I have created a PCA solution in Matlab, which works. I am now in the middle of converting it to c++, where I use OpenCV's function cv::PCA. Where I found in a link that you could extract the mean, eigenvalues and eigenvectors using:
// Perform a PCA:
cv::PCA pca(data, cv::Mat(), CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW, num_components);
// And copy the PCA results:
cv::Mat mean = pca.mean.clone();
cv::Mat eigenvalues = pca.eigenvalues.clone();
cv::Mat eigenvectors = pca.eigenvectors.clone();
Which compiles and runs. But when I want to use the values and look into the size and allocation, I get a size of the input data, which seems odd, i.e.
cv::Size temp= eigenvectors.size();
//temp has the same size as data.size();
In my mind the eigenvectors should be defined by the num_components and in my 3D space, should only be 3x3 size, i.e. 9 elements. Can anybody explain the reasoning behind the data sizes of pca.x.clone()?
Also what is the correct way of doing matrix operation in opencv and c++, based on the documentation it seems like you can use operators with cv::Mat. Using the above extraction of the pca information can you do:
cv::Mat Z = data - mean; //according to documentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10936099/matrix-multiplication-in-opencv
cv::Mat res = Z*eigenvectors;
It has crashed in my tests on runtime, probably because of the issue with "misinterpretation"/"interpretation" of the size.
The basic question is how to use the pca opencv function correctly?
Another way that I have tested is to use the following code:
cv::PCA pca_analysis(mat, cv::Mat(), CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW, num_components);
cv::Point3d cntr = cv::Point3d(static_cast<double>(pca_analysis.mean.at<double>(0, 0)),
static_cast<int>(pca_analysis.mean.at<double>(0, 1)), static_cast<double>(pca_analysis.mean.at<double>(0, 2)));
//Store the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
vector<cv::Point3d> eigen_vecs(num_components);
vector<double> eigen_val(num_components);
for (int i = 0; i < num_components; ++i)
eigen_vecs[i] = cv::Point3d(pca_analysis.eigenvectors.at<double>(0, i*num_components),
pca_analysis.eigenvectors.at<double>(0, i * num_components + 1), pca_analysis.eigenvectors.at<double>(0, i*num_components + 2));
eigen_val[i] = pca_analysis.eigenvalues.at<double>(0,i);
When I compare the results from the above code with my Matlab implementation then the cntr seems to be plausible (under percentage difference). But the eigenvectors and eigenvalues are just zero, when I look at them in the debugger. This seems to go back to my original question of how to extract and understand pca's output.
Can anybody clarify what I am missing?
I came across your question when searching for how to access the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
I personally needed to see the full information and would expect that myself. So, it's possible that the developers expected my use-case to more likely than yours.
In any case, as they are sorted you can take the first 'num_components' eigenvalues/eigenvectors as being the information you are after.
Also, from your perspective - i.e. if it worked as you expect it to - think about the converse: If you wanted to see the full info, how would you? The developers would have to implement a new parameter...
I want to calculate a (ranged) histogram of a cv::GpuMat image of type CV_32FC1 using OpenCV 3.4.7. Speed optimization is my major concern.
I read the documentation (https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.7/d8/d0e/group__cudaimgproc__hist.html) of histogram functions in the namespace cv::cuda and found that, given the cv::GpuMat image were integer valued of type CV_8U, CV_16U, or CV_16S, cv::cuda::histRange would be the function of choice. What would be the analogous way for a floating point valued cv::GpuMat image of type CV_32FC1?
The only way I can think of is to either download the data to CPU memory, do the CPU variant cv::histRange (which supports cv::Mat of type CV_32F), and upload back to GPU memory or to do a quantization (scaling) and type conversion on GPU memory.
Is there a way to circumvent the overhead?
Thanks #timo for your comment and thanks #Gehová for your answer.
After reading into the source code as #timo suggested I found out that CV_32F is supported albeit it's not stated in the documentation.
Suppose you have some cv::cuda::GpuMat image_gpu of type CV_32FC1, e.g. created by
cv::cuda::GpuMat image_gpu(cv::Size(image_height, image_width), CV_32FC1);
then you can straight forwardly calculate a ranged histogram. I give an example which detects minimal and maximal value of (non-constantly valued) image_gpu at the device and downloads those two values to the host, creates an evenly distributed binning vector between min and max at the host, uploads that binning vector to the device and then calculates the ranged histogram at the device using cv::cuda::histRange().
