Using #define for printf, does it effect on speed - c++

I am using
#define printInt(x) printf ("%d",x)
In main()
I can use it like this:
int var=10;
printInt (var);
Which is easier to use than typing
printf ("%d",var);
Will using my own #define for printing an int, float etc make my program slower?

No this will not effect the speed. The macro is expanded during pre-processing so that in every instance that you use printInt(myInt) what is actually passed to the compiler will be printf("%d", myInt). So I think the binary output would be identical either way.

No, it doesn't affect the speed of your program.
The #define instructions are processed by the preprocessor before your program is compiled.
For example the call
is replaced with
printf ("%d",var);
by the preprocessor.
Therefore the compiler can't determine if a #define was used or not. In both cases it leads to the same code (and the same program). Thats the reason why it isn't possible that both programs differ in their speed.
EDIT: If you use a lot of #defines in your program, it is possible that the speed of the proprocessing step decreases. But in most cases this should be no problem.


Using MACROs to get the 'name' of function parameters

I've implemented a log function, that eventually is being used identically all over the code.
void func(int foo, int bar){
log_api_call("foo", foo, "bar",bar)
so I've decided to make it easier and just extract the variable names.
so it would be something like
or even better
and it would expand to log_api_call("foo", foo, "bar",bar) somehow.
I have no idea even where to start to 'extract' the function variable names.
help would be much appreciated.
I understand that what I've asked previously is outside of the C++ preprocessor capabilities, but can C MACROS expand log_api(a,b) to log_api_call("a", a, "b", b) for any number of parameters?
for defined number the job is trivial.
This isn't actually too difficult.
I'd recommend a slight change in spec though; instead of:
expand log_api(a,b) to log_api_call("a", a, "b", b)'s more useful to expand something like NAMED_VALUES(a,b) to "a",a,"b",b. You can then call log_api(NAMED_VALUES(a,b)), but your log_api can stay more generic (e.g., log_api(NAMED_VALUES(a,b),"entering function") is possible). This approach also avoids a lot of complications about zero-argument cases.
// A preprocessor argument counter
#define COUNT(...) COUNT_I(__VA_ARGS__, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,)
#define COUNT_I(_9,_8,_7,_6,_5,_4,_3,_2,_1,X,...) X
// Preprocessor paster
#define GLUE(A,B) GLUE_I(A,B)
#define GLUE_I(A,B) A##B
// chained caller
// chain
#define NAMED_VALUES_1(a) #a,a
#define NAMED_VALUES_2(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_1(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_3(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_2(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_4(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_3(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_5(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_4(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_6(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_5(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_7(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_6(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_8(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_7(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_9(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_8(__VA_ARGS__)
This supports up to 9 arguments, but it should be easy to see how to expand to more.
This is not possible in standard C++11 (or standard C11 - which nearly shares its preprocessor with C++). The C or C++ preprocessor don't know the AST of your code passed to the compiler (because it is running before the actual parsing of your code).
I have no idea even where to start to 'extract' the function variable names.
Notice that variable and function names are known only at compilation time (after preprocessing). So if you want them, you need to work during compilation. At execution time variables and functions names are generally lost (and you could strip your executable).
You could generate your C++ code (e.g.using some other preprocessor like GPP or M4, or writing your own thing).
You could customize your C++ compiler (e.g. with an extension in GCC MELT, or a GCC plugin) to e.g. have log_api_call invoke some new magic builtin (whose processing inside the compiler would do most of the job). This would take months and is very compiler specific, I don't think it is worth the pain.
You could parse DWARF debugging info (that would also take months, so I don't think it would be wise).
(I am implicitly thinking of C++ code compiled on a Linux system)
Read more about aspect programming.
If you want such powerful meta-programming facilities, C++ is the wrong programming language. Read more about the powerful macro system of Common Lisp...
but can C MACROS expand log_api(a,b) to log_api_call("a", a, "b", b) for any number of parameters? for defined number the job is trivial.
No. You need a more powerful preprocessor to do that job (or write your own). For that specific need, you might consider customizing your source code editor (e.g. write a hundred lines of ELisp code doing that extraction & expansion job at edit time for emacs).
PS In practice you could find some library (probably boost) limiting the arguments to some reasonable limit
I think the best you can achieve from inside the language is writing a macro LOG_API_CALL(foo,bar) that expands to log_api_call("foo", foo, "bar", bar):
#define LOG_API_CALL(P1,P2) log_api_call(#P1,P1,#P2,P1)
This gets pretty tricky if you want to support arbitrarily many arguments with a single macro name, but you could also have a separate macro for each number of arguments.
and it would expand to log_api_call("foo", foo, "bar",bar) somehow.
This is not possible in Standard C++.

