REST API design: different granularity for receiving and updating resources - web-services

I'm in the process of creating a REST API. Among others, there is a resource-type called company which has quite a lot of attributes/fields.
The two common use cases when dealing with company resources are:
Load a whole company and all its attributes with one single request
Update a (relatively small) set of attributes of a company, but never all attributes at the same time
I came up with two different approaches regarding the design of the API and need to pick one of them (maybe there are even better approaches, so feel free to comment):
1. Using subresources for fine-grained updates
Since the attributes of a company can be grouped into categories (e.g. street, city and state represent an address... phone, mail and fax represent contact information and so on...), one approach could be to use the following routes:
/company/id: can be used to fetch a whole company using GET
/company/id/address: can be used to update address information (street, city...) using PUT
/company/id/contact: can be used to update contact information (phone, mail...) using PUT
And so on.
But: Using GET on subresources like /company/id/address would never happen. Likewise, updating /company/id itself would also never happen (see use cases above). I'm not sure if this approach follows the idea of REST since I'm loading and manipulating the same data using different URLs.
2. Using HTTP PATCH for fine-grained updates
In this approach, there are no extra routes for partial updates. Instead, there is only one endpoint:
/company/id: can be used to fetch a whole company using GET and, at the same time, to update a subset of the resource (address, contact info etc.) using PATCH.
From a technical point of view, I'm quite sure that both approaches would work fine. However, I don't want to use REST in a way that it isn't supposed to be used. Which approach do you prefer?

Do you really nead each and every field contained in the GET response all the time? If not, than its more than just fine to create own resources for addresses and contacts. Maybe you will later find a further use-case where you might reuse these resources.
Moreover, you can embed other resources as well in resources. JSON HAL (hal-json) f.e. explicitely provides an _embedded property where you can embed the current state of f.e. sub-resources. A simplified HAL-like JSON representation of an imaginary company resource with embedded resources could look like this:
"name":"Test Company",
"foundingYear": 2010,
"founders": [
"name": "Tim Test",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"_embedded": {
"address": {
"street": "Main Street 1",
"city": "Big Town",
"zipCode": "12345",
"country": "Neverland"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"googleMaps": {
"href": ",-74.86084"
"contacts": {
"CEO": {
"name": "Maria Sample",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
Updating embedded resources therefore is straigtforward by sending a PUT request to the enclosed URI of the particluar resource. As GET requests my be cached, you might need to provide finer grained caching settings (f.e. with conditional GET requests a.k.a If-Modified-Since or ETAG header fields) to retrieve the actual state after an update. These headers should consider the whole resource (incl. embedded once) in order to return the updated state.
Concerning PUT vs. PATCH for "partial updates":
While the semantics of PUT are rather clear, PATCH is often confused with a partial update by just sending the new state for some properties to the service. This article however describes what PATCH really should do.
In short, for a PATCH request a client is responsible for comparing the current state of a resource and calculating the necessary steps to transform the current resource to the desired state. After calculating the steps, the request will have to contain instructions the server has to understand to execute these instructions and therefore produces the updated version. A PATCH request is furthermore atomic - either all instructions succeed or none. This adds some transaction requirements to this request.

In this particular case I'd use PATCH instead of subresources approach. First of all this isn't a real subresources. It's just a fake abstraction introduced to eliminate the problem of updating the whole big entity (resource). Whereas PATCH is a REST compatible, well established and common approach.
And (IMO ultima ratio), imagine that you need to extend company somehow (by adding magazine, venue, CTO, whatever). Will you be adding a new endpoint to enable client to update this newly-added part of a resource? How it finishes? With multiple endpoint that no one understands. With PATCH your API is ready for new elements of a company.


