How can I get resistance from temperature? - c++

I have a value in temperature and I want to get a resistance value from this temperature.
I use Steinhart-Hart method but this equation always returns 7,39 regardless of temperatures and coefficients.
My second implementation based on steinhart method (see below) doesn't work with negative coefficients.
Do you know what's the problem with my code ?
double WSensor::temperatureToResistance(double _temp)
double Temp = _temp + 273.15;
double X = ((this->therm->getA() - (1 / Temp)) / this->therm->getC());
double Y = this->therm->getB() / this->therm->getC();
double argExpo = pow(-(X / 2) + pow((X*X) / 4 + (Y*Y*Y) / 27, 1.0 / 2.), 1.0 / 3.0) - pow((-(X / 2) - pow((X*X) / 4 + (Y*Y*Y) / 27, 1.0 / 2.0)) * (-1), 1.0 / 3.0);
return exp(argExpo);

After 3 days of work, I know why this equation does not work on arduino : overflowing.
Some parts of the equation create float too large for this board model (Arduino Uno).
One of the solutions is to rephrase the equation to prevent bigger results. But this solution takes too much time and need good mathematical skills, that's why I decided to move the equation in an external API.


Trigonometric Equation only works with specific input ( 5 ) doesn't work with other inputs

I try to write code for that calculation angles from lengths of triangle. formula is
cos(a)=b^2+c^2-a^2/2bc. (Triangle is here)
angle1 = acosf((powf(length2,2) + powf(length3,2) - powf(length1,2)) / 2 * length2 * length3)* 180 / 3.14153;
angle2 = acosf((powf(length1,2) + powf(length3,2) - powf(length2,2)) / 2 * length1 * length3)* 180 / 3.14153;
angle3 = 180 - (angle2 + angle1);
Everything is float. When entered 5-4-3 inputs outcome this.
angle one is 90.0018
angle two is nan
angle three is nan
changing order doesn't matter, only gives output for 5.
You are doing:
angle1 = acosf((powf(length2,2) + powf(length3,2) - powf(length1,2)) / 2 * length2 * length3)* 180 / 3.14153;
You should be doing:
angle1 = acosf((powf(length2,2) + powf(length3,2) - powf(length1,2)) / (2 * length2 * length3))* 180 / 3.14153;
Explanation: The problem is caused by the following formula, which is in fact badly written:
// This, obviously, is wrong because
// you need to group the firt three terms together.
// Next to that, everybody understands that the last "b" and "c" are divisors,
// yet it would be better to write it as:
The brackets, I added in the code, are similar to the replacement of /2bc by /(2bc).

confidence of prediction in SVM in OpenCv3.0.0

i'm using aprogram to classify road singns, and i want get confidence of prediction between 0-1.
Well, I tried to calculate the confidence and compare it with probabilities, but it was not work, because there's images representing (for exp 60 Km / h), and have a rates below than 0.9, and another (also representing 60 Km / h) have a higher rate to 0.9.
but the same thing is repeated with unrecognized traffic sing : there's images that does not represent a traffic sing, and which have a rate less than 0.9, and others which have a rate higher than 0 9.
i tried this
decision = svmob.predict(testData, true);
confidence = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-decision));
that i found here but it does'n work in OpenCv3.0.
can you help me please.
than I tried this:
int classObject =<float>(currentFile) < 0.0 ? 1 : -1;
float confidence = classObject == -1 ? (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(<float>(currentFile)))) : (1.0 - (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(<float>(currentFile)))));
printf("le panneau n'est pas reconnu");
printf("decision = %f, response = %f\n",<float>(0), response);
I want to know ho to do it, please?
in opencv3.0 we should use the interface predict(p, noArray(), cv::ml::StatModel::RAW_OUTPUT). Its' effect is equal to predict(p, true) in opencv2.4
Opencv documention explain the interface:C++: float StatModel::predict(InputArray samples, OutputArray results=noArray(), int flags=0 ) const
samples – The input samples, floating-point matrix
results – The optional output matrix of results.
flags – The optional flags, model-dependent. Some models, such as Boost, SVM recognize StatModel::RAW_OUTPUT flag, which makes the method return the raw results (the sum), not the class label.