increase c++ code verbosity with macros

I'd like to have the possibility to increase the verbosity for debug purposes of my program. Of course I can do that using a switch/flag during runtime. But that can be very inefficient, due to all the 'if' statements I should add to my code.
So, I'd like to add a flag to be used during compilation in order to include optional, usually slow debug operations in my code, without affecting the performance/size of my program when not needed. here's an example:
/* code */
#ifdef _DEBUG_
/* do debug operations here
so, compiling with -D_DEBUG_ should do the trick. without it, that part won't be included in my program.
Another option (at least for i/o operations) would be to define at least an i/o function, like
#ifdef _DEBUG_
#define LOG(x) std::clog << x << std::endl;
#define LOG(x)
However, I strongly suspect this probably isn't the cleanest way to do that. So, what would you do instead?
I prefer to use #ifdef with real functions so that the function has an empty body if _DEBUG_ is not defined:
void log(std::string x)
#ifdef _DEBUG_
std::cout << x << std::endl;
There are three big reasons for this preference:
When _DEBUG_ is not defined, the function definition is empty and any modern compiler will completely optimize out any call to that function (the definition should be visible inside that translation unit, of course).
The #ifdef guard only has to be applied to a small localized area of code, rather than every time you call log.
You do not need to use lots of macros, avoiding pollution of your code.
You can use macros to change implementation of the function (Like in sftrabbit's solution). That way, no empty places will be left in your code, and the compiler will optimize the "empty" calls away.
You can also use two distinct files for the debug and release implementation, and let your IDE/build script choose the appropriate one; this involves no #defines at all. Just remember the DRY rule and make the clean code reusable in debug scenario.
I would say that his actually is very dependent on the actual problem you are facing. Some problems will benefit more of the second solution, whilst the simple code might be better with simple defines.
Both snippets that you describe are correct ways of using conditional compilation to enable or disable the debugging through a compile-time switch. However, your assertion that checking the debug flags at runtime "can be very inefficient, due to all the 'if' statements I should add to my code" is mostly incorrect: in most practical cases a runtime check does not influence the speed of your program in a detectable way, so if keeping the runtime flag offers you potential advantages (e.g. turning the debugging on to diagnose a problem in production without recompiling) you should go for a run-time flag instead.
For the additional checks, I would rely on the assert (see the assert.h) which does exactly what you need: check when you compile in debug, no check when compiled for the release.
For the verbosity, a more C++ version of what you propose would use a simple Logger class with a boolean as template parameter. But the macro is fine as well if kept within the Logger class.
For commercial software, having SOME debug output that is available at runtime on customer sites is usually a valuable thing to have. I'm not saying everything has to be compiled into the final binary, but it's not at all unusual that customers do things to your code that you don't expect [or that causes the code to behave in ways that you don't expect]. Being able to tell the customer "Well, if you run myprog -v 2 -l logfile.txt and do you usual thing, then email me logfile.txt" is a very, very useful thing to have.
As long as the "if-statement to decide if we log or not" is not in the deepest, darkest jungle in peru, eh, I mean in the deepest nesting levels of your tight, performance critical loop, then it's rarely a problem to leave it in.
So, I personally tend to go for the "always there, not always enabled" approach. THat's not to say that I don't find myself adding some extra logging in the middle of my tight loops sometimes - only to remove it later on when the bug is fixed.
You can avoid the function-like macro when doing conditional compilation. Just define a regular or template function to do the logging and call it inside the:
#ifdef _DEBUG_
/* ... */
part of the code.
At least in the *Nix universe, the default define for this kind of thing is NDEBUG (read no-debug). If it is defined, your code should skip the debug code. I.e. you would do something like this:
#ifdef NDEBUG
inline void log(...) {}
inline void log(...) { .... }
An example piece of code I use in my projects. This way, you can use variable argument list and if DEBUG flag is not set, related code is cleared out:
#ifdef DEBUG
#define PR_DEBUG(fmt, ...) \
PR_DEBUG(fmt, ...) printf("[DBG] %s: " fmt, __func__, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define PR_DEBUG(fmt, ...)
#define DEBUG
ret = do_smth();
PR_DEBUG("some kind of code returned %d", ret);
[DBG] some_func: some kind of code returned 0
of course, printf() may be replaced by any output function you use. Furthermore, it can be easily modified so additional information, as for example time stamp, is automatically appended.
For me it depends from application to application.
I've had applications where I wanted to always log (for example, we had an application where in case of errors, clients would take all the logs of the application and send them to us for diagnostics). In such a case, the logging API should probably be based on functions (i.e. not macros) and always defined.
In cases when logging is not always necessary or you need to be able to completely disable it for performance/other reasons, you can define logging macros.
In that case I prefer a single-line macro like this:
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define LOGSTREAM /##/
#define LOGSTREAM std::clog
// or
// #define LOGSTREAM std::ofstream("output.log", std::ios::out|std::ios::app)
client code:
LOG << "Initializing chipmunk feeding module ...\n";
LOG << "Shutting down chipmunk feeding module ...\n";
It's just like any other feature.
My assumptions:
No global variables
System designed to interfaces
For whatever you want verbose output, create two implementations, one quiet, one verbose.
At application initialisation, choose the implementation you want.
It could be a logger, or a widget, or a memory manager, for example.
Obviously you don't want to duplicate code, so extract the minimum variation you want. If you know what the strategy pattern is, or the decorator pattern, these are the right direction. Follow the open closed principle.