REST API for data processing and method chaining

I apologize in advance if the quality of the question is bad. I am still beginning to learn the concepts of REST API. I am trying to implement a scalable REST API for data processing. Here is what I could think of so far.
Consider some numerical data that can be retrieved using a GET call:
GET http://my.api/data/123/
Users can apply a sequence of arithmetic operations such as add and multiply. A non-RESTful way to do that is:
GET http://my.api/data/123?add=10&multiply=5
The original data in the DB is not changed. Only an altered version of it is returned to the user.
The data is large in size (say a large multi-dimensional array), so we can't afford to return the whole data with every opertation call. Instead, we want to apply operations as a batch and return the final modified data in the end.
There are 2 RESTful ways I am currently conisdering:
1. Model arithmetic operations as subresources of data.
If we consider add and multiply as subresources of data as here. In this case, we can use:
GET http://my.api/data/123/add/10/
which would be safe and idempotent, given that the original data is never changed. However, we need to chain multiple operations. Can we do that?
GET http://my.api/data/123/add/10/multiply/5/
Where multiply is creating a subresource of add/10/ which itself is a subresource of data/123
Statelessness: The sever doesn't keep any information about the modified data.
Easy access to modified data: It is just a simple GET call.
Chaining: I don't know if it can be easily implemented.
Long URIs: with each operation applied, the URI gets longer and longer.
2. Create an editable data object:
In this case, a user creates an editable version of the original data:
POST http://my.api/data/123/
will return
201 Created
Location: http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
Users can then PATCH this editable data
PATCH http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
{add:10, multiply:5}
And finally, GET the edited data
GET http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
Clean URIs.
The server has to save the state of edited data.
Editing is no long idempotent.
Getting edited data requires users to make at least 3 calls.
Is there a cleaner, more semantic way to implement data processing RESTfully?
If you are wondering what is the real world problem behind this, I am dealing with digital signal processing.
As a simple example, you can think of applying visual filters to images. Following this example, a RESTful web service can do:
GET http://my.api/image/123/blur/5px/rotate/90deg/?size=small&format=png
A couple of things worth reviewing in your question.
REST based API’s are resource based
So looking at your first example, trying to chain transformation properties into the URL path following a resource identifier..
GET http://my.api/data/123/add/10/multiply/5/
..does not fit well (as well as being complicated to implement dynamically, as you already guessed)
The idea of statelessness in REST is built around a single HTTP call containing enough information to process the request and provide a result without going back to the client for more information. Storing the result of an HTTP call on the server is not state, it’s cache.
Now, given that a REST based API is probably not the best fit for your usage, if you do still want to use it here are your options:
1. Use the Querystring with a common URL operation
You could use the Querystring but simplify the resource path to accept all transformations upon a single URI. Given your examples and reluctance to store transformed results this is probably your best option.
GET http://my.api/data/123/transform?add=10&multiply=5
2. Use POST non-RESTfully
You could use POST requests, and leverage the HTTP body to send in the transformation parameters. This will ensure that you don’t ever run out of space on the query string if you ever decide to do a lot of processing and it will also keep your communication tidier. This isn’t considered RESTful if the POST returns the image data.
3. Use POST RESTfully
Finally, if you decide that you do want to cache things, your POST can in fact store the transformed object (note that REST doesn’t dictate how this is stored, in memory or DB etc.) which can be re-fetched by Id using a GET.
Option A
POSTing to the URI creates a subordinate resource.
POST http://my.api/data/123
{add:10, multiply:5}
201 Created
Location: http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
then GET the edited data
GET http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
