GetSysColorBrush constant for background color of a tab control? - c++

I'm using the following APIs to draw a small stock icon on the background of my tab control window (with class name SysTabControl32):
DrawIconEx(hDC, rcIcon.left,,
hIconSmInfo, rcIcon.Width(), rcIcon.Height(), NULL,
But it doesn't seem to draw consistent background. Let me show.
On a themed Windows 7:
It draws it correctly:
But if I remove themes:
It draws this white background:
So what constant do I need to use for GetSysColorBrush?


How Do I Set the Background Color of buttons including a Checkbox button?

How Do I Set the Background Color of buttons including a Checkbox button?
I struggled to find the answer to this today - thinking it should be simple to answer this, but the information I stumbled on was less than helpful, so at the risk of duplicating stuff that's out there but I couldn't find, I'll make this quick'n'dirty how-to...
All 'Button' class windows send WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC to their parent window, which can then call ::SetBkColor((HDC)wParam, rgbBkColor), and return a brush for that color.
If this is all using system colors, then the brush handle doesn't need to be managed, you can simply ask for the ::GetSysColor(sysIndex), and return the ::GetSysColorBrush(sysIndex) for the returned brush.
If you're using a custom color, then you'll need to create your own brush and manage the handle for that.
I needed this code for a Message Box replacement, which has the upper part using a white background, and the lower part using a gray background, per the Windows standard message box. So my static control (icon) needed to be white, while my other buttons (including a "Don't ask again" checkbox) needed to have a gray background (checkboxes normally have a white background).
So, I handle WM_ERASEBKGND to paint the two portions of the background correctly, and then I handle WM_CLTLCOLORSTATIC to ensure that all buttons are properly "transparent" for the background that they appear on. In my case, the I used a "Static" control for the icon, which draws its background in gray, and a couple of push-buttons plus a checkbox button - which a checkbox button always paints its background in white, so both required a fix.
My example is using MFC, but hopefully you can translate that trivially enough for your purposes:
// add to the message map:
// create the implementation:
LRESULT CRTFMessageBox::OnCtlColorStatic(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// buttons and static controls (icon) send WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, so we can force them to use the correct background color here...
const HDC hdc = (HDC)wParam;
const int idc = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)lParam);
// choose a system color or brush based on if this is icon (static) or another control (a button)
const int idx = idc == IDC_STATIC ? COLOR_WINDOW : COLOR_3DFACE;
// select system color
::SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(idx));
// return system brush (which we don't need to delete!)
return (LRESULT)GetSysColorBrush(idx);

Set background color for QTabBar beyond tabs?

Simple as the question title, I have a QTabWidget and I wanted to set the background color for the QTabBar area, and this is how I do it:
ViewTabs->tabBar()->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(85,85,85)");
I expected this to set the back ground for the whole bar, but instead it sets the background on tabs only as in the attached picture.
How do I make the background color take effect even beyond the tabs? I'm using QT 5.7 with C++.
You can try to change the background color manually in the UI interface by clicking on "palette" in the proprieties.
It's easier to handle colors this way.

WS_EX_LAYERED window appearing invisible over RDP

I have developed a screen capture application for Windows using pure Win32 - no MFC or ATL.
To do this, I am using two top-level layered windows - one (entirely transparent) to capture mouse events like dragging, and another (semi-transparent) to act as a highlight rectangle. When a user is selecting the area of their screen to grab, I used SetWindowPos() to change the size and position of the semi-transparent highlight window.
This works fine on a physical device, but I have discovered that on a virtual machine (Windows 7) over RDP, my semi-transparent window doesn't show at all. I can still capture the screen, but not provide visual feedback to the user mid-capture.
I have tried altering my RDP settings to use 32bpp, but that doesn't help.
I am using:
COLORRED highlightColor = RGB(0, 0, 255);
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hWnd, highlightColor, 255*0.6, LWA_ALPHA);
in the WM_CREATE event for my highlight window.
Does anybody know how to display a semi-transparent layered window over RDP on a VM?

CreateSimpleReBar in WTL vista/7 native look and feel

When using the CreateSimpleReBar in WTL the main menu bar has this blue color on mouse hover and not the native vista/7 round and transparent shape. Also for some reason the menu bar seems taller then the usual native one.
Does CreateSimpleReBar draw the menu itself or am I missing something?
HWND hWndCmdBar = m_CmdBar.Create(m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, ATL_SIMPLE_CMDBAR_PANE_STYLE);
// attach menu
// load command bar images
// remove old menu
// Set m_hWndToolBar member
// Add a band to the rebar represented by m_hWndToolBar
CreateSimpleReBar creates a rebar control, and the menu is one of the rebar bands, created by m_CmdBar.Create - WTL's CCommandBarCtrl class. The latter custom-draws the menu to mimic OS behavior, including blue highlighting with COLOR_MENUHILIGHT (atlctrlw.h).

How to draw something to the screen and have the underlying ui interactive

I seeking solution for Windows first.
I need to add visual effects to screen image without breaking the interactivity of all and every controls, that are on this screen.
The solution can be straightforward:
1. take a screenshot
2. show this screenshot in a separate window, above other windows
3. apply the effect to image, being shown on this window
But, this window (containing screenshot) makes any buttons and other controls below, unreachable for mouse interaction (clicking, hovering)
Is there any way to do this ?
From MSDN's documentation on layered windows...
"Hit testing of a layered window is based on the shape and transparency of the window. This means that the areas of the window that are color-keyed or whose alpha value is zero will let the mouse messages through. However, if the layered window has the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT extended window style, the shape of the layered window will be ignored and the mouse events will be passed to other windows underneath the layered window."
Here's an article about it. Notice this additional warning:
"setting the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT attribute affects the entire window: the user can't close the window using the 'x' button, select it with the mouse, or select any controls on the window. The application can still close the window programmatically."
Depending on what you're actually drawing and where, it might be more appropriate to use Owner-Drawn Controls rather than hover an "onion skin" over your whole window.