suppressing mexPrintf in matlab mex code

I have mex code that I call from my matlab scripts. To debug the code, I had put a lot of mexPrintf statements, but for timing purposes now I don't want any I/O taking place in my mex code call (since I/O takes a lot of time). What's the easiest and best way to suppress the mexPrintf calls in my code, such that those statements are not executed at all, without having to delete/comment out those statements? (I don't want to delete/comment out those statements and recompile my mex code because I may need these debug statements later on, and I don't want to keep going through this iteration of modifying and building my code again and again).
Is there any compiler switch that can do the trick? or some preprocessor statement?
You can not turn mexPrintf off. You need to modify your code. Define e.g. DEBUG flag to decide, when you want to print things, and when not. For example, with normal printf function
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
#define MPRINT(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__);
#define MPRINT(...)
int main()
MPRINT("%d\n", 5);
Nothing is printed if you run it now. But if you uncomment the #define DEBUG statement, you get 5 printed.
Alternatively, you can embrace all mexPrintf calls in such clauses:
#ifdef DEBUG
Again, nothing will be printed if DEBUG is not defined. But that is much more work.
You can also do a similar thing without recompiling your mex file by using a normal if statement and pass a verbose parameter to the mex file. However, this will still have some impact on performance if you execute the if statement too often. So go for the DEBUG more - that is the standard way to do it.