// set number of bins
int num_bins = 100;
// detect min and max of image_gpu
double min_val, max_val;
cv::cuda::minMax(image_gpu, &min_val, &max_val);
// create binning vector at host
float bin_width = static_cast<float>(max_val - min_val) / num_bins;
cv::Mat_<float> bin_edges(1, num_bins + 1);
for (int bin_index = 0; bin_index < num_bins + 1; bin_index++)
bin_edges.at<float>(0, bin_index) = static_cast<float>(min_val) + bin_index * bin_width;
// make the histogram calculation inclusive regarding the range [min_val, max_val]
bin_edges.at<float>(0, num_bins) += 1E-08F;
// upload binning vector from host to device
cv::cuda::GpuMat bin_edges_gpu;
bin_edges_gpu.create(1, num_bins + 1, CV_32FC1);
bin_edges_gpu.upload(bin_edges, cuda_stream);
cv::cuda::GpuMat absolute_histogram_gpu;
absolute_histogram_gpu.create(1, num_bins, CV_32SC1);
// calculate the absolute histogram of image_gpu at the device using OpenCV's cuda implementation
cv::cuda::histRange(image_gpu, absolute_histogram_gpu, bin_edges_gpu, cuda_stream);
// download the absolute histogram of image_gpu from device to host
cv::Mat_<int32_t> absolute_histogram(1, num_bins);
absolute_histogram_gpu.download(absolute_histogram, cuda_stream);
Create a wrapper for the function nppiHistogramRange_32f_C1R. You can read the code for the opencv function you already mentioned.
Trying to create a functional SVM. I have 114 training images, 60 Positive/54 Negative, and 386 testing images for the SVM to predict against.
I read in the training image features to float like this:
trainingDataFloat[i][0] = trainFeatures.rows;
trainingDataFloat[i][1] = trainFeatures.cols;
And the same for the testing images too:
testDataFloat[i][0] = testFeatures.rows;
testDataFloat[i][2] = testFeatures.cols;
Then, using Micka's answer to this question, I turn the testDataFloat into a 1 Dimensional Array, and feed it to a Mat like this so to predict on the SVM:
float* testData1D = (float*)testDataFloat;
Mat testDataMat1D(height*width, 1, CV_32FC1, testData1D);
float testPredict = SVMmodel.predict(testDataMat1D);
Once this was all in place, there is the Debug Error of:
Sizes of input arguments do not match (the sample size is different from what has been used for training) in cvPreparePredictData
Looking at this post I found (Thanks to berak) that:
"all images (used in training & prediction) have to be the same size"
So I included a re-size function that would re-size the images to be all square at whatever size you wished (100x100, 200x200, 1000, 1000 etc.)
Run it again with the images re-sized to a new directory that the program now loads the images in from, and I get the exact same error as before of:
Sizes of input arguments do not match (the sample size is different from what has been used for training) in cvPreparePredictData
I just have no idea anymore on what to do. Why is it still throwing that error?
I changed
Mat testDataMat1D(TestDFheight*TestDFwidth, 1, CV_32FC1, testData1D);
Mat testDataMat1D(1, TestDFheight*TestDFwidth, CV_32FC1, testData1D);
and placed the .predict inside the loop that the features are given to the float so that each image is given to the .predict individually because of this question. With the to int swapped so that .cols = 1 and .rows = TestDFheight*TestDFwidth the program seems to actually run, but then stops on image 160 (.exe has stopped working)... So that's a new concern.
Added a simple
std::cout << testPredict;
To view the determined output of the SVM, and it seems to be positively matching everything until Image 160, where it stops running:
Please check your training and test feature vector.
I'm assuming your feature data is some form of cv::Mat containing features on each row.
In which case you want your training matrix to be a concatenation of each feature matrix from each image.
These line doesn't look right:
trainingDataFloat[i][0] = trainFeatures.rows;
trainingDataFloat[i][1] = trainFeatures.cols;
This is setting an element of a 2d matrix to the number of rows and columns in trainFeatures. This has nothing to do with the actual data that is in the trainFeatures matrix.
What are you trying to detect? If each image is a positive and negative example, then are you trying to detect something in an image? What are your features?
If you're trying to detect an object in the image on a per image basis, then you need a feature vector describing the whole image in one vector. In which case you'd do something like this with your training data:
int N; // Set to number of images you plan on using for training
int feature_size; // Set to the number of features extracted in each image. Should be constant across all images.
cv::Mat X = cv::Mat::zeros(N, feature_size, CV_32F); // Feature matrix
cv::Mat Y = cv::Mat::zeros(N, 1, CV_32F); // Label vector
// Now use a for loop to copy data into X and Y, Y = +1 for positive examples and -1 for negative examples
for(int i = 0; i < trainImages.size(); ++i)
X.row(i) = trainImages[i].features; // Where features is a cv::Mat row vector of size N of the extracted features
Y.row(i) = trainImages[i].isPositive ? 1:-1;
// Now train your cv::SVM on X and Y.
I have a matrix of integer data type having dimensions 100 x 7000. I want to transpose it. I've used transpose() function from opencv library. but it gives the false results. Most of the values becomes floating point numbers and very high, which are not present in the original matrix. Here is my code
cv::Mat data; //data matrix with integer values, dimension is 100 x 7000
cv::Mat data_tp = cv::Mat(data.cols, data.rows, CV_32F);
cv::transpose(data, data_tp);
I think this might be the problem of memory leak or any sort of memory mismanagement. because this is just a part of a big code. Any tips regarding the memory management or anyone else faced this issue??
cv::Mat data; //data matrix with integer values, dimension is 100 x 7000
// here are 2 problems:
// - you never need to pre-allocate the result.