Option B
Remove the resource identifier from the URL to make it clear that you're creating a new item, not changing the existing one. The resulting URL is also at the same level as the original one since it's assumed it's the same type of result.
POST http://my.api/data
{original: 123, add:10, multiply:5}
201 Created
Location: http://my.api/data/{uniqueid}
then GET the edited data
GET http://my.api/data/{uniqueid}
There are multiple ways this can be done. In the end it should be clean, regardless of what label you want to give it (REST non-REST). REST is not a protocol with an RFC, so don't worry too much about whteher you pass information as URL paths or URL params. The underlying webservice should be able to get you the data regarless of how it is passed. For example Java Jersey will give you your params no matter if they are param or URL path, its just an annotation difference.
Going back to your specific problem I think that the resource in this REST type call is not so much the data that is being used to do the numerical operations on but the actual response. In that case, a POST where the data ID and the operations are fields might suffice.
POST http://my.api/operations/
"dataId": "123",
"operations": [
"type": "add",
"value": 10
"type": "multiply",
"value": 5
The response would have to point to the location of where the result can be retrieved, as you have pointed out. The result, referenced by the location (and ID) in the response, is essentially an immutable object. So that is in fact the resource being created by the POST, not the data used to calculate that result. Its just a different way of viewing it.
EDIT: In response to your comment about not wanting to store the outcome of the operations, then you can use a callback to transmit the results of the operation to the caller. You can easily add the a field in the JSON input for the host or URL of the callback. If the callback URL is present, then you can POST to that URL with the results of the operation.
"dataId": "123",
"operations": [
"type": "add",
"value": 10
"type": "multiply",
"value": 5
"callBack": "<HOST or URL>"
Please don't view this as me answering my own question, but rather as a constribution to the discussion.
I have given a lot of thought into this. The main problem with the currently suggested architectures is scalability, since the server creates copies of data each time it is operated on.
The only way to avoid this is to model operations and data separately. So, similar to Jose's answer, we create a resource:
POST http://my.api/operations/
{add:10, multiply:5}
Note here, I didn't specify the data at all. The created resource represents a series of operations only. The POST returns:
201 Created
Location: http://my.api/operations/{uniqueid}
The next step is to apply the operations on the data:
GET http://my.api/data/123/operations/{uniqueid}
This seprate modeling approach have several advantages:
Data is not replicated each time applies a different set of operations.
Users create only operations resources, and since their size is tiny, we don't have to worry about scalability.
Users create a new resource only when they need a new set of operations.Going to the image example: if I am designing a greyscale website, and I want all images to be converted to greyscale, I can do
POST http://my.api/operations/
{greyscale: "50%"}
And then apply this operation on all my images by:
GET http://my.api/image/{image_id}/operations/{geyscale_id}
As long as I don't want to change the operation set, I can use GET only.
Common operations can be created and stored on the server, so users don't have to create them. For example:
GET http://my.api/image/{image_id}/operations/flip
Where operations/flip is already an available operation set.
Easily, applying the same set of operations to different data, and vice versa.
GET http://my.api/data/{id1},{id2}/operations/{some_operation}
Enables you to compare two datasets that are processed similarly. Alternatively:
GET http://my.api/data/{id1}/operations/{some_operation},{another_operation}
Allows you to see how different processing procedures affects the result.
I wouldn't try to describe your math function using the URI or request body. We have a more or less standard language to describe math, so you could use some kind of template.
GET http://my.api/data/123?transform="5*(data+10)"
POST http://my.api/data/123 {"transform": "5*({data}+10)"}
You need a code on client side, which can build these kind of templates and another code in the server side, which can verify, parse, etc... the templates built by the client.