Why use #define instead of a variable

What is the point of #define in C++? I've only seen examples where it's used in place of a "magic number" but I don't see the point in just giving that value to a variable instead.
The #define is part of the preprocessor language for C and C++. When they're used in code, the compiler just replaces the #define statement with what ever you want. For example, if you're sick of writing for (int i=0; i<=10; i++) all the time, you can do the following:
#define fori10 for (int i=0; i<=10; i++)
// some code...
fori10 {
// do stuff to i
If you want something more generic, you can create preprocessor macros:
#define fori(x) for (int i=0; i<=x; i++)
// the x will be replaced by what ever is put into the parenthesis, such as
// 20 here
fori(20) {
// do more stuff to i
It's also very useful for conditional compilation (the other major use for #define) if you only want certain code used in some particular build:
// compile the following if debugging is turned on and defined
#ifdef DEBUG
// some code
Most compilers will allow you to define a macro from the command line (e.g. g++ -DDEBUG something.cpp), but you can also just put a define in your code like so:
#define DEBUG
Some resources:
Wikipedia article
C++ specific site
Documentation on GCC's preprocessor
Microsoft reference
C specific site (I don't think it's different from the C++ version though)
Mostly stylistic these days. When C was young, there was no such thing as a const variable. So if you used a variable instead of a #define, you had no guarantee that somebody somewhere wouldn't change the value of it, causing havoc throughout your program.
In the old days, FORTRAN passed even constants to subroutines by reference, and it was possible (and headache inducing) to change the value of a constant like '2' to be something different. One time, this happened in a program I was working on, and the only hint we had that something was wrong was we'd get an ABEND (abnormal end) when the program hit the STOP 999 that was supposed to end it normally.
I got in trouble at work one time. I was accused of using "magic numbers" in array declarations.
Like this:
int Marylyn[256], Ann[1024];
The company policy was to avoid these magic numbers because, it was explained to me, that these numbers were not portable; that they impeded easy maintenance. I argued that when I am reading the code, I want to know exactly how big the array is. I lost the argument and so, on a Friday afternoon I replaced the offending "magic numbers" with #defines, like this:
#define TWO_FIFTY_SIX 256
#define TEN_TWENTY_FOUR 1024
On the following Monday afternoon I was called in and accused of having passive defiant tendencies.
#define can accomplish some jobs that normal C++ cannot, like guarding headers and other tasks. However, it definitely should not be used as a magic number- a static const should be used instead.
C didn't use to have consts, so #defines were the only way of providing constant values. Both C and C++ do have them now, so there is no point in using them, except when they are going to be tested with #ifdef/ifndef.
Most common use (other than to declare constants) is an include guard.
Define is evaluated before compilation by the pre-processor, while variables are referenced at run-time. This means you control how your application is built (not how it runs)
Here are a couple examples that use define which cannot be replaced by a variable:
#define min(i, j) (((i) < (j)) ? (i) : (j))
note this is evaluated by the pre-processor, not during runtime
The #define allows you to establish a value in a header that would otherwise compile to size-greater-than-zero. Your headers should not compile to size-greater-than-zero.
// File: MyFile.h
// This header will compile to size-zero.
#define TAX_RATE 0.625
// NO: static const double TAX_RATE = 0.625;
// NO: extern const double TAX_RATE; // WHAT IS THE VALUE?
EDIT: As Neil points out in the comment to this post, the explicit definition-with-value in the header would work for C++, but not C.

Eliminating inherited overlong MACRO

I have inherited a very long set of macros from some C algorithm code.They basically call free on a number of structures as the function exits either abnormally or normally. I would like to replace these with something more debuggable and readable. A snippet is shown below
#define FREE_ALL_VECS {FREE_VEC_COND(kernel);FREE_VEC_COND(cirradCS); FREE_VEC_COND(pixAccum).....
#define FREE_ALL_2D_MATS {FREE_2D_MAT_COND(circenCS); FREE_2D_MAT_COND(cirradCS_2); }
#define FREE_ALL_IMAGES {immFreeImg(&imgC); immFreeImg(&smal.....
What approach would be best? Should I just leave well alone if it works? This macro set is called twelve times in one function. I'm on Linux with gcc.
Usually I refactor such macros to functions, using inline functions when the code is really performance critical. Also I try to move allocation, deallocation and clean up stuff into C++ objects, to get advantage of the automatic destruction.
If they are broken then fix them by converting to functions.
If they're aren't broken then leave them be.
If you are determined to change them, write unit-tests to check you don't inadvertently break something.
Ideally, I would use inline functions instead of using macros to eliminate function call overhead. However, basing from your snippet, the macros you have would call several nested functions. Inlining them may not have any effect, thus I would just suggest to refactor them into functions to make them more readable and maintainable. Inlining improves performance only if the function to be inlined is simple (e.g. accessors, mutators, no loops).
I believe this is your decision. If the macros are creating problems when debugging, I believe it is best to create some functions that do the same things as the macros. In general you should avoid complicated macros. By complicated I mean macros that do something more than a simple value definition.
// it is best to use only this type of macro
#define MAX_VALUE 200
The rest is not recommended (see example below):
// this is not recommended
#define min(x,y) ( (x)<(y) ? (x) : (y) )
// imagine using min with some function arguments like this:
// val = min(func1(), func2())
// this means that one of functions is called twice which is generally
// not very good for performance