How to install OpenSSL on Windows 7 64bit - c++

I am trying to install OpenSSL to use it on my C++ project in Visual Studio Express 2012 under Windows 7. Refering to this answer, I have installed perl, but when I type the command in the windows cmd, I get the following error:
I have been all day trying to install it and the frustration of not having a decent documentation for dummies makes me want to give up. Where do I have to type the command to install it?

You can download bin file, example here
Then write two OPENSSL environment variable in windows(explain in photo), there is path variable.


C++ set-up for Visual Studio Code not working

So I am trying to code C++ on Visual Studio Code. I am following a tutorial from youtube.
When I get to 9:58 is where I loose track. He gets a message on his #include that says edit "InlcudePath" settings
I am doing the exact same thing as him and mine doesn't work. I am not sure why. I will show screenshots of his video and my code. I would greatly appreciate if someone could help me. Thanks!
This is the youtube video's image
This is my image
You can follow this official tutorial to setup your VSCode environment, which is always up-to-date:
In short:
Open extension tab
Install "C/C++" extension.
Install compiler, depending on your OS:
Debian/Ubuntu: Install GCC using sudo apt install build-essential
Windows with BuildTools from Microsoft: Install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 from here:
Windows with MinGW: Install MinGW like in the video you provided.
macOS: Install XCode
Follow one of the tutorial to setup VSCode:
Windows with BuildTools from Microsoft:
Windows with MinGW:
VSCode, depending on your platform should automatically find the compiler you have installed. You can try also to restart VSCode if can't find any.
You should see .vscode directory in your project,
VSCode will ask you if you want to create those files.
error related to path , i guess you have to set the path of mingw bin folder in path of enter image description hereenvironmental variables in system variable

Installing Theano on windows 8.1 with Anaconda: setting the system path configuration script

I’m trying to install Theano on windows 8.1 64 with Anaconda following step by step the guide provided here:
I get stuck with the environment configuration script 'env.bat' needed to configure the system path.
The example refers to a WinPython distribution but as I’m installing in Anaconda and I don’t know how to configure that specific row.
This is the example for WinPython:
REM add winpython stuff
CALL %SCISOFT%\WinPython-64bit-\scripts\env.bat
Which directory should I set here after the CALL considering I’m using Anaconda? Struggling quite a lot, could anyone please help?
EDIT: please note that SCISOFT is the directory where WinPython is installed in the tutorial, the author says: "The script assumes that you installed WinPython distribution, update the winpython line otherwise." and that is what I'm not able to do because it is not specified what to point at.
I'm including the whole .bat, though I have no problem with the other settings:
REM configuration of paths
set VSFORPYTHON="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0"
set SCISOFT=%~dp0
REM add tdm gcc stuff
set PATH=%SCISOFT%\TDM-GCC-64\bin;%SCISOFT%\TDM-GCC-64\x86_64-w64mingw32\bin;%PATH%
REM add winpython stuff
CALL %SCISOFT%\WinPython-64bit-\scripts\env.bat
REM configure path for msvc compilers
REM for a 32 bit installation change this line to
REM CALL %VSFORPYTHON%\vcvarsall.bat
CALL %VSFORPYTHON%\vcvarsall.bat amd64
REM return a shell
cmd.exe /k
I don't know what is in the WinPython env.bat, but you probably can just delete it. You likely just need to make sure that Anaconda is on the PATH.
next winpython should have theano working out of the box!topic/theano-users/lta_34FXIwg
I had similar problems and so I compiled a solid guide on how to install Theano on Windows 8.1 x64, using WinPython x64 and CUDA 7 with MS Visual Studio 2012 - CPU and GPU both set up.
Hope this helps.

pyproj with Python 2.7.9 on win7 64 gives "Unable to find vcvarsall.bat"

I need to install pyproj on my machine and it give the above mentioned error. I guess it would be the same for other python components that are using C++ code:
My situation:
Win 7 64 bit running.
VS 2008 express
MS VS patch for python 2.7
Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
Python Setup Tools available here:
set up the path variables and set
Value: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools
I try to install the pyproj:
but it returns the same error:
File "", line 271, in query_vcvarsall raise DistutilsPlatformError("Unable to find vcvarsall.bat") distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
the purpose of this is to get the pygrib package running:
Does anybody know how to solve the problem?
You can install this without needing to compile it by using a precompiled Python wheel. You can find a compatible wheel for pyproj at this page containing unofficial wheels.
You are specifically looking for pyproj-1.9.4-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl. Once you download the whl file, you can install it with pip using
pip install pyproj-1.9.4-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl
And that will install it for you, skipping the compilation process.

Trouble Installing PythonMagick Windows 7

I am trying to install PythonMagick. I am using Python 2.7 and running Windows 7. I have tried following the directions in the readme, but all of the configuration scripts are of type "file" and cannot be executed in either the python or windows command line. What should I do?
I recommend you use the pre-compiled installer from the Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages.
Just follow this link and download the right installer for your Python interpreter (in your case it will either be‌exe or PythonMagick-0.9.10.win32-py2.7.‌exe, depending on whether you've installed the 64 or 32 bit Python interpreter).

Has anyone ever successfully compiled Vowpal Wabbit on a Windows 7 machine?

I am trying to compile Vowpal Wabbit on a Windows 7 machine and after trying Netbeans, Cygwin, and MinGW I'm starting to wonder if I'm trying something that's even feasible.
Each of the above has required **.h files that aren't designed for windows such as sys/socket.h.
Anyone that has actually done this, I would appreciate any suggestions.
Run cygwin's setup.exe, type "boost", click on "Default" several times until it changes to "Install", proceed with installing boost library from cygwin.
Download latest Vowpal Wabbit and extract to you vw directory.
Open cygwin and go to that vw directory, where Makefile is(cd .. (see #home) cd vw_dir)
In cygwin command prompt type "make"
After that you can close cygwin, and use cmd to run vowpal.
I took this from a kaggle forum:
I managed to compile VW under Windows 7 64 bit without Professional Visual Studio 2010.
You can do it by using Cygwin ( ).
first of all install Cygwin on your computer: just choose the standard configuration
run Cygwin shell and enter : git clone git://
after the download have completed write: cd vowpal_wabbit
at this point you can run the command: configure
the configure procedure will point out all the libraries which are missing from your system and that you should install by running again the Cygwin setup
after some iterations of point 5 you will have finally provided all the necessary libraries to Cygwin, and you can run the command: make
7 after the compiler will finish the make of vw.exe, run: make test in order to check if everything is all right with your build.
Now you can start using VW under Windows, just open a shell and try it.
Another update, binary releases for Windows is now available since 21 June 2016. The latest link as of today is:
It's available in MSI installer file.
(In case you encounter dead link in the future, please find most recent version from the eisber's github repo.)
John Langford recently made a post to the VW mailing list saying a Windows port was in progress, but still broken in certain respects. I would suspect that it currently is not possible to get VW running on windows (but I haven't actually tried)
From this thread:
Chris Quirk created a windows port for VW, which is now in the
distribution. It's still incomplete: networking and threads are
problem points.
I managed to build on 64bit win without cygwin, native windows. Took a long time to set up env for the build so I wrote a blog about it. I know that self promotion is frowned upon but this link has the binary I built on my machine, guaranteed to work on only my machine but anyone is free to try it out.
An update for curious googlers: the VW Windows instructions have recently been updated, and if you get the most recent source you should be able to compile on Visual Studio without major hurdles (I have tried successfully):