sum of weights should be exactly 1.0 no matter on which platform it is

I have such a function that calculates weights according to Gaussian distribution:
const float dx = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(points - 1);
const float sigma = 1.0f / 3.0f;
const float norm = 1.0f / (sqrtf(2.0f * static_cast<float>(M_PI)) * sigma);
const float divsigma2 = 0.5f / (sigma * sigma);
m_weights[0] = 1.0f;
for (int i = 1; i < points; i++)
float x = static_cast<float>(i)* dx;
m_weights[i] = norm * expf(-x * x * divsigma2) * dx;
m_weights[0] -= 2.0f * m_weights[i];
In all the calc above the number does not matter. The only thing matters is that m_weights[0] = 1.0f; and each time I calculate m_weights[i] I subtract it twice from m_weights[0] like this:
m_weights[0] -= 2.0f * m_weights[i];
to ensure that w[0] + 2 * w[i] (1..N) will sum to exactly 1.0f. But it does not. This assert fails:
float wSum = 0.0f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_weights.size(); ++i)
float w = m_weights[i];
if (i == 0) {
wSum += w;
} else {
wSum += (w + w);
assert(wSum == 1.0 && "Weights sum is not 1.");
How can I ensure the sum to be 1.0f on all platforms?
You can't. Floating point isn't like that. Even adding the same values can produce different results according to the cpu used.
All you can do is define some accuracy value and ensure that you end up with 1.0 +/- that value.
Because the precision of float is only 23 bits (see e.g. ), rounding error quickly accumulates therefore even if the rest of code is correct, your sum becomes something like 1.0000001 or 0.9999999 (have you watched it in the debugger or tried to print it to console, by the way?). To improve precision you can replace float with double, but still the sum will not be exactly 1.0: the error will just be smaller, something like 1e-16 instead of 1e-7.
The second thing to do is to replace strict comparison to 1.0 with a range comparison, like:
assert(fabs(wSum - 1.0) <= 1e-13 && "Weights sum is not 1.");
Here 1e-13 is the epsilon within which you consider two floating-point numbers equal. If you choose to go with float (not double), you may need epsilon like 1e-6 .
Depending on how large your weights are and how many points there are, accumulated error can become larger than that epsilon. In that case you would need special algorithms for keeping the precision higher, such as sorting the numbers by their absolute values prior to summing them up starting with the smallest numbers.
How can I ensure the sum to be 1.0f on all platforms?
As the other answers (and comments) have stated, you can't achieve this, due to the inexactness of floating point calculations.
One solution is that, instead of using double, use a fixed point or multi-precision library such as GMP, Boost Multiprecision Library, or one of the many others out there.

