Regarding Shor's quantum 9 bit error correction code,
is the code corrects any error on any single qbit? Or is it corrects only a phase or a bit flip? How can i verify that?
Shor's 9-qubit code can correct against any single qubit error, as is explained e.g. in these lecture notes. You can verify this by e.g. checking the quantum error correction condition for the two codewords.
I am using Hyperparameter using HParams Dashboard in Tensorflow 2.0-beta0 as suggested here
I am confused in step 1, I could not find any better explanation. My questions are related to following lines:
HP_NUM_UNITS = hp.HParam('num_units', hp.Discrete([16, 32]))
HP_DROPOUT = hp.HParam('dropout', hp.RealInterval(0.1, 0.2))
HP_OPTIMIZER = hp.HParam('optimizer', hp.Discrete(['adam', 'sgd']))
My question:
I want to try more dropout values instead of just two (0.1 and 0.2). If I write more values in it then it throws an error- 'maximum 2 arguments can be given'. I tried to look for documentation but could not find anything like from where these hp.Discrete and hp.RealInterval functions came.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Good question. They notebook tutorial lacks in many aspects. At any rate, here is how you do it at a certain resolution res
for dropout_rate in tf.linspace(
By looking at the implementation to me it really doesn't seem to be GridSearch but MonteCarlo/Random search (note: this is not 100% correct, please see my edit below)
So on every iteration a random float of that real interval is chosen
If you want GridSearch behavior just use "Discrete". That way you can even mix and match GridSearch with Random search, pretty cool!
Edit: 27th of July '22: (based on the comment of #dpoiesz)
Just to make it a little more clear, as it is sampled from the intervals, concrete values are returned. Therefore, those are added to the grid dimension and grid search is performed using those
RealInterval is a min, max tuple in which the hparam will pick a number up.
Here a link to the implementation for better understanding.
The thing is that as it is currently implemented it does not seems to have any difference in between the two except if you call the sample_uniform method.
Note that tf.linspace breaks the mentioned sample code when saving current value.
In particular OscarVanL's comment about his quick&dirty workaround.
In one of my Nim projects I'm having performance issues. I'm now trying to use nimprof to see what's going on. I have an import nimprof in my main source file, and I'm compiling with --profiler:on. When I run the program I can see the messages:
writing profile_results.txt...
... done
However, profile_results.txt only contains this:
total executions of each stack trace:
Entry: 1/1 Calls: 2741/2741 = 1.0e+02% [sum: 2741; 2741/2741 = 1.0e+02%]
The run time was about 1 minute -- so I don't think it is just not enough time to sample anything. Is there any way to get something more meaningful out of nimprof?
You need to add the compiler flag --stackTrace:on, or there won't be any function names or line numbers to analyze.
1.0e+02% is just a silly way to say 100%. It says it took a lot of stack samples and they were all the same, which is not surprising.
What you need is to actually see the sample.
It should appear below the line above. It will show you what the problem is.
Just as an aside, it should show line numbers as well as function names,
and it shouldn't just sort the stacks by frequency.
The reason is there could easily be a guilty line of code that is on a large fraction of stacks, even though the stacks are otherwise different, so if the stacks are sorted, that line will not be aggregated.
I've been following Dave Miller's ANN C++ Tutorial, and I've been having some problems getting it to function as expected.
You can view the code I'm working with here. It's an XCode project, but includes the main.cpp and data set file.
Previously, this program would only gives outputs between -1 and 1, I'm presuming due to the use of the tanh function. I've manipulated the data inputs so I can input my data that is much larger and have valid outputs. I've simply done this by multiplying the input values by 0.0001, and multiplying the output values by 10000.
The training data I'm using is the included CSV file. The last column is the expected output, the rest are inputs. Am I using the wrong mathematical function for these data?
Would you say that this is actually learning? This whole thing has stressed me out so much, I understand the theory behind ANN's but just can't implement from scratch for myself.
The net recent average error definitely gets smaller and smaller, which to me would say it is learning.
I'm sorry if I haven't explained myself very well, I'm very new to ANN's and this whole thing is very confusing to me. My university lecturers are useless when it comes to the practical side, they only teach us the theory of it.
I've been playing around with the eta and alpha values, along with the number of hidden layers.
You explained yourself quite well, if the net recent average is getting lower and lower it probably means that the network is actually learning, but here is my suggestion about how to be completely sure.
Take you CSV file and split it into 2 files one should be about 10% of the all data and the other all the remaining.
You start with an untrained network and you run your 10% file trough the net and for each line you save the difference between actual output and expected result.
Then you train the network only with the 90% of the CSV file you have and finally you re run trough the NET the first 10% file again and you compare the differences you had on the first run with the the latest ones.
You should find out that the new results are much closer to the expected values than the first time, and this would be the final proof that your network is learning.
Does this make any sense ? if not please send share some code or send me a link to the exercise you are running and I will try to explain it in code.
I've been attempting to understand the code at the bottom of, though sadly I haven't been getting anywhere with it. I don't think I'm expected to understand most of the code, as I have limited experience with FFTs, but unfortunately I'm also having trouble understanding how the graph is generated. I'm also getting very limited progress from a trial-and-error approach, due to the fact that my computer lags heavily and because of the relatively long time it takes for a graph to be generated.
With that being said, I need a way to scale the graph so that it only displays values up to 5000 Hz, though still on a logarithmic scale. I'd also like to understand how the wav file is sampled, and what values I can edit in order to take more samples per second. Can somebody explain how both of these points work, and how I can edit the code in order to fulfill these requirements?
Hm, this code is by me so gladly help you understanding it. It's maybe not best practice and there may be several ways to improve it – suggestions are welcome. But at least it worked for me.
The function stft does a standard short-time-fourier-transform of an audio signal by the help of the numpy strides. The function logscale_spec takes an stft and scales it logarithmically. This is maybe a bit dirty and there must be a better way to do it. But it worked for me. plotstft is the function that finally reads a wave file via, combines the prior two functions and makes a plot with matplotlibs imshow. If you have a mono wavefile you should be able to just call plotstft("/path/to/mono.wav").
That was an overview – if I should explain some things in more detail, just say so.
To your questions. To leave out some frequencie values: You can get the frequencies values of the fft wih np.fft.fftfreq(binsize, 1./sr). You just have to find the index of of your cutoff value and leaving this values of the stft.
I don't understand your second question... You can have a look of all samples of your wavefile by:
>>> import as wav
>>> x ="/path/to/file.wav")
>>> x
(44100, array([4554752, 4848551, 3981874, ..., 2384923, 2040309, 294912], dtype=int32))
>>> x[1]
array([4554752, 4848551, 3981874, ..., 2384923, 2040309, 294912], dtype=int32)
This is the question:
Determine if the Hamming codes (15,10), (14,10) and (13,10) can correct a single error (SEC), detect a single error (SED) or detect double bit errors (DED).
I do know how Hamming distance work and how you can detect an error if you have the data-word that you want to transmit. But I don't know how to do it without the data-word.
Only for SEC which has the formula:
2^m > m+k+1
m = check bits
k = data bits
But is the any formulas for SED and DED? I have searched google all day long without any success.
I learned how to solve it checks the Hamming codes through this Youtube clip. there is no effective way. wish there was a faster way to solve the problem.
This is not responding properly to the question because I know what the user
"user3314356" needs, but I could not comment because I did not have 50 reputation points!.