How do you perform service-oriented parent-child transactions?

A SalesOrder is composed of a SalesOrderHeader and one or more SalesOrderItems. When editing an existing SalesOrder, the SalesOrderHeader can be modified and SalesOrderItems can be added, modified and deleted. All changes must be saved in a single transaction. Multiple users may edit the SalesOrder at the same time with optimistic concurrency.
I believe that the requirement to have the save done in a single transaction encourages us to communicate both the SaleOrderHeader and the SalesOrderItems in a single service call. The implication of packaging up the child data with its parent is that there will need to be some understanding as to whether the child data is added, modified or deleted.
Change tracking of the child entities can happen either on the server or on the client.
Change tracking on the server
The idea with this strategy is that the client can modify the SalesOrder to its will without tracking which SalesOrderItems are added, modified or deleted. The state of the SalesOrderItems will be determined on the server when the save service is called.
The server should remain stateless between service calls. This means that the server can’t retain any information about the state of the SalesOrder between its retrieval and its eventual save. The only option left if for the server to determine the state of its entities by comparing the modified object graph to the database object graph.
With nHibernate, there is a merge function to accomplish this. With Entity framework, the highest voted feature request is to have this added. There’s also an open source implementation of this for EF called GraphDiff.
This sounds great in theory because it makes the services very easy to design and use. However, I see two major issues with this strategy. The first is performance. The entire object graph must be sent back on every save. Whether or not a SalesOrderItem was modified, it must be sent back or the server will assume it’s been deleted. The second problem is even more critical and it has to do with concurrency. If User 1 adds a SalesOrderItem to a SalesOrder and User 2 makes a change to the same SalesOrder, when User 2 saves the server will assume that the SalesOrderItem added by User 1 should be deleted because it was not included in User 2’s object graph. I don’t see a way this can be prevented in any implementation of server side change tracking.
Change tracking on the client
The alternative is to have the client track changes to its entities and communicate that state when calling the save service. One benefit is that the client does not need to send its unchanged child entities. This helps with performance. A downside is that all entities will need an additional property named something along the lines of “ObjectState” to track whether it’s added, modified or deleted. This makes the entity models on the server quite messy and filled with concerns unrelated to the business domain. This also puts onus on the different consumers of the service to maintain this state. Another problem is that it becomes difficult to deal with deleted entities. Should the SalesOrderHeader maintain a list of deleted SalesOrderItems? or should the SalesOrderItems get assigned a state of deleted which must be filtered out by the client UI?
I know that breeze javascript library has its own implementation of client-side entity tracking but my concern is that its implementation requires both client-side and server-side components. Shouldn't the service layer isolate which technology we use on either side? What if non-javascript clients want to use my services?
I would think this is a common scenario that should be addressed by the majority of service implementations. Have I made any incorrect assumptions or am I doing anything out or the ordinary? What strategy have you implemented? Are there any reasonable alternatives?
Full disclosure: I work with Breeze, and I think change tracking on the client is the way to go. Change tracking on the client allows stateless servers, reduces traffic between the client and server, and allows offline use.
In Breeze, the "ObjectState" that you mention is called the EntityAspect, and each entity has one, but it is not part of the domain model. The server-side entities don't need an EntityAspect, but the server-side service has to know how to handle the entity state information that comes from the client.
Basically, the service needs to create, update, or delete entities based on the information coming from the client. There are existing server-side backends for Breeze that do all this already (in .NET (EF and NHibernate), Java, PHP, Node, and Ruby), but you can also write your own. Your server just needs to know how to talk to the client.
Let's say we've updated a SalesOrder and added a new SalesOrderItem. The Breeze client sends a save bundle that looks something like this:
"entities": [
"Id": 123,
"Title": "My Updated Title",
"OrderDate": "2014-08-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"entityAspect": {
"entityTypeName": "SalesOrder:#My.DomainModel",
"entityState": "Modified",
"originalValuesMap": {
"Title": "My Original Title"
"autoGeneratedKey": {
"propertyName": "Id",
"autoGeneratedKeyType": "Identity"
"Id": -1,
"SalesOrderId": 123,
"ProductId": 456,
"Quantity": 11,
"entityAspect": {
"entityTypeName": "SalesOrderItem:#My.DomainModel",
"entityState": "Added",
"originalValuesMap": {
"autoGeneratedKey": {
"propertyName": "Id",
"autoGeneratedKeyType": "Identity"
Here, SalesOrder with Id# 123 has been modified (its Title has been changed). The entityAspect includes the originalValuesMap which shows what the previous Title was.
The server would need to update the existing SalesOrder with the new value. Whether the server needs to query the existing SalesOrder from the database before applying the changes is implementation-dependent.
A new SalesOrderItem has been added. A temporary Id, -1, was created for it on the client. The server needs to create and persist a new SalesOrderItem and generate a real Id for it.
The response from the server should contain the entities that were created and updated, and KeyMapping information that shows what server-generated keys map to the temporary client-side keys, so that the client can replace them.
Change tracking is not a simple problem, but Breeze tries to do the hard parts for you.
I'd like to piggy back on Steve's answer.
We should be clear: the onus for implementing the Order-graph (AKA "Order aggregate") transaction in a relational data model falls on the developer. BreezeJS (and Breeze helpers for .NET servers) can facilitate but you have to make it work.
The key to making this work is including the root element of the aggregate - the Order - in all changes to any entity within the aggregate. If you add, delete, or modify an OrderItem, make sure you modify the Order at the same time .
How? By bumping the Order's concurrency property (e.g, the rowVersion) and making sure that Breeze KNOWS this is your concurrency property.
You must implement root entity optimistic concurrency if you want to ensure Order aggregate consistency.
Now you can detect if someone else has made a change to any part of the Order aggregate. That could be a change to the Order or an add/mod/delete of one of its OrderItems.
You do not have to include all OrderItems in the change-set when you save a changed Order aggregate. You only need to include the OrderItems that are added/modified/deleted.
Of course some other user may make a change to the Order aggregate before you save yours. When you try to save yours, the save will fail with an optimistic concurrency error.
Upon detecting an optimistic concurrency error for an Order, make sure the client removes the entire order aggregate from cache - the Order and all of its OrderItems - and then re-fetch the aggregate Don't just re-fetch the root Order entity and start messing with its items. Make sure you remove the entire aggregate from cache and then re-fetch it (the order and its items).
If everyone follows this protocol you'll be in fine shape on the server.