Create sine lookup table in C++

How can I rewrite the following pseudocode in C++?
real array sine_table[-1000..1000]
for x from -1000 to 1000
sine_table[x] := sine(pi * x / 1000)
I need to create a sine_table lookup table.
You can reduce the size of your table to 25% of the original by only storing values for the first quadrant, i.e. for x in [0,pi/2].
To do that your lookup routine just needs to map all values of x to the first quadrant using simple trig identities:
sin(x) = - sin(-x), to map from quadrant IV to I
sin(x) = sin(pi - x), to map from quadrant II to I
To map from quadrant III to I, apply both identities, i.e. sin(x) = - sin (pi + x)
Whether this strategy helps depends on how much memory usage matters in your case. But it seems wasteful to store four times as many values as you need just to avoid a comparison and subtraction or two during lookup.
I second Jeremy's recommendation to measure whether building a table is better than just using std::sin(). Even with the original large table, you'll have to spend cycles during each table lookup to convert the argument to the closest increment of pi/1000, and you'll lose some accuracy in the process.
If you're really trying to trade accuracy for speed, you might try approximating the sin() function using just the first few terms of the Taylor series expansion.
sin(x) = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! ..., where ^ represents raising to a power and ! represents the factorial.
Of course, for efficiency, you should precompute the factorials and make use of the lower powers of x to compute higher ones, e.g. use x^3 when computing x^5.
One final point, the truncated Taylor series above is more accurate for values closer to zero, so its still worthwhile to map to the first or fourth quadrant before computing the approximate sine.
Yet one more potential improvement based on two observations:
1. You can compute any trig function if you can compute both the sine and cosine in the first octant [0,pi/4]
2. The Taylor series expansion centered at zero is more accurate near zero
So if you decide to use a truncated Taylor series, then you can improve accuracy (or use fewer terms for similar accuracy) by mapping to either the sine or cosine to get the angle in the range [0,pi/4] using identities like sin(x) = cos(pi/2-x) and cos(x) = sin(pi/2-x) in addition to the ones above (for example, if x > pi/4 once you've mapped to the first quadrant.)
Or if you decide to use a table lookup for both the sine and cosine, you could get by with two smaller tables that only covered the range [0,pi/4] at the expense of another possible comparison and subtraction on lookup to map to the smaller range. Then you could either use less memory for the tables, or use the same memory but provide finer granularity and accuracy.
long double sine_table[2001];
for (int index = 0; index < 2001; index++)
sine_table[index] = std::sin(PI * (index - 1000) / 1000.0);
One more point: calling trigonometric functions is pricey. if you want to prepare the lookup table for sine with constant step - you may save the calculation time, in expense of some potential precision loss.
Consider your minimal step is "a". That is, you need sin(a), sin(2a), sin(3a), ...
Then you may do the following trick: First calculate sin(a) and cos(a). Then for every consecutive step use the following trigonometric equalities:
sin([n+1] * a) = sin(n*a) * cos(a) + cos(n*a) * sin(a)
cos([n+1] * a) = cos(n*a) * cos(a) - sin(n*a) * sin(a)
The drawback of this method is that during this procedure the round-off error is accumulated.
double table[1000] = {0};
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
sine_table[i-1] = std::sin(PI * i/ 1000.0);
double getSineValue(int multipleOfPi){
if(multipleOfPi == 0) return 0.0;
int sign = 1;
if(multipleOfPi < 0){
sign = -1;
return signsine_table[signmultipleOfPi - 1];
You can reduce the array length to 500, by a trick sin(pi/2 +/- angle) = +/- cos(angle).
So store sin and cos from 0 to pi/4.
I don't remember from top of my head but it increased the speed of my program.
You'll want the std::sin() function from <cmath>.
another approximation from a book or something
streamin ramp;
streamout sine;
float x,rect,k,i,j;
x = ramp -0.5;
rect = x * (1 - x < 0 & 2);
k = (rect + 0.42493299) *(rect -0.5) * (rect - 0.92493302) ;
i = 0.436501 + (rect * (rect + 1.05802));
j = 1.21551 + (rect * (rect - 2.0580201));
sine = i*j*k*60.252201*x;
full discussion here:
I presume that you know, that using a division is a lot slower than multiplying by decimal number, /5 is always slower than *0.2
it's just an approximation.
streamin ramp;
streamin x; // 1.5 = Saw 3.142 = Sin 4.5 = SawSin
streamout sine;
float saw,saw2;
saw = (ramp * 2 - 1) * x;
saw2 = saw * saw;
sine = -0.166667 + saw2 * (0.00833333 + saw2 * (-0.000198409 + saw2 * (2.7526e-006+saw2 * -2.39e-008)));
sine = saw * (1+ saw2 * sine);

Calculating volume for sphere in C++

This is probably an easy one, but is the right way to calculate volume for a sphere in C++? My getArea() seems to be right, but when I call getVolume() it doesn't output the right amount. With a sphere of radius = 1, it gives me the answer of pi, which is incorrect:
double Sphere::getArea() const
return 4 * Shape::pi * pow(getZ(), 2);
double Sphere::getVolume() const
return (4 / 3) * Shape::pi * pow(getZ(), 3);
You're using integer division in (4 / 3). Instead, use floating point division: (4.0 / 3.0).
4/3 is 1, because integer division only produces integers. You can confirm this by test code: std::cout << (4/3) << std::endl;.
In (4 / 3), these are both integers so you get integer division. That means the result will be truncated (1.333... becomes 1). Make one of them a double so the other gets promoted to a double during division, yielding a correct result.
I prefer to use (4.0 / 3.0).
(4 / 3) is an integer expression and is therefore being truncated to 1. Try (4.0 / 3.0)