to 3.0 - that upgrade was super smooth. According to the documentation, I should be able to go from 3.x to 4.x just fine as well.
Upgrade from the latest version 3.x directly to version 4.x using any supported upgrade strategy.
But I get the message
couchbase-server conflicts with couchbase-server-community-4.0.0-4051.x86_64
I have found that the couchbase-server name is now reserved for the enterprise edition, and couchbase-server-community is now used in 4.0 for the community edition, which would explain the conflict.
Is this really an upgrade-breaking change? I cannot find any documentation on how to resolve this change short of uninstalling and reinstalling.
If it were me and since you are on AWS, just spin up new instances, install Couchbase on them and do rebalances where you add one in and remove an old one (1 in, 1 out or 2 in, 2 out, etc.). With the same amount going in and out of the cluster, the cluster will do a swap rebalance which is the most efficient. All of this can be done while up and serving traffic. This is a very standard upgrade path and the recommended approach when in the cloud.
Once upgraded, discard the old instances. Yes you are running more instances at the same time during the upgrade, but for the cost of a few lattes you are upgraded smoothly.
I have experienced the same conflict when trying to upgrade from Community version 3.0.1 to Community 4.0.0.
It is worth mentioning that if you uninstall the 3.0.1 version and then install 4.0.0, all your buckets and their data are kept. Maybe there are some cases where this would fail, always good to take a backup first, but in my case the transformation was smooth.
This was on my developer machine, for a cloud installation I really like the swap in/out which means you can do the upgrade without interruption of the service.