REST-ish URI design for multiple dependent resources

I'm trying to design a REST-ish based Web Service to interface with a farm animal management system I am working on.
To explain the problem in detail, I have a collection of animals belonging to a farm. Each animal has its own information - such as name, ID number, breed age, etc. Therefore, I would assume a URI such as the following would suit:
/animals <- retrieve list of animals
/animals/{animal-id} <- Retrieve only one animal
/animals?breed=sheep <- Search/query
The problem arises when I try to link in other dependent resources to each animal. An animal can have a collection of weight information, as well as what I call comments (observations made for a particular animal). Each of these are dependent and only exist to that one particular animal, but are themselves a resource I want to access.
The easiest approach IMO would be to nest the resources within the animal URI:
However, I see a need to access and query the weights and comments directly, without referencing the animal. Examples in usage would be to retrieve the most recent (or all) weight(s) from all animals of a particular breed ...?breed=sheep or even return weights/comments for a selection of individual animal ID's ...?animals={ID1},{ID2},{...}.
Further complications arise when I want to add one comment to multiple animals at once. (please excuse my representation of a POST and JSON)
POST ....
"comment":"Animal moved to paddock B",
"animals":[{id1}, {id2}, ...]
I understand that the obvious solution to this problem would be to GET and POST (for example) to each animal that I wanted to retrieve/edit. I would prefer not to do this though, as eventually I want this service accessed from mobile devices, and therefore decreasing the number of calls seems wise.
I believe that the web standards allow CSV in the URI, so something like this could work,
But, I am expecting cases where ten(s) of animals may need to be referenced at once (or queried), and that would lead to a messy and unfriendly URI.
My current perceived solution is to expose weights and comments as their own resource, which allows me to access and query them directly
and even post directly to the collection
POST /comments
"comment":"Animal moved to paddock B",
"animals":[{id1}, {id2}, ...]
But what would /animals/{animal-id}/weights return? Is it even needed, or would I just reference a link to the /weights?animal={animal-id} resource itself? But is it okay to link to a queried resource?
Am I making one redundant, or just providing "another" way to access the information?
Is there something that I am doing wrong, am I letting my database influence my service model, or am I just missing the point completely?
I am quite new to this, and have read quite a few contradicting arguments regarding these issues, and so am quite confused as to what is best for my requirements.
It would be better to define top level resources for your other entities if you want to address them as such (/weights, /comments etc). You can then POST to those endpoints in a batch fashion.
POST /comments
"animals" : [
{"id" : 1},
{"id" : 2},
{"id" : 3},
{"id" : 4},
"commentText" : "Sent to Hamburger Hamlet"
Note that including long lists of id's in your URL is not good design for several reasons, including that most browsers and HTML proxies have restrictions on URL length (the good rule of thumb is to try and keep URL lengths at 2083 characters in length or less).
I have had similar issues to you, but in the end we were able to remove the complexities you are getting by having specific url namespaces (so to speak) for different user types using the API.
For example it might be a farm worker client app that would perform your /weights, /comments actions (POST, PUT, DELETE etc) that you are describing, so you could keep their functionality clean via something like:
And then still keep the /animals/{animal-id}/weights URL within some other "namespace".
Another thing to consider is embedding resources using something like the HAL format (, which could allow you to embed multiple animal resources within the request etc. Hope this helps.