// - you try to transpose an int Mat into a float one.
cv::Mat data_tp = cv::Mat(data.cols, data.rows, CV_32F);
cv::transpose(data, data_tp);
// instead, just use:
cv::Mat data_tp = data.t();
I have some problems with opencv flann::Index -
I'm creating index
Mat samples = Mat::zeros(vfv_net_quie.size(),24,CV_32F);
for (int i =0; i < vfv_net_quie.size();i++)
for (int j = 0;j<24;j++)
cv::flann::Index flann_index(
A fter that I'm tryin to load it and find nearest neiborhoods
cv::flann::Index flann_index(Mat(),
cv::Mat resps(vfv_reg_quie.size(), K, CV_32F);
cv::Mat nresps(vfv_reg_quie.size(), K, CV_32S);
cv::Mat dists(vfv_reg_quie.size(), K, CV_32F);
And have access violation in miniflann.cpp in line
((IndexType*)index)->knnSearch(_query, _indices, _dists, knn,
(const ::cvflann::SearchParams&)get_params(params));
Please help
You should not load the flann-file into a Mat(), as it is the place where the index is stored. It is a temporary object destroyed after the constructor was called. That's why the index isn't pointing anywhere useful when you call knnSearch().
I tried following:
cv::Mat indexMat;
cv::flann::Index flann_index(
resulting in:
Reading FLANN index error: the saved data size (100, 64) or type (5) is different from the passed one (0, 0), 0
which means, that the matrix has to be initialized with the correct dimensions (seems very stupid to me, as I don't necessarily know, how many elements are stored in my index).
cv::Mat indexMat(samples.size(), CV_32FC1);
cv::flann::Index flann_index(
does the trick.
In the accepted answer is somehow not clear and misleading why the input matrix in the cv::flann::Index constructor must have the same dimension as the matrix used for generating the saved Index. I'll elaborate on #Sau's comment with an example.
KDTreeIndex was generated using as input a cv::Mat sample, and then saved. When you load it, you must provide the same sample matrix to generate it, something like (using the templated GenericIndex interface):
cv::Mat sample(sample_num, sample_size, ... /* other params */);
cv::flann::SavedIndexParams index_params("c:\\index.fln");
cv::flann::GenericIndex<cvflann::L2<float>> flann_index(sample, index_params);
L2 is the usual Euclidean distance (other types can be found in opencv2/flann/dist.h).
Now the index can be used as shown the find the K nearest neighbours of a query point:
std::vector<float> query(sample_size);
std::vector<int> indices(K);
std::vector<float> distances(K);
flann_index.knnSearch(query, indices, distances, K, cv::flann::SearchParams(64));
The matrix indices will contain the locations of the nearest neighbours in the matrix sample, which was used at first to generate the index. That's why you need to load the saved index with the very matrix used to generate the index, otherwise the returned vector will contain indices pointing to meaningless "nearest neighbours".
In addition you get a distances matrix containing how far are the found neighbours from your query point, which you can later use to perform some inverse distance weighting, for example.
Please also note that sample_size has to match across sample matrix and query point.
I am trying to store a IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 channel image into an array so that I can store 100 images in memory.
To initialise my 4D array I used the following code (rows,cols,channel,stored):
int size[] = { 324, 576, 3, 100 };
CvMatND* cvImageBucket; = cvCreateMatND(3, size, CV_8U);
I then created a matrix and converted the image into the matrix
CvMat *matImage = cvCreateMat(Image->height,Image->width,CV_8UC3 );
cvConvert(Image, matImage );
How would I / access the CvMatND to copy the CvMat into it at the position of stored?
e.g. cvImageBucket(:,:,:,0) = matImage; // copied first image into array
You've tagged this as both C and C++. If you want to work in C++, you could use the (in my opinion) simpler cv::Mat structure to store each of the images, and then use these to populate a vector with all the images.
For example:
std::vector<cv::Mat> imageVector;
cv::Mat newImage;
newImage = getImage(); // where getImage() returns the next image,
// or an empty cv::Mat() if there are no more images
while (!newImage.empty())
// Add image to vector
// get next image
newImage = getImage();
I'm guessing something similar to:
for ith matImage
Although I agree with #Chris that it is best to use vector<Mat> rather than a 4D matrix, this answer is just to be a reference for those who really need to use 4D matrices in OpenCV (even though it is a very unsupported, undocumented and unexplored thing with so little available online and claimed to be working just fine!).
So, suppose you filled a vector<Mat> vec with 2D or 3D data which can be CV_8U, CV_32F etc.
One way to create a 4D matrix is
vector<int> dims = {(int)vec.size(), vec[0].rows, vec[0].cols};
Mat m(dims, vec[0].type(), &vec[0]);
However, this method fails when the vector is not continuous which is typically the case for big matrices. If you do this for a discontinuous matrix, you will get a segmentation fault or bad access error when you would like to use the matrix (i.e. copying, cloning, etc). To overcome this issue, you can copy matrices of the vector one by one into the 4D matrix as follows:
Mat m2(dims, vec[0].type());
for (auto i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++){
Notice that both methods require the matrices to be the same resolution. Otherwise, you may get undesired results or errors.
Also, notice that you can always use for loops but it is generally not a good idea to use them when you can vectorize.