Create single and multiple resources using restful HTTP

In my API server I have this route defined:
POST /categories
To create one category you do:
POST /categories {"name": "Books"}
I thought that if you want to create multiple categories, then you could do:
POST /categories [{"name": "Books"}, {"name": "Games"}]
I just wanna confirm that this is a good practice for Restful HTTP API.
Or should one have a
POST /bulk
for allowing them to do whatever operations at once (Creating, Reading, Updating and Deleting)?
In true REST, you should probably POST this in multiple separate calls. The reason is that each one will result in a new representation. How would you expect to get that back otherwise.
Each post should return the resultant resource location:
POST -> New Resource Location
POST -> New Resource Location
However, if you need a bulk, then create a bulk. Be dogmatic where possible, but if not, pragmatism gets the job done. If you get too hung up on dogmatism, then you never get anything done.
Here is a similar question
Here is one that suggests HTTP Pipelining to make this more efficient
There's nothing particularly wrong with having a bulk operation that you POST to, to activate (it'll be non-idempotent so POST is the right verb) but there are some caveats:
You're making multiple resources, so you need to respond with multiple URLs. This means you can't use the redirect pattern: you'll have to send a list of URLs back in some form.
You have a problem in that bulk operations are often not very discoverable. Discoverability is one of the most important things about RESTfulness, as it means that someone can come along and figure out how to write a client without lots of help from the server author.
Dealing with partial failures when you've got bulk operations remains problematic. It's a problem with any other paradigm too (I've watched people tie themselves in knots over this when working with extensions to SOAP) so it isn't a surprise, but unless you can guarantee that all the creations will work, you're going to have to work out what happens when you make one resource and fail to make the second. (Also, if the bulk request wanted a third one done, would you go on and try that?)
The simplest approach is just to support one create per request; that's a much easier pattern to get right and is better understood all round.
There's nothing wrong with creating multiple resources at once with POST (just don't try it with PUT). It's not "un-REST-ful", especially if you create a representation for the bulk operation itself. I suggest you create an index resource at the same time you create the individual resources, and return a "303 See Other" to it. That index representation would then contain links to all of the created resources (and possibly error information if any of them failed).
POST /categories/uploads/
[{"name": "Books"}, {"name": "Games"}]
303 See Other
Location: /categories/uploads/321/
(actually, now that I think about it, 201 might be better than 303)
GET /categories/uploads/321/
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
[{"name": "Books", "link": "/categories/Books/"},
{"name": "Games", "error": "The 'Games' category already exists."}]
In your case I would also go the /bulk resource way. But the pattern I would suggest is the following and from my understanding the most natural: Work with the 202 Accepted status code.
The idea of a bulk request is that the server should not be forced to answer immediately as this would mean client needs to wait until it's bulk request completed.
Here is the pattern:
POST /bulk [{"name": "Books"}, {"name": "Games"}]
202 Accepted | Location: /bulk/processing/status/resourceId
GET /bulk/processing/status/resourceId
entry = "REST in peace" | completed | 0 errors | /categories/category/resourceId
entry = "Walking dead" | processing | 0 errors ->
So, the client POSTs the bulk information to the server. The server just accepts them with a 202 which gives no guarantee about the processing state at the time of response.
But the server also provides the link to a status resource. Here the client can have a look on each of the created resources and the processing state. When finished the client can access the resource via the given link.
Error cases can be identified by the client and erroneous data might be resend by a PUT on the completed resource.
Finally, a good advice I am usually following is: Whenever you hit a resource in your design that cannot be mapped on a HTTP feature it is probably because of a missing resource.
Actually this is still a hot topic till today, But simplify things I almost of the time say there is always a batter suited scenario for each practice.
1. If you are receiving the likes from a post you don't need the bulk as in case there is only one like per comment.
2. If you are receiving favorites comment the bulk can fit well by considering someone reviewing the comment he reads and check box all of his favorites and send it once.
Again this is based on my experience working with Restful API, and but currently for the sake of multi tasking and others things, me and my colleague we found our selves doing the bulk all the time in most MIS(Management Information System) we do. This is because modern days web app and mobile app that can do a lot of work and send the final results to the back-end, this way the back-end has little job to do as long as the data received don't violate the business logic.

Should the paramaters provided in a web service call be included in the response

Iv not got much experience with creating web services, however, I do spend a lot of time interfacing with them.
I wondered if there was a best practice that stated weather or not parameter that are provided in the request should be included in the response.
(JSON) Response:
(JSON) Response:
I much prefer the more verbose first option because it dos not enforce coupling between the request and the response. i.e. the response dosn't care what the request was, so you do not need to pass state around.
Is there a best practice?
If you are referencing a record in a database, or some other entity that is uniquely identified by an integer, GUID, or specifically-formatted string value, you should ALWAYS return that unique ID with the response, particularly if you are planning to allow the user to update that entity or reference it in a subsequent operation for creating related data or searching for related data.
If you are returning a derived value that may be a composite of many records' values, or of environmentally specific data (such as "How much free disk space is on my server?"), then the supplied parameters wouldn't mean anything in the response, and therefore shouldn't be returned.
Your point on coupling request-response is right on the money. If you are doing multiple simultaneous asynchronous calls, then the key value is very useful when handling the responses.
Referring to your example: I think id should always be part of the resource representation in your case JSON). The representation should be as self-explaining and self-referrable as possible. On top of an id-attribute/field I like also to use a link field:
If your example GET /getStuff?key=123 is more a search (the parameter looks a bit like that) then it good to present the user a "summary" of your search: